Example usage for com.google.common.io FileBackedOutputStream FileBackedOutputStream

List of usage examples for com.google.common.io FileBackedOutputStream FileBackedOutputStream


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.io FileBackedOutputStream FileBackedOutputStream.


public FileBackedOutputStream(int fileThreshold) 

Source Link


Creates a new instance that uses the given file threshold, and does not reset the data when the ByteSource returned by #asByteSource is finalized.


From source file:io.appium.java_client.remote.NewAppiumSessionPayload.java

private NewAppiumSessionPayload(Reader source, boolean forceMobileJSONWP) throws IOException {
    this.forceMobileJSONWP = forceMobileJSONWP;
    // Dedicate up to 10% of all RAM or 20% of available RAM (whichever is smaller) to storing this
    // payload./*www  .j a va2s  .c  o m*/
    int threshold = (int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE,
            Math.min(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / 5, Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 10));

    backingStore = new FileBackedOutputStream(threshold);
    try (Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(backingStore, UTF_8)) {
        CharStreams.copy(source, writer);

    ImmutableSet.Builder<CapabilitiesFilter> adapters = ImmutableSet.builder();
    adapters.add(new ChromeFilter()).add(new EdgeFilter()).add(new FirefoxFilter())
            .add(new InternetExplorerFilter()).add(new OperaFilter()).add(new SafariFilter());
    this.adapters = adapters.build();

    ImmutableSet.Builder<CapabilityTransform> transforms = ImmutableSet.builder();
    transforms.add(new ProxyTransform()).add(new StripAnyPlatform()).add(new W3CPlatformNameNormaliser());
    this.transforms = transforms.build();

    ImmutableSet.Builder<Dialect> dialects = ImmutableSet.builder();
    if (getOss() != null) {
    if (getAlwaysMatch() != null || getFirstMatch() != null) {


From source file:ddf.catalog.core.ftp.ftplets.FtpRequestHandler.java

 * @param session The current {@link FtpSession}
 * @param request The current {@link FtpRequest}
 * @return {@link FtpletResult#SKIP} - signals successful ingest and to discontinue and further processing on the FTP request
 * @throws FtpException general exception for Ftplets
 * @throws IOException  thrown when there is an error fetching data from client
 *///  www.j  ava2s . c  o m
public FtpletResult onUploadStart(FtpSession session, FtpRequest request) throws FtpException, IOException {

    LOGGER.debug("Beginning FTP ingest of {}", request.getArgument());

    Subject shiroSubject = (Subject) session.getAttribute(SUBJECT);
    if (shiroSubject != null) {
        FtpFile ftpFile = null;
        String fileName = request.getArgument();

        try {
            ftpFile = session.getFileSystemView().getFile(fileName);
        } catch (FtpException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Failed to retrieve file from FTP session");

        if (ftpFile == null) {
            LOGGER.error("Sending FTP status code 501 to client - syntax errors in request parameters");
            session.write(new DefaultFtpReply(FtpReply.REPLY_501_SYNTAX_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS_OR_ARGUMENTS,

            throw new FtpException("File to be transferred from client did not exist");

        DataConnectionFactory connFactory = session.getDataConnection();
        if (connFactory instanceof IODataConnectionFactory) {
            InetAddress address = ((IODataConnectionFactory) connFactory).getInetAddress();
            if (address == null) {
                session.write(new DefaultFtpReply(FtpReply.REPLY_503_BAD_SEQUENCE_OF_COMMANDS,
                        "PORT or PASV must be issued first"));
                LOGGER.error("Sending FTP status code 503 to client - PORT or PASV must be issued before STOR");
                throw new FtpException("FTP client address was null");

        if (!ftpFile.isWritable()) {
            session.write(new DefaultFtpReply(FtpReply.REPLY_550_REQUESTED_ACTION_NOT_TAKEN,
                    "Insufficient permissions"));
            LOGGER.error("Sending FTP status code 550 to client - insufficient permissions to write file.");
            throw new FtpException("Insufficient permissions to write file");

        session.write(new DefaultFtpReply(FtpReply.REPLY_150_FILE_STATUS_OKAY, STOR_REQUEST + " " + fileName));
        LOGGER.debug("Replying to client with code 150 - file status okay");

        try (FileBackedOutputStream outputStream = new FileBackedOutputStream(1000000);
                final AutoCloseable ac = outputStream::reset) {
            DataConnection dataConnection = connFactory.openConnection();
            dataConnection.transferFromClient(session, outputStream);

                    new DefaultFtpReply(FtpReply.REPLY_226_CLOSING_DATA_CONNECTION, "Closing data connection"));
            LOGGER.debug("Sending FTP status code 226 to client - closing data connection");

            String fileExtension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(ftpFile.getAbsolutePath());
            String mimeType = getMimeType(fileExtension, outputStream);

            ContentItem newItem = new ContentItemImpl(outputStream.asByteSource(), mimeType, fileName, null);

            CreateStorageRequest createRequest = new CreateStorageRequestImpl(
                    Collections.singletonList(newItem), null);
            createRequest.getProperties().put(SecurityConstants.SECURITY_SUBJECT, shiroSubject);

            CreateResponse createResponse = catalogFramework.create(createRequest);
            if (createResponse != null) {
                List<Metacard> createdMetacards = createResponse.getCreatedMetacards();

                for (Metacard metacard : createdMetacards) {
                    LOGGER.info("Content item created with id = {}", metacard.getId());
            } else {
                throw new FtpException();
        } catch (SourceUnavailableException | IngestException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Failure to ingest file {}", fileName, e);
            throw new FtpException("Failure to ingest file " + fileName);
        } catch (FtpException fe) {
            LOGGER.error("Failure to create metacard for file {}", fileName);
            throw new FtpException("Failure to create metacard for file " + fileName);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Error getting the output data stream from the FTP session");
            throw new IOException("Error getting the output stream from FTP session");
        } finally {
    return FtpletResult.SKIP;

From source file:org.codice.ddf.spatial.geocoding.extract.GeoNamesFileExtractor.java

 * Download a GeoNames .zip file from a remote location
 * @param resource         - the name of the zip file to download ( ex. AD )
 * @param response         - the response from the get request
 * @param inputStream      - the InputStream from the web connection
 * @param progressCallback -  the callback to receive updates about the progress, may be
 *                         null if you don't want any updates
 * @throws GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException when the connection could not be established or the
 *                                         file could not be downloaded.
 *//*from  w ww. ja v  a 2s. c o m*/
private InputStream getInputStreamFromUrl(String resource, Response response, InputStream inputStream,
        ProgressCallback progressCallback) throws GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException {
    int responseCode = 0;

    try (FileBackedOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileBackedOutputStream(BUFFER_SIZE);) {

        responseCode = response.getStatus();

        int totalFileSize = response.getLength();

        if (inputStream == null) {
            throw new GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException(
                    "Unable to get input stream from " + url + ".  Server responded with : " + responseCode);

        double totalBytesRead = 0.0;
        int bytesRead = -1;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

        while ((bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer)) != -1) {
            fileOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
            totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
            if (progressCallback != null) {
                progressCallback.updateProgress((int) ((totalBytesRead / totalFileSize) * 50));

        if (progressCallback != null) {

        ByteSource byteSource = fileOutputStream.asByteSource();

        return byteSource.openBufferedStream();

    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException("Unable to download " + resource + " from " + url
                + ".  Server responded with : " + responseCode, e);

From source file:ddf.content.plugin.cataloger.CatalogContentPlugin.java

private Metacard generateMetacard(ContentItem contentItem, MimeType mimeType, String uri, InputStream message)
        throws MetacardCreationException {
    LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: generateMetacard");

    List<InputTransformer> listOfCandidates = mimeTypeToTransformerMapper.findMatches(InputTransformer.class,
            mimeType);//from ww  w . ja v a2s.  co  m

    LOGGER.debug("List of matches for mimeType [ {} ]: {}", mimeType, listOfCandidates);

    Metacard generatedMetacard = null;
    try (FileBackedOutputStream fileBackedOutputStream = new FileBackedOutputStream(1000000)) {

        long size;
        try {
            size = IOUtils.copyLarge(message, fileBackedOutputStream);
            LOGGER.debug("Copied {} bytes of file in content framework", size);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new MetacardCreationException("Could not copy bytes of content message.", e);

        // Multiple InputTransformers may be found that match the mime type.
        // Need to try each InputTransformer until we find one that can successfully transform
        // the input stream's data into a metacard. Once an InputTransformer is found that
        // can create the metacard, then do not need to try any remaining InputTransformers.
        for (InputTransformer transformer : listOfCandidates) {

            try (InputStream inputStreamMessageCopy = fileBackedOutputStream.asByteSource().openStream()) {
                generatedMetacard = transformer.transform(inputStreamMessageCopy);
                if (generatedMetacard != null) {
                    try {
                        Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
                        if (subject != null) {
                            generatedMetacard.setAttribute(new AttributeImpl(Metacard.POINT_OF_CONTACT,
                    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                        LOGGER.debug("Unable to retrieve user from request.", e);

                    if (uri != null) {
                        //Setting the non-transformer specific information not including creation and modification dates/times
                        generatedMetacard.setAttribute(new AttributeImpl(Metacard.RESOURCE_URI, uri));
                                .setAttribute(new AttributeImpl(Metacard.RESOURCE_SIZE, String.valueOf(size)));
                    } else {
                        LOGGER.debug("Metacard had a null uri");
                    if (StringUtils.isBlank(generatedMetacard.getTitle())) {
                        LOGGER.debug("Metacard title was blank. Setting title to filename.");
                                .setAttribute(new AttributeImpl(Metacard.TITLE, contentItem.getFilename()));
            } catch (IOException | CatalogTransformerException e) {
                LOGGER.debug("Transformer [" + transformer + "] could not create metacard.", e);


        if (generatedMetacard == null) {
            throw new MetacardCreationException(
                    "Could not create metacard with mimeType " + mimeType + ". No valid transformers found.");

        LOGGER.trace("EXITING: generateMetacard");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.debug("Error encountered while using filed backed stream.", e);

    return generatedMetacard;

From source file:de.faustedition.reasoning.InscriptionPrecedenceResource.java

public Representation svg() throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    final Process tred = new ProcessBuilder(environment.getRequiredProperty("graphviz.tred.path")).start();
    final Process dot = new ProcessBuilder(environment.getRequiredProperty("graphviz.dot.path"), "-Tsvg")
            .start();/*from   w  w  w  .j a  va  2s . c o  m*/

    executorService.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
        public Void call() throws Exception {
            InputStream dataStream = null;
            OutputStream tredStream = null;
            try {
                        dataStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(asDot().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))),
                        tredStream = tred.getOutputStream());
            } finally {
                Closeables.close(dataStream, false);
                Closeables.close(tredStream, false);
            return null;

    executorService.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
        public Void call() throws Exception {
            InputStream tredStream = null;
            OutputStream dotStream = null;
            try {
                ByteStreams.copy(tredStream = tred.getInputStream(), dotStream = dot.getOutputStream());
            } finally {
                Closeables.close(tredStream, false);
                Closeables.close(dotStream, false);
            return null;

    final Future<FileBackedOutputStream> dotFuture = executorService
            .submit(new Callable<FileBackedOutputStream>() {
                public FileBackedOutputStream call() throws Exception {
                    final FileBackedOutputStream buf = new FileBackedOutputStream(102400);
                    InputStream dotStream = null;
                    try {
                        ByteStreams.copy(dotStream = dot.getInputStream(), buf);
                    } finally {
                        Closeables.close(dotStream, false);
                        Closeables.close(buf, false);
                    return buf;

    Preconditions.checkState(tred.waitFor() == 0);
    Preconditions.checkState(dot.waitFor() == 0);

    final FileBackedOutputStream resultBuf = dotFuture.get();

    return new OutputRepresentation(MediaType.IMAGE_SVG) {
        public void write(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
            ByteStreams.copy(resultBuf.getSupplier(), outputStream);

From source file:ddf.catalog.source.opensearch.OpenSearchSource.java

public SourceResponse query(QueryRequest queryRequest) throws UnsupportedQueryException {
    String methodName = "query";
    LOGGER.trace(methodName);//from  w  w  w .  j  a  va2s  . c om

    Serializable metacardId = queryRequest.getPropertyValue(Metacard.ID);
    SourceResponseImpl response = null;

    Subject subject = null;
    WebClient restWebClient = null;
    if (queryRequest.hasProperties()) {
        Object subjectObj = queryRequest.getProperties().get(SecurityConstants.SECURITY_SUBJECT);
        subject = (Subject) subjectObj;
    restWebClient = factory.getWebClientForSubject(subject);

    Query query = queryRequest.getQuery();

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("Received query: " + query);

    boolean canDoOpenSearch = setOpenSearchParameters(query, subject, restWebClient);

    if (canDoOpenSearch) {

        InputStream responseStream = performRequest(restWebClient);

        response = new SourceResponseImpl(queryRequest, new ArrayList<Result>());

        if (responseStream != null) {
            response = processResponse(responseStream, queryRequest);
    } else {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty((String) metacardId)) {
            OpenSearchFilterVisitor visitor = new OpenSearchFilterVisitor();
            query.accept(visitor, null);
            metacardId = visitor.getMetacardId();
        restWebClient = newRestClient(query, (String) metacardId, false, subject);

        if (restWebClient != null) {

            InputStream responseStream = performRequest(restWebClient);

            Metacard metacard = null;
            List<Result> resultQueue = new ArrayList<Result>();
            try (FileBackedOutputStream fileBackedOutputStream = new FileBackedOutputStream(1000000)) {
                if (responseStream != null) {
                    IOUtils.copyLarge(responseStream, fileBackedOutputStream);
                    InputTransformer inputTransformer = null;
                    try (InputStream inputStream = fileBackedOutputStream.asByteSource().openStream()) {
                        inputTransformer = getInputTransformer(inputStream);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        LOGGER.debug("Problem with transformation.", e);
                    if (inputTransformer != null) {
                        try (InputStream inputStream = fileBackedOutputStream.asByteSource().openStream()) {
                            metacard = inputTransformer.transform(inputStream);
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            LOGGER.debug("Problem with transformation.", e);
            } catch (IOException | CatalogTransformerException e) {
                LOGGER.debug("Problem with transformation.", e);
            if (metacard != null) {
                ResultImpl result = new ResultImpl(metacard);
                response = new SourceResponseImpl(queryRequest, resultQueue);



    return response;

From source file:ddf.content.endpoint.rest.ContentEndpoint.java

CreateInfo parseAttachment(Attachment contentPart) {
    CreateInfo createInfo = new CreateInfo();

    InputStream stream = null;//from w  ww .  j av a  2s.c o m
    FileBackedOutputStream fbos = null;
    String filename = null;
    String contentType = null;

    // Get the file contents as an InputStream and ensure the stream is positioned
    // at the beginning
    try {
        stream = contentPart.getDataHandler().getInputStream();
        if (stream != null && stream.available() == 0) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.warn("IOException reading stream from file attachment in multipart body", e);

    // Example Content-Type header:
    // Content-Type: application/json;id=geojson
    if (contentPart.getContentType() != null) {
        contentType = contentPart.getContentType().toString();

    filename = contentPart.getContentDisposition().getParameter(FILENAME_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_PARAMETER_NAME);

    // Only interested in attachments for file uploads. Any others should be covered by
    // the FormParam arguments.
    // If the filename was not specified, then generate a default filename based on the
    // specified content type.
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(filename)) {
        LOGGER.debug("No filename parameter provided - generating default filename");
        String fileExtension = DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSION;
        try {
            fileExtension = mimeTypeMapper.getFileExtensionForMimeType(contentType); // DDF-2307
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fileExtension)) {
                fileExtension = DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSION;
        } catch (MimeTypeResolutionException e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Exception getting file extension for contentType = {}", contentType);
        filename = DEFAULT_FILE_NAME + "." + fileExtension; // DDF-2263
        LOGGER.debug("No filename parameter provided - default to {}", filename);
    } else {
        filename = FilenameUtils.getName(filename);

        // DDF-908: filename with extension was specified by the client. If the
        // contentType is null or the browser default, try to refine the contentType
        // by determining the mime type based on the filename's extension.
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(contentType) || REFINEABLE_MIME_TYPES.contains(contentType)) {
            String fileExtension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(filename);
            LOGGER.debug("fileExtension = {}, contentType before refinement = {}", fileExtension, contentType);
            if (fileExtension.equals("xml")) {
                // FBOS reads file into byte array in memory up to this threshold, then it transitions
                // to writing to a file.
                fbos = new FileBackedOutputStream(DEFAULT_FILE_BACKED_OUTPUT_STREAM_THRESHOLD);
                try {
                    IOUtils.copy(stream, fbos);
                    // Using fbos.asByteSource().openStream() allows us to pass in a copy of the InputStream
                    contentType = mimeTypeMapper.guessMimeType(fbos.asByteSource().openStream(), fileExtension);
                } catch (IOException | MimeTypeResolutionException e) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Unable to refine contentType {} based on filename extension {}", contentType,
            } else {
                try {
                    contentType = mimeTypeMapper.getMimeTypeForFileExtension(fileExtension);
                } catch (MimeTypeResolutionException e) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Unable to refine contentType {} based on filename extension {}", contentType,
            LOGGER.debug("Refined contentType = {}", contentType);


    return createInfo;

From source file:org.codice.ddf.spatial.geocoding.extract.GeoNamesFileExtractor.java

 * Unzips a file and returns the output as a new InputStream
 * @param resource    - the name of the resource file to be unzipped
 * @param inputStream - the InputStream for the file to be unzipped
 * @return - the unzipped file as an InputStream
 * @throws GeoEntryExtractionException when the given file fails to be unzipped.
 *//*from   w  w w .  j  av a 2  s  .  co m*/
private InputStream unZipInputStream(String resource, InputStream inputStream)
        throws GeoEntryExtractionException {
    try (FileBackedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream = new FileBackedOutputStream(BUFFER_SIZE);
            ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(inputStream);) {

        ZipEntry zipEntry;
        while ((zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()) != null) {

            // GeoNames <filename>.zip files will contain <filename>.txt and readme.txt
            if (!zipEntry.getName().equals("readme.txt")) {

                byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                int bytesRead;
                while ((bytesRead = zipInputStream.read(data, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1) {
                    bufferedOutputStream.write(data, 0, bytesRead);

                ByteSource zipByteSource = bufferedOutputStream.asByteSource();
                fileSize = zipByteSource.size();
                return zipByteSource.openBufferedStream();

    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new GeoEntryExtractionException("Unable to unzip " + resource, e);

    throw new GeoEntryExtractionException("Unable to unzip " + resource);

From source file:org.codice.ddf.commands.catalog.DumpCommand.java

private void writeMetacardToZip(ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream, Metacard metacard) {
    InputStream inputStream = null;

    try (FileBackedOutputStream fileBackedOutputStream = new FileBackedOutputStream(BUFFER_SIZE);
            ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(fileBackedOutputStream)) {

        ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(METACARD_PATH + metacard.getId());

        objectOutputStream.writeObject(new MetacardImpl(metacard));
        inputStream = fileBackedOutputStream.asByteSource().openStream();

        IOUtils.copy(inputStream, zipOutputStream);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.debug("Failed to add metacard with id {}.", metacard.getId(), e);
    } finally {//  w w  w. jav  a2  s  .  co  m
        try {
            if (inputStream != null) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Failed to close input stream", e);

From source file:org.codice.ddf.endpoints.rest.RESTEndpoint.java

private Metacard generateMetacard(MimeType mimeType, String id, InputStream message)
        throws MetacardCreationException {

    List<InputTransformer> listOfCandidates = mimeTypeToTransformerMapper.findMatches(InputTransformer.class,
            mimeType);/*from w ww .j  a  v  a  2  s  .  c o  m*/

    LOGGER.trace("Entering generateMetacard.");
    LOGGER.debug("List of matches for mimeType [{}]: {}", mimeType, listOfCandidates);

    Metacard generatedMetacard = null;

    try (FileBackedOutputStream fileBackedOutputStream = new FileBackedOutputStream(1000000)) {

        try {
            if (null != message) {
                IOUtils.copy(message, fileBackedOutputStream);
            } else {
                throw new MetacardCreationException(
                        "Could not copy bytes of content message.  Message was NULL.");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new MetacardCreationException("Could not copy bytes of content message.", e);

        Iterator<InputTransformer> it = listOfCandidates.iterator();

        StringBuilder causeMessage = new StringBuilder("Could not create metacard with mimeType ");
        causeMessage.append(". Reason: ");
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            InputTransformer transformer = it.next();

            try (InputStream inputStreamMessageCopy = fileBackedOutputStream.asByteSource().openStream()) {
                generatedMetacard = transformer.transform(inputStreamMessageCopy);
            } catch (CatalogTransformerException | IOException e) {
                // The caught exception more than likely does not have the root cause message
                // that is needed to inform the caller as to why things have failed.  Therefore
                // we need to iterate through the chain of cause exceptions and gather up
                // all of their message details.
                Throwable cause = e.getCause();
                while (null != cause && cause != cause.getCause()) {
                    cause = cause.getCause();
                LOGGER.debug("Transformer [{}] could not create metacard.", transformer, e);
            if (generatedMetacard != null) {

        if (generatedMetacard == null) {
            throw new MetacardCreationException(causeMessage.toString());

        if (id != null) {
            generatedMetacard.setAttribute(new AttributeImpl(Metacard.ID, id));
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("Metacard had a null id");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new MetacardCreationException("Could not create metacard.", e);
    return generatedMetacard;
