Example usage for com.google.common.io LineProcessor interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.google.common.io LineProcessor interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.io LineProcessor interface-usage.


From source file com.android.utils.LineCollector.java

 * Implementation of the {@link LineProcessor} that will append each line into an array and
 * provide the array as the processor's result.
public class LineCollector implements LineProcessor<List<String>> {

From source file com.acme.scramble.ScrambleScorerMain.java

 * A main class that takes sample input file path as an argument or loads one from the classpath.
 * @author saden
public class ScrambleScorerMain implements LineProcessor<List<String>> {

From source file com.nomsic.sid.FieldRecordProcessor.java

 * Processes the lines of the record file and builds a map containing one entry
 * for each unique field. The value of each entry is a Simset containing all the
 * records that have that field in common.
 * The record file must be of the format: <field>,<recordId>

From source file org.corpus_tools.annis.benchmark.generator.QueryLogParser.java

 * @author thomas
public class QueryLogParser implements LineProcessor<List<Query>> {

From source file com.github.lukaszkusek.xml.comparator.document.XPathLineProcessor.java

class XPathLineProcessor implements LineProcessor<Collection<XPathLine>> {

    private int currentIndex;
    private Collection<XPathLine> xpathLines;
    private boolean ignoreNamespace;

From source file com.huawei.streaming.cql.CQLFileReader.java

 * CQL?
public class CQLFileReader implements LineProcessor<List<String>> {
    public static final String CHARSET_STRING = "UTF-8";

From source file blue.lapis.methodremapper.RemapperConfig.java

 * Represents a simple mappings loader using a simple text file.
 * <p>The text file consists out of 3 parts for a mapping each separated by a
 * single space on each line:</p>

From source file com.google.errorprone.BugPatternFileGenerator.java

 * Reads each line of the bugpatterns.txt tab-delimited data file, and generates a GitHub
 * Jekyll page for each one.
 * @author alexeagle@google.com (Alex Eagle)

From source file org.opendaylight.controller.config.persist.storage.directory.DirectoryPersister.java

class MyLineProcessor implements com.google.common.io.LineProcessor<String> {
    private final String fileNameForReporting;

    private boolean inModules, inServices, inCapabilities;
    private final StringBuffer modulesBuffer = new StringBuffer(), servicesBuilder = new StringBuffer();
    private final SortedSet<String> caps = new TreeSet<>();