Example usage for com.google.common.io Resources getResource

List of usage examples for com.google.common.io Resources getResource


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.io Resources getResource.


public static URL getResource(Class<?> contextClass, String resourceName) 

Source Link


Given a resourceName that is relative to contextClass , returns a URL pointing to the named resource.


From source file:org.sonar.server.platform.ws.MigrateDbAction.java

public void define(WebService.NewController controller) {
            .setDescription("Migrate the database to match the current version of SonarQube." + "<br/>"
                    + "Sending a POST request to this URL starts the DB migration. "
                    + "It is strongly advised to <strong>make a database backup</strong> before invoking this WS."
                    + "<br/>" + statusDescription())
            .setResponseExample(Resources.getResource(this.getClass(), "example-migrate_db.json"));

From source file:uk.ac.susx.tag.method51.text.Tokeniser.java

public Tokeniser(Options options) {
    this.removeAts = options.removeAts.get();
    this.removePunctuation = options.removePunctuation.get();
    this.removeHashes = options.removeHashes.get();
    this.preserveURLs = options.preserveURLs.get();
    hashtagsOnly = options.hashtagsOnly.get();

    if (options.filterStopwords.get()) {
        try {// w w w .  ja  v  a 2  s .c  o m

            File stopwordFile = options.stopwordFile.get();

            String raw = Files
                    .getText(new InputStreamReader(
                            Resources.getResource(this.getClass(), stopwordFile.getPath()).openStream()), true)

            if (lowercase) {

                raw = raw.toLowerCase();

            String[] words = raw.split("\n");

            stopwords = new ObjectOpenHashSet<>(words);

            if (options.filterStopwordsIncKeywords.get()) {

        } catch (IOException e) {

            LOG.error("could not open stop word list file!", e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } else {
        stopwords = Collections.emptySet();

From source file:org.apache.isis.core.runtime.services.userreg.EmailNotificationServiceDefault.java

protected String loadResource(final String resourceName) {
    final URL templateUrl = Resources.getResource(EmailNotificationServiceDefault.class, resourceName);
    try {/*  w  ww. j  a  v a2 s  .c o  m*/
        return Resources.toString(templateUrl, Charsets.UTF_8);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Unable to read resource URL '%s'", templateUrl));

From source file:com.nesscomputing.httpclient.testsupport.LocalHttpService.java

private static Connector getSSLClientCertHttpConnector(String truststore, String truststorePassword,
        String keystore, String keystorePassword, String keystoreType) {
    final URL keystoreUrl = Resources.getResource(LocalHttpService.class, keystore);

    final SslContextFactory contextFactory = new SslContextFactory();

    final URL truststoreUrl = Resources.getResource(LocalHttpService.class, truststore);


    final SslSelectChannelConnector scc = new SslSelectChannelConnector(contextFactory);
    scc.setPort(0);//w  w w  . ja  v  a 2  s. com

    return scc;

From source file:org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.FunctionConverter.java

private CompilationUnit get(Class<?> c) throws IOException {
    String path = c.getName();// w w  w. j  a v  a  2s.  com
    path = path.replaceFirst("\\$.*", "");
    path = path.replace(".", FileUtils.separator);
    path = "/" + path + ".java";
    CompilationUnit cu = functionUnits.get(path);
    if (cu != null) {
        return cu;

    URL u = Resources.getResource(c, path);
    InputSupplier<InputStream> supplier = Resources.newInputStreamSupplier(u);
    try (InputStream is = supplier.getInput()) {
        if (is == null) {
            throw new IOException(String.format(
                    "Failure trying to located source code for Class %s, tried to read on classpath location %s",
                    c.getName(), path));
        String body = IO.toString(is);

        //TODO: Hack to remove annotations so Janino doesn't choke.  Need to reconsider this problem...
        body = body.replaceAll("@\\w+(?:\\([^\\\\]*?\\))?", "");
        try {
            cu = new Parser(new Scanner(null, new StringReader(body))).parseCompilationUnit();
            functionUnits.put(path, cu);
            return cu;
        } catch (CompileException e) {
            logger.warn("Failure while parsing function class:\n{}", body, e);
            return null;



From source file:org.sonar.server.plugins.ws.AvailableAction.java

public void define(WebService.NewController controller) {
            "Get the list of all the plugins available for installation on the SonarQube instance, sorted by plugin name."
                    + "<br/>"
                    + "Plugin information is retrieved from Update Center. Date and time at which Update Center was last refreshed is provided in the response."
                    + "<br/>" + "Update status values are: " + "<ul>"
                    + "<li>COMPATIBLE: plugin is compatible with current SonarQube instance.</li>"
                    + "<li>INCOMPATIBLE: plugin is not compatible with current SonarQube instance.</li>"
                    + "<li>REQUIRES_SYSTEM_UPGRADE: plugin requires SonarQube to be upgraded before being installed.</li>"
                    + "<li>DEPS_REQUIRE_SYSTEM_UPGRADE: at least one plugin on which the plugin is dependent requires SonarQube to be upgraded.</li>"
                    + "</ul>" + "Require 'Administer System' permission.")
            .setResponseExample(Resources.getResource(this.getClass(), "example-available_plugins.json"));

From source file:org.isisaddons.app.kitchensink.fixture.blobclob.BlobClobObjectsFixture.java

private Clob newClob(final String name, final String mimeType, final String resourceName) throws IOException {
    final String contents = Resources.toString(Resources.getResource(getClass(), resourceName),
    return new Clob(name + "-" + resourceName, mimeType, contents);

From source file:org.sonar.server.component.ws.ProjectsWs.java

private void defineCreateAction(NewController controller) {
    WebService.NewAction action = controller.createAction("create")
            .setDescription("Provision a project. Requires Provision Projects permission").setSince("4.0")
            .setResponseExample(Resources.getResource(this.getClass(), "projects-example-create.json"));

    action.createParam("key").setDescription("Key of the project").setRequired(true)

    action.createParam("name").setDescription("Name of the project").setRequired(true)


From source file:org.sonar.server.issue.ws.ChangelogAction.java

public void define(WebService.NewController context) {
    WebService.NewAction action = context.createAction(ACTION_CHANGELOG)
            .setDescription("Display changelog of an issue.<br/>"
                    + "Require the 'Browse' permission on the project of the specified issue.<br/>"
                    + "Since 6.3, changes on effort are returning raw value in minutes, it doesn't return anymore the duration.")
            .setResponseExample(Resources.getResource(IssuesWs.class, "changelog-example.json"));
    action.createParam(PARAM_ISSUE).setDescription("Issue key").setRequired(true)

From source file:org.sonar.server.issue.ws.EditCommentAction.java

public void define(WebService.NewController context) {
    WebService.NewAction action = context.createAction(ACTION_EDIT_COMMENT)
            .setDescription("Edit a comment.<br/>"
                    + "Requires authentication and the following permission: 'Browse' on the project of the specified issue.<br/>"
                    + "Since 6.3, the response contains the issue with all details, not only the edited comment.<br/>"
                    + "Since 6.3, 'key' parameter has been renamed %s", PARAM_COMMENT)
            .setResponseExample(Resources.getResource(this.getClass(), "edit_comment-example.json"))
            .setPost(true);/*  w  w  w  . ja  v  a  2  s.c o m*/

    action.createParam(PARAM_COMMENT).setDescription("Comment key").setDeprecatedKey("key", "6.3")
    action.createParam(PARAM_TEXT).setDescription("Comment text").setRequired(true)
            .setExampleValue("Won't fix because it doesn't apply to the context");