Example usage for com.google.common.io Resources toByteArray

List of usage examples for com.google.common.io Resources toByteArray


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.io Resources toByteArray.


public static byte[] toByteArray(URL url) throws IOException 

Source Link


Reads all bytes from a URL into a byte array.


From source file:com.google.gct.intellij.endpoints.generator.sample.AppEngineMavenGcmGenerator.java

/** Pull in appEngineSampleCode from somewhere, right now it's the in-plugin templating, but maybe this whole things changes */
protected void addAppEngineSampleCode(final String rootPackage, final String appId, final String apiKey)
        throws IOException {

    ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new ThrowableComputable<Void, IOException>() {
        @Override//from  www  .  ja v a 2  s.  c  o  m
        public Void compute() throws IOException {
            LocalFileSystem fs = LocalFileSystem.getInstance();
            PsiManager psiManager = PsiManager.getInstance(myProject);
            PsiDirectory moduleRootDir = psiManager.findDirectory(myModuleRootDir);
            PsiDirectory javaSrcDirectory = psiManager
            PsiDirectory resourcesDirectory = psiManager
            PsiDirectory webappDirectory = psiManager

            // Create package directory
            PsiDirectory curPackageDir = javaSrcDirectory;
            for (String packageComponent : rootPackage.split("\\.")) {
                curPackageDir = curPackageDir.createSubdirectory(packageComponent);

            // Add entity manager
            curPackageDir.add(TemplateHelper.loadJpaEntityManagerFactoryClass(myProject, rootPackage));

            TemplateHelper.EndpointPackageInfo endpointPackageInfo = TemplateHelper

            // Add entities
            for (String entityName : SAMPLE_ENTITY_NAMES) {
                        entityName, rootPackage, endpointPackageInfo));

            // Add endpoints
            for (String endpointName : SAMPLE_ENDPOINTS_NAMES) {
                PsiElement addedEndpoint = curPackageDir
                                endpointName, rootPackage, endpointPackageInfo, apiKey));
                PsiDocumentManager docManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject);
                        docManager.getDocument((PsiFile) addedEndpoint));

            // Add/replace persistence.xml
            final PsiDirectory metaInfDir = resourcesDirectory
            PsiUtils.addOrReplaceFile(metaInfDir, TemplateHelper.loadPersistenceXml(myProject));

            // Add static content

            // css
            PsiDirectory cssDir = webappDirectory.createSubdirectory(GctConstants.APP_ENGINE_CSS_DIR);
            cssDir.add(TemplateHelper.generateStaticContent(myProject, "bootstrap.min.css"));

            // js
            PsiDirectory jsDir = webappDirectory.createSubdirectory(GctConstants.APP_ENGINE_JS_DIR);
            jsDir.add(TemplateHelper.generateStaticContent(myProject, "bootstrap.min.js"));
            jsDir.add(TemplateHelper.generateStaticContent(myProject, "jquery-1.9.0.min.js"));

            // images (to support twitter bootstrap)
            VirtualFile moduleImgDir = webappDirectory.getVirtualFile().createChildDirectory(null,
            File img = new File(moduleImgDir.getPath() + "/glyphicons-halflings.png");

            img = new File(moduleImgDir.getPath() + "/glyphicons-halflings-white.png");
            moduleImgDir.refresh(false, true);

            // xml
            PsiDirectory webInfDirectory = webappDirectory
            webInfDirectory.add(TemplateHelper.generateAppEngineWebXml(myProject, appId));

            // html
            webappDirectory.add(TemplateHelper.generateStaticContent(myProject, "index.html"));
            return null; // to Void

From source file:org.apache.hive.spark.client.AbstractSparkClient.java

private Future<Void> startDriver(final RpcServer rpcServer, final String clientId, final String secret)
        throws IOException {
    final String serverAddress = rpcServer.getAddress();
    final String serverPort = String.valueOf(rpcServer.getPort());

    String sparkHome = getSparkHome();

    String sparkLogDir = conf.get("hive.spark.log.dir");
    if (sparkLogDir == null) {
        if (sparkHome == null) {
            sparkLogDir = "./target/";
        } else {/* w  w  w.j  a  v a2s  .  c o  m*/
            sparkLogDir = sparkHome + "/logs/";

    String osxTestOpts = "";
    if (Strings.nullToEmpty(System.getProperty("os.name")).toLowerCase().contains("mac")) {
        osxTestOpts = Strings.nullToEmpty(System.getenv(OSX_TEST_OPTS));

    String driverJavaOpts = Joiner.on(" ").skipNulls().join("-Dhive.spark.log.dir=" + sparkLogDir, osxTestOpts,
    String executorJavaOpts = Joiner.on(" ").skipNulls().join("-Dhive.spark.log.dir=" + sparkLogDir,
            osxTestOpts, conf.get(EXECUTOR_OPTS_KEY));

    // Create a file with all the job properties to be read by spark-submit. Change the
    // file's permissions so that only the owner can read it. This avoid having the
    // connection secret show up in the child process's command line.
    File properties = File.createTempFile("spark-submit.", ".properties");
    if (!properties.setReadable(false) || !properties.setReadable(true, true)) {
        throw new IOException("Cannot change permissions of job properties file.");

    Properties allProps = new Properties();
    // first load the defaults from spark-defaults.conf if available
    try {
        URL sparkDefaultsUrl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
        if (sparkDefaultsUrl != null) {
            LOG.info("Loading spark defaults configs from: " + sparkDefaultsUrl);
            allProps.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(Resources.toByteArray(sparkDefaultsUrl)));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String msg = "Exception trying to load spark-defaults.conf: " + e;
        throw new IOException(msg, e);
    // then load the SparkClientImpl config
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : conf.entrySet()) {
        allProps.put(e.getKey(), conf.get(e.getKey()));
    allProps.put(SparkClientFactory.CONF_CLIENT_ID, clientId);
    allProps.put(SparkClientFactory.CONF_KEY_SECRET, secret);
    allProps.put(DRIVER_OPTS_KEY, driverJavaOpts);
    allProps.put(EXECUTOR_OPTS_KEY, executorJavaOpts);

    String isTesting = conf.get("spark.testing");
    if (isTesting != null && isTesting.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
        String hiveHadoopTestClasspath = Strings.nullToEmpty(System.getenv("HIVE_HADOOP_TEST_CLASSPATH"));
        if (!hiveHadoopTestClasspath.isEmpty()) {
            String extraDriverClasspath = Strings.nullToEmpty((String) allProps.get(DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH));
            if (extraDriverClasspath.isEmpty()) {
                allProps.put(DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, hiveHadoopTestClasspath);
            } else {
                extraDriverClasspath = extraDriverClasspath.endsWith(File.pathSeparator) ? extraDriverClasspath
                        : extraDriverClasspath + File.pathSeparator;
                allProps.put(DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, extraDriverClasspath + hiveHadoopTestClasspath);

            String extraExecutorClasspath = Strings
                    .nullToEmpty((String) allProps.get(EXECUTOR_EXTRA_CLASSPATH));
            if (extraExecutorClasspath.isEmpty()) {
                allProps.put(EXECUTOR_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, hiveHadoopTestClasspath);
            } else {
                extraExecutorClasspath = extraExecutorClasspath.endsWith(File.pathSeparator)
                        ? extraExecutorClasspath
                        : extraExecutorClasspath + File.pathSeparator;
                allProps.put(EXECUTOR_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, extraExecutorClasspath + hiveHadoopTestClasspath);

    Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(properties), Charsets.UTF_8);
    try {
        allProps.store(writer, "Spark Context configuration");
    } finally {

    // Define how to pass options to the child process. If launching in client (or local)
    // mode, the driver options need to be passed directly on the command line. Otherwise,
    // SparkSubmit will take care of that for us.
    String master = conf.get("spark.master");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(master != null, "spark.master is not defined.");
    String deployMode = conf.get(SPARK_DEPLOY_MODE);

    if (SparkClientUtilities.isYarnClusterMode(master, deployMode)) {
        String executorCores = conf.get("spark.executor.cores");
        if (executorCores != null) {

        String executorMemory = conf.get("spark.executor.memory");
        if (executorMemory != null) {

        String numOfExecutors = conf.get("spark.executor.instances");
        if (numOfExecutors != null) {
    // The options --principal/--keypad do not work with --proxy-user in spark-submit.sh
    // (see HIVE-15485, SPARK-5493, SPARK-19143), so Hive could only support doAs or
    // delegation token renewal, but not both. Since doAs is a more common case, if both
    // are needed, we choose to favor doAs. So when doAs is enabled, we use kinit command,
    // otherwise, we pass the principal/keypad to spark to support the token renewal for
    // long-running application.
    if ("kerberos".equals(hiveConf.get(HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION))) {
        String principal = SecurityUtil
                .getServerPrincipal(hiveConf.getVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL), "");
        String keyTabFile = hiveConf.getVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_KERBEROS_KEYTAB);
        boolean isDoAsEnabled = hiveConf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_ENABLE_DOAS);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(principal) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(keyTabFile)) {
            addKeytabAndPrincipal(isDoAsEnabled, keyTabFile, principal);
    if (hiveConf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_ENABLE_DOAS)) {
        try {
            String currentUser = Utils.getUGI().getShortUserName();
            // do not do impersonation in CLI mode
            if (!currentUser.equals(System.getProperty("user.name"))) {
                LOG.info("Attempting impersonation of " + currentUser);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "Cannot obtain username: " + e;
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e);

    String regStr = conf.get("spark.kryo.registrator");
    if (HIVE_KRYO_REG_NAME.equals(regStr)) {


    String jar = "spark-internal";
    if (SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass()).isDefined()) {
        jar = SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass()).get();


    //hive.spark.* keys are passed down to the RemoteDriver via REMOTE_DRIVER_CONF
    // so that they are not used in sparkContext but only in remote driver,
    //as --properties-file contains the spark.* keys that are meant for SparkConf object.
    for (String hiveSparkConfKey : RpcConfiguration.HIVE_SPARK_RSC_CONFIGS) {
        String value = RpcConfiguration.getValue(hiveConf, hiveSparkConfKey);
        addAppArg(String.format("%s=%s", hiveSparkConfKey, value));

    return launchDriver(isTesting, rpcServer, clientId);

From source file:org.apache.hive.spark.client.SparkClientImpl.java

private Thread startDriver(final RpcServer rpcServer, final String clientId, final String secret)
        throws IOException {
    Runnable runnable;/* ww w . j av a  2  s . com*/
    final String serverAddress = rpcServer.getAddress();
    final String serverPort = String.valueOf(rpcServer.getPort());

    if (conf.containsKey(SparkClientFactory.CONF_KEY_IN_PROCESS)) {
        // Mostly for testing things quickly. Do not do this in production.
        // when invoked in-process it inherits the environment variables of the parent
        LOG.warn("!!!! Running remote driver in-process. !!!!");
        runnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                List<String> args = Lists.newArrayList();

                for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : conf.entrySet()) {
                    args.add(String.format("%s=%s", e.getKey(), conf.get(e.getKey())));
                try {
                    RemoteDriver.main(args.toArray(new String[args.size()]));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.error("Error running driver.", e);
    } else {
        // If a Spark installation is provided, use the spark-submit script. Otherwise, call the
        // SparkSubmit class directly, which has some caveats (like having to provide a proper
        // version of Guava on the classpath depending on the deploy mode).
        String sparkHome = Strings.emptyToNull(conf.get(SPARK_HOME_KEY));
        if (sparkHome == null) {
            sparkHome = Strings.emptyToNull(System.getenv(SPARK_HOME_ENV));
        if (sparkHome == null) {
            sparkHome = Strings.emptyToNull(System.getProperty(SPARK_HOME_KEY));
        String sparkLogDir = conf.get("hive.spark.log.dir");
        if (sparkLogDir == null) {
            if (sparkHome == null) {
                sparkLogDir = "./target/";
            } else {
                sparkLogDir = sparkHome + "/logs/";

        String osxTestOpts = "";
        if (Strings.nullToEmpty(System.getProperty("os.name")).toLowerCase().contains("mac")) {
            osxTestOpts = Strings.nullToEmpty(System.getenv(OSX_TEST_OPTS));

        String driverJavaOpts = Joiner.on(" ").skipNulls().join("-Dhive.spark.log.dir=" + sparkLogDir,
                osxTestOpts, conf.get(DRIVER_OPTS_KEY));
        String executorJavaOpts = Joiner.on(" ").skipNulls().join("-Dhive.spark.log.dir=" + sparkLogDir,
                osxTestOpts, conf.get(EXECUTOR_OPTS_KEY));

        // Create a file with all the job properties to be read by spark-submit. Change the
        // file's permissions so that only the owner can read it. This avoid having the
        // connection secret show up in the child process's command line.
        File properties = File.createTempFile("spark-submit.", ".properties");
        if (!properties.setReadable(false) || !properties.setReadable(true, true)) {
            throw new IOException("Cannot change permissions of job properties file.");

        Properties allProps = new Properties();
        // first load the defaults from spark-defaults.conf if available
        try {
            URL sparkDefaultsUrl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
            if (sparkDefaultsUrl != null) {
                LOG.info("Loading spark defaults: " + sparkDefaultsUrl);
                allProps.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(Resources.toByteArray(sparkDefaultsUrl)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "Exception trying to load spark-defaults.conf: " + e;
            throw new IOException(msg, e);
        // then load the SparkClientImpl config
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : conf.entrySet()) {
            allProps.put(e.getKey(), conf.get(e.getKey()));
        allProps.put(SparkClientFactory.CONF_CLIENT_ID, clientId);
        allProps.put(SparkClientFactory.CONF_KEY_SECRET, secret);
        allProps.put(DRIVER_OPTS_KEY, driverJavaOpts);
        allProps.put(EXECUTOR_OPTS_KEY, executorJavaOpts);

        String isTesting = conf.get("spark.testing");
        if (isTesting != null && isTesting.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            String hiveHadoopTestClasspath = Strings.nullToEmpty(System.getenv("HIVE_HADOOP_TEST_CLASSPATH"));
            if (!hiveHadoopTestClasspath.isEmpty()) {
                String extraDriverClasspath = Strings
                        .nullToEmpty((String) allProps.get(DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH));
                if (extraDriverClasspath.isEmpty()) {
                    allProps.put(DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, hiveHadoopTestClasspath);
                } else {
                    extraDriverClasspath = extraDriverClasspath.endsWith(File.pathSeparator)
                            ? extraDriverClasspath
                            : extraDriverClasspath + File.pathSeparator;
                    allProps.put(DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, extraDriverClasspath + hiveHadoopTestClasspath);

                String extraExecutorClasspath = Strings
                        .nullToEmpty((String) allProps.get(EXECUTOR_EXTRA_CLASSPATH));
                if (extraExecutorClasspath.isEmpty()) {
                    allProps.put(EXECUTOR_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, hiveHadoopTestClasspath);
                } else {
                    extraExecutorClasspath = extraExecutorClasspath.endsWith(File.pathSeparator)
                            ? extraExecutorClasspath
                            : extraExecutorClasspath + File.pathSeparator;
                    allProps.put(EXECUTOR_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, extraExecutorClasspath + hiveHadoopTestClasspath);

        Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(properties), Charsets.UTF_8);
        try {
            allProps.store(writer, "Spark Context configuration");
        } finally {

        // Define how to pass options to the child process. If launching in client (or local)
        // mode, the driver options need to be passed directly on the command line. Otherwise,
        // SparkSubmit will take care of that for us.
        String master = conf.get("spark.master");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(master != null, "spark.master is not defined.");
        String deployMode = conf.get("spark.submit.deployMode");

        List<String> argv = Lists.newLinkedList();

        if (sparkHome != null) {
            argv.add(new File(sparkHome, "bin/spark-submit").getAbsolutePath());
        } else {
            LOG.info("No spark.home provided, calling SparkSubmit directly.");
            argv.add(new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "bin/java").getAbsolutePath());

            if (master.startsWith("local") || master.startsWith("mesos")
                    || SparkClientUtilities.isYarnClientMode(master, deployMode)
                    || master.startsWith("spark")) {
                String mem = conf.get("spark.driver.memory");
                if (mem != null) {
                    argv.add("-Xms" + mem);
                    argv.add("-Xmx" + mem);

                String cp = conf.get("spark.driver.extraClassPath");
                if (cp != null) {

                String libPath = conf.get("spark.driver.extraLibPath");
                if (libPath != null) {
                    argv.add("-Djava.library.path=" + libPath);

                String extra = conf.get(DRIVER_OPTS_KEY);
                if (extra != null) {
                    for (String opt : extra.split("[ ]")) {
                        if (!opt.trim().isEmpty()) {


        if (SparkClientUtilities.isYarnClusterMode(master, deployMode)) {
            String executorCores = conf.get("spark.executor.cores");
            if (executorCores != null) {

            String executorMemory = conf.get("spark.executor.memory");
            if (executorMemory != null) {

            String numOfExecutors = conf.get("spark.executor.instances");
            if (numOfExecutors != null) {
        // The options --principal/--keypad do not work with --proxy-user in spark-submit.sh
        // (see HIVE-15485, SPARK-5493, SPARK-19143), so Hive could only support doAs or
        // delegation token renewal, but not both. Since doAs is a more common case, if both
        // are needed, we choose to favor doAs. So when doAs is enabled, we use kinit command,
        // otherwise, we pass the principal/keypad to spark to support the token renewal for
        // long-running application.
        if ("kerberos".equals(hiveConf.get(HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION))) {
            String principal = SecurityUtil
                    .getServerPrincipal(hiveConf.getVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL), "");
            String keyTabFile = hiveConf.getVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_KERBEROS_KEYTAB);
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(principal) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(keyTabFile)) {
                if (hiveConf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_ENABLE_DOAS)) {
                    List<String> kinitArgv = Lists.newLinkedList();
                    kinitArgv.add(keyTabFile + ";");
                    argv = kinitArgv;
                } else {
                    // if doAs is not enabled, we pass the principal/keypad to spark-submit in order to
                    // support the possible delegation token renewal in Spark
        if (hiveConf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_ENABLE_DOAS)) {
            try {
                String currentUser = Utils.getUGI().getShortUserName();
                // do not do impersonation in CLI mode
                if (!currentUser.equals(System.getProperty("user.name"))) {
                    LOG.info("Attempting impersonation of " + currentUser);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String msg = "Cannot obtain username: " + e;
                throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e);


        String jar = "spark-internal";
        if (SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass()).isDefined()) {
            jar = SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass()).get();


        //hive.spark.* keys are passed down to the RemoteDriver via --conf,
        //as --properties-file contains the spark.* keys that are meant for SparkConf object.
        for (String hiveSparkConfKey : RpcConfiguration.HIVE_SPARK_RSC_CONFIGS) {
            String value = RpcConfiguration.getValue(hiveConf, hiveSparkConfKey);
            argv.add(String.format("%s=%s", hiveSparkConfKey, value));

        String cmd = Joiner.on(" ").join(argv);
        LOG.info("Running client driver with argv: {}", cmd);
        ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", cmd);

        // Prevent hive configurations from being visible in Spark.
        // Add credential provider password to the child process's environment
        // In case of Spark the credential provider location is provided in the jobConf when the job is submitted
        String password = getSparkJobCredentialProviderPassword();
        if (password != null) {
            pb.environment().put(Constants.HADOOP_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD_ENVVAR, password);
        if (isTesting != null) {
            pb.environment().put("SPARK_TESTING", isTesting);

        final Process child = pb.start();
        String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
        final List<String> childErrorLog = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
        redirect("RemoteDriver-stdout-redir-" + threadName, new Redirector(child.getInputStream()));
        redirect("RemoteDriver-stderr-redir-" + threadName,
                new Redirector(child.getErrorStream(), childErrorLog));

        runnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    int exitCode = child.waitFor();
                    if (exitCode != 0) {
                        StringBuilder errStr = new StringBuilder();
                        synchronized (childErrorLog) {
                            Iterator iter = childErrorLog.iterator();
                            while (iter.hasNext()) {

                        LOG.warn("Child process exited with code {}", exitCode);
                                "Child process (spark-submit) exited before connecting back with error log "
                                        + errStr.toString());
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                            "Thread waiting on the child process (spark-submit) is interrupted, killing the child process.");
                            "Thread waiting on the child porcess (spark-submit) is interrupted");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String errMsg = "Exception while waiting for child process (spark-submit)";
                    LOG.warn(errMsg, e);
                    rpcServer.cancelClient(clientId, errMsg);

    Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
    return thread;

From source file:org.glowroot.agent.weaving.AnalyzedWorld.java

private AnalyzedClass createAnalyzedClass(String className, @Nullable ClassLoader loader)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    String path = ClassNames.toInternalName(className) + ".class";
    URL url;// www. j  a  v  a  2  s .co  m
    if (loader == null) {
        // null loader means the bootstrap class loader
        url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(path);
    } else {
        url = loader.getResource(path);
        if (url != null) {
            AnalyzedClass parentLoaderAnalyzedClass = tryToReuseFromParentLoader(className, loader, path, url);
            if (parentLoaderAnalyzedClass != null) {
                return parentLoaderAnalyzedClass;
    if (url == null) {
        // what follows is just a best attempt in the sort-of-rare case when a custom class
        // loader does not expose .class file contents via getResource(), e.g.
        // org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteClassLoader
        return createAnalyzedClassPlanB(className, loader);
    byte[] bytes = Resources.toByteArray(url);
    List<Advice> advisors = mergeInstrumentationAnnotations(this.advisors.get(), bytes, loader, className);
    ThinClassVisitor accv = new ThinClassVisitor();
    new ClassReader(bytes).accept(accv, ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES + ClassReader.SKIP_CODE);
    // passing noLongerNeedToWeaveMainMethods=true since not really weaving bytecode here
    ClassAnalyzer classAnalyzer = new ClassAnalyzer(accv.getThinClass(), advisors, shimTypes, mixinTypes,
            loader, this, null, bytes, null, true);
    return classAnalyzer.getAnalyzedClass();

From source file:org.glowroot.weaving.AnalyzedWorld.java

private AnalyzedClass createAnalyzedClass(String className, @Nullable ClassLoader loader)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    String path = ClassNames.toInternalName(className) + ".class";
    URL url;/*from w  ww. ja  v  a2 s .c  o  m*/
    if (loader == null) {
        // null loader means the bootstrap class loader
        url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(path);
    } else {
        url = loader.getResource(path);
        if (url != null) {
            AnalyzedClass parentLoaderAnalyzedClass = tryToReuseFromParentLoader(className, loader, path, url);
            if (parentLoaderAnalyzedClass != null) {
                return parentLoaderAnalyzedClass;
    if (url == null && extraBootResourceFinder != null) {
        url = extraBootResourceFinder.findResource(path);
    if (url == null) {
        // what follows is just a best attempt in the sort-of-rare case when a custom class
        // loader does not expose .class file contents via getResource(), e.g.
        // org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteClassLoader
        return createAnalyzedClassPlanB(className, loader);
    AnalyzingClassVisitor cv = new AnalyzingClassVisitor(advisors.get(), shimTypes, mixinTypes, loader, this,
    byte[] bytes = Resources.toByteArray(url);
    ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(bytes);
    try {
        cr.accept(cv, ClassReader.SKIP_CODE);
    } catch (ShortCircuitException e) {
        // this is ok, in either case analyzed class is now available
    AnalyzedClass analyzedClass = cv.getAnalyzedClass();
    checkNotNull(analyzedClass); // analyzedClass is non-null after visiting the class
    return analyzedClass;

From source file:org.glowroot.local.ui.HttpServerHandler.java

private FullHttpResponse handleStaticResource(String path, HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
    URL url = getSecureUrlForPath(RESOURCE_BASE + path);
    if (url == null) {
        logger.warn("unexpected path: {}", path);
        return new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, NOT_FOUND);
    }/*from   w  w  w.j  a va2 s  .  co  m*/
    Date expires = getExpiresForPath(path);
    if (request.headers().contains(Names.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE) && expires == null) {
        // all static resources without explicit expires are versioned and can be safely
        // cached forever
        return new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, NOT_MODIFIED);
    ByteBuf content = Unpooled.copiedBuffer(Resources.toByteArray(url));
    FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK, content);
    if (expires != null) {
        response.headers().add(Names.EXPIRES, expires);
    } else {
        response.headers().add(Names.LAST_MODIFIED, new Date(0));
        response.headers().add(Names.EXPIRES, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + TEN_YEARS));
    int extensionStartIndex = path.lastIndexOf('.');
    checkState(extensionStartIndex != -1, "found path under %s with no extension: %s", RESOURCE_BASE, path);
    String extension = path.substring(extensionStartIndex + 1);
    MediaType mediaType = mediaTypes.get(extension);
    checkNotNull(mediaType, "found extension under %s with no media type: %s", RESOURCE_BASE, extension);
    response.headers().add(Names.CONTENT_TYPE, mediaType);
    response.headers().add(Names.CONTENT_LENGTH, Resources.toByteArray(url).length);
    return response;

From source file:org.dyndns.jkiddo.dmp.util.DmapUtil.java

public static byte[] uriTobuffer(final URI uri) throws IOException {
    return Resources.toByteArray(uri.toURL());

From source file:org.glowroot.agent.live.ClasspathCache.java

private static byte[] getBytes(Location location, String className) throws IOException {
    String name = className.replace('.', '/') + ".class";
    File dir = location.directory();
    File jarFile = location.jarFile();
    if (dir != null) {
        URI uri = new File(dir, name).toURI();
        return Resources.toByteArray(uri.toURL());
    } else if (jarFile != null) {
        String jarFileInsideJarFile = location.jarFileInsideJarFile();
        String directoryInsideJarFile = location.directoryInsideJarFile();
        if (jarFileInsideJarFile == null && directoryInsideJarFile == null) {
            return getBytesFromJarFile(name, jarFile);
        } else if (jarFileInsideJarFile != null) {
            return getBytesFromJarFileInsideJarFile(name, jarFile, jarFileInsideJarFile);
        } else {/*from  w  w  w . j  av a2 s.  co  m*/
            // directoryInsideJarFile is not null based on above conditionals
            return getBytesFromDirectoryInsideJarFile(name, jarFile, directoryInsideJarFile);
    } else {
        throw new AssertionError("Both Location directory() and jarFile() are null");

From source file:org.glowroot.agent.live.ClasspathCache.java

private static byte[] getBytesFromJarFile(String name, File jarFile) throws IOException {
    String path = jarFile.getPath();
    URI uri;// w  w w  .j a  v a2  s  . c om
    try {
        uri = new URI("jar", "file:" + path + "!/" + name, "");
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        // this is a programmatic error
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return Resources.toByteArray(uri.toURL());

From source file:org.glowroot.agent.live.ClasspathCache.java

private static byte[] getBytesFromDirectoryInsideJarFile(String name, File jarFile,
        String directoryInsideJarFile) throws IOException {
    String path = jarFile.getPath();
    URI uri;//from www. j  a va  2 s. c  o m
    try {
        uri = new URI("jar", "file:" + path + "!/" + directoryInsideJarFile + name, "");
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        // this is a programmatic error
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return Resources.toByteArray(uri.toURL());