Example usage for com.google.common.math LongMath pow

List of usage examples for com.google.common.math LongMath pow


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.math LongMath pow.


public static long pow(long b, int k) 

Source Link


Returns b to the k th power.


From source file:edu.mit.streamjit.util.affinity.NullAffinityStrategy.java

public long getMaximalAffinityMask() {
    return LongMath.pow(2, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()) - 1;

From source file:io.v.todos.persistence.syncbase.IdGenerator.java

 * @param alphabet the alphabet of legal characters for IDs generated by this generator
 * @param perturb whether or not to perturb generated IDs by a random perturbation to avoid
 *                collisions in distributed key generation. Pass {@code false} if this generator
 *                is used to generate a sort key that is a secondary key where ordering
 *                conflicts can be deterministically resolved by the primary key. This setting
 *                only applies to the {@code generate...} methods.
 *//*  w w  w.  jav a 2s.  co m*/
public IdGenerator(IdAlphabet alphabet, boolean perturb) {
    mAlphabet = alphabet;
    mPerturb = perturb;

    // Find the maximum number of digits we'd need to encode an unsigned long if the radix were
    // uniform for the entire string.
    // ceil(log_RADIX(Long.MAX + 1))
    mLongUniformRadixLength = (int) Math.ceil(LOG_LONG / Math.log(alphabet.radix()));
    mMostSignificantUnit = LongMath.pow(alphabet.radix(), mLongUniformRadixLength - 1);

    mMaxSafeMostSignificantDigit = (int) (Long.MAX_VALUE / mMostSignificantUnit);
    mMaxSafeMostSignificantValue = mMaxSafeMostSignificantDigit * mMostSignificantUnit;

    // The first character may have additional restrictions, so we have less chars to work with
    // for the first digit. If we still have enough digits, we'll proceed and just use a special
    // mapping for the leading digit. Otherwise, we'll pad by a leading zero, thus making the
    // remaining encoding the common case.

    // So, what most-significant digit do we need to encode the max unsigned value?
    PartialDivisionResult div = transformToSignedDivision(-1);
    int maxMostSignficantDigit = div.partialMostSignificantDigit
            + (int) (div.partialRemainder / mMostSignificantUnit);
    mLongEncodedLength = maxMostSignficantDigit < alphabet.leadingRadix() ? mLongUniformRadixLength
            : mLongUniformRadixLength + 1;

From source file:org.apache.james.util.Size.java

public long asBytes() {
    switch (unit) {
    case G:/*from w  ww . ja va2  s. c  om*/
        return value * LongMath.pow(base, 3);
    case M:
        return value * LongMath.pow(base, 2);
    case K:
        return value * LongMath.pow(base, 1);
        return value;

From source file:com.matthewmitchell.peercoinj.shapeshift.ShapeShiftMonetary.java

private BigInteger getBigIntegerOne() {
    return BigInteger.valueOf(LongMath.pow(10, smallestUnitExponent));

From source file:org.ethereum.datasource.QuotientFilter.java

static int bitsForNumElementsWithLoadFactor(long numElements) {
    if (numElements == 0) {
        return 1;
    }/*w  w  w.  ja v  a2s .  c o  m*/

    int candidateBits = Long.bitCount(numElements) == 1 ? Math.max(1, Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(numElements))
            : Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(Long.highestOneBit(numElements) << 1L);

    //May need an extra bit due to load factor
    if (((long) (LongMath.pow(2, candidateBits) * 0.75)) < numElements) {

    return candidateBits;

From source file:io.bitsquare.gui.main.markets.charts.MarketsChartsViewModel.java

private void buildChartDataItems(List<Offer> sortedList, Offer.Direction direction, List<XYChart.Data> data) {
    data.clear();// w ww  .  j  ava2  s.  co m
    double accumulatedAmount = 0;
    for (Offer offer : sortedList) {
        Fiat priceAsFiat = offer.getPrice();
        if (priceAsFiat != null) {
            double price = (double) priceAsFiat.value / LongMath.pow(10, priceAsFiat.smallestUnitExponent());
            double amount = (double) offer.getAmount().value
                    / LongMath.pow(10, offer.getAmount().smallestUnitExponent());
            accumulatedAmount += amount;
            if (direction.equals(Offer.Direction.BUY))
                data.add(0, new XYChart.Data(price, accumulatedAmount));
                data.add(new XYChart.Data(price, accumulatedAmount));

From source file:io.druid.math.expr.Expr.java

protected final long evalLong(long left, long right) {
    return LongMath.pow(left, (int) right);

From source file:org.apache.druid.math.expr.Expr.java

protected final long evalLong(long left, long right) {
    return LongMath.pow(left, Ints.checkedCast(right));

From source file:io.bitsquare.gui.main.market.offerbook.OfferBookChartViewModel.java

private void buildChartAndTableEntries(List<Offer> sortedList, Offer.Direction direction,
        List<XYChart.Data> data, ObservableList<OfferListItem> offerTableList) {
    data.clear();/*from w w  w. j  a v a  2 s . c  o m*/
    double accumulatedAmount = 0;
    List<OfferListItem> offerTableListTemp = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Offer offer : sortedList) {
        Fiat priceAsFiat = offer.getPrice();
        if (priceAsFiat != null) {
            double amount = (double) offer.getAmount().value
                    / LongMath.pow(10, offer.getAmount().smallestUnitExponent());
            accumulatedAmount += amount;
            offerTableListTemp.add(new OfferListItem(offer, accumulatedAmount));

            double price = (double) priceAsFiat.value / LongMath.pow(10, priceAsFiat.smallestUnitExponent());
            if (CurrencyUtil.isCryptoCurrency(getCurrencyCode())) {
                price = price != 0 ? 1d / price : 0;
                if (direction.equals(Offer.Direction.SELL))
                    data.add(0, new XYChart.Data<>(price, accumulatedAmount));
                    data.add(new XYChart.Data<>(price, accumulatedAmount));
            } else {
                if (direction.equals(Offer.Direction.BUY))
                    data.add(0, new XYChart.Data<>(price, accumulatedAmount));
                    data.add(new XYChart.Data<>(price, accumulatedAmount));