Example usage for com.google.common.util.concurrent AbstractIdleService subclass-usage

List of usage examples for com.google.common.util.concurrent AbstractIdleService subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.util.concurrent AbstractIdleService subclass-usage.


From source file com.spotify.helios.agent.Agent.java

 * Runs jobs to implement the desired container deployment state.
public class Agent extends AbstractIdleService {

    public static final Map<JobId, Execution> EMPTY_EXECUTIONS = Collections.emptyMap();

From source file gobblin.runtime.spec_catalog.FlowCatalog.java

public class FlowCatalog extends AbstractIdleService implements SpecCatalog, MutableSpecCatalog, SpecSerDe {

    public static final String DEFAULT_FLOWSPEC_STORE_CLASS = FSSpecStore.class.getCanonicalName();

    protected final SpecCatalogListenersList listeners;

From source file gobblin.yarn.YarnAppSecurityManager.java

 * A class for managing Kerberos login and token renewing on the client side that has access to
 * the keytab file.
 * <p>
 *   This class works with {@link YarnContainerSecurityManager} to manage renewing of delegation

From source file gobblin.restli.EmbeddedRestliServer.java

 * An embedded Rest.li server using Netty.
 * Usage:
 * EmbeddedRestliServer server = EmbeddedRestliServer.builder().resources(List<RestliResource>).build();
 * server.startAsync()

From source file org.apache.gobblin.runtime.instance.StandardGobblinInstanceLauncher.java

 * A standard implementation that expects the instance configuration to be passed from the outside.
 * As a driver, it uses {@link StandardGobblinInstanceDriver}.
public class StandardGobblinInstanceLauncher extends AbstractIdleService implements GobblinInstanceLauncher {
    private final Logger _log;

From source file co.cask.cdap.internal.app.services.AppFabricServer.java

 * AppFabric Server.
public class AppFabricServer extends AbstractIdleService {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppFabricServer.class);

From source file org.apache.gobblin.yarn.YarnAppSecurityManager.java

 * A class for managing Kerberos login and token renewing on the client side that has access to
 * the keytab file.
 * <p>
 *   This class works with {@link YarnContainerSecurityManager} to manage renewing of delegation

From source file gobblin.runtime.spec_catalog.TopologyCatalog.java

public class TopologyCatalog extends AbstractIdleService implements SpecCatalog, MutableSpecCatalog, SpecSerDe {

    public static final String DEFAULT_TOPOLOGYSPEC_STORE_CLASS = FSSpecStore.class.getCanonicalName();

    protected final SpecCatalogListenersList listeners;

From source file org.apache.gobblin.restli.EmbeddedRestliServer.java

 * An embedded Rest.li server using Netty.
 * Usage:
 * EmbeddedRestliServer server = EmbeddedRestliServer.builder().resources(List<RestliResource>).build();
 * server.startAsync()

From source file com.google.sha1coin.kits.WalletAppKit.java

 * <p>Utility class that wraps the boilerplate needed to set up a new SPV bitcoinj app. Instantiate it with a directory
 * and file prefix, optionally configure a few things, then use startAsync and optionally awaitRunning. The object will
 * construct and configure a {@link BlockChain}, {@link SPVBlockStore}, {@link Wallet} and {@link PeerGroup}. Depending
 * on the value of the blockingStartup property, startup will be considered complete once the block chain has fully
 * synchronized, so it can take a while.</p>