Example usage for com.google.common.util.concurrent AtomicDoubleArray AtomicDoubleArray

List of usage examples for com.google.common.util.concurrent AtomicDoubleArray AtomicDoubleArray


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.util.concurrent AtomicDoubleArray AtomicDoubleArray.


public AtomicDoubleArray(double[] array) 

Source Link


Creates a new AtomicDoubleArray with the same length as, and all elements copied from, the given array.


From source file:com.analog.lyric.dimple.parameters.ParameterListN.java

protected ParameterListN(ParameterListN<Key> that) {
    AtomicDoubleArray thoseValues = that._values;
    int size = thoseValues.length();
    _values = new AtomicDoubleArray(size);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        _values.set(i, thoseValues.get(i));
    }//from  w  ww.  jav a  2s  .c  om

    AtomicIntegerArray thatFixedMask = that._fixedMask;
    int fixedMaskSize = thatFixedMask.length();
    _fixedMask = new AtomicIntegerArray(fixedMaskSize);
    for (int i = 0; i < fixedMaskSize; ++i) {
        _fixedMask.set(i, thatFixedMask.get(i));

From source file:org.kairosdb.util.UniformReservoir.java

 * Creates a new {@link UniformReservoir}.
 * @param size the number of samples to keep in the sampling reservoir
 *///ww  w . ja va  2  s  .c o m
public UniformReservoir(int size) {
    this.values = new AtomicDoubleArray(size);
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length(); i++) {
        values.set(i, 0);
    random = new Random();

From source file:com.analog.lyric.dimple.parameters.ParameterListN.java

protected ParameterListN(double... values) {
    _values = new AtomicDoubleArray(values);

    int maskSize = maskSize(values.length);
    _fixedMask = new AtomicIntegerArray(maskSize);

From source file:com.analog.lyric.dimple.parameters.ParameterListN.java

protected ParameterListN(int size, double defaultValue) {
    _values = new AtomicDoubleArray(size);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        _values.set(i, defaultValue);/*  w ww. jav a 2  s. c  om*/

    _fixedMask = new AtomicIntegerArray(maskSize(size));

From source file:com.twitter.graphjet.algorithms.MultiThreadedPageRank.java

private void iterate(double dampingAmount, LongArrayList noOuts, final LongArrayList[] nodePartitions) {
    AtomicDoubleArray nextPR = new AtomicDoubleArray((int) (maxNodeId + 1));

    // First compute how much mass is trapped at the dangling nodes.
    double dangleSum = 0.0;
    LongIterator iter = noOuts.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        dangleSum += prVector.get((int) iter.nextLong());
    }//from w w w  .  j av a2  s  .  c  o m
    dangleSum = dampingFactor * dangleSum / nodeCount;
    final double d = dangleSum;

    // We use a CountDownLatch as a sync barrier to wait for all threads to finish on their
    // respective partitions.
    final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(threads);

    // Start all the worker threads over each partition.
    for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        new PageRankWorker(i, nextPR, nodePartitions[i], latch, dampingAmount + d).start();
    // Note that an alternative implementation would be to use a CyclicBarrier so we don't need to
    // respawn new threads each time, but for a graph of any size, the cost of respawning new
    // threads is small relative to the cost the actual iterations.

    // Wait for all the threads to finish.
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        // Something bad happened, just abort.
        throw new RuntimeException("Error running PageRank!");

    normL1 = computeL1Norm(prVector, nextPR);
    prVector = nextPR;

From source file:com.twitter.graphjet.algorithms.MultiThreadedPageRank.java

 * Runs PageRank, either until the max number of iterations has been reached or the L1 norm of
 * the difference between PageRank vectors drops below the tolerance.
 * @return number of iterations that was actually run
 *///ww w  .  j av  a2 s .  c o  m
public int run() {
    LongArrayList noOuts = new LongArrayList();
    LongIterator iter = nodes.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        long v = iter.nextLong();
        if (graph.getOutDegree(v) == 0) {

    double dampingAmount = (1.0 - dampingFactor) / nodeCount;
    prVector = new AtomicDoubleArray((int) (maxNodeId + 1));
    nodes.forEach(v -> prVector.set((int) (long) v, 1.0 / nodeCount));

    // We're going to divide the nodes into partitions, one for each thread.
    LongArrayList[] nodePartitions = new LongArrayList[threads];
    int partitionSize = nodes.size() / threads;
    for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        int startPos = i * partitionSize;
        // The final partition get the rest of the nodes.
        int endPos = i == (threads - 1) ? nodes.size() : (i + 1) * partitionSize;
        nodePartitions[i] = new LongArrayList(nodes.subList(startPos, endPos));

    int i = 0;
    while (i < this.maxIterations && normL1 > tolerance) {
        iterate(dampingAmount, noOuts, nodePartitions);

    return i;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.ipc.DecayRpcScheduler.java

 * Create a decay scheduler./*from  w ww.j a  va2  s.c  om*/
 * @param numLevels number of priority levels
 * @param ns config prefix, so that we can configure multiple schedulers
 *           in a single instance.
 * @param conf configuration to use.
public DecayRpcScheduler(int numLevels, String ns, Configuration conf) {
    if (numLevels < 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of Priority Levels must be " + "at least 1");
    this.numLevels = numLevels;
    this.namespace = ns;
    this.decayFactor = parseDecayFactor(ns, conf);
    this.decayPeriodMillis = parseDecayPeriodMillis(ns, conf);
    this.identityProvider = this.parseIdentityProvider(ns, conf);
    this.thresholds = parseThresholds(ns, conf, numLevels);
    this.backOffByResponseTimeEnabled = parseBackOffByResponseTimeEnabled(ns, conf);
    this.backOffResponseTimeThresholds = parseBackOffResponseTimeThreshold(ns, conf, numLevels);

    // Setup response time metrics
    responseTimeTotalInCurrWindow = new AtomicLongArray(numLevels);
    responseTimeCountInCurrWindow = new AtomicLongArray(numLevels);
    responseTimeAvgInLastWindow = new AtomicDoubleArray(numLevels);
    responseTimeCountInLastWindow = new AtomicLongArray(numLevels);

    Preconditions.checkArgument(topUsersCount > 0,
            "the number of top users for scheduler metrics must be at least 1");

    // Setup delay timer
    Timer timer = new Timer();
    DecayTask task = new DecayTask(this, timer);
    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, decayPeriodMillis, decayPeriodMillis);

    metricsProxy = MetricsProxy.getInstance(ns, numLevels);