Example usage for com.google.common.util.concurrent ListenableFuture interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.google.common.util.concurrent ListenableFuture interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.util.concurrent ListenableFuture interface-usage.


From source file com.sk89q.worldedit.util.task.Task.java

 * A task is a job that can be scheduled, run, or cancelled. Tasks can report
 * on their own status. Tasks have owners.
public interface Task<V> extends ListenableFuture<V>, ProgressObservable {

From source file ch.ethz.inf.vs.hypermedia.client.Future.java

 * Created by ynh on 06/11/15.
public interface Future<V> extends ListenableFuture<V> {
    void addParent(BaseFuture parent);

From source file gobblin.runtime.api.JobExecutionDriver.java

 * Defines an implementation which knows how to run a GobblinJob and keep track of the progress.
 * <p> The class utilizes the {@link Service} interface.
 * <ul>
 *  <li> {@link Service#startAsync()} starts the execution.

From source file ca.twodee.backend.manager.BackendListenableFutureTask.java

 * A {@link FutureTask} that also implements the {@link ListenableFuture}
 * interface. Unlike {@code FutureTask}, {@code ListenableFutureTask} does not
 * provide an overrideable {@link FutureTask#done() done()} method. For similar
 * functionality, call {@link #addListener}.

From source file org.solovyev.tasks.ListenableFutureTask.java

 * Copied from Guava, listener removal added
 * @author Sven Mawson
 * @author serso
 * @since 1.0

From source file org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.rest.core.ListenableFutureJob.java

public abstract class ListenableFutureJob<V> extends Job implements ListenableFuture<V> {

    private class Listener {

        Runnable runnable;

From source file org.jclouds.concurrent.ExceptionParsingListenableFuture.java

 * Transforms the exceptions in a future upon get
 * Temporarily here until the following is resolved: <a
 * href="http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/issues/detail?id=310"> guava issue 310</a>

From source file org.pentaho.reporting.platform.plugin.async.SimpleDelegatedListenableFuture.java

 * Just delegates the work. Is intended to be extended.
 * @param <T> type parameter
public abstract class SimpleDelegatedListenableFuture<T> implements ListenableFuture<T> {

From source file io.ucoin.ucoinj.elasticsearch.service.task.JobFuture.java

 * @author Ludovic Pecquot <ludovic.pecquot@e-is.pro>
public class JobFuture implements ListenableFuture<Job> {

From source file de.dfki.kiara.netty.ListenableConstantFutureAdapter.java

 * @author Dmitri Rubinstein <dmitri.rubinstein@dfki.de>
 * @param <V>
public class ListenableConstantFutureAdapter<V> implements ListenableFuture<V> {