Java MoreExecutors fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java MoreExecutors fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for MoreExecutors.

The text is from its open source code.


Returns an Executor that runs each task in the thread that invokes Executor#execute execute , as in CallerRunsPolicy .
ExecutorServicegetExitingExecutorService(ThreadPoolExecutor executor)
Converts the given ThreadPoolExecutor into an ExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.
ExecutorServicegetExitingExecutorService(ThreadPoolExecutor executor, long terminationTimeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
Converts the given ThreadPoolExecutor into an ExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.
ScheduledExecutorServicegetExitingScheduledExecutorService( ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor)
Converts the given ThreadPoolExecutor into a ScheduledExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.
ScheduledExecutorServicegetExitingScheduledExecutorService(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor, long terminationTimeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
Converts the given ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor into a ScheduledExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.
ListeningExecutorServicelisteningDecorator(ExecutorService delegate)
Creates an ExecutorService whose submit and invokeAll methods submit ListenableFutureTask instances to the given delegate executor.
ListeningScheduledExecutorServicelisteningDecorator(ScheduledExecutorService delegate)
Creates a ScheduledExecutorService whose submit and invokeAll methods submit ListenableFutureTask instances to the given delegate executor.
Creates an executor service that runs each task in the thread that invokes execute/submit , as in CallerRunsPolicy This applies both to individually submitted tasks and to collections of tasks submitted via invokeAll or invokeAny .
Returns a default thread factory used to create new threads.
Creates an executor service that runs each task in the thread that invokes execute/submit , as in CallerRunsPolicy .
booleanshutdownAndAwaitTermination(ExecutorService service, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
Shuts down the given executor gradually, first disabling new submissions and later cancelling existing tasks.