Example usage for com.google.gwt.event.dom.client HasChangeHandlers interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.google.gwt.event.dom.client HasChangeHandlers interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gwt.event.dom.client HasChangeHandlers interface-usage.


From source file ar.com.kyol.jet.client.JetCombo.java

 * A very cool ListBox wrapper.
 * @author smuzzopappa & fpugnali
 * @param <E>

From source file at.ait.dme.yuma.client.colorpicker.ColorPicker.java

 * This is the implementation of the Colorpicker. It defines the user interface, the glue and calculations necessary for colorpicker functionality.
 * <h1>Example</h1>
 * <CODE>
 * public class ColorPickerExample implements EntryPoint {

From source file at.ait.dme.yuma.suite.apps.core.client.colorpicker.ColorPicker.java

 * This is the implementation of the Colorpicker. It defines the user interface, the glue and calculations necessary for colorpicker functionality.
 * <h1>Example</h1>
 * <CODE>
 * public class ColorPickerExample implements EntryPoint {

From source file at.ait.dme.yuma.suite.apps.image.core.client.colorpicker.ColorPicker.java

 * This is the implementation of the Colorpicker. It defines the user interface, the glue and calculations necessary for colorpicker functionality.
 * <h1>Example</h1>
 * <CODE>
 * public class ColorPickerExample implements EntryPoint {

From source file at.researchstudio.dme.imageannotation.client.colorpicker.ColorPicker.java

 * This is the implementation of the Colorpicker. It defines the user interface, the glue and calculations necessary for colorpicker functionality.
 * <h1>Example</h1>
 * <CODE>
 * public class ColorPickerExample implements EntryPoint {

From source file burrito.client.crud.widgets.ImagePicker.java

public class ImagePicker extends Composite implements HasChangeHandlers, HasValidators {

    private CrudMessages labels = GWT.create(CrudMessages.class);
    private VerticalPanel wrapper = new VerticalPanel();
    private Image previewThumbnail = new Image();
    private Anchor chooseImage = new Anchor(labels.uploadImage());

From source file burrito.client.widgets.blobstore.BlobStoreImageField.java

public class BlobStoreImageField extends Composite implements HasValidators, HasChangeHandlers {

    private boolean required;
    private Integer requiredWidth;
    private Integer requiredHeight;

From source file burrito.client.widgets.date.BetterDateBox.java

public class BetterDateBox extends DateBox implements HasChangeHandlers {

    private DateTimeFormat dtf = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    private List<ChangeHandler> changeHandlers = new ArrayList<ChangeHandler>();

    public BetterDateBox() {

From source file burrito.client.widgets.date.DateTimePickerWidget.java

 * Widget that allows selection of date and time (hour/minutes).
 * @author joasod

From source file burrito.client.widgets.inputfield.InputField.java

public abstract class InputField<T> extends Composite
        implements HasChangeHandlers, HasValidators, HasKeyDownHandlers {

    private TextBoxBase field;
    private Label validationError;
    private List<InputFieldValidator> validators = new ArrayList<InputFieldValidator>();