Java TransliterationControl fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java TransliterationControl fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for TransliterationControl.

The text is from its open source code.


voidmakeTransliteratable(RichTextArea richText)
Allows a rich text area to be made transliteratable.
voidmakeTransliteratable(RichTextArea[] richTexts)
Allows an array of rich text areas to be made transliteratable.
voidmakeTransliteratable(String elementId)
Makes the DOM element with given id transliteratable.
voidmakeTransliteratable(String[] elementIds)
Makes the DOM element with given id transliteratable.
voidmakeTransliteratable(TextArea textArea)
Make the given text area transliteratable.
voidmakeTransliteratable(TextArea[] textAreas)
Make the given text areas transliteratable.
voidmakeTransliteratable(TextBox textBox)
Make the given text box transliteratable.
voidmakeTransliteratable(TextBox[] textBoxes)
Make the given text boxes transliteratable.
voidmakeTransliteratable(JsArray textFields)
Makes the given text fields transliteratable.
voidmakeTransliteratable(JsArrayString elementIds)
Makes given array of DOM elements transliteratable.
TransliterationControlnewInstance(TransliterationControlOptions options)
Create an instance of TransliterationControl class.
voidshowControl(HTML div)
Shows transliteration control under given DIV element.
voidshowControl(String divId)
Shows transliteration control under div with given id.
voidshowControl(Element div)
Show transliteration control under given div element.