Java HTMLPanel fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java HTMLPanel fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for HTMLPanel.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


HTMLPanel(SafeHtml safeHtml)
Initializes the panel's HTML from a given SafeHtml object.
HTMLPanel(@IsSafeHtml String html)
Creates an HTML panel with the specified HTML contents inside a DIV element.
HTMLPanel(Element elem)
Construct a new HTMLPanel with the specified element.
HTMLPanel(String tag, @IsSafeHtml String html)
Creates an HTML panel whose root element has the given tag, and with the specified HTML contents.


voidadd(Widget widget, Element elem)
Adds a child widget to the panel, contained within an HTML element.
voidadd(Widget widget, String id)
Adds a child widget to the panel, contained within the HTML element specified by a given id.
voidadd(Widget widget)
Adds a child widget to the panel.
voidaddAndReplaceElement(IsWidget widget, toReplace)
Overloaded version for IsWidget.
voidaddAndReplaceElement(IsWidget widget, Element toReplace)
Overloaded version for IsWidget.
voidaddAndReplaceElement(IsWidget widget, String id)
Overloaded version for IsWidget.
voidaddAndReplaceElement(Widget widget, toReplace)
Adds a child widget to the panel, replacing the HTML element.
voidaddAndReplaceElement(Widget widget, Element toReplace)
Adds a child widget to the panel, replacing the HTML element.
voidaddAndReplaceElement(Widget widget, String id)
Adds a child widget to the panel, replacing the HTML element specified by a given id.
A helper method for creating unique IDs for elements within dynamically- generated HTML.
ElementgetElementById(String id)
Finds an Element element within this panel by its id.
WidgetgetWidget(int index)
booleanremove(int index)
HTMLPanelwrap(Element element)
Creates an HTML panel that wraps an existing element.