Java PopupPanel fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java PopupPanel fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for PopupPanel.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


PopupPanel(boolean autoHide, boolean modal)
Creates an empty popup panel, specifying its "auto-hide" and "modal" properties.
PopupPanel(boolean autoHide)
Creates an empty popup panel, specifying its "auto-hide" property.
Creates an empty popup panel.


voidaddAutoHidePartner(Element partner)
Mouse events that occur within an autoHide partner will not hide a panel set to autoHide.
HandlerRegistrationaddCloseHandler(CloseHandler handler)
Centers the popup in the browser window and shows it.
Gets the panel's offset height in pixels.
Gets the panel's offset width in pixels.
Gets the popup's left position relative to the browser's client area.
Gets the popup's top position relative to the browser's client area.
Hides the popup and detaches it from the page.
voidhide(boolean autoClosed)
Hides the popup and detaches it from the page.
Determines whether or not this popup is showing.
voidsetAnimationEnabled(boolean enable)
voidsetAnimationType(AnimationType type)
Enable or disable animation of the PopupPanel .
voidsetAutoHideEnabled(boolean autoHide)
Enable or disable the autoHide feature.
voidsetAutoHideOnHistoryEventsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable autoHide on history change events.
voidsetGlassEnabled(boolean enabled)
When enabled, the background will be blocked with a semi-transparent pane the next time it is shown.
voidsetGlassStyleName(String glassStyleName)
Sets the style name to be used on the glass element.
voidsetHeight(String height)
Sets the height of the panel's child widget.
voidsetModal(boolean modal)
When the popup is modal, keyboard or mouse events that do not target the PopupPanel or its children will be ignored.
voidsetPopupPosition(int left, int top)
Sets the popup's position relative to the browser's client area.
voidsetPopupPositionAndShow(PositionCallback callback)
Sets the popup's position using a PositionCallback , and shows the popup.
voidsetPreviewingAllNativeEvents(boolean previewAllNativeEvents)

When enabled, the popup will preview all native events, even if another popup was opened after this one.

voidsetTitle(String title)
voidsetVisible(boolean visible)
Sets whether this object is visible.
voidsetWidget(Widget w)
voidsetWidth(String width)
Sets the width of the panel's child widget.
Shows the popup and attach it to the page.
voidshowRelativeTo(final UIObject target)
Normally, the popup is positioned directly below the relative target, with its left edge aligned with the left edge of the target.