Example usage for com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ex CustomComponentAction interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ex CustomComponentAction interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ex CustomComponentAction interface-usage.


From source file com.android.tools.idea.configurations.FlatAction.java

 * Simplified version of {@link FlatComboAction}, which works as a push button
 * rather than a combo button. This is needed such that this button looks and
 * behaves similar to the {@link FlatComboAction} buttons in the same toolbar;
 * in particular, same text font (which is not the case for the default IntelliJ
 * toolbar action ({@link com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.impl.ActionButtonWithText})

From source file com.android.tools.idea.configurations.FlatComboAction.java

 * This is a copy of {@link com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ex.ComboBoxAction}, with a couple of crucial changes for ADT:
 * <ul>
 * <li>
 * The visual appearance has changed: there is no background gradient, and no border, on the button
 * until the mouse is actually over the button. This makes the button "flatter" and more suitable

From source file com.android.tools.idea.uibuilder.actions.ZoomLabelAction.java

 * Action which shows a zoom percentage
public class ZoomLabelAction extends AnAction implements CustomComponentAction {
    private final DesignSurface mySurface;

From source file com.atlassian.theplugin.idea.action.builds.GroupByAction.java

 * @author Jacek Jaroczynski
// todo add client property handling to all actions
public class GroupByAction extends AnAction implements CustomComponentAction {
    private static final String COMBOBOX_KEY = GroupByAction.class.getName() + ".builds.combo";

From source file com.atlassian.theplugin.idea.bamboo.AbstractBambooComboBoxAction.java

public abstract class AbstractBambooComboBoxAction extends AnAction implements CustomComponentAction {
    private final String comboLabel;

    protected AbstractBambooComboBoxAction(String comboLabel) {
        this.comboLabel = comboLabel;

From source file com.atlassian.theplugin.idea.ui.LabelAction.java

public class LabelAction extends AnAction implements CustomComponentAction {
    public JComponent createCustomComponent(final Presentation presentation) {
        return new JLabel(presentation.getText());


From source file com.google.cloud.tools.intellij.login.ui.GoogleLoginAction.java

 * Action to open the Google Login panel.
public class GoogleLoginAction extends AnAction
        implements DumbAware, CustomComponentAction, RightAlignedToolbarAction {

From source file com.google.gct.login.ui.GoogleLoginAction.java

 * Action to open the Google Login panel.
public class GoogleLoginAction extends AnAction implements CustomComponentAction, RightAlignedToolbarAction {


From source file com.intellij.ide.actions.SearchEverywhereAction.java

 * @author Konstantin Bulenkov
public class SearchEverywhereAction extends AnAction
        implements CustomComponentAction, DumbAware, DataProvider, RightAlignedToolbarAction {

From source file com.intellij.ide.todo.SetTodoFilterAction.java

* @author irengrig
*         Date: 2/24/11
*         Time: 3:38 PM
 *         moved from inner class