Example usage for com.intellij.openapi.ui DialogBuilder DialogBuilder

List of usage examples for com.intellij.openapi.ui DialogBuilder DialogBuilder


In this page you can find the example usage for com.intellij.openapi.ui DialogBuilder DialogBuilder.


public DialogBuilder() 

Source Link


From source file:consulo.devkit.module.library.ConsuloPluginLibraryType.java

License:Apache License

@Override//from www .  j  a  v  a  2 s . c  om
public NewLibraryConfiguration createNewLibrary(@NotNull JComponent jComponent,
        @Nullable VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull Project project) {
    DialogBuilder builder = new DialogBuilder();
    builder.title("Enter Plugin ID");
    ChoosePluginPanel centerPanel = new ChoosePluginPanel(project);

    if (!builder.showAndGet()) {
        return null;

    IdeaPluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = centerPanel.getPluginDescriptor();
    if (pluginDescriptor == null) {
        Messages.showErrorDialog(project, "Plugin is not found",
        return null;

    Ref<VirtualFile> libRef = Ref.create();

    String pluginId = pluginDescriptor.getPluginId().getIdString();

    new Task.Modal(project, "Downloading plugin: " + pluginDescriptor.getPluginId().getIdString(), false) {
        public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) {
            String url = RepositoryHelper.buildUrlForDownload(UpdateSettings.getInstance().getChannel(),
                    pluginId, null, true, false);

            try {
                File tempFile = FileUtil.createTempFile("download", "zip");

                HttpRequests.request(url).saveToFile(tempFile, progressIndicator);

                File depDir = new File(project.getBasePath(), DEP_LIBRARY);

                ZipUtil.extract(tempFile, depDir, null);


                        .refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(new File(depDir, pluginId + "/lib")));
            } catch (IOException e) {

    VirtualFile libDirectory = libRef.get();
    if (libDirectory == null) {
        Messages.showErrorDialog(project, "Plugin directory is not found",
        return null;

    return new NewLibraryConfiguration(LIBRARY_PREFIX + pluginId, this, DummyLibraryProperties.INSTANCE) {
        public void addRoots(@NotNull LibraryEditor libraryEditor) {
            for (VirtualFile file : libDirectory.getChildren()) {
                if (file.isDirectory()) {
                VirtualFile localVirtualFileByPath = ArchiveVfsUtil.getArchiveRootForLocalFile(file);
                if (localVirtualFileByPath == null) {
                libraryEditor.addRoot(localVirtualFileByPath, BinariesOrderRootType.getInstance());

From source file:io.github.holgerbrandl.send2terminal.connectors.AppleScriptConnector.java

License:BSD License

private static void submitCodeInternal(String codeSelection, boolean switchFocusToTerminal,
        @Nullable FileType fileType) {//w  w  w .j  ava2 s. co  m
    try {

        if (Utils.isMacOSX()) {
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

            boolean isKotlin = fileType != null && fileType.getName().toLowerCase().equals("kotlin");

            boolean pasteModeRequired = isKotlin
                    && Arrays.stream(codeSelection.split("\\r?\\n")).map(String::trim).anyMatch(s ->
                    //is chained call or javadoc
                    s.startsWith(".") || s.startsWith("*"));

            if (pasteModeRequired && !S2TSettings.getInstance().usePasteMode) {
                DialogBuilder builder = new DialogBuilder();
                JLabel jLabel = new JLabel(
                        "<html>Can not send multi-line expression to terminal. <br>Please vote for <a href='https://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/KT-13319'>KT-13319</a> to push for a REPL paste-mode.<br>Alternatively you could use kshell from <a href='https://github.com/khud/sparklin'>https://github.com/khud/sparklin</a> and enable the paste mode support in the preferences of this plugin</html>");
                //                    builder.setDimensionServiceKey("GrepConsoleSound");
                builder.setTitle("Multi-line Expression Error");


                //                    builder.addCancelAction();



            boolean usePasteMode = S2TSettings.getInstance().usePasteMode && isKotlin;

            // just use paste mode if any line starts with a dot
            usePasteMode = usePasteMode && pasteModeRequired;

            if (usePasteMode) {
                codeSelection = ":paste\n" + codeSelection;

            String dquotesExpandedText = codeSelection.replace("\\", "\\\\");
            dquotesExpandedText = dquotesExpandedText.replace("\"", "\\\"");

            // trim to remove tailing newline for blocks and especially line evaluation
            dquotesExpandedText = dquotesExpandedText.trim();

            String evalTarget = S2TSettings.getInstance().codeSnippetEvalTarget;
            //                String evalTarget = "R64";

            //                http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1870270/sending-commands-and-strings-to-terminal-app-with-applescript

            String evalSelection;
            if (evalTarget.equals("Terminal")) {
                //                    if (codeSelection.length() > 1000) {
                //                        DialogBuilder db = new DialogBuilder();
                //                        db.setTitle("Operation canceled: ");
                //                        db.setCenterPanel(new JLabel("Can't paste more that 1024 characters to MacOS terminal."));
                //                        db.addOkAction();
                //                        db.show();
                //                        return;
                //                    }

                evalSelection = "tell application \"" + "Terminal" + "\" to do script \"" + dquotesExpandedText
                        + "\" in window 0";

                if (switchFocusToTerminal) {
                    evalSelection = "tell application \"Terminal\" to activate\n" + evalSelection;

                if (usePasteMode) {
                    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3690167/how-can-one-invoke-a-keyboard-shortcut-from-within-an-applescript

                    evalSelection = evalSelection + "\n" + "tell application \"System Events\"\n" +
                    //                                "    set currentApplication to name of 1st process whose frontmost is true\n" +
                    //                                "    set currentApplication to process appName\n" +
                            "    set currentApplication to path to frontmost application as text\n" + "end tell"
                            + "\n" +
                            //                                "delay 1\n" +
                            "activate application \"Terminal\"\n" + "tell application  \"System Events\"\n"
                            + "    keystroke \"d\" using {control down}\n" + "end tell\n" + "\n"
                            + "activate application currentApplication\n";
                    //                                "activate \"Intellij IDEA\"";

            } else if (evalTarget.equals("iTerm")) {
                evalSelection = "tell application \"iTerm\" to tell current session of current terminal  to write text  \""
                        + dquotesExpandedText + "\"";
                if (switchFocusToTerminal) {
                    evalSelection = "tell application \"iTerm\" to activate\n" + evalSelection;

            } else {
                if (switchFocusToTerminal) {
                    evalSelection = "tell application \"" + evalTarget + "\" to activate\n"
                            + "tell application \"" + evalTarget + "\" to cmd \"" + dquotesExpandedText + "\"";
                } else {
                    evalSelection = "tell application \"" + evalTarget + "\" to cmd \"" + dquotesExpandedText
                            + "\"";

            String[] args = { "osascript", "-e", evalSelection };

    } catch (IOException e1) {