Java com.itextpdf.text Chunk fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text Chunk fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.itextpdf.text Chunk.

The text is from its open source code.


This is a Chunk containing a newline.
This is a Chunk containing a newpage.
Key for text skewing.
Key for image.


Chunk(final String content, final Font font)
Constructs a chunk of text with a certain content and a certain Font.
Chunk(final char c, final Font font)
Constructs a chunk of text with a char and a certain Font.
Chunk(final DrawInterface separator, final boolean vertical)
Creates a separator Chunk.
Chunk(final DrawInterface separator, final float tabPosition)
Creates a tab Chunk.
Chunk(final Float tabInterval, final boolean isWhitespace)
Creates a tab Chunk.
Chunk(final Image image, final float offsetX, final float offsetY, final boolean changeLeading)
Constructs a chunk containing an Image.
Chunk(final Chunk ck)
A Chunk copy constructor.
Chunk(final String content)
Constructs a chunk of text with a certain content, without specifying a Font.
Chunk(final char c)
Constructs a chunk of text with a char, without specifying a Font .
Chunk(final DrawInterface separator)
Creates a separator Chunk.
Chunk(final Image image, final float offsetX, final float offsetY)
Constructs a chunk containing an Image.
Chunk(final DrawInterface separator, final float tabPosition, final boolean newline)
Creates a tab Chunk.
Empty constructor.


StringBufferappend(final String string)
appends some text to this Chunk.
ChunkcreateTabspace(float spacing)
ChunkcreateWhitespace(final String content, final boolean preserve)
ChunkcreateWhitespace(final String content)
Gets the attributes for this Chunk.
Gets the font of this Chunk.
Returns the image.
Gets the width of the Chunk in points.
Checks is this Chunk is empty.
ChunksetAction(final PdfAction action)
Sets an action for this Chunk.
ChunksetAnchor(final URL url)
Sets an anchor for this Chunk.
ChunksetAnchor(final String url)
Sets an anchor for this Chunk.
ChunksetBackground(final BaseColor color)
Sets the color of the background Chunk.
ChunksetCharacterSpacing(final float charSpace)
Sets the character spacing.
voidsetFont(final Font font)
Sets the font of this Chunk.
ChunksetGenericTag(final String text)
Sets the generic tag Chunk.
ChunksetHyphenation(final HyphenationEvent hyphenation)
sets the hyphenation engine to this Chunk.
ChunksetLineHeight(float lineheight)
Sets a line height tag.
ChunksetLocalDestination(final String name)
Sets a local destination for this Chunk.
ChunksetLocalGoto(final String name)
Sets a local goto for this Chunk.
ChunksetSkew(float alpha, float beta)
Skews the text to simulate italic and other effects.
ChunksetTextRenderMode(final int mode, final float strokeWidth, final BaseColor strokeColor)
Sets the text rendering mode.
ChunksetTextRise(final float rise)
Sets the text displacement relative to the baseline.
ChunksetUnderline(final float thickness, final float yPosition)
Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough.
ChunksetUnderline(final BaseColor color, final float thickness, final float thicknessMul, final float yPosition, final float yPositionMul, final int cap)
Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough.