Java com.itextpdf.text FontFactory fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text FontFactory fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.itextpdf.text FontFactory.

The text is from its open source code.


This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
This is the default encoding to use.
This is the default value of the embedded variable.


FontgetFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final boolean embedded)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final float size)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final float size, final BaseColor color)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final float size, final int style)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final boolean embedded, final float size)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final float size, final int style)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final float size, final int style, final BaseColor color)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final String encoding)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final float size)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final boolean embedded, final float size, final int style)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final float size, final int style, final BaseColor color)
Constructs a Font-object.
FontgetFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final boolean embedded, final float size, final int style, final BaseColor color)
Constructs a Font-object.
Gets a set of registered fontnames.
voidregister(final String path)
Register a ttf- or a ttc-file.
voidregister(final String path, final String alias)
Register a font file and use an alias for the font contained in it.
Register fonts in some probable directories.
intregisterDirectory(final String dir)
Register all the fonts in a directory.
intregisterDirectory(final String dir, final boolean scanSubdirectories)
Register all the fonts in a directory and possibly its subdirectories.
voidsetFontImp(final FontFactoryImp fontImp)
Sets the font factory implementation.