Java com.itextpdf.text.pdf ColumnText fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text.pdf ColumnText fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.itextpdf.text.pdf ColumnText.

The text is from its open source code.


Initial value of the status.



voidaddElement(Element element)
Adds an element.
voidaddText(final Phrase phrase)
Adds a Phrase to the current text array.
voidaddText(final Chunk chunk)
Adds a Chunk to the current text array.
ColumnTextduplicate(final ColumnText org)
Creates an independent duplicated of the instance org.
floatfitText(Font font, String text, Rectangle rect, float maxFontSize, int runDirection)
Fits the text to some rectangle adjusting the font size as needed.
Gets the X position of the end of the last line that has been written (will not work in simulation mode!).
floatgetWidth(final Phrase phrase)
Gets the width that the line will occupy after writing.
floatgetWidth(final Phrase phrase, final int runDirection, final int arabicOptions)
Gets the width that the line will occupy after writing.
Gets the yLine.
Outputs the lines to the document.
intgo(final boolean simulate)
Outputs the lines to the document.
booleanhasMoreText(final int status)
Checks the status variable and looks if there's still some text.
booleanisAllowedElement(Element element)
voidsetAdjustFirstLine(final boolean adjustFirstLine)
Sets the first line adjustment.
voidsetAlignment(final int alignment)
Sets the alignment.
voidsetCanvas(final PdfContentByte canvas)
Sets the canvas.
voidsetColumns(final float leftLine[], final float rightLine[])
Sets the columns bounds.
voidsetExtraParagraphSpace(final float extraParagraphSpace)
Sets the extra space between paragraphs.
voidsetFollowingIndent(final float indent)
Sets the following paragraph lines indent.
voidsetIndent(final float indent)
Sets the first paragraph line indent.
voidsetLeading(final float leading)
Sets the leading to fixed.
voidsetLeading(final float fixedLeading, final float multipliedLeading)
Sets the leading fixed and variable.
voidsetRunDirection(final int runDirection)
Sets the run direction.
voidsetSimpleColumn(final float llx, final float lly, final float urx, final float ury)
Simplified method for rectangular columns.
voidsetSimpleColumn(Rectangle rect)
Simplified method for rectangular columns.
voidsetSimpleColumn(final Phrase phrase, final float llx, final float lly, final float urx, final float ury, final float leading, final int alignment)
Simplified method for rectangular columns.
voidsetSimpleColumn(final float llx, final float lly, final float urx, final float ury, final float leading, final int alignment)
Simplified method for rectangular columns.
voidsetText(final Phrase phrase)
Replaces the current text array with this Phrase.
voidsetUseAscender(final boolean useAscender)
Enables/Disables adjustment of first line height based on max ascender.
voidsetYLine(final float yLine)
Sets the yLine.
voidshowTextAligned(final PdfContentByte canvas, final int alignment, final Phrase phrase, final float x, final float y, final float rotation)
Shows a line of text.