Java com.itextpdf.text.pdf PdfPCell fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text.pdf PdfPCell fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.itextpdf.text.pdf PdfPCell.

The text is from its open source code.


com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


PdfPCell(Phrase phrase)
Constructs a PdfPCell with a Phrase.
PdfPCell(Image image)
Constructs a PdfPCell with an Image.
PdfPCell(PdfPTable table)
Constructs a PdfPCell with a PdfPtable.
PdfPCell(PdfPCell cell)
Constructs a deep copy of a PdfPCell.
Constructs an empty PdfPCell.
PdfPCell(Image image, boolean fit)
Constructs a PdfPCell with an Image.
PdfPCell(PdfPTable table, PdfPCell style)
Constructs a PdfPCell with a PdfPtable.


voidaddElement(Element element)
Adds an iText element to the cell.
voiddisableBorderSide(final int side)
Disables the border on the specified side.
voidenableBorderSide(final int side)
Enables the border on the specified side.
Returns the exact type of the border.
Returns the list of composite elements of the column.
Getter for property image.
Returns the height of the cell.
Getter for property paddingBottom.
Getter for property paddingRight.
Getter for property paddingTop.
Gets the Phrase from this cell.
Getter for property table.
voidsetBackgroundColor(final BaseColor backgroundColor)
Sets the backgroundcolor of the rectangle.
voidsetBorder(final int border)
Enables/Disables the border on the specified sides.
voidsetBorderColor(final BaseColor borderColor)
Sets the color of the border.
voidsetBorderColorBottom(final BaseColor borderColorBottom)
Sets the color of the bottom border.
voidsetBorderColorLeft(final BaseColor borderColorLeft)
Sets the color of the left border.
voidsetBorderColorRight(final BaseColor borderColorRight)
Sets the color of the right border.
voidsetBorderColorTop(final BaseColor borderColorTop)
Sets the color of the top border.
voidsetBorderWidth(final float borderWidth)
Sets the borderwidth of the table.
voidsetBorderWidthBottom(final float borderWidthBottom)
Sets the width of the bottom border.
voidsetBorderWidthLeft(final float borderWidthLeft)
Sets the width of the left border.
voidsetBorderWidthRight(final float borderWidthRight)
Sets the width of the right border.
voidsetBorderWidthTop(final float borderWidthTop)
Sets the width of the top border.
voidsetBottom(final float lly)
Sets the lower left y-coordinate.
voidsetCellEvent(PdfPCellEvent cellEvent)
Sets the cell event for this cell.
voidsetColspan(int colspan)
Setter for property colspan.
voidsetColumn(ColumnText column)
Sets the columntext in the cell.
voidsetExtraParagraphSpace(float extraParagraphSpace)
Sets the extra space between paragraphs.
voidsetFixedHeight(float fixedHeight)
Set a fixed height for the cell.
voidsetGrayFill(final float value)
Sets the the background color to a grayscale value.
voidsetHorizontalAlignment(int horizontalAlignment)
Sets the horizontal alignment for the cell.
voidsetImage(Image image)
Setter for property image.
voidsetIndent(float indent)
Sets the first paragraph line indent.
voidsetLeading(float fixedLeading, float multipliedLeading)
Sets the leading fixed and variable.
voidsetLeft(final float llx)
Sets the lower left x-coordinate.
voidsetMinimumHeight(float minimumHeight)
Set a minimum height for the cell.
voidsetNoWrap(boolean noWrap)
Setter for property noWrap.
voidsetPadding(float padding)
Sets the padding of the contents in the cell (space between content and border).
voidsetPaddingBottom(float paddingBottom)
Setter for property paddingBottom.
voidsetPaddingLeft(float paddingLeft)
Setter for property paddingLeft.
voidsetPaddingRight(float paddingRight)
Setter for property paddingRight.
voidsetPaddingTop(float paddingTop)
Setter for property paddingTop.
voidsetPhrase(Phrase phrase)
Sets the Phrase for this cell.
voidsetRight(final float urx)
Sets the upper right x-coordinate.
voidsetRotation(int rotation)
Sets the rotation of the cell.
voidsetRowspan(int rowspan)
Setter for property rowspan.
voidsetRunDirection(int runDirection)
Sets the run direction of the text content in the cell.
voidsetTop(final float ury)
Sets the upper right y-coordinate.
voidsetUseAscender(boolean useAscender)
Enables/ Disables adjustment of first line height based on max ascender.
voidsetUseBorderPadding(boolean use)
Adjusts effective padding to include border widths.
voidsetUseDescender(boolean useDescender)
Setter for property useDescender.
voidsetUseVariableBorders(final boolean useVariableBorders)
Sets a parameter indicating if the rectangle has variable borders
voidsetVerticalAlignment(int verticalAlignment)
Sets the vertical alignment for the cell.