Java com.itextpdf.text Section fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text Section fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.itextpdf.text Section.

The text is from its open source code.


booleanadd(final Element element)
Adds a Paragraph, List, Table or another Section to this Section.
SectionaddSection(final Paragraph title)
Creates a Section, adds it to this Section and returns it.
SectionaddSection(final String title)
Adds a Section to this Section and returns it.
SectionaddSection(final float indentation, final Paragraph title)
Creates a Section, adds it to this Section and returns it.
SectionaddSection(final Paragraph title, final int numberDepth)
Creates a Section, add it to this Section and returns it.
SectionaddSection(final String title, final int numberDepth)
Adds a Section to this Section and returns it.
SectionaddSection(final float indentation, final String title)
Adds a Section to this Section and returns it.
Returns the depth of this section.
Returns the title, preceded by a certain number of sectionnumbers.
voidsetComplete(final boolean complete)
voidsetIndentationLeft(final float indentation)
Sets the indentation of this Section on the left side.
voidsetIndentationRight(final float indentation)
Sets the indentation of this Section on the right side.
voidsetNumberDepth(final int numberDepth)
Sets the depth of the sectionnumbers that will be shown preceding the title.
voidsetTitle(final Paragraph title)
Sets the title of this section.
voidsetTriggerNewPage(final boolean triggerNewPage)
Setter for property triggerNewPage.