Example usage for com.lowagie.text.pdf Barcode setSize

List of usage examples for com.lowagie.text.pdf Barcode setSize


In this page you can find the example usage for com.lowagie.text.pdf Barcode setSize.


public void setSize(float size) 

Source Link


Sets the size of the text.


From source file:org.jaffa.modules.printing.services.FormPrintEngineIText.java

License:Open Source License

 * This will fill in the page with data,
 * m_currentPageData contains the details of the current page being printed
 * @throws FormPrintException Thrown if there is any form processing problems
 *//* w ww .j  a va2  s .  co  m*/
protected void fillPageFields() throws FormPrintException {
    log.debug("fillPageFields: Page=" + getCurrentPage());

    try {
        PdfContentByte cb = m_writer.getDirectContent();
        PageDetailsExtended page = (PageDetailsExtended) getCurrentPageData();

        //                // Test code to throw a barcode on the page...
        //                Barcode39 code39 = new Barcode39();
        //                code39.setCode("CODE39-1234567890");
        //                code39.setStartStopText(false);
        //                code39.setSize(0);
        //                Image image39 = code39.createImageWithBarcode(cb, null, null);
        //                com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable table = new com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable(2);
        //                table.setWidthPercentage(100);
        //                table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(com.lowagie.text.Rectangle.NO_BORDER);
        //                table.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
        //                table.getDefaultCell().setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE);
        //                table.getDefaultCell().setFixedHeight(70);
        //                table.addCell("CODE 39");
        //                table.addCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(image39, 0, 0)));
        //                m_generatedDoc.add(table);
        //                //--------------------------------------------------

        // Loop through each field to be inserted
        for (Iterator i = page.fieldList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            String fieldname = (String) i.next();

            // Get the properties for displaying this field
            FieldProperties props = (FieldProperties) page.fieldProperties.get(fieldname);

            // Get the data to display
            FormPrintEngine.DomValue data = new FormPrintEngine.DomValue(fieldname, props.sampleData);

            // Caluclate Clipping Region
            float x1 = Math.min(props.x1, props.x2);
            float x2 = Math.max(props.x1, props.x2);
            float y1 = Math.min(props.y1, props.y2);
            float y2 = Math.max(props.y1, props.y2);
            float w = Math.abs(props.x1 - props.x2) + 1;
            float h = Math.abs(props.y1 - props.y2) + 1;

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Print Field " + fieldname + "=" + data.getObject() + " @ [(" + x1 + "," + y1 + ")->("
                        + x2 + "," + y2 + ")]");

            // Default the font if not specified
            String font = BaseFont.HELVETICA;
            if (props.fontFace != null)
                font = props.fontFace;

            // Handle Barcodes diffently withing iText, don't just use fonts
            if (font.startsWith("Barcode")) {
                String bcClassName = "com.lowagie.text.pdf." + font;
                Object bcode = null;
                String dataStr = data.getValue();
                if (dataStr != null) {
                    log.debug("Barcode Data String = " + dataStr);
                    // Try and create the correct Barcode Object
                    try {
                        Class bcClass = Class.forName(bcClassName);
                        bcode = bcClass.newInstance();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        String err = "Can't Create Barcode Object for barcode type '" + font + "' on field "
                                + fieldname;
                        log.error(err, e);

                    // Only continue if the barcode object was created
                    if (bcode != null) {

                        // Generate and Print barcode, based on common interface
                        if (bcode instanceof Barcode) {
                            Barcode b = (Barcode) bcode;
                            // Set some default output a barcode
                            if (props.fontSize <= 0) {
                                // Hide text if font size is 0, and make the barcode height the size of the box
                            } else {
                                b.setSize(props.fontSize); // size of text under barcode
                                b.setBarHeight(h - props.fontSize - 5); // Adjust Bar Height to allow for font size
                            b.setN(2); // Wide Bars

                            // Set custom parameters
                            setBarcodeParams(fieldname, bcode, props.style);

                            // Print out barcode
                            Image image = ((Barcode) bcode).createImageWithBarcode(cb, null, null);
                            printImage(image, cb, x1, y1, x2, y2, props.align, props.fitMethod, props.rotate);

                        } else

                        // Print PDF417 barcode, not based on common interface
                        if (bcode instanceof BarcodePDF417) {
                            BarcodePDF417 b = (BarcodePDF417) bcode;
                            // Set some default output a barcode
                            // Set custom parameters
                            setBarcodeParams(fieldname, bcode, props.style);
                            log.debug("PDF417 Settings\n" + "BitColumns=" + b.getBitColumns() + "\n"
                                    + "CodeColumns=" + b.getCodeColumns() + "\n" + "CodeRows=" + b.getCodeRows()
                                    + "\n" + "ErrorLevel=" + b.getErrorLevel() + "\n" + "YHeight="
                                    + b.getYHeight() + "\n" + "AspectRatio=" + b.getAspectRatio() + "\n"
                                    + "Options=" + b.getOptions() + "\n" + "LenCodewords="
                                    + b.getLenCodewords());

                            // Print out barcode
                            //image = b.getImage();
                            printImage(b.getImage(), cb, x1, y1, x2, y2, props.align, props.fitMethod,

                        } else {
                            // Error, unknown barcode
                            String err = "Error, No print handler for barcode object "
                                    + bcode.getClass().getName();
                            //throw new EngineProcessingException(err);
                } else
                    log.debug("SKIPPED BARCODE : No data for " + fieldname);

                // Handle Images differently within iText, native support for JFreeChart
            } else if ("image".equalsIgnoreCase(font)) {
                try {
                    java.awt.Image image = data.getDomImage();
                    // Add an image to the page
                    if (image != null) {
                        if (fieldname.startsWith("watermark")) {
                            // Add an image-based watermark to the under content layer
                            PdfContentByte contentUnder = m_writer.getDirectContentUnder();
                            if (props.opacity != 1f) {
                                PdfGState gs = new PdfGState();
                            printImage(image, contentUnder, x1, y1, x2, y2, props.align, props.fitMethod,
                        } else {
                            // Add an image to main page layer
                            printImage(image, cb, x1, y1, x2, y2, props.align, props.fitMethod, props.rotate);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // Add Error on page.
                    Phrase text = new Phrase("Image Error", FontFactory
                            .getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE, 8f, 0, ColorHelper.getColor("red")));
                    ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb);
                    ct.setSimpleColumn(text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 8f, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
            } else if (fieldname.startsWith("watermark")) {
                // Add a text-based watermark
                String text = data.getValue();
                PdfContentByte contentUnder = m_writer.getDirectContentUnder();
                if (props.opacity != 1f) {
                    PdfGState gs = new PdfGState();
                // The text aligns (left, center, right) on the pivot point.
                // Default to align left.
                float pivotX = x1;
                float pivotY = y1;
                if (Element.ALIGN_CENTER == props.align) {
                    pivotX = (x1 / 2) + (x2 / 2);
                    pivotY = y1;
                } else if (Element.ALIGN_RIGHT == props.align) {
                    pivotX = x2;
                    pivotY = y1;
                Phrase watermark = new Phrase(text, FontFactory.getFont(props.fontFace, props.fontSize,
                        decodeFontStyle(props.style), ColorHelper.getColor(defaultWatermarkColor)));
                ColumnText.showTextAligned(contentUnder, props.align, watermark, pivotX, pivotY, props.rotate);
            } else {
                // Handle printing of basic Text
                float lineHeight = props.fontSize;
                String str = data.getValue();
                if (str != null) {
                    // Add a bounded column to add text to.
                    Phrase text = new Phrase(str, FontFactory.getFont(props.fontFace, props.fontSize,
                            decodeFontStyle(props.style), ColorHelper.getColor(props.color)));
                    ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb);
                    if (props.fitMethod == FIT_METHOD_CLIP)
                        // set up column with height/width restrictions
                        ct.setSimpleColumn(text, x1, y1, x2, y2, lineHeight, props.align);
                        // set up column without (i.e. large) height/width restrictions
                        ct.setSimpleColumn(text, x1, y1, 1000, 0, lineHeight, props.align);

            // Draw outline boxes arround fields
            if (isTemplateMode()) {
                cb.setLineDash(4f, 2f);
                cb.setColorStroke(new Color(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0));
                cb.moveTo(x1, y1);
                cb.lineTo(x1, y2);
                cb.lineTo(x2, y2);
                cb.lineTo(x2, y1);
                cb.lineTo(x1, y1);
        } // end for-loop
    } catch (DocumentException e) {
        String err = "Error printing data - " + e.getMessage();
        log.error(err, e);
        throw new EngineProcessingException(err);
        //        } catch (IOException e) {
        //            String err = "Error printing data - " + e.getMessage();
        //            log.error(err ,e);
        //            throw new EngineProcessingException(err);


From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.processor.pdf.PDFTemplateProcessor.java

License:Open Source License

private void handleGroup(PipelineContext pipelineContext, GroupContext groupContext, List<Element> statements,
        FunctionLibrary functionLibrary, PdfReader reader) throws DocumentException, IOException {

    final NodeInfo contextNode = (NodeInfo) groupContext.contextNodeSet.get(groupContext.contextPosition - 1);
    final Map<String, ValueRepresentation> variableToValueMap = new HashMap<String, ValueRepresentation>();

    variableToValueMap.put("page-count", new Int64Value(reader.getNumberOfPages()));
    variableToValueMap.put("page-number", new Int64Value(groupContext.pageNumber));
    variableToValueMap.put("page-height", new FloatValue(groupContext.pageHeight));

    // Iterate through statements
    for (final Element currentElement : statements) {

        // Check whether this statement applies to the current page
        final String elementPage = currentElement.attributeValue("page");
        if ((elementPage != null) && !Integer.toString(groupContext.pageNumber).equals(elementPage))

        final NamespaceMapping namespaceMapping = new NamespaceMapping(

        final String elementName = currentElement.getName();
        if (elementName.equals("group")) {
            // Handle group

            final GroupContext newGroupContext = new GroupContext(groupContext);

            final String ref = currentElement.attributeValue("ref");
            if (ref != null) {
                final NodeInfo newContextNode = (NodeInfo) XPathCache.evaluateSingle(
                        groupContext.contextNodeSet, groupContext.contextPosition, ref, namespaceMapping,
                        variableToValueMap, functionLibrary, null, null,
                        (LocationData) currentElement.getData());

                if (newContextNode == null)

                newGroupContext.contextNodeSet = Collections.singletonList((Item) newContextNode);
                newGroupContext.contextPosition = 1;
            }//from  w  w w.jav  a2 s . c  om

            final String offsetXString = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                    variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, currentElement.attributeValue("offset-x"));
            if (offsetXString != null) {
                newGroupContext.offsetX = groupContext.offsetX + Float.parseFloat(offsetXString);

            final String offsetYString = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                    variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, currentElement.attributeValue("offset-y"));
            if (offsetYString != null) {
                newGroupContext.offsetY = groupContext.offsetY + Float.parseFloat(offsetYString);

            final String fontPitch = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                    variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement,
            if (fontPitch != null)
                newGroupContext.fontPitch = Float.parseFloat(fontPitch);

            final String fontFamily = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                    variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement,
            if (fontFamily != null)
                newGroupContext.fontFamily = fontFamily;

            final String fontSize = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                    variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, currentElement.attributeValue("font-size"));
            if (fontSize != null)
                newGroupContext.fontSize = Float.parseFloat(fontSize);

            handleGroup(pipelineContext, newGroupContext, Dom4jUtils.elements(currentElement), functionLibrary,

        } else if (elementName.equals("repeat")) {
            // Handle repeat

            final String nodeset = currentElement.attributeValue("nodeset");
            final List iterations = XPathCache.evaluate(groupContext.contextNodeSet,
                    groupContext.contextPosition, nodeset, namespaceMapping, variableToValueMap,
                    functionLibrary, null, null, (LocationData) currentElement.getData());

            final String offsetXString = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                    variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, currentElement.attributeValue("offset-x"));
            final String offsetYString = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                    variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, currentElement.attributeValue("offset-y"));
            final float offsetIncrementX = (offsetXString == null) ? 0 : Float.parseFloat(offsetXString);
            final float offsetIncrementY = (offsetYString == null) ? 0 : Float.parseFloat(offsetYString);

            for (int iterationIndex = 1; iterationIndex <= iterations.size(); iterationIndex++) {

                final GroupContext newGroupContext = new GroupContext(groupContext);

                newGroupContext.contextNodeSet = iterations;
                newGroupContext.contextPosition = iterationIndex;

                newGroupContext.offsetX = groupContext.offsetX + (iterationIndex - 1) * offsetIncrementX;
                newGroupContext.offsetY = groupContext.offsetY + (iterationIndex - 1) * offsetIncrementY;

                handleGroup(pipelineContext, newGroupContext, Dom4jUtils.elements(currentElement),
                        functionLibrary, reader);
        } else if (elementName.equals("field")) {

            final String fieldNameStr = currentElement.attributeValue("acro-field-name");

            if (fieldNameStr != null) {
                final String value = currentElement.attributeValue("value") == null
                        ? currentElement.attributeValue("ref")
                        : currentElement.attributeValue("value");
                // Get value from instance

                final String text = XPathCache.evaluateAsString(groupContext.contextNodeSet,
                        groupContext.contextPosition, value, namespaceMapping, variableToValueMap,
                        functionLibrary, null, null, (LocationData) currentElement.getData());
                final String fieldName = XPathCache.evaluateAsString(groupContext.contextNodeSet,
                        groupContext.contextPosition, fieldNameStr, namespaceMapping, variableToValueMap,
                        functionLibrary, null, null, (LocationData) currentElement.getData());
                groupContext.acroFields.setField(fieldName, text);

            } else {
                // Handle field

                final String leftAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue("left") == null
                        ? currentElement.attributeValue("left-position")
                        : currentElement.attributeValue("left");
                final String topAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue("top") == null
                        ? currentElement.attributeValue("top-position")
                        : currentElement.attributeValue("top");

                final String leftPosition = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                        variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, leftAttribute);
                final String topPosition = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                        variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, topAttribute);

                final String size = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                        variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, currentElement.attributeValue("size"));
                final String value = currentElement.attributeValue("value") == null
                        ? currentElement.attributeValue("ref")
                        : currentElement.attributeValue("value");

                final FontAttributes fontAttributes = getFontAttributes(currentElement, pipelineContext,
                        groupContext, variableToValueMap, contextNode);

                // Output value
                final BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.createFont(fontAttributes.fontFamily, BaseFont.CP1252,
                    groupContext.contentByte.setFontAndSize(baseFont, fontAttributes.fontSize);

                    final float xPosition = Float.parseFloat(leftPosition) + groupContext.offsetX;
                    final float yPosition = groupContext.pageHeight
                            - (Float.parseFloat(topPosition) + groupContext.offsetY);

                    // Get value from instance
                    final String text = XPathCache.evaluateAsString(groupContext.contextNodeSet,
                            groupContext.contextPosition, value, namespaceMapping, variableToValueMap,
                            functionLibrary, null, null, (LocationData) currentElement.getData());

                    // Iterate over characters and print them
                    if (text != null) {
                        int len = Math.min(text.length(),
                                (size != null) ? Integer.parseInt(size) : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                        for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                                    text.substring(j, j + 1),
                                    xPosition + ((float) j) * fontAttributes.fontPitch, yPosition, 0);
        } else if (elementName.equals("barcode")) {
            // Handle barcode

            final String leftAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue("left");
            final String topAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue("top");

            final String leftPosition = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                    variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, leftAttribute);
            final String topPosition = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                    variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, topAttribute);

            //                final String size = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode, variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, currentElement.attributeValue("size"));
            final String value = currentElement.attributeValue("value") == null
                    ? currentElement.attributeValue("ref")
                    : currentElement.attributeValue("value");
            final String type = currentElement.attributeValue("type") == null ? "CODE39"
                    : currentElement.attributeValue("type");
            final float height = currentElement.attributeValue("height") == null ? 10.0f
                    : Float.parseFloat(currentElement.attributeValue("height"));

            final float xPosition = Float.parseFloat(leftPosition) + groupContext.offsetX;
            final float yPosition = groupContext.pageHeight
                    - (Float.parseFloat(topPosition) + groupContext.offsetY);
            final String text = XPathCache.evaluateAsString(groupContext.contextNodeSet,
                    groupContext.contextPosition, value, namespaceMapping, variableToValueMap, functionLibrary,
                    null, null, (LocationData) currentElement.getData());

            final FontAttributes fontAttributes = getFontAttributes(currentElement, pipelineContext,
                    groupContext, variableToValueMap, contextNode);
            final BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.createFont(fontAttributes.fontFamily, BaseFont.CP1252,

            final Barcode barcode = createBarCode(type);
            final Image barcodeImage = barcode.createImageWithBarcode(groupContext.contentByte, null, null);
            barcodeImage.setAbsolutePosition(xPosition, yPosition);
        } else if (elementName.equals("image")) {
            // Handle image

            // Read image
            final Image image;
                final String hrefAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue("href");
                final String inputName = ProcessorImpl.getProcessorInputSchemeInputName(hrefAttribute);
                if (inputName != null) {
                    // Read the input
                    final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    readInputAsSAX(pipelineContext, inputName,
                            new BinaryTextXMLReceiver(null, os, true, false, null, false, false, null, false));

                    // Create the image
                    image = Image.getInstance(os.toByteArray());
                } else {
                    // Read and create the image
                    final URL url = URLFactory.createURL(hrefAttribute);

                    // Use ConnectionResult so that header/session forwarding takes place
                    final ConnectionResult connectionResult = new Connection().open(
                            NetUtils.getExternalContext(), new IndentedLogger(logger, ""), false,
                            Connection.Method.GET.name(), url, null, null, null, null,

                    if (connectionResult.statusCode != 200) {
                        throw new OXFException("Got invalid return code while loading image: "
                                + url.toExternalForm() + ", " + connectionResult.statusCode);

                    // Make sure things are cleaned-up not too late
                    pipelineContext.addContextListener(new PipelineContext.ContextListener() {
                        public void contextDestroyed(boolean success) {

                    // Here we decide to copy to temp file and load as a URL. We could also provide bytes directly.
                    final String tempURLString = NetUtils.inputStreamToAnyURI(
                            connectionResult.getResponseInputStream(), NetUtils.REQUEST_SCOPE);
                    image = Image.getInstance(URLFactory.createURL(tempURLString));

            final String fieldNameStr = currentElement.attributeValue("acro-field-name");
            if (fieldNameStr != null) {
                // Use field as placeholder

                final String fieldName = XPathCache.evaluateAsString(groupContext.contextNodeSet,
                        groupContext.contextPosition, fieldNameStr, namespaceMapping, variableToValueMap,
                        functionLibrary, null, null, (LocationData) currentElement.getData());
                final float[] positions = groupContext.acroFields.getFieldPositions(fieldName);

                if (positions != null) {
                    final Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(positions[1], positions[2], positions[3],

                    // This scales the image so that it fits in the box (but the aspect ratio is not changed)
                    image.scaleToFit(rectangle.getWidth(), rectangle.getHeight());

                    final float yPosition = positions[2] + rectangle.getHeight() - image.getScaledHeight();
                            positions[1] + (rectangle.getWidth() - image.getScaledWidth()) / 2, yPosition);

                    // Add image

            } else {
                // Use position, etc.
                final String leftAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue("left");
                final String topAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue("top");
                final String scalePercentAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue("scale-percent");
                final String dpiAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue("dpi");

                final String leftPosition = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                        variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, leftAttribute);
                final String topPosition = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                        variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, topAttribute);

                final float xPosition = Float.parseFloat(leftPosition) + groupContext.offsetX;
                final float yPosition = groupContext.pageHeight
                        - (Float.parseFloat(topPosition) + groupContext.offsetY);

                final String scalePercent = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                        variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, scalePercentAttribute);
                final String dpi = resolveAttributeValueTemplates(pipelineContext, contextNode,
                        variableToValueMap, null, null, currentElement, dpiAttribute);

                // Set image parameters
                image.setAbsolutePosition(xPosition, yPosition);
                if (scalePercent != null) {
                if (dpi != null) {
                    final int dpiInt = Integer.parseInt(dpi);
                    image.setDpi(dpiInt, dpiInt);

                // Add image
        } else {
            // NOP