Example usage for com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfContentByte setLineWidth

List of usage examples for com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfContentByte setLineWidth


In this page you can find the example usage for com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfContentByte setLineWidth.


public void setLineWidth(float w) 

Source Link


Changes the line width.


From source file:com.estate.pdf.Page.java

protected void drawSpacingGrid(Rectangle rct, float spacing, Color color) {
    PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContentUnder();

    cb.setColorStroke(color);/* w w  w  .ja  v  a  2  s. c  o  m*/
    for (float x = 0; x < rct.getRight(); x += spacing) {
        cb.moveTo(x, 0);
        cb.lineTo(x, rct.getTop());

    for (float y = 0; y < rct.getTop(); y += spacing) {
        cb.moveTo(0, y);
        cb.lineTo(rct.getRight(), y);



From source file:com.estate.pdf.PageBorder.java

public void draw(Document doc, int iconNum, String pageNum, String toolName) {
    try {//from   www . j  a v  a  2 s. c  o  m
        PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContentUnder();
        BaseFont fontBold = BaseFont.createFont(Locations.getFontLocation() + "timesbd.ttf", BaseFont.CP1252,
        BaseFont font = BaseFont.createFont(Locations.getFontLocation() + "times.ttf", BaseFont.CP1252,
        Rectangle rct = new Rectangle(doc.getPageSize());
        float iconBase = (1.25f * 72); // This is the base of the icons on
        // the page
        Image icon = Image.getInstance(Locations.getImageLocation() + icons[iconNum]);
        // Image box = Image.getInstance(Locations.ImageLocation() +
        // "blueBOX.png");
        float scale = .23f;
        float iconLeft = (icon.getWidth() / 2) * scale;
        float boxSize = (.1875f * 72);

        // Adjust the top
        rct.setTop(rct.getTop() - (.5f * 72));

        // Place the Icon
        icon.setAbsolutePosition((1.25f * 72) - iconLeft, rct.getTop() - iconBase);

        // Set our line color
        cb.setRGBColorStroke(0, 72, 117);


        // do the bottom line
        cb.moveTo(1.25f * 72, (.5f * 72));
        cb.lineTo(rct.getRight() - (.5f * 72), (.5f * 72));

        cb.moveTo(1.25f * 72, (.5f * 72));
        cb.lineTo(1.25f * 72, rct.getTop());

        // stroke the lines

        // Do the lower left box
        cb.rectangle((1.25f - 0.09375f) * 72, (.5f - 0.09375f) * 72, boxSize, boxSize);
        cb.setRGBColorFill(0, 72, 117);

        // Do the lower right box
        Rectangle pnRect = new Rectangle(0, 0);
        pnRect.setLeft(rct.getRight() - ((.5f + 0.09375f) * 72));
        pnRect.setTop((.5f - 0.09375f) * 72);
        pnRect.setRight(pnRect.getLeft() + boxSize);
        pnRect.setBottom(pnRect.getTop() - boxSize);

        // cb.rectangle(rct.getRight() - ((.5f + 0.09375f) * 72), (.5f -
        // 0.09375f) * 72, (.1875f * 72), (.1875f * 72));
        cb.rectangle(pnRect.getLeft(), pnRect.getTop(), boxSize, boxSize);
        cb.setRGBColorFill(0, 72, 117);

        // Now we do the page number if one is supplied.
        if (pageNum.length() > 0) {
            float pnHeight = fontBold.getAscentPoint(pageNum, 9) - fontBold.getDescentPoint(pageNum, 9);
            float pnWidth = fontBold.getWidthPoint(pageNum, 9);

            float l = pnRect.getLeft() + ((boxSize - pnWidth) / 2);
            float b = pnRect.getTop() + ((boxSize - pnHeight) / 2);

            cb.setFontAndSize(fontBold, 9);
            cb.setRGBColorFill(255, 255, 255);
            cb.setTextMatrix(l, b);


        // Display the copyright
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
        char cs = 0x00a9; // Unicode for the copyright symbol
        String copyRight = com.estate.constants.StringConstants.copyRight + cs + " " + df.format(new Date());
        float crWidth;
        float crLeft;

        crWidth = font.getWidthPoint(copyRight, 8);

        cb.setFontAndSize(font, 8);
        cb.setRGBColorFill(0, 0, 0);

        crLeft = (doc.getPageSize().getRight() - crWidth) / 2;
        cb.setTextMatrix(crLeft, .375f * 72); // Place the base of the
        // copyright at 3/8" up from
        // the bottom

        if (toolName.length() > 0) {

            cb.setFontAndSize(font, 8);
            cb.setRGBColorFill(0, 0, 0);

            cb.setTextMatrix((1.25f * 72) + boxSize, .375f * 72);

        // Fix a licensee at left
        cb.setFontAndSize(font, 8);
        cb.setRGBColorFill(0, 0, 0);
        cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_RIGHT, " Licensee: " + getLicense(), (10.2f * 72), .375f * 72,
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:com.qcadoo.report.api.pdf.PdfPageNumbering.java

License:Open Source License

private void buildFooter(final PdfWriter writer, final Document document) {
    PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();

    cb.saveState();/*  w  ww. ja  v a  2  s  . co m*/

    String text = footer.getPage() + " " + writer.getPageNumber() + " " + footer.getIn() + " ";

    float textBase = document.bottom() - 25;
    float textSize = FontUtils.getDejavu().getWidthPoint(text, 7);

    cb.setLineDash(2, 2, 1);
    cb.moveTo(document.left(), document.bottom() - 10);
    cb.lineTo(document.right(), document.bottom() - 10);
    cb.setFontAndSize(FontUtils.getDejavu(), 7);

    float adjust = FontUtils.getDejavu().getWidthPoint("0", 7);

    cb.setTextMatrix(document.right() - textSize - adjust, textBase);

    textSize = FontUtils.getDejavu().getWidthPoint(footer.getGeneratedBy(), 7);

    cb.setTextMatrix(document.right() - textSize, textBase - 10);

    textSize = FontUtils.getDejavu().getWidthPoint(generationDate, 7);

    cb.setTextMatrix(document.right() - textSize, textBase - 20);

    try {
        textSize = FontUtils.getDejavu().getWidthPoint(footer.getAdditionalText(), 7);

        ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb);

        ct.setSimpleColumn(new Phrase(footer.getAdditionalText(), FontUtils.getDejavuRegular7Light()),
                document.left() + 240, textBase + 10, document.left() + 390, textBase - 25, 10,
    } catch (DocumentException e) {
        LOG.warn("Problem with additional text generation in report footer.");

    try {
        ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb);

        ct.setSimpleColumn(document.left(), textBase + 10, document.left() + 230, textBase - 25, 10,
        ct.addText(new Phrase(footer.getCompanyName() + "\n", FontUtils.getDejavuRegular7Light()));

        if (!"".equals(footer.getAddress())) {
            ct.addText(new Phrase(footer.getAddress() + "\n", FontUtils.getDejavuRegular7Light()));
        if (!"".equals(footer.getPhoneEmail())) {
            ct.addText(new Phrase(footer.getPhoneEmail(), FontUtils.getDejavuRegular7Light()));

    } catch (DocumentException e) {
        LOG.warn("Problem with company text generation in report footer.");

    cb.addTemplate(total, document.right() - adjust, textBase);


From source file:com.qcadoo.report.api.pdf.PdfPageNumbering.java

License:Open Source License

private void buildHeader(final PdfWriter writer, final Document document) {
    PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
    cb.saveState();//from  w  ww.  ja  va2s.c  o  m
    String text = footer.getPage() + " " + writer.getPageNumber() + " " + footer.getIn() + " ";

    float textBase = document.top() + 22;
    float textSize = FontUtils.getDejavu().getWidthPoint(text, 7);

    cb.setFontAndSize(FontUtils.getDejavu(), 7);

    float adjust = FontUtils.getDejavu().getWidthPoint("0", 7);

    cb.setTextMatrix(document.right() - textSize - adjust, textBase);
    cb.addTemplate(total, document.right() - adjust, textBase);
    cb.setLineDash(2, 2, 1);
    cb.moveTo(document.left(), document.top() + 12);
    cb.lineTo(document.right(), document.top() + 12);


From source file:com.qcadoo.report.api.pdf.TableBorderEvent.java

License:Open Source License

public void tableLayout(final PdfPTable table, final float[][] widths, final float[] heights,
        final int headerRows, final int rowStart, final PdfContentByte[] canvases) {
    float[] width = widths[0];
    float x1 = width[0];
    float x2 = width[width.length - 1];
    float y1 = heights[0];
    float y2 = heights[heights.length - 1];
    PdfContentByte cb = canvases[PdfPTable.LINECANVAS];
    cb.saveState();/*from  www .j  a va 2 s .com*/
    cb.rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);

From source file:com.t2.compassionMeditation.ViewSessionsActivity.java

License:Open Source License

 * Create a PDF file based on the contents of the graph
 */// w  w  w .  j a  va 2s  .com
void CreatePdf() {

    // Run the export on a separate thread.
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

            Document document = new Document();
            try {
                Date calendar = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
                mResultsFileName = "BioZenResults_";
                mResultsFileName += (calendar.getYear() + 1900) + "-" + (calendar.getMonth() + 1) + "-"
                        + calendar.getDate() + "_";
                mResultsFileName += calendar.getHours() + "-" + calendar.getMinutes() + "-"
                        + calendar.getSeconds() + ".pdf";

                PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document,
                        new FileOutputStream(android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
                                + java.io.File.separator + mResultsFileName));
                PdfContentByte contentByte = writer.getDirectContent();
                BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252,
                // Note top of PDF = 900
                float chartWidth = 332;
                float chartHeight = 45;

                float spaceHeight = chartHeight + 30;
                int horizontalPos = 180;
                float verticalPos = 780;

                // Write document header
                contentByte.setFontAndSize(baseFont, 20);
                contentByte.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, "T2 BioZen Report", 300, 800, 0);
                        "Generated on: " + calendar.toLocaleString(), 300, 770, 0);

                verticalPos -= spaceHeight;
                long startTime = startCal.getTimeInMillis();
                long endTime = endCal.getTimeInMillis();

                float maxChartValue = 0;
                float chartYAvg;

                BioSession tmpSession = sessionItems.get(0);
                int maxKeys = tmpSession.keyItemNames.length;

                // Loop through all of the the keys
                for (int key = 0; key < maxKeys; key++) {

                    //Draw a border rect
                    contentByte.setRGBColorStrokeF(0, 0, 0);
                    contentByte.rectangle(horizontalPos, verticalPos, chartWidth, chartHeight);

                    // Write band name
                    contentByte.setFontAndSize(baseFont, 12);
                    BioSession tmpSession1 = sessionItems.get(0);
                    contentByte.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_RIGHT, tmpSession1.keyItemNames[key], 170,
                            (verticalPos + (chartHeight / 2)) - 5, 0);

                    maxChartValue = 0;
                    // First find the max Y
                    for (BioSession session : sessionItems) {
                        if (session.time >= startTime && session.time <= endTime) {
                            chartYAvg = session.avgFilteredValue[key];
                            if (chartYAvg > maxChartValue)
                                maxChartValue = chartYAvg;

                    float lastY = -1;
                    float xIncrement = 0;
                    if (sessionItems.size() > 0) {
                        xIncrement = chartWidth / sessionItems.size();

                    float yIncrement = 0;
                    if (maxChartValue > 0) {
                        yIncrement = chartHeight / maxChartValue;

                    float highValue = 0;
                    int highTime = 0;
                    float highY = 0;
                    float highX = 0;
                    int lowTime = 0;
                    float lowY = 100;
                    float lowX = chartWidth;
                    float lowValue = maxChartValue;

                    int lCount = 0;
                    String keyName = "";

                    ArrayList<RegressionItem> ritems = new ArrayList<RegressionItem>();

                    // Loop through the session points of this key
                    String rawYValues = "";
                    for (BioSession session : sessionItems) {
                        keyName = session.keyItemNames[key];
                        if (session.time >= startTime && session.time <= endTime) {
                            chartYAvg = session.avgFilteredValue[key];
                            rawYValues += chartYAvg + ", ";
                            if (lastY < 0)
                                lastY = (float) chartYAvg;

                            contentByte.setRGBColorStrokeF(255, 0, 0);

                            float graphXFrom = horizontalPos + (lCount * xIncrement);
                            float graphYFrom = verticalPos + (lastY * yIncrement);
                            float graphXTo = (horizontalPos + ((lCount + 1) * xIncrement));
                            float graphYTo = verticalPos + (chartYAvg * yIncrement);
                            //                     Log.e(TAG, "[" + graphXFrom + ", " + graphYFrom + "] to [" + graphXTo + ", " + graphYTo + "]");
                            // Draw the actual graph
                            contentByte.moveTo(graphXFrom, graphYFrom);
                            contentByte.lineTo(graphXTo, graphYTo);

                            //Add regression Item
                            ritems.add(new RegressionItem(lCount, (chartYAvg * yIncrement)));

                            if (chartYAvg > highValue) {
                                highValue = chartYAvg;
                                highY = graphYTo;
                                highX = graphXTo;
                                highTime = (int) (session.time / 1000);

                            if (chartYAvg < lowValue) {
                                lowValue = chartYAvg;
                                lowY = graphYTo;
                                lowX = graphXTo;
                                lowTime = (int) (session.time / 1000);

                            lastY = (float) chartYAvg;

                        } // End if (session.time >= startTime && session.time <= endTime )
                    } // End for (BioSession session : sessionItems)            

                    //Draw high low dates
                    if (highY != 0 && lowY != 0) {
                        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
                        String hDate = dateFormat.format(new Date((long) highTime * 1000L));
                        String lDate = dateFormat.format(new Date((long) lowTime * 1000L));
                        contentByte.setFontAndSize(baseFont, 8);
                        contentByte.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, hDate, highX, highY, 0);
                        contentByte.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, lDate, lowX, lowY, 0);

                    //Draw Regression Line
                    RegressionResult regression = calculateRegression(ritems);
                    contentByte.setRGBColorStrokeF(0, 0, 250);
                    contentByte.setLineDash(3, 3, 0);
                    contentByte.moveTo(horizontalPos, verticalPos + (float) regression.intercept);
                    contentByte.lineTo(horizontalPos + chartWidth, (float) ((verticalPos + regression.intercept)
                            + (float) (regression.slope * (chartWidth / xIncrement))));
                    contentByte.setRGBColorStrokeF(0, 0, 0);

                    //               Log.e(TAG, keyName + ": [" + rawYValues + "]");
                    // Get ready for the next key (and series of database points )
                    verticalPos -= spaceHeight;

                    if (verticalPos < 30) {
                        verticalPos = 780 - spaceHeight;

                } // End for (int key = 0; key < maxKeys; key++)

                //document.add(new Paragraph("You can also write stuff directly tot he document like this!"));
            } catch (DocumentException de) {
                Log.e(TAG, de.toString());
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                Log.e(TAG, ioe.toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, e.toString());

            // step 5: we close the document



From source file:de.unigoettingen.sub.commons.contentlib.pdflib.PDFManager.java

License:Apache License

 * Adds the all pages.// ww w  .ja  va2 s  . c  o  m
 * @param pagesizemode {@link PdfPageSize}
 * @param writer {@link PdfWriter}
 * @param pdfdoc {@link Document}
 * @return {@link PdfPageLabels}
 * @throws ImageInterpreterException the image interpreter exception
 * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
 * @throws MalformedURLException the malformed url exception
 * @throws PDFManagerException the PDF manager exception
 * @throws ImageManagerException
private PdfPageLabels addAllPages(PdfPageSize pagesizemode, PdfWriter writer, Document pdfdoc,
        Watermark myWatermark) throws ImageInterpreterException, IOException, MalformedURLException,
        PDFManagerException, ImageManagerException {

    PdfPageLabels pagelabels = new PdfPageLabels();
    int pageadded = 0;

    // sort the HashMap by the KeySet (pagenumber)
    Map<Integer, UrlImage> sortedMap = new TreeMap<Integer, UrlImage>(imageURLs);

    float scalefactor = 1; // scaling factor of the image
    int page_w = PaperSize.A4.width;
    int page_h = PaperSize.A4.height;
    LOGGER.debug("iterate over " + imageURLs.size() + " pages.");
    for (Integer imageKey : sortedMap.keySet()) {

        Watermark watermark = myWatermark;
        Image pdfImage = null; // PDF-Image
        LOGGER.debug("Writing page " + imageKey);

        boolean errorPage = false; // true if the image does not exists
        URL errorUrl = null; // url of the image that does not exists

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Title page available. Render it in pdftitlepage
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((pdftitlepages != null) && (pdftitlepages.get(imageKey) != null)) {
            // title page
            PDFTitlePage pdftitlepage = pdftitlepages.get(imageKey);
            // create new PDF page
            try {
                pdfdoc.setMargins(pdftitlepage.getLeftMargin(), pdftitlepage.getRightMargin(),
                        pdftitlepage.getTopMargin(), pdftitlepage.getBottomMargin());
                pdfdoc.newPage(); // create new page
                // set page name
                pagelabels.addPageLabel(pageadded, PdfPageLabels.EMPTY, "-");
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                throw new PDFManagerException("PDFManagerException occured while creating new page in PDF", e1);
            // render title page

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Process image with imageKey
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        UrlImage pdfpage = imageURLs.get(imageKey);
        if (pdfpage.getURL() != null) {
            boolean added = false;
            boolean scaled = false;
            URL url = pdfpage.getURL();
            // pdf hack
            if (ContentServerConfiguration.getInstance().getUsePdf()) {
                LOGGER.debug("trying to find original pdf");
                PdfContentByte pdfcb = null;
                PdfReader pdfreader = null;
                PdfImportedPage importpage = null;
                try {
                    String pdfpath = ContentServerConfiguration.getInstance().getRepositoryPathPdf()
                            .replace("file:///", "");
                    LOGGER.debug("looking in " + pdfpath + " for pdf file");
                    String tiffPath = ContentServerConfiguration.getInstance().getRepositoryPathImages()
                            .replace("file:///", "");
                    // String urlString = url.toString();
                    int pageNumber = pdfpage.getPageNumber();
                    // UrlImage copy = new PDFPage(pdfpage);
                    URL pdfurl = new URL(url.toString().replace(tiffPath, pdfpath)
                            .replace(url.toString().substring(url.toString().lastIndexOf(".")), ".pdf"));
                    LOGGER.debug("pdfurl = " + pdfurl);

                    if (new File(pdfurl.toURI()).exists()) {
                        LOGGER.debug("found pdf " + pdfurl.toURI());
                        // copy.setURL(pdfurl);
                        pdfcb = writer.getDirectContent();
                        pdfreader = new PdfReader(pdfurl);
                        importpage = writer.getImportedPage(pdfreader, pageNumber);

                        LOGGER.debug("creating orig pdf page");
                        Rectangle rect = pdfreader.getPageSize(pageNumber);
                        try {
                            pdfdoc.newPage(); // create new page
                        } catch (Exception e1) {
                            throw new PDFManagerException("Exception occured while creating new page in PDF",
                        pdfcb.addTemplate(importpage, 0, 0);
                        added = true;
                        LOGGER.debug("page:" + imageKey + "  url: " + pdfurl.toString());

                } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                    added = false;
                } finally {
                    if (writer != null) {
                    if (pdfreader != null) {
            if (!added) {
                // image file
                LOGGER.debug("using image to create pdf page");
                // try to get ImageInterpreter from url
                ImageInterpreter myInterpreter = ImageFileFormat.getInterpreter(url, httpproxyhost,
                        httpproxyport, httpproxyuser, httpproxypassword);

                try {
                    // check preferred compression type depending on color depth
                    Embedd preferredEmbeddingType = Embedd.ORIGBYTESTREAM;
                    if (myInterpreter.getColordepth() == 1) {
                        // bitonal image
                        preferredEmbeddingType = embeddBitonalImage;
                    } else if ((myInterpreter.getColordepth() > 1)
                            && (myInterpreter.getSamplesperpixel() == 1)) {
                        // greyscale image
                        preferredEmbeddingType = embeddGreyscaleImage;
                    } else {
                        // color image
                        preferredEmbeddingType = embeddColorImage;

                    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Try to generate image
                    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    pdfImage = generatePdfImageFromInterpreter(myInterpreter, preferredEmbeddingType, errorPage,
                            watermark, errorUrl);

                    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // image couldn't be embedded yet (emergencyCase)
                    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    if (pdfImage == null) {
                                "Couldn't use preferred method for embedding the image. Instead had to use JPEG or RenderedImage");

                        // Get Interpreter and rendered Image
                        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        RenderedImage ri = null;
                        if (preferredEmbeddingType == embeddBitonalImage) {
                            ImageManager sourcemanager = new ImageManager(url);
                            boolean watermarkscale = ContentServerConfiguration.getInstance()
                                    .getScaleWatermark(); // should we scale
                            // the watermark ?
                            ri = sourcemanager.scaleImageByPixel(3000, 0, ImageManager.SCALE_BY_WIDTH, 0, null,
                                    null, watermark, watermarkscale, ImageManager.BOTTOM);
                            myInterpreter = sourcemanager.getMyInterpreter();
                        } else {
                            ri = myInterpreter.getRenderedImage();
                            if (watermark != null) {
                                ri = addwatermark(ri, watermark, 2);
                                        myInterpreter.getHeight() + watermark.getRenderedImage().getHeight());

                        // scale rendered image
                        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        // float scalefactorX = 1;
                        // float scalefactorY = 1;
                        // switch (pagesizemode) {
                        // case ORIGINAL:
                        // scalefactorX = 72f / myInterpreter.getXResolution();
                        // scalefactorY = 72f / myInterpreter.getYResolution();
                        // break;
                        // default:
                        // /*
                        // * check, if the image needs to be scaled, because
                        // * it's bigger than A4 calculate the new scalefactor
                        // */
                        // float page_w_pixel = (float) (page_w *
                        // myInterpreter.getXResolution() / 25.4);
                        // float page_h_pixel = (float) (page_h *
                        // myInterpreter.getYResolution() / 25.4);
                        // float res_x = myInterpreter.getXResolution();
                        // float res_y = myInterpreter.getYResolution();
                        // long w = myInterpreter.getWidth(); // get height and
                        // // width
                        // long h = myInterpreter.getHeight();
                        // if ((w > page_w_pixel) || (h > page_h_pixel)) {
                        // LOGGER.debug("scale image to fit the page");
                        // float scalefactor_w = page_w_pixel / w;
                        // float scalefactor_h = page_h_pixel / h;
                        // if (scalefactor_h < scalefactor_w) {
                        // scalefactor = scalefactor_h;
                        // } else {
                        // scalefactor = scalefactor_w;
                        // }
                        // w = (long) (w * scalefactor);
                        // h = (long) (h * scalefactor);
                        // }
                        // scalefactorX = (72f / res_x) * scalefactor;
                        // scalefactorY = (72f / res_y) * scalefactor;
                        // break;
                        // }
                        // //scalefactorX = 0.2f;
                        // //scalefactorY = 0.2f;
                        // if (preferredEmbeddingType == embeddBitonalImage) {
                        // ImageManager sourcemanager = new ImageManager(url);
                        // ri = sourcemanager.scaleImageByPixel((int)
                        // (scalefactorX*100), (int) (scalefactorY*100),
                        // ImageManager.SCALE_BY_PERCENT, 0, null, null,
                        // watermark, true, ImageManager.BOTTOM);
                        // }else{
                        // ri = ImageManipulator.scaleInterpolationBilinear(ri,
                        // scalefactorX, scalefactorY);
                        // }
                        // myInterpreter.setHeight(ri.getHeight());
                        // myInterpreter.setWidth(ri.getWidth());
                        // scaled = true;

                        // add Watermark
                        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        // ri = addwatermark(ri, watermark,
                        // ImageManager.BOTTOM);
                        // myInterpreter.setHeight(myInterpreter.getHeight() +
                        // watermark.getRenderedImage().getHeight());

                        // Try to write into pdfImage
                        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        if (myInterpreter.getColordepth() > 1) {
                            // compress image if greyscale or color
                            ByteArrayOutputStream bytesoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            // JpegInterpreter jpint = new JpegInterpreter(ri);
                            // jpint.setXResolution(myInterpreter.getXResolution());
                            // jpint.setYResolution(myInterpreter.getYResolution());
                            // jpint.writeToStream(null, bytesoutputstream);
                            writeJpegFromRenderedImageToStream(bytesoutputstream, ri, null, myInterpreter);
                            byte[] returnbyteArray = bytesoutputstream.toByteArray();
                            if (bytesoutputstream != null) {
                            pdfImage = Image.getInstance(returnbyteArray);
                            returnbyteArray = null;
                        } else {
                            // its bitonal, but can't be embedded directly,
                            // need to go via RenderedImage
                            BufferedImage buffImage = ImageManipulator.fromRenderedToBuffered(ri);
                            pdfImage = Image.getInstance(buffImage, null, false);
                            if (myWatermark != null) {
                                // create Image for Watermark
                                JpegInterpreter jpint = new JpegInterpreter(myWatermark.getRenderedImage());
                                ByteArrayOutputStream bytesoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                jpint.writeToStream(null, bytesoutputstream);
                                byte[] returnbyteArray = bytesoutputstream.toByteArray();
                                if (bytesoutputstream != null) {
                                Image blaImage = Image.getInstance(returnbyteArray);
                                returnbyteArray = null;
                                // set Watermark as Footer at fixed position
                                // (200,200)
                                Chunk c = new Chunk(blaImage, 200, 200);
                                Phrase p = new Phrase(c);
                                HeaderFooter hf = new HeaderFooter(p, false);
                            // pdfdoc.setPageSize(arg0)
                            // TODO das scheint nicht zu funktionieren... sollte
                            // dieser Code entfernt werden?

                    } // end of : if (pdfImage == null) {
                } catch (BadElementException e) {
                    throw new PDFManagerException("Can't create a PDFImage from a Buffered Image.", e);
                } catch (ImageManipulatorException e) {

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // place the image on the page
                // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                if (pagesizemode == PdfPageSize.ORIGINAL) {
                    // calculate the image width and height in points, create
                    // the rectangle in points

                    Rectangle rect = null;
                    if (!scaled) {
                        float image_w_points = (myInterpreter.getWidth() / myInterpreter.getXResolution()) * 72;
                        float image_h_points = ((myInterpreter.getHeight()) / myInterpreter.getYResolution())
                                * 72;
                        rect = new Rectangle(image_w_points, image_h_points);
                    } else {
                        rect = new Rectangle(myInterpreter.getWidth(), myInterpreter.getHeight());

                    // create the pdf page according to this rectangle
                    LOGGER.debug("creating original page sized PDF page:" + rect.getWidth() + " x "
                            + rect.getHeight());

                    // create new page to put the content
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e1) {
                        throw new PDFManagerException(
                                "DocumentException occured while creating page " + pageadded + " in PDF", e1);

                    // scale image and place it on page; scaling the image does
                    // not scale the images bytestream
                    if (!scaled) {
                        pdfImage.scalePercent((72f / myInterpreter.getXResolution() * 100),
                                (72f / myInterpreter.getYResolution() * 100));
                    pdfImage.setAbsolutePosition(0, 0); // set image to lower
                                                        // left corner

                    boolean result;
                    try {
                        result = pdfdoc.add(pdfImage); // add it to PDF
                        if (!result) {
                            throw new PDFManagerException("Image \"" + url.toString()
                                    + "\" can's be added to PDF! Error during placing image on page");
                    } catch (DocumentException e) {
                        throw new PDFManagerException("DocumentException occured while adding the image to PDF",
                } else {
                     * it is not the original page size PDF will contain only A4 pages
                    LOGGER.debug("creating A4 pdf page");

                    // create new page to put the content
                    try {
                        pdfdoc.newPage(); // create new page
                    } catch (Exception e1) {
                        throw new PDFManagerException("Exception occured while creating new page in PDF", e1);

                    float page_w_pixel = (float) (page_w * myInterpreter.getXResolution() / 25.4);
                    float page_h_pixel = (float) (page_h * myInterpreter.getYResolution() / 25.4);

                    float res_x = myInterpreter.getXResolution();
                    float res_y = myInterpreter.getYResolution();

                    long w = myInterpreter.getWidth(); // get height and width
                    long h = myInterpreter.getHeight();

                     * if the page is landscape, we have to rotate the page; this is only done in PDF, the orig image bytestream is NOT rotated
                    if (w > h) {
                        LOGGER.debug("rotate image");
                        // must be rotated
                        // change width and height
                        long dummy = w;
                        w = h;
                        h = dummy;
                        // change the resolutions x and y
                        float dummy2 = res_x;
                        res_x = res_y;
                        res_y = dummy2;

                     * check, if the image needs to be scaled, because it's bigger than A4 calculate the new scalefactor
                    if ((w > page_w_pixel) || (h > page_h_pixel)) {
                        LOGGER.debug("scale image to fit the page");
                        float scalefactor_w = page_w_pixel / w;
                        float scalefactor_h = page_h_pixel / h;
                        if (scalefactor_h < scalefactor_w) {
                            scalefactor = scalefactor_h;
                        } else {
                            scalefactor = scalefactor_w;
                        w = (long) (w * scalefactor);
                        h = (long) (h * scalefactor);
                    if (!scaled) {
                        pdfImage.scalePercent((72f / res_x * 100) * scalefactor,
                                (72f / res_y * 100) * scalefactor);

                    // center the image on the page
                    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
                    float y_offset = 0; // y - offset
                    // get image size in cm; height
                    float h_cm = (float) (h / (res_x / 2.54));
                    // float w_cm = (float) (w / (res_y / 2.54)); // and width
                    if ((h_cm + 2) < (page_h / 10)) {
                        y_offset = 2 * 72f / 2.54f;
                    float freespace_x = ((page_w_pixel - w) / res_x * 72f);
                    float freespace_y = ((page_h_pixel - h) / res_y * 72f) - (y_offset);
                    // set position add image
                    pdfImage.setAbsolutePosition(freespace_x / 2, freespace_y);
                    boolean result;
                    try {
                        result = pdfdoc.add(pdfImage);
                    } catch (DocumentException e) {
                        throw new PDFManagerException("DocumentException occured while adding the image to PDF",
                    if (!result) {
                        // placing the image in the PDF was not successful
                        throw new PDFManagerException("Image \"" + url.toString()
                                + "\" can's be added to PDF! Error during placing image on page");

                    // draw box around the image page
                    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    if (pagesizemode == PdfPageSize.A4BOX) {
                        LOGGER.debug("draw box around the image page");

                        // draw a black frame around the image
                        PdfContentByte pcb = writer.getDirectContent();

                        // calculate upper left corner of the box (measurment is
                        // in points)
                        float left_x = (freespace_x / 2);
                        float left_y = freespace_y;

                        // calculate the lower right corner of the box
                        // (measurement is in points)
                        float image_w_points = (w / res_x) * 72;
                        float image_h_points = (h / res_y) * 72;

                        pcb.rectangle(left_x, left_y, image_w_points, image_h_points);


                } // end of: if (pagesizemode == PdfPageSize.ORIGINAL) {
                pdfImage = null;
                // writer.freeReader(new PdfReader(pdfpage.getURL()));
            } // end of : if (pdfpage.getURL() != null) {

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // it is a page from a PDF file which should be inserted
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            else if (pdfpage.getClass() == PDFPage.class && ((PDFPage) pdfpage).getPdfreader() != null) {

                PdfContentByte pdfcb = writer.getDirectContent();

                PdfReader pdfreader = ((PDFPage) pdfpage).getPdfreader();
                PdfImportedPage importpage = writer.getImportedPage(pdfreader, pdfpage.getPageNumber());

                if (pagesizemode == PdfPageSize.ORIGINAL) {
                    LOGGER.debug("creating orig pdf page");
                    Rectangle rect = pdfreader.getPageSize(pdfpage.getPageNumber());
                    try {
                        pdfdoc.newPage(); // create new page
                    } catch (Exception e1) {
                        throw new PDFManagerException("Exception occured while creating new page in PDF", e1);
                    // add content
                    pdfcb.addTemplate(importpage, 0, 0);

                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("creating A4 pdf page");
                    try {
                        pdfdoc.newPage(); // create new page
                    } catch (Exception e1) {
                        throw new PDFManagerException("Exception occured while creating new page in PDF", e1);

                    // add content
                    pdfcb.addTemplate(importpage, 0, 0);

                    // draw box
                    // if (pagesizemode == PdfPageSize.A4BOX) {
                    // FIXME: nichts implementiert ?
                    // }

            // handle pagename
            if (imageNames != null) {
                String pagename = imageNames.get(imageKey);

                if (pagename != null) {
                    pagelabels.addPageLabel(pageadded, PdfPageLabels.EMPTY, pagename);
                } else {
                    pagelabels.addPageLabel(pageadded, PdfPageLabels.EMPTY, "unnumbered");
            // handle bookmarks and set destinator for bookmarks
            LOGGER.debug("handle bookmark(s) for page");

            PdfDestination destinator = new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT);
            setBookmarksForPage(writer, destinator, imageKey); // the key in the
            // mashMap is the pagenumber

        } // end of while iterator over all pages

    return pagelabels;


From source file:fr.aliasource.webmail.server.export.ConversationPdfEventHandler.java

License:GNU General Public License

 * @see com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPageEventHelper#onEndPage(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter,
 *      com.lowagie.text.Document)/*  ww w  .j a v a  2s  .  c o  m*/
public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
    PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
    // write the headertable
    table.setTotalWidth(document.right() - document.left());
    table.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, document.left(), document.getPageSize().getHeight() - 20, cb);
    // compose the footer
    String text = writer.getPageNumber() + " / ";
    float textSize = helv.getWidthPoint(text, 12);
    float textBase = document.bottom() - 49;
    cb.setFontAndSize(helv, 12);
    float adjust = helv.getWidthPoint("0", 12);
    cb.setTextMatrix(document.right() - textSize - adjust - 5, textBase);
    cb.addTemplate(tpl, document.right() - adjust, textBase);
    // draw a Rectangle around the page
    cb.rectangle(20, 20, document.getPageSize().getWidth() - 40, document.getPageSize().getHeight() - 40);

From source file:jm.web.Addons.java

License:GNU General Public License

public static void setEncabezado(PdfWriter writer, Document document, String texto) {
    if (writer.getPageNumber() > 1) {
        try {//from  w  w w.  j  a  v  a  2  s  . c om
            PdfPTable encabezado = new PdfPTable(1);
            encabezado.setTotalWidth(document.right() - document.left() - 120);
            encabezado.addCell(Addons.setCeldaPDF(texto, Font.HELVETICA, 9, Font.BOLD, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 0));
            encabezado.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, 60, document.top() + 25, writer.getDirectContent());

            PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
            cb.moveTo(60, document.top() + 10);
            cb.lineTo(document.right() - document.left() - 58, document.top() + 10);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ExceptionConverter(e);

From source file:joelib2.io.types.PDF.java

License:Open Source License

 *  Writes a molecule with his <tt>PairData</tt> .
 * @param  mol              the molecule with additional data
 * @param  title            the molecule title or <tt>null</tt> if the title
 *      from the molecule should be used
 * @param  writePairData    if <tt>true</tt> then the additional molecule data
 *      is written//w  w w . j  a  v a2s .c om
 * @param  attribs2write    Description of the Parameter
 * @return                  <tt>true</tt> if the molecule and the data has
 *      been succesfully written.
 * @exception  IOException  Description of the Exception
public boolean write(Molecule mol, String title, boolean writePairData, List attribs2write,
        SMARTSPatternMatcher smarts) throws IOException {
    if (firstMoleculeWritten == false) {
        firstMoleculeWritten = true;

    Dimension d = new Dimension(Mol2Image.instance().getDefaultWidth(),
    RenderingAtoms container = new RenderingAtoms();

    RenderHelper.scaleMolecule(container, d, 0.8);
    RenderHelper.center(container, d);

    Renderer2D renderer = new Renderer2D();

    //BaseFont helvetica = null;
    try {
        BaseFont.createFont("Helvetica", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
    } catch (DocumentException e1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    int w = d.width;
    int h = d.height;
    PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
    PdfTemplate tp = cb.createTemplate(w, h);
    Graphics2D g2 = tp.createGraphics(w, h);
    g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0.1f));

    g2.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);

    if (smarts != null) {
        renderer.selectSMARTSPatterns(container, smarts);

    renderer.paintMolecule(container, g2);


    ////cb.addTemplate(tp, 72, 720 - h);
    //cb.addTemplate(tp, 12, 720 - h);
    cb.addTemplate(tp, 0, document.getPageSize().height() - h);

    //     Mol2Image.instance().mol2image(mol);
    BaseFont bf = null;

    try {
        bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
    } catch (DocumentException e2) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    String string = "";

    //float myBorder = DEFAULT_BORDER;
    //float fontSize = 10;
    //float fontSizeDelta = DEFAULT_FONT_OFFSET;
    float hpos;

    if (writePairData) {
        PairData pairData;
        PairDataIterator gdit = mol.genericDataIterator();
        int index = 0;
        boolean firstPageWritten = false;

        List attributesV;

        if (attribs2write == null) {
            // write all descriptors
            attributesV = new Vector();

            //DescResult tmpPropResult;
            while (gdit.hasNext()) {
                pairData = gdit.nextPairData();

        } else {
            attributesV = attribs2write;

        // sort descriptors by attribute name
        String[] attributes = new String[attributesV.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < attributesV.size(); i++) {
            attributes[i] = (String) attributesV.get(i);


        // write them
        for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
            pairData = mol.getData(attributes[i]);
            string = pairData.getKey() + " = " + pairData.toString();

            // reduce too complex data
            string = string.replace('\n', ' ');
            string = string.substring(0, Math.min(string.length(), WRITE_MAX_CHARACTERS));

            tp = cb.createTemplate(document.getPageSize().width() - pageBorder, fontSize + fontSizeDelta);
            tp.setFontAndSize(bf, fontSize);
            tp.setTextMatrix(0, fontSizeDelta);
            tp.moveTo(0, 0);
            tp.lineTo(document.getPageSize().width() - (2 * pageBorder), 0);

            if (firstPageWritten) {
                hpos = document.getPageSize().height() - ((fontSize + fontSizeDelta) * (index + 1));
            } else {
                hpos = document.getPageSize().height() - h - ((fontSize + fontSizeDelta) * (index + 1));

            if (hpos < pageBorder) {
                index = 1;
                firstPageWritten = true;
                hpos = document.getPageSize().height() - ((fontSize + fontSizeDelta) * (index + 1));

                try {
                } catch (DocumentException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            cb.addTemplate(tp, pageBorder, hpos);


    try {
    } catch (DocumentException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return (true);