Java com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfPTable fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfPTable fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfPTable.

The text is from its open source code.


com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


The index of the duplicate PdfContentByte where the background will be drawn.
The index of the duplicate PdfContentByte where the border lines will be drawn.
The spacing before the table.
The spacing after the table.


PdfPTable(float relativeWidths[])
Constructs a PdfPTable with the relative column widths.
PdfPTable(int numColumns)
Constructs a PdfPTable with numColumns columns.
PdfPTable(PdfPTable table)
Constructs a copy of a PdfPTable.


voidaddCell(PdfPCell cell)
Adds a cell element.
voidaddCell(String text)
Adds a cell element.
voidaddCell(PdfPTable table)
Adds a nested table.
voidaddCell(Image image)
Adds an Image as Cell.
voidaddCell(Phrase phrase)
Adds a cell element.
Completes the current row with the default cell.
Removes all of the rows except headers
Gets the absolute sizes of each column width.
Gets the default PdfPCell that will be used as reference for all the addCell methods except addCell(PdfPCell).
Gets the number of the rows that constitute the header.
Gets the horizontal alignment of the table relative to the page.
Getter for property keepTogether
Returns the number of columns.
PdfPRowgetRow(int idx)
Gets a row with a given index (added by Jin-Hsia Yang).
floatgetRowHeight(int idx)
Gets the height of a particular row.
Gets an arraylist with all the rows in the table.
Gets the total height of the table.
Gets the full width of the table.
Gets the width percentage that the table will occupy in the page.
voidsetComplete(boolean complete)
voidsetExtendLastRow(boolean extendLastRow)
When set the last row will be extended to fill all the remaining space to the bottom boundary.
voidsetFooterRows(int footerRows)
Sets the number of rows to be used for the footer.
voidsetHeaderRows(int headerRows)
Sets the number of the top rows that constitute the header.
voidsetHorizontalAlignment(int horizontalAlignment)
Sets the horizontal alignment of the table relative to the page.
voidsetKeepTogether(boolean keepTogether)
If true the table will be kept on one page if it fits, by forcing a new page if it doesn't fit on the current page.
voidsetLockedWidth(boolean lockedWidth)
Uses the value in setTotalWidth() in Document.add().
voidsetRunDirection(int runDirection)
Sets the run direction of the contents of the table.
voidsetSkipFirstHeader(boolean skipFirstHeader)
Skips the printing of the first header.
voidsetSpacingAfter(float spacing)
Sets the spacing after this table.
voidsetSpacingBefore(float spacing)
Sets the spacing before this table.
voidsetSplitLate(boolean splitLate)
If true the row will only split if it's the first one in an empty page.
voidsetSplitRows(boolean splitRows)
When set the rows that won't fit in the page will be split.
voidsetTableEvent(PdfPTableEvent event)
Sets the table event for this table.
voidsetTotalWidth(float totalWidth)
Sets the full width of the table.
voidsetTotalWidth(float columnWidth[])
Sets the full width of the table from the absolute column width.
voidsetWidthPercentage(float widthPercentage)
Sets the width percentage that the table will occupy in the page.
voidsetWidthPercentage(float columnWidth[], Rectangle pageSize)
Sets the percentage width of the table from the absolute column width.
voidsetWidths(float relativeWidths[])
Sets the relative widths of the table.
voidsetWidths(int relativeWidths[])
Sets the relative widths of the table.
Gets the number of rows in this table.
floatwriteSelectedRows(int rowStart, int rowEnd, float xPos, float yPos, PdfContentByte[] canvases)
Writes the selected rows to the document.
floatwriteSelectedRows(int rowStart, int rowEnd, float xPos, float yPos, PdfContentByte canvas)
Writes the selected rows to the document.