Example usage for com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfWriter PDF_VERSION_1_7

List of usage examples for com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfWriter PDF_VERSION_1_7


In this page you can find the example usage for com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfWriter PDF_VERSION_1_7.



To view the source code for com.lowagie.text.pdf PdfWriter PDF_VERSION_1_7.

Click Source Link


possible PDF version (catalog)


From source file:com.logiware.accounting.reports.ArDisputeReportCreator.java

private void init(String fileName) throws Exception {
    document = new Document(PageSize.A4);
    document.setMargins(5, 5, 5, 30);/*from w ww  .  ja  v  a  2 s.  co m*/
    writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(fileName));
    writer.setPageEvent(new ArDisputeReportCreator(arReportsForm, contextPath));
            PdfAction.gotoLocalPage(1, new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.XYZ, -1, -1, 1f), writer));

From source file:es.gob.afirma.signers.pades.PAdESSigner.java

License:Open Source License

static byte[] signPDF(final PrivateKey key, final java.security.cert.Certificate[] certChain,
        final byte[] inPDF, final Properties extraParams, final String algorithm)
        throws IOException, AOException, DocumentException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException {

    // *********************************************************************************************************************
    // **************** LECTURA PARAMETROS ADICIONALES *********************************************************************
    // *********************************************************************************************************************

    // Imagen de la rubrica
    final Image rubric = getRubricImage(extraParams.getProperty("signatureRubricImage")); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Usar hora y fecha del sistema
    final boolean useSystemDateTime = Boolean
            .parseBoolean(extraParams.getProperty("applySystemDate", Boolean.TRUE.toString())); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Motivo de la firma
    final String reason = extraParams.getProperty("signReason"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Nombre del campo de firma preexistente en el PDF a usar
    final String signatureField = extraParams.getProperty("signatureField"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Lugar de realizacion de la firma
    final String signatureProductionCity = extraParams.getProperty("signatureProductionCity"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Datos de contacto (correo electronico) del firmante
    final String signerContact = extraParams.getProperty("signerContact"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Pagina donde situar la firma visible
    int page = LAST_PAGE;
    try {//  w  w w.j  a  v  a2 s  .c o m
        page = Integer.parseInt(extraParams.getProperty("signaturePage")); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        /* Se deja la pagina tal y como esta */

    // Nombre del subfiltro de firma en el diccionario PDF
    final String signatureSubFilter = extraParams.getProperty("signatureSubFilter"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // ******************
    // ** Adjuntos ******

    // Contenido a adjuntar (en Base64)
    final String b64Attachment = extraParams.getProperty("attach"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Nombre que se pondra al fichero adjunto en el PDF
    final String attachmentFileName = extraParams.getProperty("attachFileName"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Descripcion del adjunto
    final String attachmentDescription = extraParams.getProperty("attachDescription"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // ** Fin Adjuntos **
    // ******************

    // Nivel de certificacion del PDF
    int certificationLevel;
    try {
        certificationLevel = extraParams.getProperty("certificationLevel") != null ? //$NON-NLS-1$
                Integer.parseInt(extraParams.getProperty("certificationLevel")) : //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        certificationLevel = UNDEFINED;

    // *****************************
    // **** Texto firma visible ****

    // Texto en capa 4
    final String layer4Text = extraParams.getProperty("layer4Text"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Texto en capa 2
    final String layer2Text = extraParams.getProperty("layer2Text"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Tipo de letra en capa 2
    int layer2FontFamily;
    try {
        layer2FontFamily = extraParams.getProperty("layer2FontFamily") != null ? //$NON-NLS-1$
                Integer.parseInt(extraParams.getProperty("layer2FontFamily")) : //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        layer2FontFamily = UNDEFINED;

    // Tamano del tipo de letra en capa 2
    int layer2FontSize;
    try {
        layer2FontSize = extraParams.getProperty("layer2FontSize") != null ? //$NON-NLS-1$
                Integer.parseInt(extraParams.getProperty("layer2FontSize")) : //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        layer2FontSize = UNDEFINED;

    // Estilo del tipo de letra en capa 2
    int layer2FontStyle;
    try {
        layer2FontStyle = extraParams.getProperty("layer2FontStyle") != null ? //$NON-NLS-1$
                Integer.parseInt(extraParams.getProperty("layer2FontStyle")) : //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        layer2FontStyle = UNDEFINED;

    // Color del tipo de letra en capa 2
    final String layer2FontColor = extraParams.getProperty("layer2FontColor"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // ** Fin texto firma visible **
    // *****************************

    // Contrasena del propietario del PDF
    String ownerPassword = extraParams.getProperty("ownerPassword"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Contrasena del usuario del PDF
    final String userPassword = extraParams.getProperty("userPassword"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // *********************************************************************************************************************
    // **************** FIN LECTURA PARAMETROS ADICIONALES *****************************************************************
    // *********************************************************************************************************************

    PdfReader pdfReader;
    try {
        if (ownerPassword != null) {
            pdfReader = new PdfReader(inPDF, ownerPassword.getBytes());
        } else if (userPassword != null) {
            pdfReader = new PdfReader(inPDF, userPassword.getBytes());
        } else {
            pdfReader = new PdfReader(inPDF);
    } catch (final BadPasswordException e) {
        // Comprobamos que el signer esta en modo interactivo, y si no lo
        // esta no pedimos contrasena por dialogo, principalmente para no interrumpir un firmado por lotes
        // desatendido
        if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(extraParams.getProperty("headLess"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            throw new BadPdfPasswordException(e);
        // La contrasena que nos han proporcionada no es buena o no nos
        // proporcionaron ninguna
        ownerPassword = new String(AOUIFactory.getPassword(
                ownerPassword == null ? PDFMessages.getString("AOPDFSigner.0") //$NON-NLS-1$
                        : PDFMessages.getString("AOPDFSigner.1"), //$NON-NLS-1$
        try {
            pdfReader = new PdfReader(inPDF, ownerPassword.getBytes());
        } catch (final BadPasswordException e2) {
            throw new BadPdfPasswordException(e2);
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new InvalidPdfException(e);

    if (pdfReader.getCertificationLevel() == PdfSignatureAppearance.CERTIFIED_NO_CHANGES_ALLOWED
            && !Boolean.parseBoolean(extraParams.getProperty("allowSigningCertifiedPdfs"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
        // Si no permitimos dialogos graficos o directamente hemos indicado que no permitimos firmar PDF certificados lanzamos
        // una excepcion
        if (Boolean.parseBoolean(extraParams.getProperty("headLess")) //$NON-NLS-1$
                || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(extraParams.getProperty("allowSigningCertifiedPdfs"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
            throw new PdfIsCertifiedException();
        // En otro caso, perguntamos al usuario
        if (AOUIFactory.NO_OPTION == AOUIFactory.showConfirmDialog(null, PDFMessages.getString("AOPDFSigner.8"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                PDFMessages.getString("AOPDFSigner.9"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                AOUIFactory.YES_NO_OPTION, AOUIFactory.WARNING_MESSAGE)) {
            throw new AOCancelledOperationException(
                    "El usuario no ha permitido la firma de un PDF certificado"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Los derechos van firmados por Adobe, y como desde iText se invalidan
    // es mejor quitarlos

    final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    // Activar el atributo de "agregar firma" (cuarto parametro del metodo
    // "PdfStamper.createSignature") hace que se cree una nueva revision del
    // documento y evita que las firmas previas queden invalidadas. Sin embargo, este
    // exige que el PDF no incorpore ningun error, asi que lo mantendremos desactivado
    // para la primera firma y activado para las subsiguientes. Un error incorporado
    // en un PDF erroneo puede quedar subsanado en su version firmada, haciendo
    // posible incorporar nuevas firmas agregando revisiones del documento.
    final PdfStamper stp;
    try {
        stp = PdfStamper.createSignature(pdfReader, // PDF de entrada
                baos, // Salida
                '\0', // Mantener version
                null, // No crear temporal
                pdfReader.getAcroFields().getSignatureNames().size() > 0 // Si hay mas firmas, creo una revision
    } catch (final BadPasswordException e) {
        throw new PdfIsPasswordProtectedException(e);

    // Aplicamos todos los atributos de firma
    final PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance();

    // PAdES parte 3 seccion 4.7 - Habilitacion para LTV
    stp.getWriter().addDeveloperExtension(new PdfDeveloperExtension(new PdfName("ESIC"), //$NON-NLS-1$
            PdfWriter.PDF_VERSION_1_7, 1));

    // Adjuntos
    if (b64Attachment != null && attachmentFileName != null) {
        byte[] attachment = null;
        try {
            attachment = Base64.decode(b64Attachment);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            LOGGER.warning("Se ha indicado un adjunto, pero no estaba en formato Base64, se ignorara : " + e); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (attachment != null) {
            stp.getWriter().addFileAttachment(attachmentDescription, attachment, null, attachmentFileName);

    // iText antiguo
    // En iText nuevo seria "sap.setRenderingMode(PdfSignatureAppearance.RenderingMode.NAME_AND_DESCRIPTION);"

    // Razon de firma
    if (reason != null) {

    // Establecer fecha local del equipo
    if (useSystemDateTime) {
        sap.setSignDate(new GregorianCalendar());

    // Gestion de los cifrados
    if (pdfReader.isEncrypted() && (ownerPassword != null || userPassword != null)) {
        if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(extraParams.getProperty("avoidEncryptingSignedPdfs"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                    "Aunque el PDF original estaba encriptado no se encriptara el PDF firmado (se establecio el indicativo 'avoidEncryptingSignedPdfs')" //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else {
            LOGGER.info("El PDF original estaba encriptado, se intentara encriptar tambien el PDF firmado" //$NON-NLS-1$
            try {
                stp.setEncryption(ownerPassword != null ? ownerPassword.getBytes() : null,
                        userPassword != null ? userPassword.getBytes() : null, pdfReader.getPermissions(),
            } catch (final DocumentException de) {
                LOGGER.warning("No se ha podido cifrar el PDF destino, se escribira sin contrasena: " + de //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Pagina en donde se imprime la firma
    if (page == LAST_PAGE) {
        page = pdfReader.getNumberOfPages();

    // Posicion de la firma
    final Rectangle signaturePositionOnPage = getSignaturePositionOnPage(extraParams);
    if (signaturePositionOnPage != null && signatureField == null) {
        sap.setVisibleSignature(signaturePositionOnPage, page, null);
    } else if (signatureField != null) {

    // Localizacion en donde se produce la firma
    if (signatureProductionCity != null) {

    // Contacto del firmante
    if (signerContact != null) {

    // Rubrica de la firma
    if (rubric != null) {
        sap.setLayer2Text(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
        sap.setLayer4Text(""); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // **************************
    // ** Texto en las capas ****
    // **************************

    // Capa 2
    if (layer2Text != null) {


        final int layer2FontColorR;
        final int layer2FontColorG;
        final int layer2FontColorB;
        if ("black".equalsIgnoreCase(layer2FontColor)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            layer2FontColorR = 0;
            layer2FontColorG = 0;
            layer2FontColorB = 0;
        } else if ("white".equalsIgnoreCase(layer2FontColor)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            layer2FontColorR = 255;
            layer2FontColorG = 255;
            layer2FontColorB = 255;
        } else if ("lightGray".equalsIgnoreCase(layer2FontColor)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            layer2FontColorR = 192;
            layer2FontColorG = 192;
            layer2FontColorB = 192;
        } else if ("gray".equalsIgnoreCase(layer2FontColor)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            layer2FontColorR = 128;
            layer2FontColorG = 128;
            layer2FontColorB = 128;
        } else if ("darkGray".equalsIgnoreCase(layer2FontColor)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            layer2FontColorR = 64;
            layer2FontColorG = 64;
            layer2FontColorB = 64;
        } else if ("red".equalsIgnoreCase(layer2FontColor)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            layer2FontColorR = 255;
            layer2FontColorG = 0;
            layer2FontColorB = 0;
        } else if ("pink".equalsIgnoreCase(layer2FontColor)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            layer2FontColorR = 255;
            layer2FontColorG = 175;
            layer2FontColorB = 175;
        } else if (layer2FontColor == null) {
            layer2FontColorR = 0;
            layer2FontColorG = 0;
            layer2FontColorB = 0;
        } else {
            LOGGER.warning("No se soporta el color '" + layer2FontColor //$NON-NLS-1$
                    + "' para el texto de la capa 4, se usara negro"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            layer2FontColorR = 0;
            layer2FontColorG = 0;
            layer2FontColorB = 0;

        com.lowagie.text.Font font;
        try {
            Class<?> colorClass;
            if (Platform.getOS() == OS.ANDROID) {
                colorClass = Class.forName("harmony.java.awt.Color"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            } else {
                colorClass = Class.forName("java.awt.Color"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            final Object color = colorClass.getConstructor(Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE)
                    .newInstance(layer2FontColorR, layer2FontColorG, layer2FontColorB);

            font = com.lowagie.text.Font.class
                    .getConstructor(Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, colorClass).newInstance(
                            // Family (COURIER = 0, HELVETICA = 1, TIMES_ROMAN = 2, SYMBOL = 3, ZAPFDINGBATS = 4)
                            layer2FontFamily == UNDEFINED ? COURIER : layer2FontFamily,
                            // Size (DEFAULTSIZE = 12)
                            layer2FontSize == UNDEFINED ? DEFAULT_LAYER_2_FONT_SIZE : layer2FontSize,
                            // Style (NORMAL = 0, BOLD = 1, ITALIC = 2, BOLDITALIC = 3, UNDERLINE = 4, STRIKETHRU = 8)
                            layer2FontStyle == UNDEFINED ? com.lowagie.text.Font.NORMAL : layer2FontStyle,
                            // Color

        } catch (Exception e) {
            font = new com.lowagie.text.Font(
                    // Family (COURIER = 0, HELVETICA = 1, TIMES_ROMAN = 2, SYMBOL = 3, ZAPFDINGBATS = 4)
                    layer2FontFamily == UNDEFINED ? COURIER : layer2FontFamily,
                    // Size (DEFAULTSIZE = 12)
                    layer2FontSize == UNDEFINED ? DEFAULT_LAYER_2_FONT_SIZE : layer2FontSize,
                    // Style (NORMAL = 0, BOLD = 1, ITALIC = 2, BOLDITALIC = 3, UNDERLINE = 4, STRIKETHRU = 8)
                    layer2FontStyle == UNDEFINED ? com.lowagie.text.Font.NORMAL : layer2FontStyle,
                    // Color

    // Capa 4
    if (layer4Text != null) {

    // ***************************
    // ** Fin texto en las capas *
    // ***************************

    sap.setCrypto(null, certChain, null, null);

    final PdfSignature dic = new PdfSignature(PdfName.ADOBE_PPKLITE,
            signatureSubFilter != null && !"".equals(signatureSubFilter) ? new PdfName(signatureSubFilter) //$NON-NLS-1$
                    : PdfName.ADBE_PKCS7_DETACHED);

    // Fecha de firma
    if (sap.getSignDate() != null) {
        dic.setDate(new PdfDate(sap.getSignDate()));

    dic.setName(PdfPKCS7.getSubjectFields((X509Certificate) certChain[0]).getField("CN")); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (sap.getReason() != null) {

    // Lugar de la firma
    if (sap.getLocation() != null) {

    // Contacto del firmante
    if (sap.getContact() != null) {


    // Certificacion del PDF (NOT_CERTIFIED = 0, CERTIFIED_NO_CHANGES_ALLOWED = 1,
    if (certificationLevel != -1) {

    // Reservamos el espacio necesario en el PDF para insertar la firma
    final HashMap<PdfName, Integer> exc = new HashMap<PdfName, Integer>();
    exc.put(PdfName.CONTENTS, Integer.valueOf(CSIZE * 2 + 2));


    // ********************************************************************************
    // **************** CALCULO DEL SIGNED DATA ***************************************
    // ********************************************************************************

    // La norma PAdES establece que si el algoritmo de huella digital es SHA1 debe usarse SigningCertificateV2, y en cualquier
    // otro caso deberia usarse SigningCertificateV2
    boolean signingCertificateV2;
    if (extraParams.containsKey("signingCertificateV2")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
        signingCertificateV2 = Boolean.parseBoolean(extraParams.getProperty("signingCertificateV2")); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } else {
        signingCertificateV2 = !"SHA1".equals(AOSignConstants.getDigestAlgorithmName(algorithm)); //$NON-NLS-1$

    byte[] completeCAdESSignature = GenCAdESEPESSignedData.generateSignedData(
            new P7ContentSignerParameters(inPDF, algorithm), true, // omitContent
            new AdESPolicy(extraParams), signingCertificateV2, key, certChain,
            AOSignConstants.getDigestAlgorithmName(algorithm), true, // Modo PAdES
            extraParams.getProperty("contentDescription") != null //$NON-NLS-1$
                    ? extraParams.getProperty("contentDescription") //$NON-NLS-1$
                    : PDF_DESC);

    //***************** SELLO DE TIEMPO ****************
    final String tsa = extraParams.getProperty("tsaURL"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    URI tsaURL;
    if (tsa != null) {
        try {
            tsaURL = new URI(tsa);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.warning("Se ha indicado una URL de TSA invalida (" + tsa //$NON-NLS-1$
                    + "), no se anadira sello de tiempo: " + e); //$NON-NLS-1$
            tsaURL = null;
        if (tsaURL != null) {
            final String tsaPolicy = extraParams.getProperty("tsaPolicy"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            if (tsaPolicy == null) {
                        "Se ha indicado una URL de TSA pero no una politica, no se anadira sello de tiempo"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            } else {
                final String tsaHashAlgorithm = extraParams.getProperty("tsaHashAlgorithm"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                completeCAdESSignature = new CMSTimestamper(
                        !Boolean.FALSE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(extraParams.getProperty("tsaRequireCert")), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        tsaPolicy, tsaURL, extraParams.getProperty("tsaUsr"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        extraParams.getProperty("tsaPwd"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        extraParams.getProperty("tsaExtensionOid") != null //$NON-NLS-1$
                                && extraParams.getProperty("tsaExtensionValueBase64") != null ? //$NON-NLS-1$
                                        new TsaRequestExtension[] { new TsaRequestExtension(
                                                extraParams.getProperty("tsaExtensionOid"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                                                        .getProperty("tsaExtensionCritical", "false")), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                                        extraParams.getProperty("tsaExtensionValueBase64")) //$NON-NLS-1$
                                        ) } : null).addTimestamp(completeCAdESSignature,
                                                        tsaHashAlgorithm != null ? tsaHashAlgorithm : "SHA1"))); //$NON-NLS-1$

    //************** FIN SELLO DE TIEMPO ****************

    // ********************************************************************************
    // *************** FIN CALCULO DEL SIGNED DATA ************************************
    // ********************************************************************************

    final byte[] outc = new byte[CSIZE];
    if (outc.length < completeCAdESSignature.length) {
        throw new AOException("La firma generada tiene un tamano (" + completeCAdESSignature.length //$NON-NLS-1$
                + ") mayor que el permitido (" + outc.length + ")" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    final PdfDictionary dic2 = new PdfDictionary();
    System.arraycopy(completeCAdESSignature, 0, outc, 0, completeCAdESSignature.length);
    dic2.put(PdfName.CONTENTS, new PdfString(outc).setHexWriting(true));


    return baos.toByteArray();

From source file:net.sf.dynamicreports.examples.genericelement.openflashchart.OpenFlashChartPdfHandler.java

License:Open Source License

public void exportElement(JRPdfExporterContext exporterContext, JRGenericPrintElement element) {
    try {/*  ww  w . java 2s.c  om*/
        PdfWriter writer = exporterContext.getPdfWriter();
        PdfIndirectObject swfRef;
        boolean newContext = !existingContexts.containsKey(exporterContext);
        if (newContext) {
            PdfDictionary extensions = new PdfDictionary();
            PdfDictionary adobeExtension = new PdfDictionary();
            adobeExtension.put(new PdfName("BaseVersion"), PdfWriter.PDF_VERSION_1_7);
            adobeExtension.put(new PdfName("ExtensionLevel"), new PdfNumber(3));
            extensions.put(new PdfName("ADBE"), adobeExtension);
            writer.getExtraCatalog().put(new PdfName("Extensions"), extensions);

            byte[] swfData = getChartSwf();
            PdfFileSpecification swfFile = PdfFileSpecification.fileEmbedded(writer, null, "Open Flash Chart",
            swfRef = writer.addToBody(swfFile);
            existingContexts.put(exporterContext, swfRef);
        } else {
            swfRef = (PdfIndirectObject) existingContexts.get(exporterContext);

        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(element.getX() + exporterContext.getOffsetX(),
                exporterContext.getExportedReport().getPageHeight() - element.getY()
                        - exporterContext.getOffsetY(),
                element.getX() + exporterContext.getOffsetX() + element.getWidth(),
                exporterContext.getExportedReport().getPageHeight() - element.getY()
                        - exporterContext.getOffsetY() - element.getHeight());
        PdfAnnotation ann = new PdfAnnotation(writer, rect);
        ann.put(PdfName.SUBTYPE, new PdfName("RichMedia"));

        PdfDictionary settings = new PdfDictionary();
        PdfDictionary activation = new PdfDictionary();
        activation.put(new PdfName("Condition"), new PdfName("PV"));
        settings.put(new PdfName("Activation"), activation);
        ann.put(new PdfName("RichMediaSettings"), settings);

        PdfDictionary content = new PdfDictionary();

        HashMap<String, PdfIndirectReference> assets = new HashMap<String, PdfIndirectReference>();
        assets.put("map.swf", swfRef.getIndirectReference());
        PdfDictionary assetsDictionary = PdfNameTree.writeTree(assets, writer);
        content.put(new PdfName("Assets"), assetsDictionary);

        PdfArray configurations = new PdfArray();
        PdfDictionary configuration = new PdfDictionary();

        PdfArray instances = new PdfArray();
        PdfDictionary instance = new PdfDictionary();
        instance.put(new PdfName("Subtype"), new PdfName("Flash"));
        PdfDictionary params = new PdfDictionary();

        String chartData = ((ChartGenerator) element
        String vars = "inline_data=" + chartData;
        params.put(new PdfName("FlashVars"), new PdfString(vars));
        instance.put(new PdfName("Params"), params);
        instance.put(new PdfName("Asset"), swfRef.getIndirectReference());
        PdfIndirectObject instanceRef = writer.addToBody(instance);
        configuration.put(new PdfName("Instances"), instances);

        PdfIndirectObject configurationRef = writer.addToBody(configuration);
        content.put(new PdfName("Configurations"), configurations);

        ann.put(new PdfName("RichMediaContent"), content);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

From source file:net.sf.fspdfs.components.ofc.ChartPdfHandler.java

License:Open Source License

public void exportElement(JRPdfExporterContext exporterContext, JRGenericPrintElement element) {
    try {//w w  w. ja v a 2 s . c  om
        PdfWriter writer = exporterContext.getPdfWriter();
        PdfIndirectObject swfRef;
        boolean newContext = !existingContexts.containsKey(exporterContext);
        if (newContext) {
            // add the Adobe 1.7 extensions catalog dictionary
            PdfDictionary extensions = new PdfDictionary();
            PdfDictionary adobeExtension = new PdfDictionary();
            adobeExtension.put(new PdfName("BaseVersion"), PdfWriter.PDF_VERSION_1_7);
            adobeExtension.put(new PdfName("ExtensionLevel"), new PdfNumber(3));
            extensions.put(new PdfName("ADBE"), adobeExtension);
            writer.getExtraCatalog().put(new PdfName("Extensions"), extensions);

            // add the swf file
            byte[] swfData = readSwf();
            PdfFileSpecification swfFile = PdfFileSpecification.fileEmbedded(writer, null, "Open Flash Chart",
            swfRef = writer.addToBody(swfFile);
            existingContexts.put(exporterContext, swfRef);
        } else {
            swfRef = (PdfIndirectObject) existingContexts.get(exporterContext);

        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(element.getX() + exporterContext.getOffsetX(),
                exporterContext.getExportedReport().getPageHeight() - element.getY()
                        - exporterContext.getOffsetY(),
                element.getX() + exporterContext.getOffsetX() + element.getWidth(),
                exporterContext.getExportedReport().getPageHeight() - element.getY()
                        - exporterContext.getOffsetY() - element.getHeight());
        PdfAnnotation ann = new PdfAnnotation(writer, rect);
        ann.put(PdfName.SUBTYPE, new PdfName("RichMedia"));

        PdfDictionary settings = new PdfDictionary();
        PdfDictionary activation = new PdfDictionary();
        activation.put(new PdfName("Condition"), new PdfName("PV"));
        settings.put(new PdfName("Activation"), activation);
        ann.put(new PdfName("RichMediaSettings"), settings);

        PdfDictionary content = new PdfDictionary();

        HashMap assets = new HashMap();
        assets.put("map.swf", swfRef.getIndirectReference());
        PdfDictionary assetsDictionary = PdfNameTree.writeTree(assets, writer);
        content.put(new PdfName("Assets"), assetsDictionary);

        PdfArray configurations = new PdfArray();
        PdfDictionary configuration = new PdfDictionary();

        PdfArray instances = new PdfArray();
        PdfDictionary instance = new PdfDictionary();
        instance.put(new PdfName("Subtype"), new PdfName("Flash"));
        PdfDictionary params = new PdfDictionary();

        String chartData = (String) element.getParameterValue(PARAMETER_CHART_DATA);
        String vars = "inline_data=" + chartData;
        params.put(new PdfName("FlashVars"), new PdfString(vars));
        instance.put(new PdfName("Params"), params);
        instance.put(new PdfName("Asset"), swfRef.getIndirectReference());
        PdfIndirectObject instanceRef = writer.addToBody(instance);
        configuration.put(new PdfName("Instances"), instances);

        PdfIndirectObject configurationRef = writer.addToBody(configuration);
        content.put(new PdfName("Configurations"), configurations);

        ann.put(new PdfName("RichMediaContent"), content);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

From source file:net.sf.jasperreports.components.ofc.ChartPdfHandler.java

License:Open Source License

public void exportElement(JRPdfExporterContext exporterContext, JRGenericPrintElement element) {
    try {/*from w w w  . java2 s  .  co  m*/
        PdfWriter writer = exporterContext.getPdfWriter();
        PdfIndirectObject swfRef;
        boolean newContext = !existingContexts.containsKey(exporterContext);
        if (newContext) {
            // add the Adobe 1.7 extensions catalog dictionary
            PdfDictionary extensions = new PdfDictionary();
            PdfDictionary adobeExtension = new PdfDictionary();
            adobeExtension.put(new PdfName("BaseVersion"), PdfWriter.PDF_VERSION_1_7);
            adobeExtension.put(new PdfName("ExtensionLevel"), new PdfNumber(3));
            extensions.put(new PdfName("ADBE"), adobeExtension);
            writer.getExtraCatalog().put(new PdfName("Extensions"), extensions);

            // add the swf file
            byte[] swfData = readSwf();
            PdfFileSpecification swfFile = PdfFileSpecification.fileEmbedded(writer, null, "Open Flash Chart",
            swfRef = writer.addToBody(swfFile);
            existingContexts.put(exporterContext, swfRef);
        } else {
            swfRef = (PdfIndirectObject) existingContexts.get(exporterContext);

        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(element.getX() + exporterContext.getOffsetX(),
                exporterContext.getExportedReport().getPageHeight() - element.getY()
                        - exporterContext.getOffsetY(),
                element.getX() + exporterContext.getOffsetX() + element.getWidth(),
                exporterContext.getExportedReport().getPageHeight() - element.getY()
                        - exporterContext.getOffsetY() - element.getHeight());
        PdfAnnotation ann = new PdfAnnotation(writer, rect);
        ann.put(PdfName.SUBTYPE, new PdfName("RichMedia"));

        PdfDictionary settings = new PdfDictionary();
        PdfDictionary activation = new PdfDictionary();
        activation.put(new PdfName("Condition"), new PdfName("PV"));
        settings.put(new PdfName("Activation"), activation);
        ann.put(new PdfName("RichMediaSettings"), settings);

        PdfDictionary content = new PdfDictionary();

        HashMap<String, PdfIndirectReference> assets = new HashMap<String, PdfIndirectReference>();
        assets.put("map.swf", swfRef.getIndirectReference());
        PdfDictionary assetsDictionary = PdfNameTree.writeTree(assets, writer);
        content.put(new PdfName("Assets"), assetsDictionary);

        PdfArray configurations = new PdfArray();
        PdfDictionary configuration = new PdfDictionary();

        PdfArray instances = new PdfArray();
        PdfDictionary instance = new PdfDictionary();
        instance.put(new PdfName("Subtype"), new PdfName("Flash"));
        PdfDictionary params = new PdfDictionary();

        String chartData = (String) element.getParameterValue(PARAMETER_CHART_DATA);
        String vars = "inline_data=" + chartData;
        params.put(new PdfName("FlashVars"), new PdfString(vars));
        instance.put(new PdfName("Params"), params);
        instance.put(new PdfName("Asset"), swfRef.getIndirectReference());
        PdfIndirectObject instanceRef = writer.addToBody(instance);
        configuration.put(new PdfName("Instances"), instances);

        PdfIndirectObject configurationRef = writer.addToBody(configuration);
        content.put(new PdfName("Configurations"), configurations);

        ann.put(new PdfName("RichMediaContent"), content);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);