Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject getDouble

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject getDouble


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject getDouble.


public double getDouble(final String key) 

Source Link


Returns the value of a field as a double .


From source file:ch.windmobile.server.mongo.MongoDataSource.java

License:Open Source License

private StationData createStationData(String stationId) throws DataSourceException {
    BasicDBObject stationJson = findStationJson(stationId);
    BasicDBObject lastDataJson = (BasicDBObject) stationJson.get("last");
    if (lastDataJson == null) {
        throw new DataSourceException(DataSourceException.Error.INVALID_DATA,
                "No last data for station '" + stationId + "'");
    }//from  w w  w  .j a  va 2 s . c o m

    StationData stationData = new StationData();

    DateTime lastUpdate = getLastUpdateDateTime(lastDataJson);
    DateTime now = new DateTime();
    DateTime expirationDate = getExpirationDate(now, lastUpdate);

    // Status
    stationData.setStatus(getDataStatus(stationJson.getString("status"), now, expirationDate));

    // Wind average
    stationData.setWindAverage((float) lastDataJson.getDouble(DataTypeConstant.windAverage.getJsonKey()));

    // Wind max
    stationData.setWindMax((float) lastDataJson.getDouble(DataTypeConstant.windMax.getJsonKey()));

    List<BasicDBObject> datas = getHistoricData(stationId, lastUpdate, getHistoricDuration());
    if (datas.size() > 0) {
        // Wind direction chart
        Serie windDirectionSerie = createSerie(datas, DataTypeConstant.windDirection.getJsonKey());
        Chart windDirectionChart = new Chart();

        // Wind history min/average
        double minValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        double sum = 0;
        double[][] windTrendMaxDatas = new double[datas.size()][2];
        // double[][] windTrendAverageDatas = new double[windAverageDatas.size()][2];
        for (int i = 0; i < datas.size(); i++) {
            BasicDBObject data = datas.get(i);
            // JDC unix-time is in seconds, windmobile java-time in millis
            long millis = data.getLong("_id") * 1000;
            double windAverage = data.getDouble(DataTypeConstant.windAverage.getJsonKey());
            double windMax = data.getDouble(DataTypeConstant.windMax.getJsonKey());
            minValue = Math.min(minValue, windAverage);
            maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, windMax);
            sum += windAverage;
            windTrendMaxDatas[i][0] = millis;
            windTrendMaxDatas[i][1] = windMax;
        stationData.setWindHistoryMin((float) minValue);
        stationData.setWindHistoryAverage((float) (sum / datas.size()));
        stationData.setWindHistoryMax((float) maxValue);

        // Wind trend
        LinearRegression linearRegression = new LinearRegression(windTrendMaxDatas);
        double slope = linearRegression.getBeta1();
        double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(slope * getWindTrendScale()));
        stationData.setWindTrend((int) Math.round(angle));

    // Air temperature
            (float) lastDataJson.getDouble(DataTypeConstant.airTemperature.getJsonKey(), -1));

    // Air humidity
    stationData.setAirHumidity((float) lastDataJson.getDouble(DataTypeConstant.airHumidity.getJsonKey(), -1));

    // Air pressure
    String key = DataTypeConstant.airPressure.getJsonKey();
    if (lastDataJson.containsField(key)) {
        stationData.setAirPressure((float) lastDataJson.getDouble(key));

    // Rain
    key = DataTypeConstant.rain.getJsonKey();
    if (lastDataJson.containsField(key)) {
        stationData.setRain((float) lastDataJson.getDouble(key));

    return stationData;

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.CollectionPanel.java

License:Apache License

public void shardingDistribution(ButtonBase button) {
    final DB config = getCollectionNode().getCollection().getDB().getSisterDB("config");

    new DbJob() {
        @Override//from w  ww  .  j  a v a2  s  . c o  m
        public Object doRun() throws Exception {
            BasicDBObject result = new BasicDBObject();
            BasicDBList shardList = new BasicDBList();
            BasicDBObject stats = getStats();
            BasicDBObject shards = (BasicDBObject) stats.get("shards");
            if (shards == null || shards.isEmpty())
                return null;

            long totalChunks = 0;
            long totalSize = stats.getLong("size");
            long totalCount = stats.getLong("count");

            for (Entry shard : shards.entrySet()) {
                String shardName = (String) shard.getKey();
                BasicDBObject shardStats = (BasicDBObject) shard.getValue();

                BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("ns",
                query.put("shard", shardName);
                long numChunks = config.getCollection("chunks").count(query);
                totalChunks += numChunks;

                double estChunkData = numChunks <= 0 ? 0 : shardStats.getLong("size") / numChunks;
                long estChunkCount = numChunks <= 0 ? 0
                        : (long) Math.floor(shardStats.getLong("count") / numChunks);

                BasicDBObject shardDetails = new BasicDBObject("shard", shardName);
                shardDetails.put("data", shardStats.getLong("size"));
                        totalSize <= 0 ? 0 : (shardStats.getLong("size") * 100.0) / totalSize);
                shardDetails.put("docs", shardStats.getLong("count"));
                        totalCount <= 0 ? 0 : (shardStats.getLong("count") * 100.0) / totalCount);
                shardDetails.put("chunks", numChunks);
                if (shardStats.containsField("avgObjSize"))
                    shardDetails.put("avgDocSize", shardStats.getDouble("avgObjSize"));
                shardDetails.put("estimatedDataPerChunk", estChunkData);
                shardDetails.put("estimatedDocsPerChunk", estChunkCount);
            result.put("shards", shardList);

            BasicDBObject total = new BasicDBObject();
            total.put("data", totalSize);
            total.put("docs", totalCount);
            total.put("chunks", totalChunks);
            total.put("avgDocSize", stats.getDouble("avgObjSize"));
            result.put("total", total);
            return result;

        public String getNS() {
            return getCollectionNode().getCollection().getFullName();

        public String getShortName() {
            return "Sharding Distribution";

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.EditAggGeoNearDialog.java

License:Apache License

public void setParameters(Object value) {
    BasicDBObject cmd = (BasicDBObject) value;
    ((DocBuilderField) getBoundUnit(Item.near)).setDBObject((DBObject) cmd.get("near"));
    setStringFieldValue(Item.distanceField, cmd.getString("distanceField"));
    setDoubleFieldValue(Item.maxDistance, cmd.getDouble("maxDistance"));
    if (cmd.containsField("distanceMultiplier")) {
        setDoubleFieldValue(Item.distanceMultiplier, cmd.getDouble("distanceMultiplier"));
    }/*from  w w  w .  ja  va2s .  c  o  m*/
    if (cmd.containsField("query")) {
        ((DocBuilderField) getBoundUnit(Item.query)).setDBObject((DBObject) cmd.get("query"));
    if (cmd.containsField("spherical")) {
        setBooleanFieldValue(Item.spherical, cmd.getBoolean("spherical"));

    if (cmd.containsField("query")) {
        ((DocBuilderField) getBoundUnit(Item.query)).setDBObject((DBObject) cmd.get("query"));

    if (cmd.containsField("includeLocs")) {
        setStringFieldValue(Item.includeLocs, cmd.getString("includeLocs"));

    if (cmd.containsField("uniqueDocs")) {
        setBooleanFieldValue(Item.uniqueDocs, cmd.getBoolean("uniqueDocs"));

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.ReplicaDialog.java

License:Apache License

public void updateFromReplicaConfig(BasicDBObject member) {
    // reset/* w w w .j a va2s . co  m*/
    ((TextField) getBoundUnit(Item.host)).editable = false;

    setStringFieldValue(Item.host, member.getString("host"));
    setBooleanFieldValue(Item.arbiterOnly, member.getBoolean("arbiterOnly", false));
    setBooleanFieldValue(Item.hidden, member.getBoolean("hidden", false));
    setBooleanFieldValue(Item.ignoreIndexes, !member.getBoolean("buildIndexes", true));

    if (member.containsField("priority")) {
        setDoubleFieldValue(Item.priority, member.getDouble("priority"));
    if (member.containsField("slaveDelay")) {
        setIntFieldValue(Item.slaveDelay, member.getInt("slaveDelay"));
    if (member.containsField("votes")) {
        setIntFieldValue(Item.votes, member.getInt("votes"));
    if (member.containsField("tags")) {
        ((DocBuilderField) getBoundUnit(Item.tags)).setDBObject((DBObject) member.get("tags"));

From source file:com.emuneee.camerasyncmanager.util.DatabaseUtil.java

License:Apache License

 * Converts BasicDBObject to camera/*from   w w  w.  j a  va2  s.co m*/
 * @param dbObj
 * @return
public Camera dbObjectToCamera(BasicDBObject dbObj) {
    Camera camera = new Camera();
    return camera;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing.ScoringUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private void stage1_initialCountingLoop(DBCursor docs, AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo scoreParams,
        int toReturn, StatisticsPojo scores, LinkedList<BasicDBObject> standaloneEventsReturn,
        int nCommunities) {
    double s0_nQuerySubsetDocCountInv = 1.0 / (double) _s0_nQuerySubsetDocCount;

    // Some memory management:
    DBCollection dbc = MongoDbManager.getDocument().getMetadata();
    DBDecoderFactory defaultDecoder = dbc.getDBDecoderFactory();

    try {//  w  w w .  j  a  va2s  . co m
        SizeReportingBasicBSONDecoder sizeReportingDecoder = new SizeReportingBasicBSONDecoder();

        long currMemUsage = 0;
        int ndocs = 0;
        long lastBatch = 0L;

        long initialUnusedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
        long initialFreeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();

        for (DBObject f0 : docs) {
            BasicDBObject f = (BasicDBObject) f0;
            long newMemUsage = sizeReportingDecoder.getSize();
            if ((newMemUsage - currMemUsage) > 0) { // check every batch               
                long now = new Date().getTime();

                //logger.warn(ndocs + " : " + (now - lastBatch) + " : " + newMemUsage + " VS " + Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() + " UNUSED " + (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()) + " FREE " + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory());

                // Check vs total memory:
                long runtimeMem = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
                // note newMemUsage is the input memory ... gets expanded ~6x by the BSON-ification, allowed at most 1/4rd of memory...
                // Also if we're taking more than 20s for a batch then limp over the limit and exit...
                if (((newMemUsage * 24) > runtimeMem)
                        || (((now - lastBatch) > 20000L) && (ndocs >= toReturn))) {
                    long finalUnusedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()
                            - Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
                    long finalFreeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();

                    logger.error("Query truncated memUsage=" + newMemUsage + ", memory=" + runtimeMem
                            + ", docs=" + ndocs + ", totaldocs=" + scores.found + ", init_free_mem="
                            + initialFreeMemory + ", end_free_mem=" + finalFreeMemory + ", init_unused_mem="
                            + initialUnusedMemory + ", end_unused_mem=" + finalUnusedMemory);
                } //TESTED
                currMemUsage = newMemUsage;
                lastBatch = now;
            } //TESTED

            // Simple handling for standalone events
            if ((null != _s0_standaloneEventAggregator) && !_s0_bNeedToCalcSig) {
                //if _s0_bNeedToCalcSig then do this elsewhere
                ScoringUtils_Associations.addStandaloneEvents(f, 0.0, 0, _s0_standaloneEventAggregator,
                        _s0_bEntityTypeFilterPositive, _s0_bAssocVerbFilterPositive, _s0_entityTypeFilter,
                        _s0_assocVerbFilter, _s0_bEvents, _s0_bSummaries, _s0_bFacts);
            } //TESTED

            if (!_s0_bNeedToCalcSig) {
            } //TESTED

            if (nCommunities > 1) { // (could have pan-community entities)
                ObjectId communityId = (ObjectId) f.get(DocumentPojo.communityId_);
                if (null != communityId) { // (have big problems if so, but anyway!)
                    int retval = _s0_multiCommunityHandler.community_getIdAndInitialize(communityId,
                    // (returns an int community id but also sets it into the cache, so just use that below)
                    if (Integer.MIN_VALUE == retval) {
                        //this document cannot be viewed from within this set of communities
            } //TESTED      

            TempDocBucket docBucket = new TempDocBucket();
            docBucket.dbo = f;
            ObjectId id = (ObjectId) f.get(DocumentPojo._id_);

            // If we're going to weight relevance in, or we need the geo temporal decay:
            if ((0 != scoreParams.relWeight) || (null != scoreParams.timeProx)
                    || (null != scoreParams.geoProx)) {
                StatisticsPojo.Score scoreObj = scores.getScore().get(id);
                if (null != scoreObj) {
                    docBucket.explain = scoreObj.explain; // (will normally be null)
                    docBucket.luceneScore = scoreObj.score;
                    if ((null != scoreParams.timeProx) || (null != scoreParams.geoProx)) {
                        if (scoreObj.decay >= 0.0) {
                            docBucket.geoTemporalDecay = scoreObj.decay;
                        // (see also below for low accuracy geo scoring)
                } else {
                    docBucket.luceneScore = 1.0;
            } //TESTED
            else if (this._s0_sortingByDate) {
                StatisticsPojo.Score scoreObj = scores.getScore().get(id);
                if (null != scoreObj) {
                    docBucket.nLuceneIndex = scoreObj.nIndex;
            docBucket.manualWeighting = this.getManualScoreWeights(scoreParams, f);

            BasicDBList l = (BasicDBList) (f.get(DocumentPojo.entities_));
            if (null != l) {

                long nEntsInDoc = l.size();
                double dBestGeoScore = 0.0; // (for low accuracy geo only)
                for (Iterator<?> e0 = l.iterator(); e0.hasNext();) {
                    BasicDBObject e = (BasicDBObject) e0.next();
                    BasicDBObject tmpGeotag = null;
                    if (_s3_bLowAccuracyGeo || (null != _s1_dManualGeoDecay_latLonInvdecay)) {
                        // low accuracy geo, need to look for geotag
                        tmpGeotag = (BasicDBObject) e.get(EntityPojo.geotag_);

                    // Get attributes

                    double freq = -1.0;
                    long ntotaldoccount = -1;
                    String entity_index;
                    Double sentiment = null;
                    try {
                        sentiment = (Double) e.get(EntityPojo.sentiment_);
                        ntotaldoccount = e.getLong(EntityPojo.doccount_);
                        freq = e.getDouble(EntityPojo.frequency_);
                        entity_index = e.getString(EntityPojo.index_);
                        if (null == entity_index) {
                            // Just bypass the entity 
                            e.put(EntityPojo.significance_, 0.0);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        try {
                            String sfreq;
                            if (ntotaldoccount < 0) {
                                sfreq = e.getString(EntityPojo.doccount_);
                                ntotaldoccount = Long.valueOf(sfreq);
                            if (freq < -0.5) {
                                sfreq = e.getString(EntityPojo.frequency_);
                                freq = Long.valueOf(sfreq).doubleValue();
                            entity_index = e.getString(EntityPojo.index_);
                            if (null == entity_index) {
                                // Just bypass the entity 
                                e.put(EntityPojo.significance_, 0.0);
                        } catch (Exception e2) {
                            // Just bypass the entity 
                            e.put(EntityPojo.significance_, 0.0);
                    } //TESTED

                    // First loop through is just counting

                    // Retrieve entity (create/initialzie if necessary)
                    EntSigHolder shp = _s1_entitiesInDataset.get(entity_index);
                    if (null == shp) {
                        if (ntotaldoccount > (long) _s0_globalDocCount) { // obviously can't have more entities-in-dos than docs... 
                            ntotaldoccount = (long) _s0_globalDocCount;
                        shp = new EntSigHolder(entity_index, ntotaldoccount, _s0_multiCommunityHandler);

                        // Stage 1a alias handling: set up infrastructure, calculate doc overlap
                        if (null != _s1_aliasLookup) {
                        if ((null != shp.aliasInfo) && (null == shp.masterAliasSH)) { // this is the discard alias
                        } //TESTED

                        // Check if entity is in type filter list
                        if (null != _s0_entityTypeFilter) {
                            String entType = null;
                            if (null != shp.aliasInfo) {
                                entType = shp.aliasInfo.getType();
                            } else {
                                entType = e.getString(EntityPojo.type_);
                            if (_s0_bEntityTypeFilterPositive) {
                                if ((null != entType)
                                        && !_s0_entityTypeFilter.contains(entType.toLowerCase())) {
                            } else if ((null != entType)
                                    && _s0_entityTypeFilter.contains(entType.toLowerCase())) {
                                //(negative filter)

                        } //TESTED (end entity filter)

                        // Geo:
                        if (null != shp.aliasInfo) {
                            if (null != shp.aliasInfo.getGeotag()) { //Geo, overwrite/create tmpGeotag
                                if (_s3_bLowAccuracyGeo || _s3_bExtraAliasGeo
                                        || (null != _s1_dManualGeoDecay_latLonInvdecay)) {
                                    // Always capture alias geo, even if not in low accuracy mode because we add it to the 
                                    // legitimate geo:
                                    if ((_s3_bLowAccuracyGeo || _s3_bExtraAliasGeo)
                                            && (null == _s3_geoBuckets)) {
                                        // Initialize the buckets if this is for aggregation not just decay
                                        _s3_geoBuckets = (LinkedList<EntSigHolder>[]) new LinkedList[_s3_nGEO_BUCKETS];

                                    if (null == tmpGeotag) {
                                        tmpGeotag = new BasicDBObject();
                                    tmpGeotag.put(GeoPojo.lat_, shp.aliasInfo.getGeotag().lat);
                                    tmpGeotag.put(GeoPojo.lon_, shp.aliasInfo.getGeotag().lon);

                                    if (null != shp.aliasInfo.getOntology_type()) {
                                        e.put(EntityPojo.ontology_type_, shp.aliasInfo.getOntology_type());
                        } //TESTED (end geo for aggregation or decay)

                        _s1_entitiesInDataset.put(entity_index, shp);
                        // end Stage 1a alias handling
                    } //(end if is alias)

                    // Stage 1b alias handling: calculate document counts (taking overlaps into account)
                    if (null != shp.masterAliasSH) {
                        // Counts:
                        // docs including overlaps
                        shp.masterAliasSH.avgFreqOverQuerySubset += freq;

                        // Keep track of overlaps:
                        if (f != shp.masterAliasSH.unusedDbo) {
                            shp.masterAliasSH.unusedDbo = f;
                            // (note this is only used in stage 1, alias.unusedDbo is re-used differently in stage 3/4)
                            // non-overlapping docs ie < shp.nDocCountInQuerySubset

                        // Sentiment:
                        shp.masterAliasSH.positiveSentiment += shp.positiveSentiment;
                        shp.masterAliasSH.negativeSentiment += shp.negativeSentiment;
                        if (null != sentiment) {

                    } //TESTED (end if is alias)
                      // end Stage 1b

                    // Pan-community logic (this needs to be before the entity object is updated)
                    if (_s0_multiCommunityHandler.isActive()) {
                        _s0_multiCommunityHandler.community_updateCorrelations(shp, ntotaldoccount,
                    } else { // (Once we've started multi-community logic, this is no longer desirable)
                        if ((ntotaldoccount > shp.nTotalDocCount) && (ntotaldoccount <= _s0_globalDocCount)) {
                            shp.nTotalDocCount = ntotaldoccount;
                        //(note there used to be some cases where we adjusted for dc/tf==0, but the 
                        // underlying issue in the data model that caused this has been fixed, so it's 
                        // now a pathological case that can be ignored)
                    } //(TESTED)

                    // Update counts:
                    _s1_sumFreqInQuerySubset += freq;
                    shp.avgFreqOverQuerySubset += freq;
                    shp.decayedDocCountInQuerySubset += docBucket.geoTemporalDecay;
                    // (note this doesn't handle low accuracy geo-decay ... we'll address that via a separate term)

                    TempEntityInDocBucket entBucket = new TempEntityInDocBucket();
                    entBucket.dbo = e;
                    entBucket.freq = freq;
                    entBucket.doc = docBucket;
                    if (null != tmpGeotag) { // (only needed for low accuracy geo aggregation)

                        if ((_s3_bLowAccuracyGeo || _s3_bExtraAliasGeo) && (null == shp.geotag)) { // (first time for shp only)
                            shp.geotag = tmpGeotag;
                            shp.geotaggedEntity = e; // (ie for onto type, which has been overwritten in the alias case...)
                        if (null != _s1_dManualGeoDecay_latLonInvdecay) {
                            // Emulate scripted Lucene calculations
                            double minlat = tmpGeotag.getDouble(GeoPojo.lat_);
                            double minlon = tmpGeotag.getDouble(GeoPojo.lon_);
                            double paramlat = _s1_dManualGeoDecay_latLonInvdecay[0];
                            double paramlon = _s1_dManualGeoDecay_latLonInvdecay[1];
                            double gdecay = _s1_dManualGeoDecay_latLonInvdecay[2];
                            char ontCode = GeoOntologyMapping
                            double dDecay = QueryDecayScript.getGeoDecay(minlat, minlon, paramlat, paramlon,
                                    gdecay, ontCode);
                            if (dDecay > dBestGeoScore) {
                                dBestGeoScore = dDecay;
                        } //TESTED
                    } //(end if entity has geo and need to process entity geo)

                    if (freq > shp.maxFreq) {
                        shp.maxFreq = freq;
                    // Sentiment:
                    if ((null != sentiment) && (Math.abs(sentiment) <= 1.1)) { // (actually 1.0)
                        if (sentiment > 0.0) {
                            shp.positiveSentiment += sentiment;
                        } else {
                            shp.negativeSentiment += sentiment;
                    } else if (null != sentiment) { // corrupt sentiment for some reason?!
                        e.put(EntityPojo.sentiment_, null);
                    docBucket.docLength += freq;

                } //(end loop over entities)

                docBucket.nLeftToProcess = nEntsInDoc;
                docBucket.nEntsInDoc = (int) nEntsInDoc;

                if (null != this._s1_dManualGeoDecay_latLonInvdecay) { // Low accuracy geo-calculations
                    docBucket.geoTemporalDecay *= dBestGeoScore;
                    docBucket.luceneScore *= dBestGeoScore;
                    _s2_dAvgLowAccuracyGeoDecay += dBestGeoScore * s0_nQuerySubsetDocCountInv;
                } //TESTED            

            } // (end if feed has entities)

            // Handle documents with no entities - can still promote them
            if (0 == docBucket.nLeftToProcess) { // (use this rather than doc length in case all the entities had freq 0)

        } // (end loop over feeds)
    } finally {

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing.ScoringUtils_Associations.java

License:Open Source License

static void finalizeStandaloneEvents(LinkedList<BasicDBObject> standaloneEventList,
        StandaloneEventHashAggregator standaloneEventAggregator, int nMaxToReturn) {
    double dMaxSig = (standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig + 0.01); // (+0.01 ensures no div by zero and that dBucket<1.0)
    int nHighPrioAssocs = (standaloneEventAggregator.nPhase0Events
            + standaloneEventAggregator.nPhase1Events / 4);
    // (all the docs being promoted and some of the docs that didn't quite make it)

    int nCurrAssoc = 0;
    int nFromHighPrioAddedToBucket = 0;
    for (BasicDBObject assoc : standaloneEventAggregator.tmpList) {

        try {//www  .ja v  a2s .co  m
            double dAssocSig = assoc.getDouble(AssociationPojo.assoc_sig_);
            assoc.put(AssociationPojo.assoc_sig_, Math.sqrt(dAssocSig));

            double dBucket = dAssocSig / dMaxSig;
            int nBucket = StandaloneEventHashAggregator.NUM_BUCKETS_1
                    - (int) (StandaloneEventHashAggregator.DNUM_BUCKETS * dBucket)
                            % StandaloneEventHashAggregator.NUM_BUCKETS; // (do crazy stuff if dBucket >= 1.0)

            LinkedList<BasicDBObject> bucketList = standaloneEventAggregator.listBuckets[nBucket];
            if (null == bucketList) {
                bucketList = new LinkedList<BasicDBObject>();
                standaloneEventAggregator.listBuckets[nBucket] = bucketList;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Just ignore that event
        if (nCurrAssoc < nHighPrioAssocs) {

        // Some exit criteria:

        if (nFromHighPrioAddedToBucket >= nMaxToReturn) { // Got enough events...
            if (nCurrAssoc >= nHighPrioAssocs) { // And stepped through the high prio ones

    } // (end loop over all collected "events")

    // Now add the required number of elements to the output list:

    int nAddedToReturnList = 0;
    for (LinkedList<BasicDBObject> bucket : standaloneEventAggregator.listBuckets) {

        if (null != bucket) {
            for (BasicDBObject dbo : bucket) {
                if (standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation) {
                    dbo = new BasicDBObject(dbo);
                } //TESTED

                if (nAddedToReturnList >= nMaxToReturn) {


From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing.ScoringUtils_Associations.java

License:Open Source License

static void addStandaloneEvents(BasicDBObject doc, double dDocSig, int nPhase,
        StandaloneEventHashAggregator standaloneEventAggregator, boolean bEntTypeFilterPositive,
        boolean bAssocVerbFilterPositive, HashSet<String> entTypeFilter, HashSet<String> assocVerbFilter,
        boolean bEvents, boolean bSummaries, boolean bFacts) {
    if (standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation) {
        bSummaries = false;//  w  w  w  . j a v  a 2 s  .  com
    String sDocIsoPubDate = null;

    BasicDBList lev = (BasicDBList) (doc.get(DocumentPojo.associations_));
    if (null != lev) {
        for (Iterator<?> e0 = lev.iterator(); e0.hasNext();) {
            BasicDBObject e = (BasicDBObject) e0.next();

            String sEvType = e.getString(AssociationPojo.assoc_type_);
            boolean bIsFact = false;
            boolean bIsSummary = false;
            boolean bKeep = true;
            if (null == sEvType) {
                bKeep = false;
            } else if (sEvType.equalsIgnoreCase("event")) {
                if (!bEvents)
                    bKeep = false;
            } else if (sEvType.equalsIgnoreCase("fact")) {
                if (!bFacts)
                    bKeep = false;
                bIsFact = true;
            } else if (sEvType.equalsIgnoreCase("summary")) {
                if (!bSummaries)
                    bKeep = false;
                bIsSummary = true;
            } //TESTED x4

            // Filter and aliasing logic:
            if (bKeep) {
                boolean bKeep2 = filterAndAliasAssociation(e, standaloneEventAggregator.aliasLookup, true,
                        bEntTypeFilterPositive, bAssocVerbFilterPositive, entTypeFilter, assocVerbFilter);
                if (!bKeep2) {
                    // (remove/rename events based on filters where we can, 
                    //  means we don't have to do it in stage4)
                    bKeep = false;
            } //TESTED

            if (bKeep) {
                String time_start = null;
                String time_end = null; // (normally not needed)

                if (!standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation) { //else times are discarded                  
                    // Add time from document
                    time_start = e.getString(AssociationPojo.time_start_);

                    if (null == time_start) {
                        if (null == sDocIsoPubDate) {
                            // Convert docu pub date to ISO (day granularity):
                            Date pubDate = (Date) doc.get(DocumentPojo.publishedDate_);

                            if (null != pubDate) {
                                SimpleDateFormat f2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
                                time_start = f2.format(pubDate);
                        } else {
                            time_start = sDocIsoPubDate; // (so it doesn't get added again below)
                    } //TESTED               
                    else { // Remove hourly granularity for consistency                  
                        time_start = time_start.replaceAll("T.*$", "");
                        time_end = e.getString(AssociationPojo.time_end_);

                        if (null != time_end) {
                            time_end = time_end.replaceAll("T.*$", "");
                    } //TESTED (with debug code, eg time_start = "1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00")
                    if (null != time_start) { // Ensure it has day granularity, to help with aggregation
                        e.put(AssociationPojo.time_start_, time_start);
                        if (null != time_end) {
                            e.put(AssociationPojo.time_end_, time_end);
                    } //TESTED
                } //(end if normal standalone mode, not aggregation simulation)

                StandaloneEventHashCode evtHolder = new StandaloneEventHashCode(
                        standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation, e, bIsSummary, bIsFact);
                BasicDBObject oldEvt = standaloneEventAggregator.store.get(evtHolder);

                if (null == oldEvt) {
                    // Doc count (see below)
                    e.put(AssociationPojo.doccount_, 1);
                    double dAssocSig = dDocSig * dDocSig;

                    // Weight down summaries slightly (80%), and summaries with missing entities a lot (50%)  
                    if (bIsSummary) {
                        String sEntity2 = (String) e.get(AssociationPojo.entity2_);
                        if (null == sEntity2) {
                            dAssocSig *= 0.50;
                        } else {
                            dAssocSig *= 0.80;

                    // Running significance count:
                    e.put(AssociationPojo.assoc_sig_, dAssocSig); // (use sum-squared to score up events that occur frequently)
                    if (dAssocSig > standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig) {
                        standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig = dAssocSig;

                    standaloneEventAggregator.store.put(evtHolder, e);

                    // Add to list in some sort of very basic order...
                    if (2 == nPhase) { // Put at the back, it's probably really low sig
                    } else if (1 == nPhase) { // Put at the front until Phase 0 comes along
                    } else { // phases 0 and 1 get the higher orderings
                } else { // Update doc count
                    long nDocCount = oldEvt.getInt(AssociationPojo.doccount_, 1) + 1;
                    oldEvt.put(AssociationPojo.doccount_, nDocCount);
                    // Running significance count:
                    double dAssocSig = oldEvt.getDouble(AssociationPojo.doccount_) + dDocSig * dDocSig;
                    oldEvt.put(AssociationPojo.assoc_sig_, dAssocSig);
                    if (dAssocSig / nDocCount > standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig) {
                        standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig = dAssocSig;

                    if (bIsFact && !standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation) {
                        // For facts, also update the time range:
                        String old_time_start = oldEvt.getString(AssociationPojo.time_start_);
                        String old_time_end = oldEvt.getString(AssociationPojo.time_end_);
                        // Just keep this really simple and inefficient:
                        TreeSet<String> timeOrder = new TreeSet<String>();
                        if (null != old_time_start) {
                        if (null != old_time_end) {
                        if (null != time_start) {
                        if (null != time_end) {
                        if (timeOrder.size() > 1) {
                            Iterator<String> itStart = timeOrder.iterator();
                            oldEvt.put(AssociationPojo.time_start_, itStart.next());
                            Iterator<String> itEnd = timeOrder.descendingIterator();
                            oldEvt.put(AssociationPojo.time_end_, itEnd.next());

                    } // end if is fact - treat times different

            } // (end if keeping this event)
        } // (end loop over events)   
    } // (end if this doc has events)


From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.SearchHandler.java

License:Open Source License

 * Performs a reverse geolookup, takes a lat/lon and returns a list of nearby
 * locations/*from  ww w .  j  a  va 2 s .c o m*/
 * @param latitude
 * @param longitude
 * @return
private List<SearchSuggestPojo> reverseGeoLookup(Double latitude, Double longitude) {
    List<SearchSuggestPojo> locations = null;

    BasicDBList results = runGeoNear(latitude, longitude);

    if (results != null) {
        locations = new ArrayList<SearchSuggestPojo>();
        if (results.size() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 10 && i < results.size(); i++) {
                BasicDBObject result = (BasicDBObject) results.get(i);
                Double distance = result.getDouble("dis");
                BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) result.get("obj");
                locations.add(buildLocation(obj, distance));
    return locations;

From source file:com.petpet.c3po.dao.mongo.MongoPersistenceLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Parses the numeric statistics out of given {@link DBObject}.
 * @param object the object to parse./*from  w  w w  .  j a  v  a2 s  .c  om*/
 * @return a {@link NumericStatistics} object that wraps the results.
private NumericStatistics parseNumericStatistics(DBObject object) {
    NumericStatistics result = null;

    if (object == null) {
        result = new NumericStatistics();

    } else {

        BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) object;

        long count = obj.getLong("count");
        double sum, min, max, avg, std, var;
        try {
            sum = obj.getDouble("sum");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            sum = 0;
        try {
            min = obj.getDouble("min");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            min = 0;
        try {
            max = obj.getDouble("max");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            max = 0;
        try {
            avg = obj.getDouble("avg");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            avg = 0;
        try {
            std = obj.getDouble("stddev");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            std = 0;
        try {
            var = obj.getDouble("variance");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            var = 0;
        result = new NumericStatistics(count, sum, min, max, avg, std, var);

    return result;