Java com.mongodb.client.model Projections fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.mongodb.client.model Projections fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.mongodb.client.model Projections.

The text is from its open source code.


Bsoncomputed(final String fieldName, final TExpression expression)
Creates a projection of a field whose value is computed from the given expression.
BsonelemMatch(final String fieldName)
Creates a projection that includes for the given field only the first element of an array that matches the query filter.
BsonelemMatch(final String fieldName, final Bson filter)
Creates a projection that includes for the given field only the first element of the array value of that field that matches the given query filter.
Bsonexclude(final String... fieldNames)
Creates a projection that excludes all of the given fields.
Bsonexclude(final List fieldNames)
Creates a projection that excludes all of the given fields.
Creates a projection that excludes the _id field.
Bsonfields(final Bson... projections)
Creates a projection that combines the list of projections into a single one.
Bsonfields(final List projections)
Creates a projection that combines the list of projections into a single one.
Bsoninclude(final String... fieldNames)
Creates a projection that includes all of the given fields.
Bsoninclude(final List fieldNames)
Creates a projection that includes all of the given fields.
BsonmetaTextScore(final String fieldName)
Creates a projection to the given field name of the textScore, for use with text queries.
Bsonslice(final String fieldName, final int limit)
Creates a projection to the given field name of a slice of the array value of that field.
Bsonslice(final String fieldName, final int skip, final int limit)
Creates a projection to the given field name of a slice of the array value of that field.