Java com.mongodb.client.model Updates fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.mongodb.client.model Updates fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.mongodb.client.model Updates.

The text is from its open source code.


BsonaddToSet(final String fieldName, @Nullable final TItem value)
Creates an update that adds the given value to the array value of the field with the given name, unless the value is already present, in which case it does nothing
Bsoncombine(final Bson... updates)
Combine a list of updates into a single update.
Bsoncombine(final List updates)
Combine a list of updates into a single update.
BsoncurrentDate(final String fieldName)
Creates an update that sets the value of the field to the current date as a BSON date.
Bsoninc(final String fieldName, final Number number)
Creates an update that increments the value of the field with the given name by the given value.
BsonpopFirst(final String fieldName)
Creates an update that pops the first element of an array that is the value of the field with the given name.
BsonpopLast(final String fieldName)
Creates an update that pops the last element of an array that is the value of the field with the given name.
Bsonpull(final String fieldName, @Nullable final TItem value)
Creates an update that removes all instances of the given value from the array value of the field with the given name.
BsonpullAll(final String fieldName, final List values)
Creates an update that removes all instances of the given values from the array value of the field with the given name.
Bsonpush(final String fieldName, @Nullable final TItem value)
Creates an update that adds the given value to the array value of the field with the given name.
Bsonset(final String fieldName, @Nullable final TItem value)
Creates an update that sets the value of the field with the given name to the given value.
BsonsetOnInsert(final String fieldName, @Nullable final TItem value)
Creates an update that sets the value of the field with the given name to the given value, but only if the update is an upsert that results in an insert of a document.
Bsonunset(final String fieldName)
Creates an update that deletes the field with the given name.