Example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection insert

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection insert


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection insert.


public WriteResult insert(final List<? extends DBObject> documents, final InsertOptions insertOptions) 

Source Link


Insert documents into a collection.


From source file:UnitTest3.java

License:Open Source License

public static int testgridfs() {

    long time1;/* ww w . jav  a  2  s .c  om*/
    long time2;
    long time3;
    long time4;

    try {

        MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
        DB db = mongo.getDB("JFileDB");

        // TODO JFileMetaDataTable should be in MetaDB database
        DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("JFileMetaDataTable");

        String newFileName = "com.dilmus.scabi.testdata.in.App.class";

        File jFile = new File("/home/anees/workspace/testdata/in/App.class");

        // create a JFileTable namespace
        GridFS gfsj = new GridFS(db, "JFileTable");

        // get file from local drive
        GridFSInputFile gfsFile = gfsj.createFile(jFile);

        // set a new filename for identify purpose
        gfsFile.setContentType("class"); // jar, zip, war
        // save the image file into mongoDB

        // Let's create a new JSON document with some "metadata" information
        BasicDBObject info = new BasicDBObject();
        info.put("DBHost", "localhost");
        info.put("DBPort", "27017");
        info.put("JFileName", newFileName);
        info.put("JFileID", gfsFile.getId());
        info.put("JFileMD5", gfsFile.getMD5());
        collection.insert(info, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

        // print the result
        DBCursor cursor = gfsj.getFileList();
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {

        DBCursor cursor2 = collection.find();

        while (cursor2.hasNext()) {

        // get file by it's filename
        GridFSDBFile jForOutput = gfsj.findOne(newFileName);

        // save it into a new image file

        // remove the file from mongoDB
        // gfsj.remove(gfsj.findOne(newFileName));

    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    } catch (MongoException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return 0;

From source file:calliope.core.database.MongoConnection.java

License:Open Source License

 * PUT a new json file to the database/*  w  ww. j a  v  a 2s  . co  m*/
 * @param collName the name of the collection
 * @param json the json to put there
 * @return the server response
public String addToDb(String collName, String json) throws DbException {
    try {
        DBObject doc = (DBObject) JSON.parse(json);
        DBCollection coll = getCollectionFromName(collName);
        if (doc.containsField(JSONKeys._ID)) {
            Object id = doc.get(JSONKeys._ID);
            DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(JSONKeys._ID, id);
            if (query != null) {
                WriteResult result = coll.update(query, doc, true, false);
                return result.toString();
            } else
                throw new Exception("Failed to update object " + id);
        } else {
            WriteResult result = coll.insert(doc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);
            // return the new document's id
            ObjectId id = (ObjectId) doc.get("_id");
            JSONObject jDoc = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(result.toString());
            jDoc.put("_id", id.toString());
            return jDoc.toJSONString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DbException(e);

From source file:com.andreig.jetty.WriteServlet.java

License:GNU General Public License

protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {


    if (!can_write(req)) {
        res.sendError(SC_UNAUTHORIZED);//from   www.  j av  a  2s  .  c o m

    InputStream is = req.getInputStream();
    String db_name = req.getParameter("dbname");
    String col_name = req.getParameter("colname");
    if (db_name == null || col_name == null) {
        String names[] = req2mongonames(req);
        if (names != null) {
            db_name = names[0];
            col_name = names[1];
        if (db_name == null || col_name == null) {
            error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("param name missing"));
    DB db = mongo.getDB(db_name);

    // mongo auth
    String user = req.getParameter("user");
    String passwd = req.getParameter("passwd");
    if (user != null && passwd != null && (!db.isAuthenticated())) {
        boolean auth = db.authenticate(user, passwd.toCharArray());
        if (!auth) {

    DBCollection col = db.getCollection(col_name);

    BufferedReader r = null;
    ArrayList<DBObject> ar = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    try {

        r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
        String data;
        while ((data = r.readLine()) != null) {
            if (data != null) {
                DBObject o;
                try {
                    o = (DBObject) JSON.parse(data);
                } catch (JSONParseException e) {
                    error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("can not parse data"));

    } finally {
        if (r != null)

    if (ar.size() == 0) {
        error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("can not parse data"));

    WriteResult wr = col.insert(ar, write_concern);

    // search
    if (do_search) {
        String fn = col.getFullName();
        List<String> flds = Config.search_index_fields.get(fn);
        if (flds != null && flds.size() > 0) {
            Search _writer = search.get_writer();
            try {
                for (DBObject o : ar) {
                    boolean commit = false;
                    Document doc = new Document();
                    for (String fld : flds) {
                        String val = (String) o.get(fld);
                        if (val == null)
                        Search.add_searchable_s(doc, fld, val);
                        commit = true;
                    if (commit) {
                        ObjectId id = (ObjectId) o.get("_id");
                        String sid = id.toStringMongod();
                        Search.add_storable(doc, "_id", sid);
                        Search.add_searchable_s(doc, "_dbid_", fn);
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("searchable fields must be type String"));
            } catch (CorruptIndexException e) {
                error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("Search corrupt index" + e));

    // return operation status
    if (do_return) {
        out_str(req, wr.toString());
        if (wr.getError() == null) {



From source file:com.cyslab.craftvm.rest.mongo.WriteServlet.java

License:GNU General Public License

protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {


    if (!can_write(req)) {
        res.sendError(SC_UNAUTHORIZED);//w w w .  j av  a  2s .  c o m

    InputStream is = req.getInputStream();
    String db_name = req.getParameter("dbname");
    String col_name = req.getParameter("colname");
    if (db_name == null || col_name == null) {
        String names[] = req2mongonames(req);
        if (names != null) {
            db_name = names[0];
            col_name = names[1];
        if (db_name == null || col_name == null) {
            error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("param name missing"));
    DB db = mongo.getDB(db_name);

    // mongo auth
    String user = req.getParameter("user");
    String passwd = req.getParameter("passwd");
    if (user != null && passwd != null && (!db.isAuthenticated())) {
        boolean auth = db.authenticate(user, passwd.toCharArray());
        if (!auth) {

    DBCollection col = db.getCollection(col_name);

    BufferedReader r = null;
    ArrayList<DBObject> ar = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    try {

        r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
        String data;
        while ((data = r.readLine()) != null) {
            if (data != null) {
                DBObject o;
                try {
                    o = (DBObject) JSON.parse(data);
                } catch (JSONParseException e) {
                    error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("can not parse data"));

    } finally {
        if (r != null)

    if (ar.size() == 0) {
        error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("can not parse data"));

    WriteResult wr = col.insert(ar, write_concern);

    // search
    if (do_search) {
        String fn = col.getFullName();
        List<String> flds = Config.search_index_fields.get(fn);
        if (flds != null && flds.size() > 0) {
            Search _writer = search.get_writer();
            try {
                for (DBObject o : ar) {
                    boolean commit = false;
                    Document doc = new Document();
                    for (String fld : flds) {
                        String val = (String) o.get(fld);
                        if (val == null)
                        _writer.add_searchable_s(doc, fld, val);
                        commit = true;
                    if (commit) {
                        ObjectId id = (ObjectId) o.get("_id");
                        String sid = id.toStringMongod();
                        _writer.add_storable(doc, "_id", sid);
                        _writer.add_searchable_s(doc, "_dbid_", fn);
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("searchable fields must be type String"));
            } catch (CorruptIndexException e) {
                error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, Status.get("Search corrupt index" + e));

    // return operation status
    if (do_return) {
        out_str(req, wr.toString());
        if (wr.getError() == null) {



From source file:com.health.smart.util.MongoC.java

public static void insert(String collection, String document) throws Exception {
    DBCollection coll = getClient().getDB(database).getCollection(collection);
    coll.insert((DBObject) JSON.parse(document), WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

From source file:com.health.smart.util.MongoC.java

public static void insert(String collection, DBObject document) throws Exception {
    DBCollection coll = getClient().getDB(database).getCollection(collection);
    coll.insert(document, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

From source file:com.ibm.sae.LoadDreamHomeDB.java

 private static void loadCounters(DB db) {
     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadCounters begins");

     DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("dhCounterColl");
     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadCounters collection");
     coll.drop();/* w w  w .j a  va2s.  c om*/

     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadCounters after drop");

     DBObject countersDoc = new BasicDBObject("_id", "notificationId").append("seq", 5000);

     WriteResult wr = coll.insert(countersDoc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

     countersDoc = new BasicDBObject("_id", "clientId").append("seq", 4000);

     wr = coll.insert(countersDoc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

     countersDoc = new BasicDBObject("_id", "propertyId").append("seq", 2000);

     wr = coll.insert(countersDoc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

     countersDoc = new BasicDBObject("_id", "agentId").append("seq", 1000);

     wr = coll.insert(countersDoc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

     countersDoc = new BasicDBObject("_id", "officeId").append("seq", 3000);

     wr = coll.insert(countersDoc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadNotificationCounters ends");

From source file:com.ibm.sae.LoadDreamHomeDB.java

 private static void loadClient(DB db, DBCollection coll) {
     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadClient begins");

     coll.drop();//from www .j  a  v a  2 s .  c  o  m

     List<DBObject> comments = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
     List<DBObject> suggestedProperties = new ArrayList<DBObject>();

     DBObject commentDoc = new BasicDBObject("comment", "This is a beautiful home");


     DBObject propertyDoc = new BasicDBObject("propertyId", 1999).append("propertyState", 0)
             .append("askingPrice", 689900.45).append("rating", 0).append("comments", comments);


     DBObject clientDoc = new BasicDBObject("clientId", 3999)
             .append("clientName", new BasicDBObject("clientFN", "Richard").append("clientLN", "Hendrix"))
                     new BasicDBObject("address", "101 Valley Street").append("city", "Glendale")
                             .append("state", "California").append("zip", "67854"))
             .append("agentId", 1001).append("suggestedProperties", suggestedProperties)
             .append("minAskingPrice", 500000.00).append("maxAskingPrice", 700000.00);

     WriteResult wr = coll.insert(clientDoc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadClient ends");

From source file:com.ibm.sae.LoadDreamHomeDB.java

 private static void loadAgent(DB db, DBCollection coll) {
     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadAgent begins");

     coll.drop();// w w  w .ja  va2s  .com

     List<DBObject> properties = new ArrayList<DBObject>();

     DBObject propertyDoc = new BasicDBObject("propertyId", 2000).append("clientId", 4000)
             .append("propertyState", 0);


     DBObject agentDoc = new BasicDBObject("agentId", 999)
             .append("agentData", new BasicDBObject("agentFN", "Dinesh").append("agentLN", "Chugtai")
                     .append("agentLicense", "CAL-34917"))
             .append("officeId", 3000).append("properties", properties);

     WriteResult wr = coll.insert(agentDoc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadAgent ends");

From source file:com.ibm.sae.LoadDreamHomeDB.java

 private static void loadNotification(DB db, DBCollection coll) {
     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadNotification begins");

     coll.drop();/*from  ww w.  ja v  a2 s. c o  m*/

     DBObject notificationDoc = new BasicDBObject("notificationId", 4999).append("agentId", 1000)
             .append("clientId", 4000);
     WriteResult wr = coll.insert(notificationDoc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

     System.out.println("LoadDreamHomeDB:loadNotification ends");