Example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection update

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection update


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection update.


public WriteResult update(final DBObject query, final DBObject update, final boolean upsert,
        final boolean multi) 

Source Link


Modify an existing document or documents in collection.


From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.processing.generic.aggregation.EntityAggregationUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Updates the feature entries for the list of entities
 * that was just extracted including changing frequency,
 * adding aliases etc/*  www .j  a  v  a2s. c  o m*/
 * This method now has 3 steps:
 * 1. Try to update alias
 *    1.a If fail, create new gaz
 * 2. Update totalfreq and doccount
 * @param ents List of entities to update in the entity feature
public static void updateEntityFeatures(Map<String, Map<ObjectId, EntityFeaturePojo>> entFeatures) {
    // Some diagnostic counters:
    int numCacheMisses = 0;
    int numCacheHits = 0;
    int numNewEntities = 0;
    long entityAggregationTime = new Date().getTime();

    DBCollection col = DbManager.getFeature().getEntity();

    // (This fn is normally run for a single community id)
    CommunityFeatureCaches.CommunityFeatureCache currCache = null;

    String savedSyncTime = null;
    for (Map<ObjectId, EntityFeaturePojo> entCommunity : entFeatures.values()) {

        Iterator<Map.Entry<ObjectId, EntityFeaturePojo>> it = entCommunity.entrySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<ObjectId, EntityFeaturePojo> entFeatureKV = it.next();
            try {
                EntityFeaturePojo entFeature = entFeatureKV.getValue();

                long nSavedDocCount = entFeature.getDoccount();
                long nSavedFreqCount = entFeature.getTotalfreq();
                // (these should be constant across all communities but keep it here
                //  so can assign it using entFeature, it's v cheap so no need to get once like for sync vars)

                // For each community, see if the entity feature already exists *for that community*               
                ObjectId communityID = entFeature.getCommunityId();
                if (null != communityID) {
                    if ((null == currCache) || !currCache.getCommunityId().equals(entFeatureKV.getKey())) {
                        currCache = CommunityFeatureCaches.getCommunityFeatureCache(entFeatureKV.getKey());
                        if (_diagnosticMode) {
                            if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                                        "EntityAggregationUtils.updateEntityFeatures, Opened cache for community: "
                                                + entFeatureKV.getKey());
                    } //TESTED (by hand)

                    // Is this in our cache? If so can short cut a bunch of the DB interaction:
                    EntityFeaturePojo cachedEnt = currCache.getCachedEntityFeature(entFeature);
                    if (null != cachedEnt) {
                        if (_incrementalMode) {
                            if (_diagnosticMode) {
                                if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                                            "EntityAggregationUtils.updateEntityFeatures, skip cached: "
                                                    + cachedEnt.toDb());
                                //TODO (INF-2825): should be continue-ing here (after implementing incremental caching fully) so can use delta more efficiently...
                        } else if (_diagnosticMode) {
                            if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                                        .println("EntityAggregationUtils.updateEntityFeatures, grabbed cached: "
                                                + cachedEnt.toDb());

                    } //TESTED (by hand)                  
                    else {

                    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(EntityFeaturePojo.index_, entFeature.getIndex());
                    query.put(EntityFeaturePojo.communityId_, communityID);
                    BasicDBObject updateOp = new BasicDBObject();
                    // Add aliases:
                    BasicDBObject updateOpA = new BasicDBObject();
                    if (null != entFeature.getAlias()) {
                        if ((null == cachedEnt) || (null == cachedEnt.getAlias())
                                || !cachedEnt.getAlias().containsAll(entFeature.getAlias())) {
                            //(if the data we have is already cached, don't bother adding it again)
                            BasicDBObject multiopE = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.each_,
                            updateOpA.put(EntityFeaturePojo.alias_, multiopE);
                        } //TESTED (by hand)
                    // Add link data, if there is any:
                    if ((null != entFeature.getSemanticLinks()) && !entFeature.getSemanticLinks().isEmpty()) {
                        if ((null == cachedEnt) || (null == cachedEnt.getSemanticLinks())
                                || !cachedEnt.getSemanticLinks().containsAll(entFeature.getSemanticLinks())) {
                            //(if the data we have is already cached, don't bother adding it again)
                            BasicDBObject multiopF = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.each_,
                            updateOpA.put(EntityFeaturePojo.linkdata_, multiopF);
                        } //TESTED (by hand)
                    // OK - now we can copy across the fields into the cache:
                    if (null != cachedEnt) {
                        currCache.updateCachedEntityFeatureStatistics(cachedEnt, entFeature); //(entFeature is now fully up to date)
                    } //TESTED (by hand)

                    if (!updateOpA.isEmpty()) {
                        updateOp.put(MongoDbManager.addToSet_, updateOpA);
                    // Update frequency:
                    BasicDBObject updateOpB = new BasicDBObject();
                    updateOpB.put(EntityFeaturePojo.totalfreq_, nSavedFreqCount);
                    updateOpB.put(EntityFeaturePojo.doccount_, nSavedDocCount);
                    updateOp.put(MongoDbManager.inc_, updateOpB);

                    //try to use find/modify to see if something comes back and set doc freq/totalfreq
                    BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject(EntityFeaturePojo.totalfreq_, 1);
                    fields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.doccount_, 1);
                    fields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.alias_, 1);
                    fields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.linkdata_, 1);
                    //(slightly annoying, since only want these 2 largish fields if updating freq but won't know
                    // until after i've got this object)                  
                    fields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.db_sync_time_, 1);
                    fields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.db_sync_doccount_, 1);

                    DBObject dboUpdate = null;
                    if (_diagnosticMode) {
                        if (null == cachedEnt) {
                            dboUpdate = col.findOne(query, fields);
                    } else {
                        if (null != cachedEnt) {
                            col.update(query, updateOp, false, false);
                        } else { // Not cached - so have to grab the feature we're either getting or creating
                            dboUpdate = col.findAndModify(query, fields, new BasicDBObject(), false, updateOp,
                                    false, true);
                            // (can use findAndModify because specify index, ie the shard key)
                            // (returns entity before the changes above, update the feature object below)
                            // (also atomically creates the object if it doesn't exist so is "distributed-safe")
                    if ((null != cachedEnt) || ((dboUpdate != null) && !dboUpdate.keySet().isEmpty())) // (feature already exists)
                        EntityFeaturePojo gp = cachedEnt;

                        // (Update the entity feature to be correct so that it can be accurately synchronized with the index)
                        if (null == gp) {
                            gp = EntityFeaturePojo.fromDb(dboUpdate, EntityFeaturePojo.class);
                            entFeature.setTotalfreq(gp.getTotalfreq() + nSavedFreqCount);
                            entFeature.setDoccount(gp.getDoccount() + nSavedDocCount);
                            if (null != gp.getAlias()) {
                            if (null != gp.getSemanticLinks()) {
                        } //TESTED (cached case and non-cached case)
                          // (in the cached case, entFeature has already been updated by updateCachedEntityFeatureStatistics)

                        if (_diagnosticMode) {
                            if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                                System.out.println("EntityAggregationUtils.updateEntityFeatures, found: "
                                        + ((BasicDBObject) gp.toDb()).toString());
                            if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                                        "EntityAggregationUtils.updateEntityFeatures, ^^^ found from query: "
                                                + query.toString() + " / " + updateOp.toString());
                        // (In background aggregation mode we update db_sync_prio when checking the doc update schedule) 
                    } else // (the object in memory is now an accurate representation of the database, minus some fields we'll now add)

                        // Synchronization settings for the newly created object
                        if (null == savedSyncTime) {
                            savedSyncTime = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());

                        // This is all "distributed safe" (apart from the db_syc_xxx and it doesn't matter if that is 
                        // out of date, the update will just be slightly out-of-date at worst) since (otherwise) these fields are 
                        // only set here, and the findAndModify is atomic

                        // (Do in raw MongoDB for performance)
                        BasicDBObject baseFields = new BasicDBObject();
                        baseFields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.dimension_, entFeature.getDimension().toString());
                        baseFields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.type_, entFeature.getType());
                        baseFields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.db_sync_doccount_, entFeature.getDbSyncDoccount());
                        baseFields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.db_sync_prio_, 1000.0);
                        baseFields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.db_sync_time_, entFeature.getDbSyncTime());
                        if ((null != entFeature.getSemanticLinks())
                                && !entFeature.getSemanticLinks().isEmpty()) {
                            baseFields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.linkdata_, entFeature.getSemanticLinks());

                        //attempt to add geotag (makes necessary checks on util side)
                        //also add ontology type if geotag is found
                        if (entFeature.getGeotag() != null) {
                            BasicDBObject geo = new BasicDBObject(GeoPojo.lat_, entFeature.getGeotag().lat);
                            geo.put(GeoPojo.lon_, entFeature.getGeotag().lon);
                            baseFields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.geotag_, geo);

                            if (entFeature.getOntology_type() != null) {
                                baseFields.put(EntityFeaturePojo.ontology_type_, entFeature.getOntology_type());

                        if (!_diagnosticMode) {
                            // Store the object
                            col.update(query, new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, baseFields));
                        } else {
                            if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                                System.out.println("EntityAggregationUtils.updateEntityFeatures, not found: "
                                        + query.toString() + ": " + baseFields.toString());

                    } //(end first time this feature seen - globally)

                    if (null == cachedEnt) { // First time we've seen this locally, so add to cache
                        if (_diagnosticMode) {
                            if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                                        .println("EntityAggregationUtils.updateEntityFeatures, added to cache: "
                                                + entFeature.toDb());
                    } //TESTED (by hand)                     

                } //(end if community id assigned)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Exception, remove from feature list

                // If an exception occurs log the error
                logger.error("Exception Message: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        } // (end loop over communities)
    } // (end loop over indexes)

    if ((numCacheHits > 0) || (numCacheMisses > 0)) { // ie some ents were grabbed
        int cacheSize = 0;
        if (null != currCache) {
            cacheSize = currCache.getEntityCacheSize();
        StringBuffer logMsg = new StringBuffer() // (should append key, but don't have that...)
                .append(" ent_agg_time_ms=").append(new Date().getTime() - entityAggregationTime)
                .append(" total_ents=").append(entFeatures.size()).append(" new_ents=").append(numNewEntities)
                .append(" cache_misses=").append(numCacheMisses).append(" cache_hits=").append(numCacheHits)
                .append(" cache_size=").append(cacheSize);



From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.processing.generic.aggregation.EntityAggregationUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void updateMatchingEntities(EntityFeaturePojo entFeature, ObjectId communityId) {
    String index = entFeature.getIndex();
    long totalFreq = entFeature.getTotalfreq();
    long docCount = entFeature.getDoccount();

    try {/*from  w  w  w  .  j  av  a2s . c o  m*/
        DBCollection docDb = DbManager.getDocument().getMetadata();

        BasicDBObject query1 = new BasicDBObject();
        query1.put(EntityPojo.docQuery_index_, index);
        query1.put(DocumentPojo.communityId_, communityId);

        BasicDBObject multiopB = new BasicDBObject();
        multiopB.put(EntityPojo.docUpdate_totalfrequency_, totalFreq);
        multiopB.put(EntityPojo.docUpdate_doccount_, docCount);
        BasicDBObject multiopA = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, multiopB);

        if (_diagnosticMode) {
            if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                System.out.println("EntityAggregationUtils.updateMatchingEntities: " + query1.toString() + " / "
                        + multiopA.toString());
        } else {
            synchronized (GenericProcessingController.class) {
                // Because this op can be slow, and traverse a lot of disk, need to ensure that
                // we don't allow all the threads to hammer it at once (the updates all yield to each other
                // enough that the disk goes totally crazy)

                docDb.update(query1, multiopA, false, true);
                // (enforce consecutive accesses for this potentially very slow operation)

            // Was originally checked updatedExisting but for INF-1406, it sometimes seemed to be 
            // checking the wrong command. I suspect the reason we had this code in here has gone away,
            // and it doesn't matter if this update occasionally fails anyway, it will just be out of date
            // so the check/retry has been removed.
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.processing.generic.aggregation.EntityAggregationUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void synchronizeEntityFeature(EntityFeaturePojo entityFeature, ObjectId communityId) {
    DBCollection entityFeatureDb = DbManager.getFeature().getEntity();

    // NOTE: Important that feeds update occurs before synchronization, since the sync "corrupts" the entity

    if (_diagnosticMode || (null != entityFeature.getDbSyncTime())
            || (null != entityFeature.getDb_sync_prio())) {
        // Else this is a new feature so don't need to update the feature DB, only the index (if db_sync_prio null then have to update to avoid b/g aggergation loop)
        // (note that db_sync_prio will in practice not be set when this is a new feature because it will have same sync_doccount as doc_count)

        long nCurrTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        //(query from top of the function, basically lookup on gaz_index)
        BasicDBObject update2 = new BasicDBObject();
        update2.put(EntityFeaturePojo.db_sync_time_, Long.toString(nCurrTime));
        update2.put(EntityFeaturePojo.db_sync_doccount_, entityFeature.getDoccount());
        BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, update2);
        BasicDBObject update3 = new BasicDBObject(EntityFeaturePojo.db_sync_prio_, 1);
        update.put(MongoDbManager.unset_, update3);
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(EntityFeaturePojo.index_, entityFeature.getIndex());
        query.put(EntityFeaturePojo.communityId_, communityId);

        if (_diagnosticMode) {
            if ((null != entityFeature.getDbSyncTime()) || (null != entityFeature.getDb_sync_prio())) {
                if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                    System.out.println("EntityAggregationUtils.synchronizeEntityFeature, featureDB: "
                            + query.toString() + " / " + update.toString());
            } else {
                if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
                            "(WOULD NOT RUN) EntityAggregationUtils.synchronizeEntityFeature, featureDB: "
                                    + query.toString() + " / " + update.toString());
            }/*from   www.  j  av  a  2s. c o  m*/
        } else {
            entityFeatureDb.update(query, update, false, true);

    if (_diagnosticMode) {
        if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
            System.out.println("EntityAggregationUtils.synchronizeEntityFeature, synchronize: "
                    + new StringBuffer(entityFeature.getIndex()).append(':').append(communityId).toString()
                    + " = " + IndexManager.mapToIndex(entityFeature, new EntityFeaturePojoIndexMap()));
    } else {
        ElasticSearchManager esm = IndexManager.getIndex(EntityFeaturePojoIndexMap.indexName_);
        esm.addDocument(entityFeature, new EntityFeaturePojoIndexMap(), null, true);
        //(_id is set by the index map to index:communityId)

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.processing.generic.aggregation.EntityAggregationUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void markEntityFeatureForSync(EntityFeaturePojo entityFeature, ObjectId communityId) {
    DBCollection entityFeatureDb = DbManager.getFeature().getEntity();
    double dPrio = 100.0 * (double) entityFeature.getDoccount()
            / (0.01 + (double) entityFeature.getDbSyncDoccount());
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(EntityFeaturePojo.index_, entityFeature.getIndex());
    query.put(EntityFeaturePojo.communityId_, communityId);
    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_,
            new BasicDBObject(EntityFeaturePojo.db_sync_prio_, dPrio));
    if (_diagnosticMode) {
        if (_logInDiagnosticMode)
            System.out.println("EntityAggregationUtils.markEntityFeatureForSynchronization, featureDB: "
                    + query.toString() + " / " + update.toString());
    } else {//  w ww .  j  av a 2 s  .  c  o  m
        entityFeatureDb.update(query, update, false, true);

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.processing.generic.store_and_index.StoreAndIndexManager.java

License:Open Source License

 * Save the fulltext of a pojo to mongo for using later
 * // w w w . j  av a2s  .  c  om
 * @param docs
private void saveContent(List<DocumentPojo> docs) {
    try {
        DBCollection contentDb = DbManager.getDocument().getContent();

        for (DocumentPojo doc : docs) {
            boolean bStoreContent = true;
            bStoreContent &= (0 != nMaxContentLen_bytes); // (otherwise it's turned off)
            bStoreContent &= this.bStoreMetadataAsContent
                    || ((null != doc.getFullText()) && !doc.getFullText().isEmpty());
            boolean bDocHasExternalContent = docHasExternalContent(doc.getUrl(), doc.getSourceUrl());

            if (bStoreContent && bDocHasExternalContent) {
                try {
                    String rawText = this.bStoreRawContent ? doc.getRawFullText() : null;
                    DocumentPojo meta = bStoreMetadataAsContent ? doc : null;
                    CompressedFullTextPojo gzippedContent = new CompressedFullTextPojo(doc.getUrl(),
                            doc.getSourceKey(), doc.getCommunityId(), doc.getFullText(), rawText, meta,

                    if (null != gzippedContent.getUrl()) {
                        // Be efficient and write field-by-field vs using JSON conversion
                        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(CompressedFullTextPojo.url_,
                        query.put(CompressedFullTextPojo.sourceKey_, gzippedContent.getSourceKey());
                        BasicDBObject update = gzippedContent.getUpdate();
                        if (!_diagnosticMode) {
                            contentDb.update(query, update, true, false); // (ie upsert, supported because query includes shard key==url)
                        } else {
                            System.out.println("StoreAndIndexManager.savedContent, save content: "
                                    + gzippedContent.getUrl());
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // Do nothing, just carry on
            } //TESTED
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        // This is a more serious error

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.processing.generic.store_and_index.StoreAndIndexManager.java

License:Open Source License

 * Remove a doc from the data store, ensures all the fields specified in "fields" are populated (ready for index deletion)
 * @param col/*from   www . ja  v  a  2  s .c  om*/
 * @param doc - needs  url, sourceKey set
 * @param fields - fields to retrieve (index, created), set in calling function outside of loop for performance
 * CALLED FROM: removeFromDatastore_byURL(col, List<doc>, bDeleteContent) <- ADDS INDEX, CREATED TO FIELDS 
 *                removeFromDataStore_byURL(List<doc>, bDeleteContent) [ALSO DELETES FROM INDEX AFTER ADDED FROM HERE]
 *                   MongoDocumentTxfer.doDelete(...)  <- SETS URL, SOURCE URL, SOURCE KEY, COMMUNITY ID, INDEX, _ID
 *                   processDocuments(...) [ always called after harvester: have sourceUrl, sourceKey, 
 *                                     DON'T have _id, BUT do have updateId and index (correct except in many geo cases)]
 *                   pruneSource(source, ...) <- SETS URL, SOURCE URL, SOURCE KEY, INDEX
 *                      updateHarvestStatus(...)
private void removeFromDatastore_byURL(DBCollection col, DocumentPojo doc, BasicDBObject fields,
        boolean bDeleteContent) {

    // 1] Create the query to soft delete the document

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put(DocumentPojo.url_, doc.getUrl());
    query.put(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, SourcePojo.getDistributedKeyQueryTerm(doc.getSourceKey()));

    // 2] Delete the content if needed

    if (bDeleteContent) {
        if (docHasExternalContent(doc.getUrl(), doc.getSourceUrl())) {
            if (!_diagnosticMode) {
            } else {
                System.out.println("StoreAndIndexManager.removeFromDatastore_byUrl(2), delete content: "
                        + doc.getSourceKey() + "/" + doc.getUrl());

    // 3] Work out which fields we have and which (if any we need to go and fetch):

    boolean needToFindAndModify = false;

    if (null == doc.getId()) { // This is called from processDocuments

        if (null != doc.getUpdateId()) { // update case...
            doc.setId(doc.getUpdateId()); // (note this is overwritten by addToDatastore later, in update case, so we're good)

            // (doc.index is populated but may not be correct because of the "many geos" workaround):
            if (DocumentPojoIndexMap.hasManyGeos(doc)) {
                // (note this check isn't stateless, it actually populates "locs" at the same time
                //  this is handled in addToDatastore (update case), temp removed when adding to DB
            } //TESTED (2.1.2, diagnostic mode, doc2)
        } else { // Not an update case, we're going to have to grab the document after all, which is a bit slower
            needToFindAndModify = true;
    } //TESTED (2.1.2, diagnostic mode, doc2)
    if (!needToFindAndModify) { // set created if we need to, since we're not grabbing it from the datastore
        if (null != doc.getUpdateId()) { // (this means we have an approx created if we don't need to go fetch the deleted doc)
            doc.setCreated(new Date(doc.getUpdateId().getTime()));
        } //TESTED (2.1.2, diagnostic mode, doc2)               
    // (if we're here and index is not set, then it is intended to be null)

    // 4] Update the doc_metadata collection

    BasicDBObject softDelete = getSoftDeleteUpdate();
    BasicDBObject deadDoc = null; // (not normally needed)

    if (needToFindAndModify) { // less pleasant, need to go grab the doc
        deadDoc = (BasicDBObject) col.findOne(query, fields);
    } //TESTED (2.1.2)

    if (!_diagnosticMode) {
        col.update(query, softDelete, false, true); // (needs to be multi- even though there's a single element for sharding reasons)         
    } //TESTED (2.1.2)

    // 5] Add fields if necessary

    if (null != deadDoc) {
        doc.setCreated((Date) deadDoc.get(DocumentPojo.created_));
        // (if getting this doc anyway then might as well get the created)
        doc.setId((ObjectId) deadDoc.get(DocumentPojo._id_));
        doc.setIndex((String) deadDoc.get(DocumentPojo.index_));

        if (_diagnosticMode) {
                    .println("StoreAndIndexManager.removeFromDatastore_byUrl(2): found " + deadDoc.toString());
    } //TESTED (2.1.2)
    else if (_diagnosticMode) {
        if (!needToFindAndModify) {
            System.out.println("StoreAndIndexManager.removeFromDatastore_byUrl(2): straight deleted "
                    + doc.toDb().toString());
        } else {
                    "StoreAndIndexManager.removeFromDatastore_byUrl(2): didn't find " + query.toString());
    } //TESTED (2.1.2)

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.utility.MongoAssociationFeatureTxfer.java

License:Apache License

private void doTransfer(BasicDBObject query, int nSkip, int nLimit, BasicDBObject chunk) {
    ElasticSearchManager elasticManager = null;

    // Initialize the DB:
    DBCollection eventFeatureDB = DbManager.getFeature().getAssociation();

    // Initialize the ES (create the index if it doesn't already):

    // 1. Set-up the entity feature index 


    // (delete the index)
    //elasticManager = ElasticSearchManager.getIndex("association_index");

    // Create the index if necessary
    String sMapping = new Gson().toJson(new AssociationFeaturePojoIndexMap.Mapping(),
    Builder localSettings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder();
    localSettings.put("number_of_shards", 1).put("number_of_replicas", 0);
    localSettings.put("index.analysis.analyzer.suggestAnalyzer.tokenizer", "standard");
    localSettings.putArray("index.analysis.analyzer.suggestAnalyzer.filter", "standard", "lowercase");

    elasticManager = ElasticSearchManager.createIndex("association_index", null, false, null, sMapping,
            localSettings);// www. java2 s. co  m

    // Get the index (necessary if already created)
    if (null == elasticManager) {
        elasticManager = ElasticSearchManager.getIndex("association_index");

    // Now query the DB:

    DBCursor dbc = null;
    dbc = eventFeatureDB.find(query);
    if (null != chunk) {
        if (chunk.containsField(DbManager.min_)) {
            dbc = dbc.addSpecial(DbManager.min_, chunk.get(DbManager.min_));
        if (chunk.containsField(DbManager.max_)) {
            dbc = dbc.addSpecial(DbManager.max_, chunk.get(DbManager.max_));
    dbc = dbc.skip(nSkip).limit(nLimit).batchSize(1000);
    if (null == chunk) {
        int nCount = dbc.count() - nSkip;
        if (nCount < 0)
            nCount = 0;
                "Found " + nCount + " records to sync, process first " + (0 == nLimit ? nCount : nLimit));
        if (0 == nCount) { // Nothing to do...

    List<AssociationFeaturePojo> events = new LinkedList<AssociationFeaturePojo>();

    int nSynced = 0;

    // Loop over array and invoke the cleansing function for each one
    while (dbc.hasNext()) {
        BasicDBObject dbo = (BasicDBObject) dbc.next();
        AssociationFeaturePojo evt = AssociationFeaturePojo.fromDb(dbo, AssociationFeaturePojo.class);

        // If this table has just been rebuilt from the document then the indexes are all wrong ...
        // recalculate and save
        if ('#' == evt.getIndex().charAt(0)) {
            AssociationPojo singleEvt = new AssociationPojo();
                    .update(new BasicDBObject("_id", dbo.get("_id")),
                            new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_,
                                    new BasicDBObject(AssociationFeaturePojo.index_, evt.getIndex())),
                            false, true);
            // (has to be a multi-update even though it's unique because it's sharded on index)

        // Handle groups (system group is: "4c927585d591d31d7b37097a")
        if (null == evt.getCommunityId()) {
            evt.setCommunityId(new ObjectId("4c927585d591d31d7b37097a"));
        // Bulk add prep

        if (events.size() > 1000) {
                    AssociationFeaturePojo.listType(), new AssociationFeaturePojoIndexMap()), "_id", null,
    // End loop over entities

    //write whatevers left
    elasticManager.bulkAddDocuments(IndexManager.mapListToIndex(events, AssociationFeaturePojo.listType(),
            new AssociationFeaturePojoIndexMap()), "_id", null, true);

    if (null != chunk) {
        System.out.println("Found " + nSynced + " records to sync in chunk");

From source file:com.imaginea.mongodb.services.DocumentServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Updates a document inside a collection in a database in mongo to which
 * user is connected to./*from w ww .j ava 2  s .co m*/
 * @param dbName
 *            Name of Database
 * @param collectionName
 *            Name of Collection from which to get all Documents
 * @param id
 *            Id of Document to be updated
 * @param newData
 *            new Document value.
 * @return Update status
 * @exception EmptyDatabaseNameException
 *                If database name is null
 * @exception EmptyCollectionNameException
 *                If Collection name is null
 * @exception EmptyDocumentDataException
 *                If Document data is null
 * @exception UndefinedDatabaseException
 *                If database is not present
 * @exception UndefinedCollectionException
 *                If Collection is not present
 * @exception UpdateDocumentException
 *                Any exception while updating document
 * @exception DatabaseException
 *                throw super type of UndefinedDatabaseException
 * @exception ValidationException
 *                throw super type of
 *                EmptyDatabaseNameException,EmptyCollectionNameException
 *                ,EmptyDocumentDataException
 * @exception CollectionException
 *                throw super type of UndefinedCollectionException
 * @exception DocumentException
 *                throw super type of UpdateDocumentException
 * @exception JSONException

public String updateDocument(String dbName, String collectionName, ObjectId id, DBObject newData)
        throws DatabaseException, CollectionException, DocumentException, ValidationException {

    mongoInstance = mongoInstanceProvider.getMongoInstance();
    if (dbName == null) {
        throw new EmptyDatabaseNameException("Database name is null");

    if (dbName.equals("")) {
        throw new EmptyDatabaseNameException("Database Name Empty");

    if (collectionName == null) {
        throw new EmptyCollectionNameException("Collection name is null");
    if (collectionName.equals("")) {
        throw new EmptyCollectionNameException("Collection Name Empty");
    String result = null;
    DBObject documentData = null;
    try {
        if (!mongoInstance.getDatabaseNames().contains(dbName)) {
            throw new UndefinedDatabaseException("DB [" + dbName + "] DOES NOT EXIST");

        if (!mongoInstance.getDB(dbName).getCollectionNames().contains(collectionName)) {
            throw new UndefinedCollectionException(
                    "COLLECTION [ " + collectionName + "] _DOES_NOT_EXIST in Db [ " + dbName + "]");
        if (id == null) {
            throw new EmptyDocumentDataException("Document is empty");

        String temp = (String) newData.get("_id");
        if (temp == null) {
            throw new DocumentException(ErrorCodes.INVALID_OBJECT_ID, "INVALID_OBJECT_ID");
        if (temp.equals("")) {
            throw new DocumentException(ErrorCodes.INVALID_OBJECT_ID, "INVALID_OBJECT_ID");

        ObjectId newId = new ObjectId(temp);
        if (!newId.equals(id)) {
            throw new DocumentException(ErrorCodes.INVALID_OBJECT_ID, "Cannot Change Object Id of a document");
        } else {
            // Id's equal but putting the id of old document still
            // as newData as id of string type but we need ObjectId type
            newData.put("_id", id);
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", id);

        DBCollection collection = mongoInstance.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName);
        DBObject doc = collection.findOne(query);
        if (doc == null) {
            throw new UndefinedDocumentException("DOCUMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST");

        collection.update(doc, newData, true, false);
        documentData = collection.findOne(query);

    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // When error converting object Id
        throw new DocumentException(ErrorCodes.INVALID_OBJECT_ID, "INVALID_OBJECT_ID");

    } catch (MongoException e) {
        throw new UpdateDocumentException("DOCUMENT_UPDATE_EXCEPTION");
    result = "Updated Document: [" + documentData + "]";

    return result;

From source file:com.liferay.mongodb.hook.listeners.ExpandoColumnListener.java

License:Open Source License

protected void doOnAfterRemove(ExpandoColumn expandoColumn) throws Exception {

    ExpandoTable expandoTable = ExpandoTableLocalServiceUtil.getTable(expandoColumn.getTableId());

    DBCollection dbCollection = MongoDBUtil.getCollection(expandoTable);

    for (DBObject indexDBObject : dbCollection.getIndexInfo()) {
        DBObject keyDBObject = (DBObject) indexDBObject.get("key");

        if (keyDBObject.containsField(expandoColumn.getName())) {
        }//  w  w  w  .  ja v  a2  s . c  o  m

    DBObject operatorDBObject = new BasicDBObject(MongoOperator.UNSET,
            new BasicDBObject(expandoColumn.getName(), 1));

    dbCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(), operatorDBObject, false, true);

From source file:com.liferay.mongodb.hook.service.impl.MongoExpandoValueLocalServiceImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public void deleteColumnValues(long columnId) {
    try {//from w w w. ja v a 2s. com
        ExpandoColumn expandoColumn = ExpandoColumnUtil.fetchByPrimaryKey(columnId);

        if (expandoColumn == null) {

        ExpandoTable expandoTable = ExpandoTableLocalServiceUtil.getTable(expandoColumn.getTableId());

        DBCollection dbCollection = MongoDBUtil.getCollection(expandoTable);

        DBObject operatorDBObject = new BasicDBObject(MongoOperator.SET,
                new BasicDBObject(expandoColumn.getName(), null));

        dbCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(), operatorDBObject, false, true);
    } catch (PortalException pe) {
        throw new SystemException(pe);