Example usage for com.mongodb DBObject containsField

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject containsField


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBObject containsField.


boolean containsField(String s);

Source Link


Checks if this object contains a field with the given name.


From source file:org.oncoblocks.centromere.mongodb.ImportUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Serializes an object into a string format that can be inserted into a MongoDB collection.
 * /*from  w  w w . j  av  a2s.  c om*/
 * @param entity
 * @return
public String convertEntityToJson(Object entity) {
    MongoConverter converter = mongoTemplate.getConverter();
    DBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject();
    converter.write(entity, dbObject);
    if (dbObject.containsField("_id") && dbObject.get("_id") == null) {
    if (dbObject.containsField("_class")) {
    return dbObject.toString();

From source file:org.opencb.cellbase.mongodb.loader.MongoDBCellBaseLoader.java

License:Apache License

private void addChunkId(DBObject dbObject) {
    if (chunkSizes != null && chunkSizes.length > 0) {
        List<String> chunkIds = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int chunkSize : chunkSizes) {
            int chunkStart = (Integer) dbObject.get("start") / chunkSize;
            int chunkEnd = (Integer) dbObject.get("end") / chunkSize;
            String chunkIdSuffix = chunkSize / 1000 + "k";
            for (int i = chunkStart; i <= chunkEnd; i++) {
                if (dbObject.containsField("chromosome")) {
                    chunkIds.add(dbObject.get("chromosome") + "_" + i + "_" + chunkIdSuffix);
                } else {
                    chunkIds.add(dbObject.get("sequenceName") + "_" + i + "_" + chunkIdSuffix);
                }/*  w  ww  .j a  v  a 2s . c o m*/
        dbObject.put("_chunkIds", chunkIds);

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.alignment.DBObjectToMeanCoverageConverter.java

License:Apache License

public MeanCoverage convertToDataModelType(DBObject dbObject) {
    String[] split = dbObject.get(CoverageMongoDBWriter.ID_FIELD).toString().split("_");

    float averageFloat;
    Object average;//from w  w w  .jav a 2  s. co  m
    if (dbObject.containsField(CoverageMongoDBWriter.FILES_FIELD)) {
        average = ((BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBList) dbObject.get(CoverageMongoDBWriter.FILES_FIELD)).get(0))
        //coverage = ((Double) ((BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBList) dbObject.get(CoverageMongoWriter.FILES_FIELD)).get(0)).get(CoverageMongoWriter.AVERAGE_FIELD)).floatValue();
    } else if (dbObject.containsField(CoverageMongoDBWriter.AVERAGE_FIELD)) {
        average = dbObject.get(CoverageMongoDBWriter.AVERAGE_FIELD);
        //coverage = ((Double) dbObject.get(CoverageMongoWriter.AVERAGE_FIELD)).floatValue();
    } else {
        //TODO: Show a error message
        return null;
    if (average instanceof Float) {
        averageFloat = (Float) average;
    } else if (average instanceof Double) {
        averageFloat = ((Double) average).floatValue();
    } else if (average == null) {
        return null;
    } else {
        averageFloat = Float.parseFloat(average.toString());
    return new MeanCoverage(split[2], split[0], Integer.parseInt(split[1]), averageFloat);


From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.alignment.DBObjectToRegionCoverageConverter.java

License:Apache License

public RegionCoverage convertToDataModelType(DBObject dbObject) {
    String[] split = dbObject.get(CoverageMongoDBWriter.ID_FIELD).toString().split("_");

    RegionCoverage regionCoverage = new RegionCoverage();

    BasicDBList coverageList;//from w  ww .jav  a 2s .c  om
    if (dbObject.containsField(CoverageMongoDBWriter.FILES_FIELD)) {
        coverageList = (BasicDBList) ((BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBList) dbObject
    } else if (dbObject.containsField(CoverageMongoDBWriter.COVERAGE_FIELD)) {
        coverageList = (BasicDBList) dbObject.get(CoverageMongoDBWriter.FILES_FIELD);
    } else {
        //TODO: Show a error message
        return null;

    short[] all = new short[coverageList.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (Object o : coverageList) {
        all[i++] = ((Integer) o).shortValue();
    //        short[] all = (short[]) ((BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBList) dbObject.get(CoverageMongoWriter.FILES_FIELD)).get(0)).get(CoverageMongoWriter.COVERAGE_FIELD);
    //short[] all = (short[]) dbObject.get(CoverageMongoWriter.COVERAGE_FIELD);
    regionCoverage.setStart(Integer.parseInt(split[1]) * all.length + 1);
    return regionCoverage;

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.DBObjectToVariantAnnotationConverter.java

License:Apache License

public VariantAnnotation convertToDataModelType(DBObject object) {
    VariantAnnotation va = new VariantAnnotation();

    List<ConsequenceType> consequenceTypes = new LinkedList<>();
    Object cts = object.get(CONSEQUENCE_TYPE_FIELD);
    if (cts != null && cts instanceof BasicDBList) {
        for (Object o : ((BasicDBList) cts)) {
            if (o instanceof DBObject) {
                DBObject ct = (DBObject) o;

                //SO accession name
                List<String> soAccessionNames = new LinkedList<>();
                if (ct.containsField(SO_ACCESSION_FIELD)) {
                    if (ct.get(SO_ACCESSION_FIELD) instanceof List) {
                        List<Integer> list = (List) ct.get(SO_ACCESSION_FIELD);
                        for (Integer so : list) {
                        }/*from w w w .ja  v a  2 s .  co  m*/
                    } else {

                List<Score> proteinSubstitutionScores = new LinkedList<>();
                if (ct.containsField(PROTEIN_SUBSTITUTION_SCORE_FIELD)) {
                    List<DBObject> list = (List) ct.get(PROTEIN_SUBSTITUTION_SCORE_FIELD);
                    for (DBObject dbObject : list) {
                        proteinSubstitutionScores.add(new Score(getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_SCORE_FIELD, 0.0),
                                getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_SOURCE_FIELD, ""),
                                getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD, "")));
                if (ct.containsField(POLYPHEN_FIELD)) {
                    DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) ct.get(POLYPHEN_FIELD);
                    proteinSubstitutionScores.add(new Score(getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_SCORE_FIELD, 0.0),
                            "polyphen", getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD, "")));
                if (ct.containsField(SIFT_FIELD)) {
                    DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) ct.get(SIFT_FIELD);
                    proteinSubstitutionScores.add(new Score(getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_SCORE_FIELD, 0.0),
                            "sift", getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD, "")));

                consequenceTypes.add(new ConsequenceType(getDefault(ct, GENE_NAME_FIELD, "") /*.toString()*/,
                        getDefault(ct, ENSEMBL_GENE_ID_FIELD, "") /*.toString()*/,
                        getDefault(ct, ENSEMBL_TRANSCRIPT_ID_FIELD, "") /*.toString()*/,
                        getDefault(ct, STRAND_FIELD, "") /*.toString()*/,
                        getDefault(ct, BIOTYPE_FIELD, "") /*.toString()*/,
                        getDefault(ct, C_DNA_POSITION_FIELD, 0), getDefault(ct, CDS_POSITION_FIELD, 0),
                        getDefault(ct, AA_POSITION_FIELD, 0),
                        getDefault(ct, AA_CHANGE_FIELD, "") /*.toString() */,
                        getDefault(ct, CODON_FIELD, "") /*.toString() */, proteinSubstitutionScores,
                        soAccessionNames, Collections.<ExpressionValue>emptyList()));


    //Conserved Region Scores
    List<Score> conservedRegionScores = new LinkedList<>();
    if (object.containsField(CONSERVED_REGION_SCORE_FIELD)) {
        List<DBObject> list = (List) object.get(CONSERVED_REGION_SCORE_FIELD);
        for (DBObject dbObject : list) {
            conservedRegionScores.add(new Score(getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_SCORE_FIELD, 0.0),
                    getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_SOURCE_FIELD, ""),
                    getDefault(dbObject, SCORE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD, "")));

    //Population frequencies
    List<PopulationFrequency> populationFrequencies = new LinkedList<>();
    if (object.containsField(POPULATION_FREQUENCIES_FIELD)) {
        List<DBObject> list = (List) object.get(POPULATION_FREQUENCIES_FIELD);
        for (DBObject dbObject : list) {
            populationFrequencies.add(new PopulationFrequency(
                    getDefault(dbObject, POPULATION_FREQUENCY_STUDY_FIELD, ""),
                    getDefault(dbObject, POPULATION_FREQUENCY_POP_FIELD, ""),
                    getDefault(dbObject, POPULATION_FREQUENCY_SUPERPOP_FIELD, ""),
                    getDefault(dbObject, POPULATION_FREQUENCY_REFERENCE_ALLELE_FIELD, ""),
                    getDefault(dbObject, POPULATION_FREQUENCY_ALTERNATE_ALLELE_FIELD, ""),
                    (float) getDefault(dbObject, POPULATION_FREQUENCY_REFERENCE_FREQUENCY_FIELD, -1.0),
                    (float) getDefault(dbObject, POPULATION_FREQUENCY_ALTERNATE_FREQUENCY_FIELD, -1.0)));

    // Drug-Gene Interactions
    Map<String, List<Object>> drugGeneInteractionMap = new HashMap<>();
    List<Object> drugs = new LinkedList<>();
    if (object.containsField(DRUG_FIELD)) {
        List<DBObject> list = (List) object.get(DRUG_FIELD);
        for (DBObject dbObject : list) {
        drugGeneInteractionMap.put("dgidb", drugs);

    List<Xref> xrefs = new LinkedList<>();
    Object xrs = object.get(XREFS_FIELD);
    if (xrs != null && xrs instanceof BasicDBList) {
        for (Object o : (BasicDBList) xrs) {
            if (o instanceof DBObject) {
                DBObject xref = (DBObject) o;

                xrefs.add(new Xref((String) xref.get(XREF_ID_FIELD), (String) xref.get(XREF_SOURCE_FIELD)));

    //Clinical Data
    if (object.containsField(CLINICAL_DATA_FIELD)) {
        DBObject clinicalData = ((DBObject) object.get(CLINICAL_DATA_FIELD));

    return va;

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.DBObjectToVariantConverter.java

License:Apache License

public Variant convertToDataModelType(DBObject object) {
    String chromosome = (String) object.get(CHROMOSOME_FIELD);
    int start = (int) object.get(START_FIELD);
    int end = (int) object.get(END_FIELD);
    String reference = (String) object.get(REFERENCE_FIELD);
    String alternate = (String) object.get(ALTERNATE_FIELD);
    Variant variant = new Variant(chromosome, start, end, reference, alternate);
    if (object.containsField(IDS_FIELD)) {
        Object ids = object.get(IDS_FIELD);
        variant.setIds(new HashSet<>(((Collection<String>) ids)));
    }//w  ww  .  j av a2s.  c  om

    // Transform HGVS: List of map entries -> Map of lists
    BasicDBList mongoHgvs = (BasicDBList) object.get(HGVS_FIELD);
    if (mongoHgvs != null) {
        for (Object o : mongoHgvs) {
            DBObject dbo = (DBObject) o;
            variant.addHgvs((String) dbo.get(HGVS_TYPE_FIELD), (String) dbo.get(HGVS_NAME_FIELD));

    // Files
    if (variantSourceEntryConverter != null) {
        BasicDBList mongoFiles = (BasicDBList) object.get(STUDIES_FIELD);
        if (mongoFiles != null) {
            for (Object o : mongoFiles) {
                DBObject dbo = (DBObject) o;

    // Annotations
    DBObject mongoAnnotation;
    Object o = object.get(ANNOTATION_FIELD);
    if (o instanceof List) {
        if (!((List) o).isEmpty()) {
            mongoAnnotation = (DBObject) ((List) o).get(0);
        } else {
            mongoAnnotation = null;
    } else {
        mongoAnnotation = (DBObject) object.get(ANNOTATION_FIELD);
    if (mongoAnnotation != null) {
        VariantAnnotation annotation = variantAnnotationConverter.convertToDataModelType(mongoAnnotation);

    // Statistics
    if (statsConverter != null && object.containsField(STATS_FIELD)) {
        DBObject stats = (DBObject) object.get(STATS_FIELD);
        statsConverter.convertCohortsToDataModelType(stats, variant);
    return variant;

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.DBObjectToVariantSourceConverter.java

License:Apache License

public VariantSource convertToDataModelType(DBObject object) {
    VariantStudy.StudyType studyType = VariantStudy.StudyType
    VariantSource source = new VariantSource((String) object.get(FILENAME_FIELD),
            (String) object.get(FILEID_FIELD), (String) object.get(STUDYID_FIELD),
            (String) object.get(STUDYNAME_FIELD), studyType, VariantSource.Aggregation.NONE);

    // Samples//  w w w . j  a  va2s .co  m
    if (object.containsField(SAMPLES_FIELD)) {
        Map<String, Integer> samplesPosition = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : ((Map<String, Integer>) object.get(SAMPLES_FIELD)).entrySet()) {
            samplesPosition.put(entry.getKey().replace(CHARACTER_TO_REPLACE_DOTS, '.'), entry.getValue());

    // Statistics
    DBObject statsObject = (DBObject) object.get(STATS_FIELD);
    if (statsObject != null) {
        VariantGlobalStats stats = new VariantGlobalStats((int) statsObject.get(NUMVARIANTS_FIELD),
                (int) statsObject.get(NUMSAMPLES_FIELD), (int) statsObject.get(NUMSNPS_FIELD),
                (int) statsObject.get(NUMINDELS_FIELD), 0, // TODO Add structural variants to schema!
                (int) statsObject.get(NUMPASSFILTERS_FIELD), (int) statsObject.get(NUMTRANSITIONS_FIELD),
                (int) statsObject.get(NUMTRANSVERSIONS_FIELD), -1,
                ((Double) statsObject.get(MEANQUALITY_FIELD)).floatValue(), null);
        //            stats.setSamplesCount((int) statsObject.get(NUMSAMPLES_FIELD));
        //            stats.setVariantsCount((int) statsObject.get(NUMVARIANTS_FIELD));
        //            stats.setSnpsCount((int) statsObject.get(NUMSNPS_FIELD));
        //            stats.setIndelsCount((int) statsObject.get(NUMINDELS_FIELD));
        //            stats.setPassCount((int) statsObject.get(NUMPASSFILTERS_FIELD));
        //            stats.setTransitionsCount((int) statsObject.get(NUMTRANSITIONS_FIELD));
        //            stats.setTransversionsCount((int) statsObject.get(NUMTRANSVERSIONS_FIELD));
        //            stats.setMeanQuality(((Double) statsObject.get(MEANQUALITY_FIELD)).floatValue());

    // Metadata
    BasicDBObject metadata = (BasicDBObject) object.get(METADATA_FIELD);
    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> o : metadata.entrySet()) {
        source.addMetadata(o.getKey().replace(CHARACTER_TO_REPLACE_DOTS, '.'), o.getValue());

    return source;

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter.java

License:Apache License

public VariantSourceEntry convertToDataModelType(DBObject object) {
    int studyId = ((Number) object.get(STUDYID_FIELD)).intValue();
    //        String fileId = this.fileId == null? null : String.valueOf(this.fileId);
    String fileId = returnedFiles != null && returnedFiles.size() == 1
            ? returnedFiles.iterator().next().toString()
            : null;/* www .  j  a v  a2 s  .  com*/
    VariantSourceEntry file = new VariantSourceEntry(fileId, getStudyName(studyId));

    //        String fileId = (String) object.get(FILEID_FIELD);
    DBObject fileObject = null;
    if (object.containsField(FILES_FIELD)) {
        for (DBObject dbObject : (List<DBObject>) object.get(FILES_FIELD)) {
            Integer fid = ((Integer) dbObject.get(FILEID_FIELD));
            String fileId_ = fid.toString() + "_";

            if (returnedFiles != null && !returnedFiles.contains(fid)) {

            fileObject = dbObject;
            // Attributes
            if (fileObject.containsField(ATTRIBUTES_FIELD)) {
                Map<String, Object> attrs = ((DBObject) fileObject.get(ATTRIBUTES_FIELD)).toMap();
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : attrs.entrySet()) {
                    // Unzip the "src" field, if available
                    if (entry.getKey().equals("src")) {
                        if (includeSrc) {
                            byte[] o = (byte[]) entry.getValue();
                            try {
                                file.addAttribute(fileId_ + entry.getKey(),
                            } catch (IOException ex) {
                                        .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                    } else {
                                fileId_ + entry.getKey()
                                        .replace(DBObjectToStudyConfigurationConverter.TO_REPLACE_DOTS, "."),
            if (fileObject.containsField(ORI_FIELD)) {
                DBObject _ori = (DBObject) fileObject.get(ORI_FIELD);
                String ori = _ori.get("s") + ":" + _ori.get("i");
                file.addAttribute(fileId_ + "ori", ori);

    // Alternate alleles
    if (fileObject != null && fileObject.containsField(ALTERNATES_FIELD)) {
        List list = (List) fileObject.get(ALTERNATES_FIELD);
        String[] alternatives = new String[list.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (Object o : list) {
            alternatives[i] = o.toString();

    //        if (fileObject != null && fileObject.containsField(FORMAT_FIELD)) {
    //            file.setFormat((String) fileObject.get(FORMAT_FIELD));
    //        } else {
    //        }

    // Samples
    if (samplesConverter != null && object.containsField(GENOTYPES_FIELD)) {
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> samplesData = samplesConverter.convertToDataModelType(object, studyId);

        // Add the samples to the Java object, combining the data structures
        // with the samples' names and the genotypes
        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> sampleData : samplesData.entrySet()) {
            file.addSampleData(sampleData.getKey(), sampleData.getValue());

    return file;

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.VariantMongoDBAdaptor.java

License:Apache License

private DBObject createProjection(Query query, QueryOptions options) {
    DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject();

    if (options == null) {
        options = new QueryOptions();
    }/*from ww w.ja  v  a  2 s. c om*/

    if (options.containsKey("sort")) {
        if (options.getBoolean("sort")) {
            options.put("sort", new BasicDBObject(DBObjectToVariantConverter.CHROMOSOME_FIELD, 1)
                    .append(DBObjectToVariantConverter.START_FIELD, 1));
        } else {

    List<String> includeList = options.getAsStringList("include");
    if (!includeList.isEmpty()) { //Include some
        for (String s : includeList) {
            String key = DBObjectToVariantConverter.toShortFieldName(s);
            if (key != null) {
                projection.put(key, 1);
            } else {
                logger.warn("Unknown include field: {}", s);
    } else { //Include all
        for (String values : DBObjectToVariantConverter.fieldsMap.values()) {
            projection.put(values, 1);
        if (options.containsKey("exclude")) { // Exclude some
            List<String> excludeList = options.getAsStringList("exclude");
            for (String s : excludeList) {
                String key = DBObjectToVariantConverter.toShortFieldName(s);
                if (key != null) {
                } else {
                    logger.warn("Unknown exclude field: {}", s);

    if (query.containsKey(VariantQueryParams.RETURNED_FILES.key())
            && projection.containsField(DBObjectToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD)) {
        List<Integer> files = query.getAsIntegerList(VariantQueryParams.RETURNED_FILES.key());
                new BasicDBObject("$elemMatch",
                        new BasicDBObject(
                                DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter.FILES_FIELD + "."
                                        + DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter.FILEID_FIELD,
                                new BasicDBObject("$in", files))));
    if (query.containsKey(VariantQueryParams.RETURNED_STUDIES.key())
            && projection.containsField(DBObjectToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD)) {
        List<Integer> studiesIds = getStudyIds(query.getAsList(VariantQueryParams.RETURNED_STUDIES.key()),
        //            List<Integer> studies = query.getAsIntegerList(VariantQueryParams.RETURNED_STUDIES.key());
        if (!studiesIds.isEmpty()) {
                    new BasicDBObject("$elemMatch",
                            new BasicDBObject(DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter.STUDYID_FIELD,
                                    new BasicDBObject("$in", studiesIds))));

    logger.debug("Projection: {}", projection);
    return projection;

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.VariantMongoDBAdaptor.java

License:Apache License

private DBObject parseProjectionQueryOptions(QueryOptions options) {
    DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject();

    if (options == null) {
        return projection;
    }/* w  w w.ja va  2s.c  om*/

    List<String> includeList = options.getAsStringList("include");
    if (!includeList.isEmpty()) { //Include some
        for (String s : includeList) {
            String key = DBObjectToVariantConverter.toShortFieldName(s);
            if (key != null) {
                projection.put(key, 1);
            } else {
                logger.warn("Unknown include field: {}", s);
    } else { //Include all
        for (String values : DBObjectToVariantConverter.fieldsMap.values()) {
            projection.put(values, 1);
        if (options.containsKey("exclude")) { // Exclude some
            List<String> excludeList = options.getAsStringList("exclude");
            for (String s : excludeList) {
                String key = DBObjectToVariantConverter.toShortFieldName(s);
                if (key != null) {
                } else {
                    logger.warn("Unknown exclude field: {}", s);

    if (options.containsKey(VariantQueryParams.RETURNED_FILES.key())
            && projection.containsField(DBObjectToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD)) {
        //            List<String> files = options.getListAs(FILES, String.class);
        int file = options.getInt(VariantQueryParams.RETURNED_FILES.key());
                new BasicDBObject("$elemMatch",
                        new BasicDBObject(DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter.FILES_FIELD + "."
                                + DBObjectToVariantSourceEntryConverter.FILEID_FIELD, file
                        //                                    new BasicDBObject(
                        //                                            "$in",
                        //                                            files
                        //                                    )

    logger.debug("Projection: {}", projection);
    return projection;