Java com.mongodb MapReduceCommand fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.mongodb MapReduceCommand fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.mongodb MapReduceCommand.

The text is from its open source code.


com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.



Get the name of the collection the MapReduce will read from
Gets the OutputType for this instance.
voidsetBypassDocumentValidation(@Nullable final Boolean bypassDocumentValidation)
Sets whether to bypass document validation.
voidsetCollation(final Collation collation)
Sets the collation options
voidsetFinalize(@Nullable final String finalize)
Sets the Finalize JS Function
voidsetJsMode(final @Nullable Boolean jsMode)
Sets the (optional) JavaScript Mode
voidsetLimit(final int limit)
Sets the (optional) limit on input
voidsetMaxTime(final long maxTime, final TimeUnit timeUnit)
Sets the max execution time for this command, in the given time unit.
voidsetOutputDB(@Nullable final String outputDB)
Sets the (optional) database name where the output collection should reside
voidsetReadPreference(@Nullable final ReadPreference preference)
Sets the read preference for this command.
voidsetScope(@Nullable final Map scope)
Sets the (optional) JavaScript scope
voidsetSort(@Nullable final DBObject sort)
Sets the (optional) sort specification object
voidsetVerbose(final Boolean verbose)
Sets the verbosity of the MapReduce job, defaults to 'true'
Turns this command into a DBObject representation of this map reduce command.