Example usage for com.mongodb MongoBulkWriteException getWriteErrors

List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoBulkWriteException getWriteErrors


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb MongoBulkWriteException getWriteErrors.


public List<BulkWriteError> getWriteErrors() 

Source Link


The list of errors, which will not be null, but may be empty (if the write concern error is not null).


From source file:com.hurence.logisland.service.mongodb.MongoDBUpdater.java

License:Apache License

public void run() {
    List<Tuple<Document, Bson>> batchBuffer = new ArrayList<>();

    while (true) {
        try {//ww w . j a v a  2  s.com
            Tuple<Record, Bson> record = records.poll(flushInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            if (record != null) {
                batchBuffer.add(new Tuple<>(RecordConverter.convert(record.getKey()), record.getValue()));
            long currentTS = System.nanoTime();
            if (batchBuffer.size() > 0
                    && ((currentTS - lastTS) >= flushInterval * 1000000 || batchBuffer.size() >= batchSize)) {
                //use moustache operator to avoid composing strings when not needed
                logger.debug("committing {} records to Mongo after {} ns", batchBuffer.size(),
                        (currentTS - lastTS));

                if (MongoDBControllerService.BULK_MODE_UPSERT.getValue().equals(bulkMode)) {
                    ReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true);
                    //split batches by 500 document each max
                    for (int i = 0; i < batchBuffer.size(); i += 500) {
                        try {
                                            .map(document -> new ReplaceOneModel<>(document.getValue(),
                                                    document.getKey(), replaceOptions))
                        } catch (MongoBulkWriteException bwe) {
                            bwe.getWriteErrors().forEach(error -> {
                                if (error.getCode() != 11000) {
                                    logger.warn("MongoDB updater got error: {}", error);
                } else {
                lastTS = currentTS;
                batchBuffer = new ArrayList<>();

        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            //here we should exit the loop
            logger.info("Interrupted while waiting: {}", e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Unrecoverable error from MongoDB updater. Loosing data!", e);
            lastTS = System.nanoTime();

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.adaptors.VariantMongoDBAdaptor.java

License:Apache License

 * Two steps insertion:/*from   w  w  w. j  a v a 2 s .  c  o  m*/
 * First check that the variant and study exists making an update.
 * For those who doesn't exist, pushes a study with the file and genotype information
 * <p>
 * The documents that throw a "dup key" exception are those variants that exist and have the study.
 * Then, only for those variants, make a second update.
 * <p>
 * *An interesting idea would be to invert this actions depending on the number of already inserted variants.
 * @param data                        Variants to insert
 * @param fileId                      File ID
 * @param variantConverter            Variant converter to be used
 * @param variantSourceEntryConverter Variant source converter to be used
 * @param studyConfiguration          Configuration for the study
 * @param loadedSampleIds             Other loaded sampleIds EXCEPT those that are going to be loaded
 * @return QueryResult object
QueryResult<MongoDBVariantWriteResult> insert(List<Variant> data, int fileId,
        DocumentToVariantConverter variantConverter,
        DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter variantSourceEntryConverter, StudyConfiguration studyConfiguration,
        List<Integer> loadedSampleIds) {

    MongoDBVariantWriteResult writeResult = new MongoDBVariantWriteResult();
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (data.isEmpty()) {
        return new QueryResult<>("insertVariants", 0, 1, 1, "", "", Collections.singletonList(writeResult));
    List<Bson> queries = new ArrayList<>(data.size());
    List<Bson> updates = new ArrayList<>(data.size());
    // Use a multiset instead of a normal set, to keep tracking of duplicated variants
    Multiset<String> nonInsertedVariants = HashMultiset.create();
    String fileIdStr = Integer.toString(fileId);

    //        List<String> extraFields = studyConfiguration.getAttributes().getAsStringList(VariantStorageEngine.Options.EXTRA_GENOTYPE_FIELDS
    //                .key());
    boolean excludeGenotypes = studyConfiguration.getAttributes().getBoolean(

    long nanoTime = System.nanoTime();
    Map missingSamples = Collections.emptyMap();
    String defaultGenotype = studyConfiguration.getAttributes().getString(DEFAULT_GENOTYPE.key(), "");
    if (defaultGenotype.equals(DocumentToSamplesConverter.UNKNOWN_GENOTYPE)) {
        logger.debug("Do not need fill gaps. DefaultGenotype is UNKNOWN_GENOTYPE({}).",
    } else if (excludeGenotypes) {
        logger.debug("Do not need fill gaps. Excluding genotypes.");
    } else if (!loadedSampleIds.isEmpty()) {
        missingSamples = new Document(DocumentToSamplesConverter.UNKNOWN_GENOTYPE, loadedSampleIds); // ?/?
    //            List<Object> missingOtherValues = new ArrayList<>(loadedSampleIds.size());
    //            for (int i = 0; i < loadedSampleIds.size(); i++) {
    //                missingOtherValues.add(DBObjectToSamplesConverter.UNKNOWN_FIELD);
    //            }
    for (Variant variant : data) {
        if (variant.getType().equals(VariantType.NO_VARIATION)) {
            //Storage-MongoDB is not able to store NON VARIANTS
            writeResult.setSkippedVariants(writeResult.getSkippedVariants() + 1);
        } else if (variant.getType().equals(VariantType.SYMBOLIC)) {
            logger.warn("Skip symbolic variant " + variant.toString());
            writeResult.setSkippedVariants(writeResult.getSkippedVariants() + 1);
        String id = variantConverter.buildStorageId(variant);
        for (StudyEntry studyEntry : variant.getStudies()) {
            if (studyEntry.getFiles().size() == 0
                    || !studyEntry.getFiles().get(0).getFileId().equals(fileIdStr)) {
            int studyId = studyConfiguration.getStudyId();
            Document study = variantSourceEntryConverter.convertToStorageType(variant, studyEntry);
            Document genotypes = study.get(DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.GENOTYPES_FIELD,
            if (genotypes != null) { //If genotypes is null, genotypes are not suppose to be loaded
                genotypes.putAll(missingSamples); //Add missing samples
                //                        for (String extraField : extraFields) {
                //                            List<Object> otherFieldValues = (List<Object>) study.get(extraField.toLowerCase());
                //                            otherFieldValues.addAll(0, missingOtherValues);
                //                        }
            Document push = new Document(DocumentToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD, study);
            Document update = new Document().append("$push", push).append("$setOnInsert",
            if (variant.getIds() != null && !variant.getIds().isEmpty()
                    && !variant.getIds().iterator().next().isEmpty()) {
                update.put("$addToSet", new Document(DocumentToVariantConverter.IDS_FIELD,
                        new Document("$each", variant.getIds())));
            // { _id: <variant_id>, "studies.sid": {$ne: <studyId> } }
            //If the variant exists and contains the study, this find will fail, will try to do the upsert, and throw a
            // duplicated key exception.
            queries.add(new Document("_id", id).append(
                    DocumentToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD + "."
                            + DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.STUDYID_FIELD,
                    new Document("$ne", studyId)));

    if (!queries.isEmpty()) {
        QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions(UPSERT, true);
        options.put(MULTI, false);
        int newDocuments;
        int updatedObjects;

        try {
            BulkWriteResult bulkWriteResult;
            bulkWriteResult = variantsCollection.update(queries, updates, options).first();
            newDocuments = bulkWriteResult.getUpserts().size();
            updatedObjects = bulkWriteResult.getModifiedCount();
        } catch (MongoBulkWriteException e) {
            BulkWriteResult bulkWriteResult;
            bulkWriteResult = e.getWriteResult();
            newDocuments = bulkWriteResult.getUpserts().size();
            updatedObjects = bulkWriteResult.getModifiedCount();
            for (BulkWriteError writeError : e.getWriteErrors()) {
                if (writeError.getCode() == 11000) { //Dup Key error code
                    Matcher matcher = writeResultErrorPattern.matcher(writeError.getMessage());
                    if (matcher.find()) {
                        String id = matcher.group(1);
                    } else {
                        throw e;
                } else {
                    throw e;

        //                writeResult.setNewDocuments(data.size() - nonInsertedVariants.size() - writeResult.getSkippedVariants());
    writeResult.setNewVariantsNanoTime(System.nanoTime() - nanoTime);
    nanoTime = System.nanoTime();

    for (Variant variant : data) {
        String id = variantConverter.buildStorageId(variant);

        if (nonInsertedVariants != null && !nonInsertedVariants.contains(id)) {
            continue; //Already inserted variant

        for (StudyEntry studyEntry : variant.getStudies()) {
            if (studyEntry.getFiles().size() == 0
                    || !studyEntry.getFiles().get(0).getFileId().equals(fileIdStr)) {

            Document studyObject = variantSourceEntryConverter.convertToStorageType(variant, studyEntry);
            Document genotypes = studyObject.get(DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.GENOTYPES_FIELD,
            Document push = new Document();

            if (!excludeGenotypes) {
                if (genotypes != null) { //If genotypes is null, genotypes are not suppose to be loaded
                    for (String genotype : genotypes.keySet()) {
                                DocumentToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD + ".$."
                                        + DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.GENOTYPES_FIELD + "." + genotype,
                                new Document("$each", genotypes.get(genotype)));
                    //                    for (String extraField : extraFields) {
                    //                        List values = (List) studyObject.get(extraField.toLowerCase());
                    //                        push.put(DBObjectToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD + ".$." + extraField.toLowerCase(),
                    //                                new Document("$each", values).append("$position", loadedSampleIds.size()));
                    //                    }
                } else {
                            DocumentToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD + ".$."
                                    + DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.GENOTYPES_FIELD,
                    DocumentToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD + ".$."
                            + DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.FILES_FIELD,
                    ((List) studyObject.get(DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.FILES_FIELD)).get(0));
            Document update = new Document(new Document("$push", push));

            queries.add(new Document("_id", id)
                    .append(DocumentToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD + '.'
                            + DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.STUDYID_FIELD,
                    .append(DocumentToVariantConverter.STUDIES_FIELD + '.'
                            + DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.FILES_FIELD + '.'
                            + DocumentToStudyVariantEntryConverter.FILEID_FIELD, new Document("$ne", fileId)));

    writeResult.setExistingVariantsNanoTime(System.nanoTime() - nanoTime);

    if (!queries.isEmpty()) {
        QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions(UPSERT, false);
        options.put(MULTI, false);
        QueryResult<BulkWriteResult> update = variantsCollection.update(queries, updates, options);
        // Can happen that nonInsertedVariantsNum != queries.size() != nonInsertedVariants.size() if there was
        // a duplicated variant.
        writeResult.setNonInsertedVariants(nonInsertedVariants.size() - update.first().getMatchedCount());
        writeResult.setUpdatedVariants(writeResult.getUpdatedVariants() + update.first().getModifiedCount());

    return new QueryResult<>("insertVariants", ((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)), 1, 1, "", "",

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.load.stage.MongoDBVariantStageLoader.java

License:Apache License

 * Given a map of id -> binary[], inserts the binary objects in the stage collection.
 * {/*from  w  ww. jav a 2 s  .  c o  m*/
 *     <studyId> : {
 *         <fileId> : [ BinData(), BinData() ]
 *     }
 * }
 * The field <fileId> is an array to detect duplicated variants within the same file.
 * It may happen that an update with upsert:true fail if two different threads try to
 * update the same non existing document.
 * See https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-14322
 * In that case, the non inserted values will be returned.
 * @param values        Map with all the values to insert
 * @param result        MongoDBVariantWriteResult to fill
 * @param retryIds      List of IDs to retry. If not null, only will update those documents within this set
 * @return              List of non updated documents.
 * @throws MongoBulkWriteException if the exception was not a DuplicatedKeyException (e:11000)
private Set<String> updateMongo(ListMultimap<Document, Binary> values, MongoDBVariantWriteResult result,
        Set<String> retryIds) {

    Set<String> nonInsertedIds = Collections.emptySet();
    if (values.isEmpty()) {
        return nonInsertedIds;
    List<Bson> queries = new LinkedList<>();
    List<Bson> updates = new LinkedList<>();
    for (Document id : values.keySet()) {
        if (retryIds == null || retryIds.contains(id.getString("_id"))) {
            List<Binary> binaryList = values.get(id);
            queries.add(eq("_id", id.getString("_id")));
            if (binaryList.size() == 1) {
                        resumeStageLoad ? addToSet(fieldName, binaryList.get(0))
                                : push(fieldName, binaryList.get(0)),
                        setOnInsert(END_FIELD, id.get(END_FIELD)), setOnInsert(REF_FIELD, id.get(REF_FIELD)),
                        setOnInsert(ALT_FIELD, id.get(ALT_FIELD))));
            } else {
                        resumeStageLoad ? addEachToSet(fieldName, binaryList) : pushEach(fieldName, binaryList),
                        setOnInsert(END_FIELD, id.get(END_FIELD)), setOnInsert(REF_FIELD, id.get(REF_FIELD)),
                        setOnInsert(ALT_FIELD, id.get(ALT_FIELD))));

    try {
        final BulkWriteResult mongoResult = collection.update(queries, updates, QUERY_OPTIONS).first();
    } catch (MongoBulkWriteException e) {

        if (retryIds != null) {
            // If retryIds != null, means that this this was the second attempt to update. In this case, do fail.
            LOGGER.error("BulkWriteErrors when retrying the updates");
            throw e;

        nonInsertedIds = new HashSet<>();
        for (BulkWriteError writeError : e.getWriteErrors()) {
            if (ErrorCategory.fromErrorCode(writeError.getCode()).equals(ErrorCategory.DUPLICATE_KEY)) { //Dup Key error code
                Matcher matcher = DUP_KEY_WRITE_RESULT_ERROR_PATTERN.matcher(writeError.getMessage());
                if (matcher.find()) {
                    String id = matcher.group(1);
                    LOGGER.warn("Catch error : {}", writeError.toString());
                    LOGGER.warn("DupKey exception inserting '{}'. Retry!", id);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.error("WriteError with code {} does not match with the pattern {}",
                            writeError.getCode(), DUP_KEY_WRITE_RESULT_ERROR_PATTERN.pattern());
                    throw e;
            } else {
                throw e;
    return nonInsertedIds;

From source file:org.restheart.handlers.bulk.BulkResultRepresentationFactory.java

License:Open Source License

public Representation getRepresentation(HttpServerExchange exchange, MongoBulkWriteException mbwe)
        throws IllegalQueryParamenterException {
    final String requestPath = buildRequestPath(exchange);
    final Representation rep = createRepresentation(exchange, null, exchange.getRequestPath());

    addWriteResult(mbwe.getWriteResult(), rep, requestPath);

    addWriteErrors(mbwe.getWriteErrors(), rep);

    return rep;// ww w .  j a va2  s  .c o m