Example usage for com.mongodb MongoClient getServerAddressList

List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoClient getServerAddressList


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb MongoClient getServerAddressList.


public List<ServerAddress> getServerAddressList() 

Source Link


Gets the list of server addresses currently seen by this client.


From source file:brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb.MongoDBClientSupport.java

License:Apache License

private ServerAddress getServerAddress() {
    MongoClient client = client();
    try {// w ww  .  j a v  a2 s.  c  o  m
        return client.getServerAddressList().get(0);
    } finally {

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.MongoPanel.java

License:Apache License

protected void updateComponentCustom(JPanel old) {
    try {//from w  w  w .j a v  a2  s  . com
        MongoClient mongo = getMongoNode().getMongoClient();
        setStringFieldValue(Item.version, mongo.getVersion());

        ServerAddress master = mongo.getAddress();
        if (master != null) {
            setStringFieldValue(Item.masterServer, getServerAddressString(master));
        List<ServerAddress> addrs = mongo.getAllAddress();
        String html = "<html>";
        for (ServerAddress addr : addrs) {
            html += getServerAddressString(addr) + "<br/>";
        html += "</html>";
        setStringFieldValue(Item.seedServers, html);

        addrs = mongo.getServerAddressList();
        html = "<html>";
        for (ServerAddress addr : addrs) {
            //                String ports = MongoUtils.makeInfoString("used", mongo.getConnector().getDBPortPool(addr).inUse(),
            //                        "available", mongo.getConnector().getDBPortPool(addr).available(),
            //                        "created", mongo.getConnector().getDBPortPool(addr).everCreated());
            String txt = getServerAddressString(addr);
            html += txt + "<br/>";
        setStringFieldValue(Item.activeServers, html);

        setStringFieldValue(Item.queryOptions, MongoUtils.queryOptionsToString(mongo.getOptions()));
        ((DocField) getBoundUnit(Item.writeConcern)).setDoc(mongo.getWriteConcern().getCommand());
        ((DocField) getBoundUnit(Item.readPreference)).setDoc(mongo.getReadPreference().toDBObject());
        setStringFieldValue(Item.maxObjectSize, String.valueOf(mongo.getMaxBsonObjectSize()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        UMongo.instance.showError(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " update", e);

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.RouterPanel.java

License:Apache License

public void regenConfigDB(ButtonBase button) throws UnknownHostException {
    MongoClient cmongo = getRouterNode().getMongoClient();
    String servers = getStringFieldValue(Item.regenServers);
    final String db = getStringFieldValue(Item.regenDB);
    final String col = getStringFieldValue(Item.regenCollection);
    final String ns = db + "." + col;
    final DBObject shardKey = ((DocBuilderField) getBoundUnit(Item.regenShardKey)).getDBObject();
    final boolean unique = getBooleanFieldValue(Item.regenKeyUnique);
    final BasicDBObject result = new BasicDBObject();
    result.put("ns", ns);
    result.put("shardKey", shardKey);
    result.put("unique", unique);

    // create direct mongo for each replica set
    String[] serverList = servers.split("\n");
    List<ServerAddress> list = new ArrayList<ServerAddress>();
    String txt = "";
    String primaryShard = null;/*from  ww w. j a  va2 s  .  com*/
    final BasicDBObject shardList = new BasicDBObject();
    HashMap<MongoClient, String> mongoToShard = new HashMap<MongoClient, String>();
    sLoop: for (String server : serverList) {
        server = server.trim();
        String[] tokens = server.split("/");
        if (tokens.length != 2) {
            new InfoDialog(null, "Error", null, "Server format must be like 'hostname:port/shard', one by line")
        server = tokens[0];
        String shard = tokens[1];
        if (primaryShard == null) {
            primaryShard = shard;
        ServerAddress addr = new ServerAddress(server);

        // filter out if replset already exists
        for (MongoClient replset : mongoToShard.keySet()) {
            if (replset.getServerAddressList().contains(addr)) {
                continue sLoop;

        MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient(list);
        //            UMongo.instance.addMongoClient(mongo, null);
        // make request to force server detection
        mongoToShard.put(mongo, shard);

        String desc = null;
        if (!mongo.getDatabaseNames().contains(db) || !mongo.getDB(db).getCollectionNames().contains(col)) {
            desc = "Collection not present!";
        } else {
            // try to see if shard key has index
            DBObject index = mongo.getDB(db).getCollection("system.indexes")
                    .findOne(new BasicDBObject("key", shardKey));
            if (index != null) {
                desc = "shard key found";
            } else {
                desc = "shard key NOT found!";
        txt += mongo.toString() + " shard=" + shard + " - " + desc + "\n";
        BasicDBObject shardObj = new BasicDBObject("servers", mongo.toString());
        shardObj.put("status", desc);
        if (shardList.containsField(shard)) {
            new InfoDialog(null, "Error", null, "Duplicate Shard name " + shard).show();
        shardList.put(shard, shardObj);
    result.put("shards", shardList);

    FormDialog dia = (FormDialog) getBoundUnit(Item.regenRSList);
    dia.setStringFieldValue(Item.regenRSListArea, txt);
    if (!dia.show()) {

    DB config = cmongo.getDB("config");

    // add database record
    BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject("_id", db);
    doc.put("partitioned", true);
    doc.put("primary", primaryShard);

    // add collection record
    doc = new BasicDBObject("_id", ns);
    doc.put("lastmod", new Date());
    doc.put("dropped", false);
    doc.put("key", shardKey);
    doc.put("unique", unique);

    final DBCollection chunks = config.getCollection("chunks");
    long count = chunks.count(new BasicDBObject("ns", ns));
    if (count > 0) {
        dia = (FormDialog) getBoundUnit(Item.regenDeleteChunks);
        if (dia.show()) {
            chunks.remove(new BasicDBObject("ns", ns));
        } else {

    // add temp collection to sort chunks with shard key
    final DBCollection tmpchunks = config.getCollection("_tmpchunks_" + col);
    // should be safe environment, and dup keys should be ignored
    // can use shardKey as unique _id
    //        tmpchunks.ensureIndex(shardKey, "shardKey", true);

    // create filter for shard fields
    final DBObject shardKeyFilter = new BasicDBObject();
    //        final DBObject shardKeyDescend = new BasicDBObject();
    boolean hasId = false;
    for (String key : shardKey.keySet()) {
        shardKeyFilter.put(key, 1);
        if (key.equals("_id")) {
            hasId = true;
    if (!hasId) {
        shardKeyFilter.put("_id", 0);

    dia = (FormDialog) getBoundUnit(Item.regenConfirm);
    if (!dia.show()) {

    // now fetch all records from each shard
    final AtomicInteger todo = new AtomicInteger(mongoToShard.size());
    for (Map.Entry<MongoClient, String> entry : mongoToShard.entrySet()) {
        final MongoClient mongo = entry.getKey();
        final String shard = entry.getValue();
        new DbJob() {

            public Object doRun() throws Exception {
                BasicDBObject shardObj = (BasicDBObject) shardList.get(shard);
                long count = mongo.getDB(db).getCollection(col).count();
                shardObj.put("count", count);
                DBCursor cur = mongo.getDB(db).getCollection(col).find(new BasicDBObject(), shardKeyFilter);
                long i = 0;
                int inserted = 0;
                long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                while (cur.hasNext() && !isCancelled()) {
                    BasicDBObject key = (BasicDBObject) cur.next();
                    setProgress((int) ((++i * 100.0f) / count));
                    try {
                        BasicDBObject entry = new BasicDBObject("_id", key);
                        entry.put("_shard", shard);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);

                if (isCancelled()) {
                    shardObj.put("cancelled", true);
                shardObj.put("inserted", inserted);
                shardObj.put("scanTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
                return null;

            public String getNS() {
                return tmpchunks.getFullName();

            public String getShortName() {
                return "Scanning " + shard;

            public boolean isDeterminate() {
                return true;


    new DbJob() {

        public Object doRun() throws Exception {
            // wait for all shards to be done
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            while (todo.get() > 0 && !isCancelled()) {

            if (isCancelled()) {
                result.put("cancelled", true);
                return result;

            // find highest current timestamp
            DBCursor cur = chunks.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("lastmod", -1)).batchSize(-1);
            BasicDBObject chunk = (BasicDBObject) (cur.hasNext() ? cur.next() : null);
            BSONTimestamp ts = (BSONTimestamp) (chunk != null ? chunk.get("lastmod") : null);

            // now infer chunk ranges
            long count = tmpchunks.count();
            result.put("uniqueKeys", count);
            int numChunks = 0;
            cur = tmpchunks.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("_id", 1));
            BasicDBObject prev = (BasicDBObject) cur.next();
            BasicDBObject next = null;
            // snap prev to minkey
            BasicDBObject theid = (BasicDBObject) prev.get("_id");
            for (String key : shardKey.keySet()) {
                theid.put(key, new MinKey());
            String currentShard = prev.getString("_shard");

            int i = 1;
            while (cur.hasNext()) {
                next = (BasicDBObject) cur.next();
                setProgress((int) ((++i * 100.0f) / count));
                String newShard = next.getString("_shard");
                if (newShard.equals(currentShard))

                // add chunk
                ts = getNextTimestamp(ts);
                chunk = getChunk(ns, shardKey, prev, next, ts);
                prev = next;
                currentShard = prev.getString("_shard");

            // build max
            next = new BasicDBObject();
            for (String key : shardKey.keySet()) {
                next.put(key, new MaxKey());
            next = new BasicDBObject("_id", next);
            ts = getNextTimestamp(ts);
            chunk = getChunk(ns, shardKey, prev, next, ts);
            result.put("numChunks", numChunks);
            result.put("totalTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
            return result;

        public String getNS() {
            return chunks.getFullName();

        public String getShortName() {
            return "Creating Chunks";

        public boolean isDeterminate() {
            return true;

From source file:io.debezium.connector.mongodb.ReplicaSetDiscovery.java

License:Apache License

 * Connect to the shard cluster or replica set defined by the seed addresses, and obtain the specifications for each of the
 * replica sets./*from  ww  w.  j  a  va2 s. c  o  m*/
 * @return the information about the replica sets; never null but possibly empty
public ReplicaSets getReplicaSets() {
    MongoClient client = context.clientFor(seedAddresses);
    Set<ReplicaSet> replicaSetSpecs = new HashSet<>();

    // First see if the addresses are for a config server replica set ...
    String shardsCollection = "shards";
    try {
        MongoUtil.onCollectionDocuments(client, CONFIG_DATABASE_NAME, shardsCollection, doc -> {
            logger.info("Checking shard details from configuration replica set {}", seedAddresses);
            String shardName = doc.getString("_id");
            String hostStr = doc.getString("host");
            String replicaSetName = MongoUtil.replicaSetUsedIn(hostStr);
            replicaSetSpecs.add(new ReplicaSet(hostStr, replicaSetName, shardName));
    } catch (MongoException e) {
        logger.error("Error while reading the '{}' collection in the '{}' database: {}", shardsCollection,
                CONFIG_DATABASE_NAME, e.getMessage(), e);
    if (replicaSetSpecs.isEmpty()) {
        // The addresses may be a replica set ...
        ReplicaSetStatus rsStatus = client.getReplicaSetStatus();
        logger.info("Checking current members of replica set at {}", seedAddresses);
        if (rsStatus != null) {
            // This is a replica set ...
            String addressStr = Strings.join(",", client.getServerAddressList());
            String replicaSetName = rsStatus.getName();
            replicaSetSpecs.add(new ReplicaSet(addressStr, replicaSetName, null));
        } else {
            logger.debug("Found standalone MongoDB replica set at {}", seedAddresses);
            // We aren't connecting to it as a replica set (likely not using auto-discovery of members),
            // but we can't monitor standalone servers unless they really are replica sets. We already know
            // that we're not connected to a config server replica set, so any replica set name from the seed addresses
            // is almost certainly our replica set name ...
            String replicaSetName = MongoUtil.replicaSetUsedIn(seedAddresses);
            if (replicaSetName != null) {
                for (String address : seedAddresses.split(",")) {
                    replicaSetSpecs.add(new ReplicaSet(address, replicaSetName, null));
    if (replicaSetSpecs.isEmpty()) {
        // Without a replica set name, we can't do anything ...
                "Found no replica sets at {}, so there is nothing to monitor and no connector tasks will be started. Check seed addresses in connector configuration.",
    return new ReplicaSets(replicaSetSpecs);