Example usage for com.mongodb MongoClientSettings builder

List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoClientSettings builder


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb MongoClientSettings builder.


public static Builder builder() 

Source Link


Convenience method to create a Builder.


From source file:com.example.App.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    final MongoClientSettings settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()
            .addCommandListener(new CommandListener() {
                @Override/*from   w  ww.java2  s .c  o m*/
                public void commandStarted(CommandStartedEvent event) {
                    logger.info("command: db = {}, command = {}", event.getDatabaseName(),

                public void commandSucceeded(CommandSucceededEvent event) {
                    logger.info("command succeed: request = {}, command = {}", event.getRequestId(),

                public void commandFailed(CommandFailedEvent event) {
                    logger.info("command failed: request = {}, command = {}", event.getRequestId(),
                    logger.error("detail", event.getThrowable());
            .applyToConnectionPoolSettings(builder -> builder.maxSize(1).minSize(1)).build();

    final MongoClient client = MongoClients.create(settings);
    final MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase("sample");
    final MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("test");

    final Document firstDocument = new Document("id", UUID.randomUUID()).append("name", "test user")
            .append("created", LocalDateTime.now());

    logger.info("document to be saved: {}", firstDocument);

    final Mono<Document> firstMono = Mono.create(sink -> collection.insertOne(firstDocument, (result, t) -> {
        if (t == null) {
            logger.info("inserted: {}", firstDocument);
        } else {
            logger.error("error", t);

    final Mono<List<Document>> secondMono = create100Users(collection, firstMono);

    final Mono<Long> thirdMono = secondMono.then(Mono.create(sink -> collection.countDocuments((count, t) -> {
        if (t == null) {
            logger.info("collection has {} items.", count);
        } else {
            logger.error("error", t);

    final Mono<List<Document>> fourthMono = create100Users(collection, thirdMono);
    final Mono<List<Document>> fifthMono = create100Users(collection, fourthMono);
    final Mono<List<Document>> sixthMono = create100Users(collection, fifthMono);

    final Mono<Document> seventhMono = sixthMono.then(Mono.create(sink -> collection.find().first((doc, t) -> {
        if (t == null) {
            logger.info("found document: {}", doc);
        } else {
            logger.error("error", t);

    final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    seventhMono.doOnTerminate(() -> {
    }).subscribe(doc -> logger.info("first document: {}", doc));

From source file:io.gravitee.am.repository.mongodb.common.MongoFactory.java

License:Apache License

public MongoClient getObject() throws Exception {
    // Client settings
    MongoClientSettings.Builder builder = MongoClientSettings.builder();

    // codec configuration for pojo mapping
    CodecRegistry pojoCodecRegistry = fromRegistries(MongoClients.getDefaultCodecRegistry(),

    // Trying to get the MongoClientURI if uri property is defined
    String uri = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "uri");
    if (uri != null && !uri.isEmpty()) {
        // The builder can be configured with default options, which may be overridden by options specified in
        // the URI string.
        MongoClientSettings settings = builder.codecRegistry(pojoCodecRegistry)
                .applyConnectionString(new ConnectionString(uri)).build();

        return MongoClients.create(settings);
    } else {//from   w  ww.j  a  v a2 s  .co  m
        // Advanced configuration
        SocketSettings.Builder socketBuilder = SocketSettings.builder();
        ClusterSettings.Builder clusterBuilder = ClusterSettings.builder();
        ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder connectionPoolBuilder = ConnectionPoolSettings.builder();
        ServerSettings.Builder serverBuilder = ServerSettings.builder();
        SslSettings.Builder sslBuilder = SslSettings.builder();

        Integer connectTimeout = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "connectTimeout", Integer.class, 1000);
        Integer maxWaitTime = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "maxWaitTime", Integer.class);
        Integer socketTimeout = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "socketTimeout", Integer.class, 1000);
        Boolean socketKeepAlive = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "socketKeepAlive", Boolean.class, true);
        Integer maxConnectionLifeTime = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "maxConnectionLifeTime",
        Integer maxConnectionIdleTime = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "maxConnectionIdleTime",

        // We do not want to wait for a server
        Integer serverSelectionTimeout = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "serverSelectionTimeout",
                Integer.class, 1000);
        Integer minHeartbeatFrequency = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "minHeartbeatFrequency",
        String description = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "description", String.class, "gravitee.io");
        Integer heartbeatFrequency = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "heartbeatFrequency", Integer.class);
        Boolean sslEnabled = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "sslEnabled", Boolean.class);

        if (maxWaitTime != null)
            connectionPoolBuilder.maxWaitTime(maxWaitTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        if (connectTimeout != null)
            socketBuilder.connectTimeout(connectTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        if (socketTimeout != null)
            socketBuilder.readTimeout(socketTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        if (socketKeepAlive != null)
        if (maxConnectionLifeTime != null)
            connectionPoolBuilder.maxConnectionLifeTime(maxConnectionLifeTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        if (maxConnectionIdleTime != null)
            connectionPoolBuilder.maxConnectionIdleTime(maxConnectionIdleTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        if (minHeartbeatFrequency != null)
            serverBuilder.minHeartbeatFrequency(minHeartbeatFrequency, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        if (description != null)
        if (heartbeatFrequency != null)
            serverBuilder.heartbeatFrequency(heartbeatFrequency, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        if (sslEnabled != null)
        if (serverSelectionTimeout != null)
            clusterBuilder.serverSelectionTimeout(serverSelectionTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

        // credentials option
        String username = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "username");
        String password = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "password");
        MongoCredential credentials = null;
        if (username != null || password != null) {
            String authSource = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "authSource", String.class, "gravitee-am");
            credentials = MongoCredential.createCredential(username, authSource, password.toCharArray());

        // clustering option
        List<ServerAddress> seeds;
        int serversCount = getServersCount();
        if (serversCount == 0) {
            String host = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "host", String.class, "localhost");
            int port = readPropertyValue(propertyPrefix + "port", int.class, 27017);
            seeds = Collections.singletonList(new ServerAddress(host, port));
        } else {
            seeds = new ArrayList<>(serversCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < serversCount; i++) {

        SocketSettings socketSettings = socketBuilder.build();
        ClusterSettings clusterSettings = clusterBuilder.build();
        ConnectionPoolSettings connectionPoolSettings = connectionPoolBuilder.build();
        ServerSettings serverSettings = serverBuilder.build();
        SslSettings sslSettings = sslBuilder.build();
        MongoClientSettings settings = builder
                .applyToClusterSettings(builder1 -> builder1.applySettings(clusterSettings))
                .applyToSocketSettings(builder1 -> builder1.applySettings(socketSettings))
                .applyToConnectionPoolSettings(builder1 -> builder1.applySettings(connectionPoolSettings))
                .applyToServerSettings(builder1 -> builder1.applySettings(serverSettings))
                .applyToSslSettings(builder1 -> builder1.applySettings(sslSettings)).build();

        return MongoClients.create(settings);

From source file:org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.ReactiveMongoClientFactory.java

License:Apache License

private Builder builder(MongoClientSettings settings) {
    if (settings == null) {
        return MongoClientSettings.builder();
    }/*www.j a va2s .c  o m*/
    return MongoClientSettings.builder(settings);

From source file:org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.ReactiveMongoClientFactory.java

License:Apache License

private void customize(MongoClientSettings.Builder builder) {
    for (MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer customizer : this.builderCustomizers) {
        customizer.customize(builder);// ww w .j  a  v a 2 s .c  om

From source file:tour.ClientSideEncryptionAutoEncryptionSettingsTour.java

License:Apache License

 * Run this main method to see the output of this quick example.
 * Requires the mongodb-crypt library in the class path and mongocryptd on the system path.
 * @param args ignored args// w  w w  .j a  v a  2 s.c  o  m
public static void main(final String[] args) {

    // This would have to be the same master key as was used to create the encryption key
    final byte[] localMasterKey = new byte[96];
    new SecureRandom().nextBytes(localMasterKey);

    Map<String, Map<String, Object>> kmsProviders = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>() {
            put("local", new HashMap<String, Object>() {
                    put("key", localMasterKey);

    String keyVaultNamespace = "admin.datakeys";
    ClientEncryptionSettings clientEncryptionSettings = ClientEncryptionSettings.builder()
                    .applyConnectionString(new ConnectionString("mongodb://localhost")).build())

    ClientEncryption clientEncryption = ClientEncryptions.create(clientEncryptionSettings);
    BsonBinary dataKeyId = clientEncryption.createDataKey("local", new DataKeyOptions());
    final String base64DataKeyId = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(dataKeyId.getData());

    final String dbName = "test";
    final String collName = "coll";
    AutoEncryptionSettings autoEncryptionSettings = AutoEncryptionSettings.builder()
            .schemaMap(new HashMap<String, BsonDocument>() {
                    put(dbName + "." + collName,
                            // Need a schema that references the new data key
                            BsonDocument.parse("{" + "  properties: {" + "    encryptedField: {"
                                    + "      encrypt: {" + "        keyId: [{" + "          \"$binary\": {"
                                    + "            \"base64\": \"" + base64DataKeyId + "\","
                                    + "            \"subType\": \"04\"" + "          }" + "        }],"
                                    + "        bsonType: \"string\","
                                    + "        algorithm: \"AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic\""
                                    + "      }" + "    }" + "  }," + "  \"bsonType\": \"object\"" + "}"));

    MongoClientSettings clientSettings = MongoClientSettings.builder()

    MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(clientSettings);
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoClient.getDatabase("test").getCollection("coll");
    collection.drop(); // Clear old data

    collection.insertOne(new Document("encryptedField", "123456789"));


    // release resources

From source file:tour.ClientSideEncryptionSimpleTour.java

License:Apache License

 * Run this main method to see the output of this quick example.
 * Requires the mongodb-crypt library in the class path and mongocryptd on the system path.
 * Assumes the schema has already been created in MongoDB.
 * @param args ignored args//w w w  .  java  2  s. co m
public static void main(final String[] args) {

    // This would have to be the same master key as was used to create the encryption key
    final byte[] localMasterKey = new byte[96];
    new SecureRandom().nextBytes(localMasterKey);

    Map<String, Map<String, Object>> kmsProviders = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>() {
            put("local", new HashMap<String, Object>() {
                    put("key", localMasterKey);

    String keyVaultNamespace = "admin.datakeys";

    AutoEncryptionSettings autoEncryptionSettings = AutoEncryptionSettings.builder()

    MongoClientSettings clientSettings = MongoClientSettings.builder()

    MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(clientSettings);
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoClient.getDatabase("test").getCollection("coll");
    collection.drop(); // Clear old data

    collection.insertOne(new Document("encryptedField", "123456789"));


    // release resources