Example usage for com.mongodb MongoClientURI getCollection

List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoClientURI getCollection


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb MongoClientURI getCollection.


public String getCollection() 

Source Link


Gets the collection name


From source file:ch.qos.logback.contrib.mongodb.MongoDBAppenderBase.java

License:Open Source License

 * If appender starts, create a new MongoDB connection and authenticate
 * user. A MongoDB database and collection in {@link #setUri(String)} is
 * mandatory, username and password are optional.
 *///from w w  w.  j  a va  2s .com
public void start() {
    try {
        if (uri == null) {
            addError("Please set a non-null MongoDB URI.");
        MongoClientURI mongoURI = new MongoClientURI(uri);
        String database = mongoURI.getDatabase();
        String collection = mongoURI.getCollection();
        if (database == null || collection == null) {
            addError("Error connecting to MongoDB URI: " + uri + " must contain a database and a collection."
                    + " E.g. mongodb://localhost/database.collection");
        mongoClient = mongoClientFactory.createMongoClient(mongoURI);

        DB db = this.mongoClient.getDB(database);
        eventsCollection = db.getCollection(collection);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
        addError("Error connecting to MongoDB URI: " + uri, exception);

From source file:com.cloudbees.demo.beesshop.util.MongodbDBFactoryBean.java

License:Apache License

public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
    MongoClientURI mongoDbUri = new MongoClientURI(uri);
    logger.info("host=" + mongoDbUri.getHosts() + ",username=" + mongoDbUri.getUsername() + ",database="
            + mongoDbUri.getDatabase() + ",collection=" + mongoDbUri.getCollection());

    mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongoDbUri);
    db = mongoClient.getDB(mongoDbUri.getDatabase());

From source file:com.zjy.mongo.splitter.MultiMongoCollectionSplitter.java

License:Apache License

public List<InputSplit> calculateSplits() throws SplitFailedException {
    List<MongoClientURI> inputURIs = MongoConfigUtil.getMongoURIs(this.getConfiguration(),
    List<InputSplit> returnVal = new LinkedList<InputSplit>();
    List<MongoSplitter> splitters = new LinkedList<MongoSplitter>();

    //For each input URI that is specified, get the appropriate
    //splitter for each implementation.
    if (inputURIs.size() > 0) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Using global split settings for multiple URIs specified.");
        }//from   w  w  w  . j av a 2s. co  m
        //Get options from the hadoop config.
        //Use these options for all URIs in the list.

        //Splitter class is ignored here, since it would just be referring
        //to MultiMongoCollectionSplitter here anyway. If the user needs
        //to customize the splitter class, they should use the JSON key for
        //the configuration instead.
        for (MongoClientURI uri : inputURIs) {
            MongoCollectionSplitter splitter;
            Configuration confForThisUri = new Configuration(getConfiguration());
            MongoConfigUtil.setInputURI(confForThisUri, uri);
            confForThisUri.set(MongoConfigUtil.MONGO_SPLITTER_CLASS, "");
            splitter = MongoSplitterFactory.getSplitterByStats(uri, confForThisUri);
    } else {
        //Otherwise the user has set options per-collection.
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Loading multiple input URIs from JSON stored in " + MULTI_COLLECTION_CONF_KEY);
        DBObject multiUriConfig = MongoConfigUtil.getDBObject(this.getConfiguration(),

        if (!(multiUriConfig instanceof List)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Invalid JSON format in multi uri config key: Must be an array where each element "
                            + "is an object describing the URI and config options for each split.");
        for (Object obj : (List) multiUriConfig) {
            Map<String, Object> configMap;
            MongoClientURI inputURI;
            Configuration confForThisUri;
            try {
                configMap = (Map<String, Object>) obj;
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("building config from " + configMap.toString());
                confForThisUri = MongoConfigUtil.buildConfiguration(configMap);
                inputURI = MongoConfigUtil.getInputURI(confForThisUri);
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Invalid JSON format in multi uri config key: each config item must be an "
                                + "object with keys/values describing options for each URI.");
            MongoSplitter splitter;
            Class<? extends MongoSplitter> splitterClass = MongoConfigUtil.getSplitterClass(confForThisUri);

            if (splitterClass != null) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug(format("Using custom Splitter class for namespace: %s.%s; hosts: %s",
                            inputURI.getDatabase(), inputURI.getCollection(), inputURI.getHosts()));
                //User wants to use a specific custom class for this URI.
                //Make sure that the custom class isn't this one
                if (splitterClass == MultiMongoCollectionSplitter.class) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't nest uses of MultiMongoCollectionSplitter");
                //All clear.
                MongoCollectionSplitter collectionSplitter;
                collectionSplitter = (MongoCollectionSplitter) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(splitterClass,
                //Since we use no-arg constructor, need to inject
                //configuration and input URI.
                splitter = collectionSplitter;
            } else {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "Fetching collection stats on namespace: %s.%s; hosts: %s to choose splitter implementation.",
                            inputURI.getDatabase(), inputURI.getCollection(), inputURI.getHosts()));
                //No class was specified, so choose one by looking at
                //collection stats.
                splitter = MongoSplitterFactory.getSplitterByStats(inputURI, confForThisUri);

    //Now we have splitters for all the input collections.
    //Run through all of em, get all the splits for each,
    //compile them into one big ol' list.
    for (MongoSplitter splitter : splitters) {
    return returnVal;

From source file:com.zjy.mongo.splitter.ShardChunkMongoSplitter.java

License:Apache License

public List<InputSplit> calculateSplits() throws SplitFailedException {
    boolean targetShards = MongoConfigUtil.canReadSplitsFromShards(getConfiguration());
    DB configDB = getConfigDB();//w ww .  ja  va  2s . c o m
    DBCollection chunksCollection = configDB.getCollection("chunks");

    MongoClientURI inputURI = MongoConfigUtil.getInputURI(getConfiguration());
    String inputNS = inputURI.getDatabase() + "." + inputURI.getCollection();

    DBCursor cur = chunksCollection.find(new BasicDBObject("ns", inputNS));

    int numChunks = 0;

    Map<String, String> shardsMap = null;
    if (targetShards) {
        try {
            shardsMap = getShardsMap();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //Something went wrong when trying to
            //read the shards data from the config server,
            //so abort the splitting
            throw new SplitFailedException("Couldn't get shards information from config server", e);

    List<String> mongosHostNames = MongoConfigUtil.getInputMongosHosts(getConfiguration());
    if (targetShards && mongosHostNames.size() > 0) {
        throw new SplitFailedException(
                "Setting both mongo.input.split.read_from_shards and mongo.input.mongos_hosts"
                        + " does not make sense. ");

    if (mongosHostNames.size() > 0) {
        LOG.info("Using multiple mongos instances (round robin) for reading input.");

    Map<String, LinkedList<InputSplit>> shardToSplits = new HashMap<String, LinkedList<InputSplit>>();

    try {
        while (cur.hasNext()) {
            final BasicDBObject row = (BasicDBObject) cur.next();
            BasicDBObject chunkLowerBound = (BasicDBObject) row.get("min");
            BasicDBObject chunkUpperBound = (BasicDBObject) row.get("max");
            MongoInputSplit chunkSplit = createSplitFromBounds(chunkLowerBound, chunkUpperBound);
            String shard = (String) row.get("shard");
            if (targetShards) {
                //The job is configured to target shards, so replace the
                //mongos hostname with the host of the shard's servers
                String shardHosts = shardsMap.get(shard);
                if (shardHosts == null) {
                    throw new SplitFailedException("Couldn't find shard ID: " + shard + " in config.shards.");

                MongoClientURI newURI = rewriteURI(inputURI, shardHosts);
            } else if (mongosHostNames.size() > 0) {
                //Multiple mongos hosts are specified, so
                //choose a host name in round-robin fashion
                //and rewrite the URI using that hostname.
                //This evenly distributes the load to avoid
                //pegging a single mongos instance.
                String roundRobinHost = mongosHostNames.get(numChunks % mongosHostNames.size());
                MongoClientURI newURI = rewriteURI(inputURI, roundRobinHost);
            LinkedList<InputSplit> shardList = shardToSplits.get(shard);
            if (shardList == null) {
                shardList = new LinkedList<InputSplit>();
                shardToSplits.put(shard, shardList);
    } finally {

    final List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(numChunks);
    int splitIndex = 0;
    while (splitIndex < numChunks) {
        Set<String> shardSplitsToRemove = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Entry<String, LinkedList<InputSplit>> shardSplits : shardToSplits.entrySet()) {
            LinkedList<InputSplit> shardSplitsList = shardSplits.getValue();
            InputSplit split = shardSplitsList.pop();
            splits.add(splitIndex, split);
            if (shardSplitsList.isEmpty()) {
        for (String shardName : shardSplitsToRemove) {

    return splits;

From source file:com.zjy.mongo.splitter.SingleMongoSplitter.java

License:Apache License

public List<InputSplit> calculateSplits() {
    MongoClientURI inputURI = MongoConfigUtil.getInputURI(getConfiguration());
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug(format("SingleMongoSplitter calculating splits for namespace: %s.%s; hosts: %s",
                inputURI.getDatabase(), inputURI.getCollection(), inputURI.getHosts()));
    }//from   ww  w  .  j av a  2s  .  com
    final List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
    MongoInputSplit mongoSplit = new MongoInputSplit();


    //Not using any index min/max bounds, so range query is
    //meaningless here - don't set it

    return splits;

From source file:com.zjy.mongo.splitter.StandaloneMongoSplitter.java

License:Apache License

public List<InputSplit> calculateSplits() throws SplitFailedException {
    final DBObject splitKey = MongoConfigUtil.getInputSplitKey(getConfiguration());
    final DBObject splitKeyMax = MongoConfigUtil.getMaxSplitKey(getConfiguration());
    final DBObject splitKeyMin = MongoConfigUtil.getMinSplitKey(getConfiguration());
    final int splitSize = MongoConfigUtil.getSplitSize(getConfiguration());
    final MongoClientURI inputURI;
    DBCollection inputCollection = null;
    final ArrayList<InputSplit> returnVal;
    try {/*w  w  w . j  a  v a  2  s  .c  om*/
        inputURI = MongoConfigUtil.getInputURI(getConfiguration());
        MongoClientURI authURI = MongoConfigUtil.getAuthURI(getConfiguration());
        if (authURI != null) {
            inputCollection = MongoConfigUtil.getCollectionWithAuth(inputURI, authURI);
        } else {
            inputCollection = MongoConfigUtil.getCollection(inputURI);

        returnVal = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
        final String ns = inputCollection.getFullName();

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug(String.format("Running splitVector on namespace: %s.%s; hosts: %s",
                    inputURI.getDatabase(), inputURI.getCollection(), inputURI.getHosts()));
        final DBObject cmd = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("splitVector", ns).add("keyPattern", splitKey)
                .add("min", splitKeyMin).add("max", splitKeyMax)
                // force:True is misbehaving it seems
                .add("force", false).add("maxChunkSize", splitSize).get();

        CommandResult data;
        boolean ok = true;
        try {
            data = inputCollection.getDB().getSisterDB(inputURI.getDatabase()).command(cmd,
        } catch (final MongoException e) { // 2.0 servers throw exceptions rather than info in a CommandResult
            data = null;
            LOG.info(e.getMessage(), e);
            if (e.getMessage().contains("unrecognized command: splitVector")) {
                ok = false;
            } else {
                throw e;

        if (data != null) {
            if (data.containsField("$err")) {
                throw new SplitFailedException("Error calculating splits: " + data);
            } else if (!data.get("ok").equals(1.0)) {
                ok = false;

        if (!ok) {
            final CommandResult stats = inputCollection.getStats();
            if (stats.containsField("primary")) {
                final DBCursor shards = inputCollection.getDB().getSisterDB("config").getCollection("shards")
                        .find(new BasicDBObject("_id", stats.getString("primary")));
                try {
                    if (shards.hasNext()) {
                        final DBObject shard = shards.next();
                        final String host = ((String) shard.get("host")).replace(shard.get("_id") + "/", "");
                        final MongoClientURI shardHost;
                        if (authURI != null) {
                            shardHost = new MongoClientURIBuilder(authURI).host(host).build();
                        } else {
                            shardHost = new MongoClientURIBuilder(inputURI).host(host).build();
                        MongoClient shardClient = null;
                        try {
                            shardClient = new MongoClient(shardHost);
                            data = shardClient.getDB(shardHost.getDatabase()).command(cmd,
                        } catch (final Exception e) {
                            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                        } finally {
                            if (shardClient != null) {
                } finally {
            if (data != null && !data.get("ok").equals(1.0)) {
                throw new SplitFailedException("Unable to calculate input splits: " + data.get("errmsg"));


        // Comes in a format where "min" and "max" are implicit
        // and each entry is just a boundary key; not ranged
        final BasicDBList splitData = (BasicDBList) data.get("splitKeys");

        if (splitData.size() == 0) {
                    "WARNING: No Input Splits were calculated by the split code. Proceeding with a *single* split. Data may be too"
                            + " small, try lowering 'mongo.input.split_size' if this is undesirable.");

        BasicDBObject lastKey = null; // Lower boundary of the first min split

        // If splitKeyMin was given, use it as first boundary.
        if (!splitKeyMin.toMap().isEmpty()) {
            lastKey = new BasicDBObject(splitKeyMin.toMap());
        for (final Object aSplitData : splitData) {
            final BasicDBObject currentKey = (BasicDBObject) aSplitData;
            returnVal.add(createSplitFromBounds(lastKey, currentKey));
            lastKey = currentKey;

        BasicDBObject maxKey = null;
        // If splitKeyMax was given, use it as last boundary.
        if (!splitKeyMax.toMap().isEmpty()) {
            maxKey = new BasicDBObject(splitKeyMax.toMap());
        // Last max split
        final MongoInputSplit lastSplit = createSplitFromBounds(lastKey, maxKey);
    } finally {
        if (inputCollection != null) {

    return returnVal;

From source file:com.zjy.mongo.util.MongoConfigUtil.java

License:Apache License

 * Retrieve a DBCollection from a MongoDB URI.
 * @param uri the MongoDB URI// w w w.  j  a v a  2s .c  o m
 * @return the DBCollection in the URI
public static DBCollection getCollection(final MongoClientURI uri) {
    try {
        return getMongoClient(uri).getDB(uri.getDatabase()).getCollection(uri.getCollection());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't connect and authenticate to get collection", e);

From source file:com.zjy.mongo.util.MongoConfigUtil.java

License:Apache License

 * Get an authenticated DBCollection from a MongodB URI.
 * @param authURI the URI with which to authenticate
 * @param uri the MongoDB URI/*from  w  ww  . j a  v a  2 s  .co  m*/
 * @return the authenticated DBCollection
public static DBCollection getCollectionWithAuth(final MongoClientURI uri, final MongoClientURI authURI) {
    //Make sure auth uri is valid and actually has a username/pw to use
    if (authURI == null || authURI.getUsername() == null || authURI.getPassword() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "auth URI is empty or does not contain a valid username/password combination.");

    DBCollection coll;
    try {
        Mongo mongo = getMongoClient(authURI);
        coll = mongo.getDB(uri.getDatabase()).getCollection(uri.getCollection());
        return coll;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't connect and authenticate to get collection", e);

From source file:localdomain.localhost.MongoDbTroubleshooter.java

License:Open Source License

public void run() throws Exception {
    try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(System.out)) {

        MongoClientURI mongoClientUri = new MongoClientURI(uri);
        writer.println("" + "host=" + mongoClientUri.getHosts() + ",username=" + mongoClientUri.getUsername()
                + ",database=" + mongoClientUri.getDatabase() + ",collection=" + mongoClientUri.getCollection()
                + "");

        writer.println();//from   w  ww  . j  ava  2  s. c o m

        writer.println("# MongoClient");

        MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongoClientUri);
        writer.println("" + mongoClient + "");

        writer.println("# Databases");

        try {
            List<String> databaseNames = mongoClient.getDatabaseNames();
            for (String databaseName : databaseNames) {
                writer.println("* " + databaseName
                        + (databaseName.equals(mongoClientUri.getDatabase()) ? " - default database" : ""));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            writer.println("Could not list the databases of the MongoDB instance: '" + e.getMessage() + "'");


        writer.println("# Database");

        DB db = mongoClient.getDB(mongoClientUri.getDatabase());
        writer.println("DB: " + db.getName() + "");

        writer.println("## Collections");
        Set<String> myCollections = db.getCollectionNames();
        if (myCollections.isEmpty()) {
            writer.println("NO COLLECTIONS!");

        } else {

            for (String collection : myCollections) {
                DBCollection dbCollection = db.getCollection(collection);
                writer.println("* " + dbCollection.getName() + " - " + dbCollection.getCount() + " entries");

From source file:localdomain.localhost.MyServlet.java

License:Apache License

protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();



    String uriAsString = System.getProperty("MONGOHQ_URL_MYDB", "mongodb://localhost/local");

    MongoClient mongoClient = null;/*from w w  w.  j  ava  2 s.  c o  m*/
    try {

        MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(uriAsString);
        writer.println("<p>" + "host=" + uri.getHosts() + ",username=" + uri.getUsername() + ",database="
                + uri.getDatabase() + ",collection=" + uri.getCollection() + "</p>");


        mongoClient = new MongoClient(uri);
        writer.println("<p>" + mongoClient + "</p>");


        try {
            List<String> databaseNames = mongoClient.getDatabaseNames();
            for (String databaseName : databaseNames) {
                writer.println("<li>" + databaseName
                        + (databaseName.equals(uri.getDatabase()) ? " - default database" : ""));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            writer.println("<p>Could not list the databases of the MongoDB instance: <code>" + e.getMessage()
                    + "</code></p>");



        DB db = mongoClient.getDB(uri.getDatabase());
        writer.println("<p>DB: " + db.getName() + "</p>");

        Set<String> myCollections = db.getCollectionNames();
        if (myCollections.isEmpty()) {
            writer.println("<p>NO COLLECTIONS!</p>");

        } else {

            for (String collection : myCollections) {
                DBCollection dbCollection = db.getCollection(collection);
                        "<li>" + dbCollection.getName() + " - " + dbCollection.getCount() + " entries</li>");
        writer.println("SUCCESS to access the mongodb database");

    } catch (Exception e) {

    } finally {
        if (mongoClient != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
