Java com.vaadin.client Util fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.vaadin.client Util fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.vaadin.client Util.

The text is from its open source code.


StringescapeHTML(String html)
Converts html entities to text.
ComponentConnectorfindConnectorFor(Widget widget)
TfindWidget(Element element, Class class1)
Helper method to find first instance of given Widget type found by traversing DOM upwards from given element.
intgetChildElementIndex(Element childElement)
Returns the index of the childElement within its parent.
ComponentConnectorgetConnectorForElement(ApplicationConnection client, Widget parent, Element element)
Locates the nested child component of parent which contains the element element. clientX, int clientY)
Returns the topmost element of from given coordinates. event)
Find the element corresponding to the coordinates in the passed mouse event.
intgetRequiredHeight( element)
Gets the border-box height for the given element, i.e.
intgetRequiredHeight(Widget widget)
intgetRequiredWidth( element)
Gets the border-box width for the given element, i.e.
intgetRequiredWidth(Widget widget)
intgetTouchOrMouseClientX(Event event)
A helper method to return the client position from an event.
intgetTouchOrMouseClientX(NativeEvent event)
intgetTouchOrMouseClientY(Event event)
A helper method to return the client position from an event.
intgetTouchOrMouseClientY(NativeEvent currentGwtEvent)
booleanisTouchEvent(Event event)
booleanisTouchEvent(NativeEvent event)
intmeasureHorizontalPaddingAndBorder(Element element, int paddingGuess)
intmeasureVerticalPaddingAndBorder(Element element, int paddingGuess)
voidnotifyParentOfSizeChange(Widget widget, boolean lazy)
This helper method can be called if components size have been changed outside rendering phase.
floatparseRelativeSize(String size)
FloatSizeparseRelativeSize(AbstractComponentState state)
Parses shared state and fetches the relative size of the component.
doubleround(double num, int exp)
Round num up to exp decimal positions.
voidsinkOnloadForImages(Element element)