Java com.vaadin.shared.ui MarginInfo fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.vaadin.shared.ui MarginInfo fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.vaadin.shared.ui MarginInfo.

The text is from its open source code.


MarginInfo(boolean top, boolean right, boolean bottom, boolean left)
Creates a MarginInfo object by having each edge specified in clockwise order (analogous to CSS).
MarginInfo(boolean enabled)
Creates a MarginInfo object with all edges set to either enabled or disabled.
MarginInfo(int bitMask)
Creates a MarginInfo object from a bit mask.
MarginInfo(MarginInfo other)
Creates a MarginInfo with the same values as another MarginInfo object.
MarginInfo(boolean vertical, boolean horizontal)
Creates a MarginInfo object by having horizontal and vertical margins specified (analogous to CSS).


Returns the current bit mask that make up the margin settings.
Checks if this MarginInfo object has the bottom edge margin enabled.
Checks if this MarginInfo object has the left edge margin enabled.
Checks if this MarginInfo object has the right edge margin enabled.
Checks if this MarginInfo object has the top edge margin enabled.