Example usage for com.vaadin.ui Upload subclass-usage

List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui Upload subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.vaadin.ui Upload subclass-usage.


From source file com.haulmont.cuba.web.toolkit.ui.CubaUpload.java

public class CubaUpload extends Upload implements UploadComponent {

    protected CubaUploadState getState() {
        return (CubaUploadState) super.getState();

From source file com.wcs.wcslib.vaadin.widget.multifileupload.component.CustomUpload.java

 * @author gergo
public class CustomUpload extends Upload implements UploadComponent {

From source file org.eclipse.hawkbit.ui.artifacts.upload.UploadFixed.java

 * The {@link Upload} class has a bug.The lifecycle methods of the registered
 * handler
 * com.vaadin.ui.Upload.StartedListener#uploadStarted(com.vaadin.ui.Upload.StartedEvent)
 * etc are called even the upload was interrupted. This bug is fixed in this
 * class.

From source file org.opennms.features.vaadin.mibcompiler.MibUploadButton.java

 * The Class MIB Upload Button.
 * @author <a href="mailto:agalue@opennms.org">Alejandro Galue</a> 

From source file org.vaadin.viritin.components.UploadFileHandler.java

 * An upload implementation that just pass the input stream (and name and mime
 * type) of the uploaded file for developer to handle.
 * <p>
 * Note, then FileHandler you pass in is not executed in the UI thread. If you
 * want to modify the UI from it, by sure to use UI.access to handle locking