Example usage for edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline StanfordCoreNLP annotate

List of usage examples for edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline StanfordCoreNLP annotate


In this page you can find the example usage for edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline StanfordCoreNLP annotate.


public void annotate(Annotation annotation) 

Source Link


From source file:Treeparse.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO code application logic here

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma,parse");
    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);
    System.out.println("Enter the text:");
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    text = sc.nextLine();/*from ww  w  .j av  a2 s  .  c  om*/

    Annotation document = new Annotation(text);

    List<CoreMap> sentences = document.get(SentencesAnnotation.class);

    for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {

        token_length = sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class).size();
        arr1 = new String[POSTagger.token_length];
        arr2 = new String[POSTagger.token_length];
        int i = 0, j = 0;

        // System.out.println("Size"+token_length);
        for (CoreLabel token : sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) {

            String word = token.get(TextAnnotation.class);

            String pos = token.get(PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class);
            //    String ner = token.get(NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class);

        Tree tree = sentence.get(TreeAnnotation.class);
        // System.out.println(tree);
        List<Tree> x = GetNounPhrases(tree);

        // Print words and Pos Tags
        /*for (Tree leaf : leaves) { 
            Tree parent = leaf.parent(tree);
            System.out.print(leaf.label().value() + "-" + parent.label().value() + " ");
    //System.out.println("Enter the text:");


From source file:rev.java

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods.//from www . ja v  a2 s . c  o  m
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
    try (PrintWriter out = response.getWriter()) {
        String a = request.getParameter("userMsg");

        /* TODO output your page here. You may use following sample code. */
        out.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n" + "<head>\n"
                + "<link href=\"css/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\"/>\n"
                + "<link href=\"css/slider.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\"/>\n"
                + "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/jquery-1.9.0.min.js\"></script>\n"
                + "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/move-top.js\"></script>\n"
                + "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/easing.js\"></script>\n"
                + "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/jquery.nivo.slider.js\"></script>\n"
                + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" + "    $(window).load(function() {\n"
                + "        $('#slider').nivoSlider();\n" + "    });\n" + "    <%! String n;\n" + "    %>\n"
                + "    <%  \n" + "          \n" + "        n=(String)session.getAttribute(\"uname\"); \n"
                + "        %>\n" + "    </script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "   <div class=\"header\">\n"
                + "       <div class=\"headertop_desc\">\n" + "         <div class=\"wrap\">\n"
                + "            <div class=\"nav_list\">\n" + "               \n" + "            </div>\n"
                + "            <div class=\"account_desc\">\n" + "                  <ul>\n"
                + "                     <li><a href=\"available.jsp\">Available movies</a></li>\n"
                + "                     <li><a href=\"takereview.jsp\">Review Movies</a></li>\n"
                + "                     <li><a href=\"rated.jsp\">Movies Rated</a></li>\n"
                + "                                                        <li><a href=\"abc.jsp\">Recommend Me</a></li>\n"
                + "                                                        \n"
                + "                                                        <li><a href=\"contact.html\">Contact</a></li>\n"
                + "                                                        <li><a href=\"logout\">Logout</a></li>\n"
                + "                                                </ul>\n" + "               </div>\n"
                + "            <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n" + "         </div>\n" + "        </div>\n"
                + "             <div class=\"wrap\">\n" + "            <div class=\"header_top\">\n"
                + "               <div class=\"logo\">\n"
                + "                  <a href=\"index.html\"><img src=\"images/logo1.jpg\" alt=\"\" /></a>\n"
                + "               </div>\n" + "               <div class=\"header_top_right\">\n"
                + "                <div class=\"search_box\">\n" + "                          \n"
                + "                       </div>\n" + "                    <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n"
                + "               </div>\n" + "                   \n"
                + "          <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n" + "        </div>\n" + "            \n" + "   \n"
                + "\n" + "\n" + "");

        String line = "this book is too good to sleep";
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, parse, sentiment, lemma");
        StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);

        Annotation annotation = new Annotation(a);



        List<CoreMap> sentences = annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class);

        if (sentences != null && !sentences.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); i++) {
                CoreMap sentence = sentences.get(i);
                Tree tree = sentence.get(SentimentCoreAnnotations.SentimentAnnotatedTree.class);
                int sentiment = RNNCoreAnnotations.getPredictedClass(tree);
                String sentimentName = sentence.get(SentimentCoreAnnotations.SentimentClass.class);

                /*String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/review";
                       Connection conn;
                        Statement stmt;
                        ResultSet rs;
                      conn = DriverManager.getConnection (connectionURL,"root","");
                       stmt = conn.createStatement();
                      // rs = stmt.executeQuery("");

                out.println("The sentence is:");

                //out.println("Sentiment of \n> \""++"\"\nis: " + sentiment+" (i.e., "+sentimentName+")");
                out.println(sentimentName + " " + sentiment);
                if (sentimentName.equalsIgnoreCase("Negative")) {
                    final String negative = "negative";
                    final String positive = "positive";

                    final String nuetral = "nuetral";
                    final String verypositive = "very positive";
                    final String verynegative = " very negative";
                    final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

                    dataset.addValue(0, positive, positive);
                    dataset.addValue(sentiment, negative, negative);
                    dataset.addValue(0, nuetral, nuetral);
                    dataset.addValue(0, verynegative, verynegative);
                    dataset.addValue(0, verypositive, verypositive);
                    JFreeChart barChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("Movie Reviews", "Ratings", "Sentiments",
                            dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);

                    int width = 640; /* Width of the image */
                    int height = 480; /* Height of the image */
                    File BarChart = new File("/home/rishabh/NetBeansProjects/minor/web/images/k.jpeg");
                    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(BarChart, barChart, width, height);
                    out.println("<img src=\"images/BarChart.jpeg\">");

                } else if (sentimentName.equalsIgnoreCase("Positive")) {
                    final String negative = "negative";
                    final String positive = "positive";

                    final String nuetral = "nuetral";
                    final String verypositive = "very positive";
                    final String verynegative = " very negative";
                    final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

                    // out.println("Good");
                    dataset.addValue(sentiment, positive, positive);
                    dataset.addValue(0, negative, negative);
                    dataset.addValue(0, nuetral, nuetral);
                    dataset.addValue(0, verynegative, verynegative);
                    dataset.addValue(0, verypositive, verypositive);
                    JFreeChart barChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("Movie Reviews", "Ratings", "Sentiments",
                            dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);

                    int width = 640; /* Width of the image */
                    int height = 480; /* Height of the image */
                    File BarChart = new File("/home/rishabh/NetBeansProjects/minor/web/images/k.jpeg");
                    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(BarChart, barChart, width, height);
                    out.println("<img src=\"images/BarChart1.jpeg\">");

                } else if (sentimentName.equalsIgnoreCase("Neutral")) {
                    final String negative = "negative";
                    final String positive = "positive";

                    final String nuetral = "nuetral";
                    final String verypositive = "very positive";
                    final String verynegative = " very negative";
                    final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

                    dataset.addValue(0, positive, positive);
                    dataset.addValue(0, negative, negative);
                    dataset.addValue(sentiment, nuetral, nuetral);
                    dataset.addValue(0, verynegative, verynegative);
                    dataset.addValue(0, verypositive, verypositive);
                    JFreeChart barChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("Movie Reviews", "Ratings", "Sentiments",
                            dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);

                    int width = 640; /* Width of the image */
                    int height = 480; /* Height of the image */
                    File BarChart = new File("/home/rishabh/NetBeansProjects/minor/web/images/k.jpeg");
                    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(BarChart, barChart, width, height);

                    out.println("<img src=\"images/BarChart2.jpeg\">");
                } else if (sentimentName.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Positive")) {
                    final String negative = "negative";
                    final String positive = "positive";

                    final String nuetral = "nuetral";
                    final String verypositive = "very positive";
                    final String verynegative = " very negative";
                    final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

                    dataset.addValue(0, positive, positive);
                    dataset.addValue(0, negative, negative);
                    dataset.addValue(0, nuetral, nuetral);
                    dataset.addValue(0, verynegative, verynegative);
                    dataset.addValue(sentiment, verypositive, verypositive);
                    JFreeChart barChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("Movie Reviews", "Ratings", "Sentiments",
                            dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);

                    int width = 640; /* Width of the image */
                    int height = 480; /* Height of the image */
                    File BarChart = new File("/home/rishabh/NetBeansProjects/minor/web/images/k.jpeg");
                    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(BarChart, barChart, width, height);
                    out.println("<img src=\"images/BarChart4.jpeg\">");

                } else if (sentimentName.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Negative")) {
                    final String negative = "negative";
                    final String positive = "positive";

                    final String nuetral = "nuetral";
                    final String verypositive = "very positive";
                    final String verynegative = " very negative";
                    final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

                    dataset.addValue(0, positive, positive);
                    dataset.addValue(0, negative, negative);
                    dataset.addValue(0, nuetral, nuetral);
                    dataset.addValue(sentiment, verynegative, verynegative);
                    dataset.addValue(0, verypositive, verypositive);
                    JFreeChart barChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("Movie Reviews", "Ratings", "Sentiments",
                            dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);

                    int width = 640; /* Width of the image */
                    int height = 480; /* Height of the image */
                    File BarChart = new File("/home/rishabh/NetBeansProjects/minor/web/images/k.jpeg");
                    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(BarChart, barChart, width, height);

                    out.println("<img src=\"images/BarChart3.jpeg\">");


        out.println("<div class=\"footer\">\n" + "        <div class=\"wrap\">\n"
                + "        <div class=\"section group\">\n" + "            <div class=\"col span\">\n"
                + "                  <h4>Information</h4>\n" + "                  <ul>\n"
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                + "            <p>Company Name  All rights Reseverd </p>\n" + "         </div>\n"
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                + "      $(document).ready(function() {\n"
                + "         $().UItoTop({ easingType: 'easeOutQuart' });\n" + "\n" + "      });\n"
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                + "</body>\n" + "</html>\n" + "\n" + "");


From source file:analytics.weka.EnglishTextAnnotations.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // creates a StanfordCoreNLP object, with POS tagging, lemmatization,
    // NER, parsing, and coreference resolution
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner");//, parse, sentiment
    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);

    // read some text in the text variable
    String text = "jackie brown ( miramax - 1997 ) starring pam grier , samuel l . jackson , robert forster , bridget fonda , michael keaton , robert de niro , michael bowen , chris tucker screenplay by quentin tarantino , based on the novel rum punch by elmore leonard produced by lawrence bender directed by quentin tarantino running time : 155 minutes note : some may consider portions of the following text to be spoilers . be forewarned . ------------------------------------------------------------- during the three years since the release of the groundbreaking success pulp fiction , the cinematic output from its creator , quentin tarantino , has been surprisingly low . oh , he\'s been busy -- doing the talk show circuit , taking small roles in various films , overseeing the production of his screenplay from dusk till dawn , making cameo appearances on television shows , providing a vignette for the ill-fated anthology four rooms -- everything , it seems , except direct another feature-length film . it\'s been the long intermission between projects as well as the dizzying peak which pulp fiction reached which has made mr . tarantino\'s new feature film , jackie brown , one of the most anticipated films of the year , and his third feature film cements his reputation as the single most important new american filmmaker to emerge from the 1990s . things aren\'t going well for jackie brown ( pam grier ) . she\'s 44 years old , stuck at a dead-end job ( \" $16 , 000 a year , plus retirement benefits that aren\'t worth a damn \" ) as a flight attendant for the worst airline in north america -- and she\'s just been caught at the airport by atf agent ray nicolette ( portrayed with terrific childlike enthusiasm by michael keaton ) and police officer mark dargus ( michael bowen ) smuggling $50 000 from mexico for gun-runner ordell robbie ( samuel l . jackson ) , who has her bailed out by unassuming bail bondsman max cherry ( robert forster ) . the loquacious ordell , based out of a hermosa beach house where his horny , bong-hitting surfer girl melanie ( bridget fonda ) and agreeable crony louis gara ( robert de niro ) hang out , operates under the policy that the best rat is a dead rat , and he\'s soon out to silence jackie brown . meanwhile , the authorities\' target is ordell , and they want jackie to help them by arranging a sting to the tune of a half-million dollars . only through a series of clever twists , turns , and double-crosses will jackie be able to gain the upper hand on both of her nemeses . although jackie brown marks mr . tarantino\'s first produced screenplay adaptation ( based on the elmore leonard novel \" rum punch \" ) , there\'s no mistaking his distinctive fingerprints all over this film . while he\'s adhered closely to the source material in a narrative sense , the setting has been relocated to los angeles and the lead character\'s now black . in terms of ambiance , the film harkens back to the 1970s , from the wall-to-wall funk and soul music drowning the soundtrack to the nondescript look of the sets -- even the opening title credit sequence has the echo of vintage 1970s productions . the opening sequence featuring ms . grier wordlessly striding through the lax , funky music blaring away on the speakers , is emblematic of films of that era . the timeframe for the film is in fact 1995 , but the atmosphere of jackie brown is decidedly retro . of course , nothing in the film screams 1970s more than the casting of pam grier and robert forster as the two leads , and although the caper intrigue is fun to watch as the plot twists , backstabbing , and deceptions deliciously unfold , the strength of jackie brown is the quiet , understated relationship developed between jackie and max ; when they kiss , it\'s perhaps the most tender scene of the year . tenderness ? in a quentin tarantino film ? sure , there\'ve been moments of sweetness in his prior films -- the affectionate exchanges between the bruce willis and maria de madeiros characters in pulp fiction and the unflagging dedication shared by the characters of tim roth and amanda plummer , or even in reservoir dogs , where a deep , unspoken bond develops between the harvey keitel and tim roth characters -- but for the most part , mr . tarantino\'s films are typified by manic energy , unexpected outbursts of violence , and clever , often wordy , banter . these staples of his work are all present in jackie brown , but what\'s new here is a different facet of his storytelling -- a willingness to imbue the film with a poignant emotional undercurrent , and a patience to draw out several scenes with great deliberation . this effective demonstration of range prohibits the pigeonholing of mr . tarantino as simply a helmer of slick , hip crime dramas with fast-talking lowlifes , and heralds him as a bonafide multifaceted talent ; he\'s the real deal . this new aspect of mr . tarantino\'s storytelling is probably best embodied in a single character -- that of the world-weary , sensitive , and exceedingly-professional max cherry , whose unspoken attraction to jackie is touching . mr . forster\'s nuanced , understated performance is the best in the film ; he creates an amiable character of such poignancy that when he gazes at jackie , we smile along with him . much press has been given about the casting of blaxploitation-era icon pam grier in the lead , with the wags buzzing that mr . tarantino may do for her what his pulp fiction did to bolster john travolta\'s then-sagging career . as it turns out , ms . grier is solid in the film\'s title role , although nothing here forces her to test her range . i do have to take exception to the claim that this film marks her career resurrection , though -- she\'s been working steadily over the years , often in direct-to-video action flicks , but also in such recent theatrical releases as tim burton\'s mars attacks ! and larry cohen\'s original gangstas ( where she first teamed up with mr . forster . ) of course , it\'s true that her role here was a godsend -- a meaty a part as this is rarity for * any * actress , let alone one of her age and current status in the industry . while jackie brown may disappoint those looking for another pulp fiction clone , it marks tremendous growth of mr . tarantino as a director whose horizons are rapidly expanding , and whose characterizations have never been better . and while the film\'s narrative doesn\'t really warrant a running time of 155 minutes , it\'s filled with such sumptuous riches , ranging from the brashness of the vivid soundtrack to entertaining , inconsequential conversations between the characters , that there wasn\'t an unengaging moment . with an impressive trio of feature films under his belt , it\'ll be interesting to see what he tries next . \r\n";

    // create an empty Annotation just with the given text
    Annotation document = new Annotation(text);

    // run all Annotators on this text

    System.out.println(text);/*from  w  ww.j  a v a 2  s. c  om*/

    // these are all the sentences in this document
    // a CoreMap is essentially a Map that uses class objects as keys and
    // has values with custom types
    List<CoreMap> sentences = document.get(SentencesAnnotation.class);

    StringBuilder lemmas = new StringBuilder();
    for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
        // traversing the words in the current sentence
        // a CoreLabel is a CoreMap with additional token-specific methods
        //System.out.println("sentence: "+sentence.get(SentenceBeginAnnotation.class));
        for (CoreLabel token : sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) {

            String word = token.get(TextAnnotation.class);
            //System.out.println("this is the text of the token: "+word);
            String pos = token.get(LemmaAnnotation.class);

            String ne = token.get(NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class);
            //System.out.println("this is the NER label of the token: "+ne);
            if ("O".equals(ne))
                lemmas.append(pos).append(" ");

        //System.out.println("sentence: "+sentence.get(SentenceEndAnnotation.class));

    System.out.println("this is the lemma tag of the token: " + lemmas);

From source file:Anaphora_Resolution.AnaphoraDetection.java

public void anophora() {
    String text = "Tom is a smart boy. He know a lot of thing.";

    Annotation document = new Annotation(text);
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit,parse, lemma, ner, dcoref");

    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);

    Map<Integer, CorefChain> graph = document.get(CorefChainAnnotation.class);
    for (Integer i : graph.keySet()) {
        System.out.println("GROUP " + i);
        CorefChain x = graph.get(i);/*from w w  w .  j  a  v a 2s . co m*/
        for (CorefMention m : x.getMentionsInTextualOrder()) {


From source file:Anaphora_Resolution.Coref.java

 * @param args the command line arguments
 *//*  w w w  .jav  a  2 s  .c  o  m*/
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    // creates a StanfordCoreNLP object, with POS tagging, lemmatization, NER, parsing, and coreference resolution 
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, parse, dcoref");
            "H:\\nlp jar files\\stanford-postagger-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger-2014-08-27\\models\\english-left3words-distsim.tagger");
    //props.put("dcoref.big.gender.number", "edu/stanford/nlp/models/dcoref/gender.data.gz");
    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);

    // read some text in the text variable
    String text = "Mary has a little lamb. She is very cute."; // Add your text here!

    // create an empty Annotation just with the given text
    Annotation document = new Annotation(text);

    // run all Annotators on this text

    // these are all the sentences in this document
    // a CoreMap is essentially a Map that uses class objects as keys and has values with custom types
    List<CoreMap> sentences = document.get(SentencesAnnotation.class);

    for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
        // traversing the words in the current sentence
        // a CoreLabel is a CoreMap with additional token-specific methods
        for (CoreLabel token : sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) {
            // this is the text of the token
            String word = token.get(TextAnnotation.class);
            // this is the POS tag of the token
            String pos = token.get(PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class);
            // this is the NER label of the token
            String ne = token.get(NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class);

        // this is the parse tree of the current sentence
        Tree tree = sentence.get(TreeAnnotation.class);

        // this is the Stanford dependency graph of the current sentence
        SemanticGraph dependencies = sentence.get(CollapsedCCProcessedDependenciesAnnotation.class);

    // This is the coreference link graph
    // Each chain stores a set of mentions that link to each other,
    // along with a method for getting the most representative mention
    // Both sentence and token offsets start at 1!
    Map<Integer, CorefChain> graph = document.get(CorefChainAnnotation.class);

From source file:candidateGeneration.remove_missingContext.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    InputStream is = new FileInputStream(sentence_detect_model);
    SentenceModel model = new SentenceModel(is);
    SentenceDetectorME sdetector = new SentenceDetectorME(model);

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("annotators", "tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner,parse,dcoref");
    StanfordCoreNLP pi = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);

    File writeFile = new File(
            "C:\\Users\\Abhay Prakash\\Workspace\\trivia\\Data\\Candidate_Generation\\good_sentences_new.txt");
    writeFile.createNewFile();//from w w w.j av  a 2  s .  com
    FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(writeFile);

    File writeFile2 = new File(
            "C:\\Users\\Abhay Prakash\\Workspace\\trivia\\Data\\Candidate_Generation\\bad_sentences_new.txt");
    FileWriter writer2 = new FileWriter(writeFile2);

    String folderPath = "C:\\Users\\Abhay Prakash\\Workspace\\trivia\\Data\\movieTest\\indivFiles\\";
    File[] files = new File(folderPath).listFiles();
    for (File file : files) {
        if (file.isFile()) {
            String name = file.getName();
            name = name.replace("_", " ");
            name = name.replace("%28", "(");
            name = name.replace("%29", ")");
            name = name.replace(".txt", "");
            System.out.println("File: " + name);

            FileReader inputFile = new FileReader(folderPath + file.getName());
            BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(inputFile);
            String input;

            while ((input = bufferReader.readLine()) != null) {
                //System.out.println("Line: " + input);
                String sentences[] = sdetector.sentDetect(input);
                HashMap<Integer, Integer> toRemove = new HashMap<>();
                Annotation doc = new Annotation(input);
                Map<Integer, CorefChain> graph = doc.get(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefChainAnnotation.class);

                for (Map.Entry<Integer, CorefChain> entry : graph.entrySet()) {
                    CorefChain c = entry.getValue();

                    if (c.getMentionsInTextualOrder().size() <= 1) {

                    //System.out.println("Mentions: " + c.toString());
                    String[] sentenceOccurence = c.toString().split(" ");
                    int firstOccurence = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < sentenceOccurence.length; i++) {
                        if (firstOccurence == -1 && sentenceOccurence[i].equals("sentence")) {
                            //System.out.println("first occurence : " + sentenceOccurence[i+1]);
                            firstOccurence = Integer
                                    .parseInt(sentenceOccurence[i + 1].replace(",", "").replace("]", ""));

                        if (sentenceOccurence[i].equals("sentence")) {
                            //System.out.println("further occurence : "+sentenceOccurence[i+1]);
                            if (Integer.parseInt(sentenceOccurence[i + 1].replace(",", "").replace("]",
                                    "")) != firstOccurence) {
                                //System.out.println("Added " + sentenceOccurence[i+1].replace(",", "").replace("]", "") + " for removal");
                                        sentenceOccurence[i + 1].replace(",", "").replace("]", "")), 1);

                int cand_i = 1;
                for (String candidate_sentence : sentences) {
                    if (toRemove.containsKey(cand_i)) {
                        //System.out.println("REMOVING: " + candidate_sentence + "\n");
                        writer2.write(name + "\t" + candidate_sentence + "\n");
                    //System.out.println("TAKING: " + candidate_sentence + "\n");
                    writer.write(name + "\t" + candidate_sentence + "\n");
            //System.out.println("Line done");

From source file:cl.usach.ner.Ner.java

public void do_ner() {

    nueva = new ArrayList<>();
    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(PropertiesUtils.asProperties("annotators",
            "tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner,parse,dcoref", "tokenize.language", "es"));

    // read some text in the text variable
    String text = tweet;//  www.  ja v a 2 s  . com
    text = text.replace("#", "");
    // create an empty Annotation just with the given text
    Annotation document = new Annotation(text);

    // run all Annotators on this text

    // these are all the sentences in this document
    // a CoreMap is essentially a Map that uses class objects as keys and has values with custom types
    List<CoreMap> sentences = document.get(SentencesAnnotation.class);

    oracion = text;
    for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
        // traversing the words in the current sentence
        // a CoreLabel is a CoreMap with additional token-specific methods
        for (CoreLabel token : sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) {
            // this is the text of the token
            String word = token.get(TextAnnotation.class);
            ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<>();
            // this is the POS tag of the token
            String pos = token.get(PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class);
            // this is the NER label of the token
            String ne = token.get(NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class);
            if (ne != null) {



        // this is the parse tree of the current sentence
        Tree tree = sentence.get(TreeAnnotation.class);

        // this is the Stanford dependency graph of the current sentence
        SemanticGraph dependencies = sentence.get(CollapsedCCProcessedDependenciesAnnotation.class);

    // This is the coreference link graph
    // Each chain stores a set of mentions that link to each other,
    // along with a method for getting the most representative mention
    // Both sentence and token offsets start at 1!
    Map<Integer, edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.CorefChain> graph = document.get(CorefChainAnnotation.class);

    hello = "terminado";

From source file:com.asimihsan.handytrowel.nlp.TextAnalyzer.java

License:Open Source License

public TextAnalyzer analyze() {
    // Stanford CoreNLP, avoid lemmatization as it's very slow to use Porter2 stemming
    // instead. (Porter -> Snowball (Porter2) -> Lancaster is order of stemming
    // aggressiveness.
    ///*from   ww w . ja  va 2 s.  c  o m*/
    // other ideas
    // - remove top 10k most common english words
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, stopword");
    props.setProperty("customAnnotatorClass.stopword", "com.asimihsan.handytrowel.nlp.StopwordAnnotator");
    List<String> stopWords = null;
    try {
        stopWords = WordReader.wordReaderWithResourcePath("/nlp/top1000words.txt").getWords();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return this;
    String customStopWordList = Joiner.on(",").join(stopWords);
    props.setProperty(StopwordAnnotator.STOPWORDS_LIST, customStopWordList);
    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);
    Annotation document = new Annotation(body);
    List<CoreLabel> inputTokens = document.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
    SnowballStemmer stemmer = new englishStemmer();
    for (CoreLabel token : inputTokens) {
        Pair<Boolean, Boolean> stopword = token.get(StopwordAnnotator.class);
        if (stopword.first())
        String word = token.word().toLowerCase();

        //!!AI TODO this sucks, should make another annotator and make it optional etc.
        //also we're matching full stops! so we lose sentence information.
        if (punctuation.matcher(word).matches())

        //!AI TODO again this would be its own annotator and optional
        word = number.matcher(word).replaceAll("NUMBER");

        word = stemmer.getCurrent();
    return this;

From source file:com.dreamoval.opensource.driller.nlp.DrillerTokenizer.java

public void getwords(String text) {
    this.text = text;
    // Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    // creates a StanfordCoreNLP object, with POS tagging, lemmatization, NER, parsing, and coreference resolution 
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, parse, dcoref");
    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);

    // read some text in the text variable
    //text = sc.nextLine();// Add your text here!
    // create an empty Annotation just with the given text
    Annotation document = new Annotation(text);
    // run all Annotators on this text
    // these are all the sentences in this document
    // a CoreMap is essentially a Map that uses class objects as keys and has values with custom types
    List<CoreMap> sentences = document.get(SentencesAnnotation.class);

    for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
        // traversing the words in the current sentence
        // a CoreLabel is a CoreMap with additional token-specific methods
        for (CoreLabel token : sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) {
            // this is the text of the token
            String word = token.get(TextAnnotation.class);
            // this is the POS tag of the token
            String pos = token.get(PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class);
            // this is the NER label of the token
            String ne = token.get(NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class);
            // this is the parse tree of the current sentence
            Tree tree = sentence.get(TreeAnnotation.class);

            // this is the Stanford dependency graph of the current sentence
            SemanticGraph dependencies = sentence.get(CollapsedCCProcessedDependenciesAnnotation.class);

        }// w w  w  .  j av  a 2  s .  c o  m
        // This is the coreference link graph
        // Each chain stores a set of mentions that link to each other,
        // along with a method for getting the most representative mention
        // Both sentence and token offsets start at 1!
        Map<Integer, CorefChain> graph = document.get(CorefChainAnnotation.class);



From source file:com.github.sharispe.slib.dsm.utils.StanfordLemmatizer.java

License:Open Source License

 * Lemmatize a document and save the result in another file
 * @param inputFile the file to lemmatize
 * @param outputFile the result /*from   w  w  w. j a  v a2s.  com*/
 * @param path_to_pos_model the path to the POS model to consider
 * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs
public static void lemmatize(String inputFile, String outputFile, String path_to_pos_model) throws IOException {

    // https://www.ling.upenn.edu/courses/Fall_2003/ling001/penn_treebank_pos.html
    String[] pennTags = { "NN", "NNS", "NNP", "VB" };
    List<String> acceptedPennTag = Arrays.asList(pennTags);
    String textContent = readFile(inputFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    String textContentProcess = "";

    // To remove the annoying log

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("pos.model", path_to_pos_model);
    props.put("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma");

    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);

    // create an empty Annotation just with the given text
    Annotation document = new Annotation(textContent);

    // run all Annotators on this text

    List<CoreMap> sentences = document.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class);

    String sentenceLem;

    for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
        sentenceLem = "";

        boolean f = true;
        for (CoreLabel token : sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class)) {

            String lemma = token.get(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class);
            String pos = token.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class);

            if (acceptedPennTag.contains(pos)) {
                if (!f) {
                    sentenceLem += " ";
                sentenceLem += lemma;
                f = false;
        textContentProcess += sentenceLem + "\n";
    // enable log
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(outputFile), textContentProcess, false);