Example usage for io.netty.channel ChannelPromise setSuccess

List of usage examples for io.netty.channel ChannelPromise setSuccess


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.channel ChannelPromise setSuccess.


ChannelPromise setSuccess();

Source Link


From source file:com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.AbstractEndpointTest.java

License:Apache License

public void shouldSwallowDuplicateConnectAttempts() {
    BootstrapAdapter bootstrap = mock(BootstrapAdapter.class);
    final ChannelPromise promise = channel.newPromise();
    Endpoint endpoint = new DummyEndpoint(bootstrap);

    final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        @Override/*  w ww .ja  v a  2  s .  c  o  m*/
        public void run() {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    Observable<LifecycleState> attempt1 = endpoint.connect();
    Observable<LifecycleState> attempt2 = endpoint.connect();

    assertEquals(LifecycleState.CONNECTED, attempt1.toBlocking().single());
    assertEquals(LifecycleState.CONNECTING, attempt2.toBlocking().single());
    verify(bootstrap, times(1)).connect();

From source file:com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.AbstractEndpointTest.java

License:Apache License

public void shouldStopConnectIfDisconnectOverrides() {
    BootstrapAdapter bootstrap = mock(BootstrapAdapter.class);
    final ChannelPromise promise = channel.newPromise();
    Endpoint endpoint = new DummyEndpoint(bootstrap);

    final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        @Override//from  www.j  a va2 s. co  m
        public void run() {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    Observable<LifecycleState> connect = endpoint.connect();
    Observable<LifecycleState> disconnect = endpoint.disconnect();

    assertEquals(LifecycleState.DISCONNECTED, connect.toBlocking().single());
    assertEquals(LifecycleState.DISCONNECTED, disconnect.toBlocking().single());

From source file:com.twitter.http2.HttpStreamEncoder.java

License:Apache License

 * Writes an HTTP chunk downstream as one or more HTTP/2 frames.
 *///from w  ww  . j  a v  a 2s.  c om
protected void writeChunk(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelPromise future, int streamId, HttpContent content) {

    HttpFrame[] httpFrames = createHttpDataFrames(streamId, content.content());

    if (content instanceof LastHttpContent) {
        LastHttpContent trailer = (LastHttpContent) content;
        HttpHeaders trailers = trailer.trailingHeaders();
        if (trailers.isEmpty()) {
            if (httpFrames.length == 0) {
                HttpDataFrame httpDataFrame = new DefaultHttpDataFrame(streamId);
                httpFrames = new HttpFrame[1];
                httpFrames[0] = httpDataFrame;
            } else {
                HttpDataFrame httpDataFrame = (HttpDataFrame) httpFrames[httpFrames.length - 1];
        } else {
            // Create HTTP HEADERS frame out of trailers
            HttpHeadersFrame httpHeadersFrame = new DefaultHttpHeadersFrame(streamId);
            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : trailer.trailingHeaders()) {
                httpHeadersFrame.headers().add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            if (httpFrames.length == 0) {
                httpFrames = new HttpFrame[1];
                httpFrames[0] = httpHeadersFrame;
            } else {
                HttpFrame[] copy = new HttpFrame[httpFrames.length + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < httpFrames.length; i++) {
                    copy[i] = httpFrames[i];
                copy[httpFrames.length] = httpHeadersFrame;
                httpFrames = copy;

    ChannelPromise frameFuture = getFrameFuture(ctx, future, httpFrames);

    // Trigger a write

From source file:com.yahoo.pulsar.broker.service.Consumer.java

License:Apache License

 * Dispatch a list of entries to the consumer.
 * @return a promise that can be use to track when all the data has been written into the socket
 *//*from   ww w .  ja v a  2 s .  c om*/
public Pair<ChannelPromise, Integer> sendMessages(final List<Entry> entries) {
    final ChannelHandlerContext ctx = cnx.ctx();
    final MutablePair<ChannelPromise, Integer> sentMessages = new MutablePair<ChannelPromise, Integer>();
    final ChannelPromise writePromise = ctx.newPromise();
    if (entries.isEmpty()) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("[{}] List of messages is empty, triggering write future immediately for consumerId {}",
                    subscription, consumerId);
        return sentMessages;


    ctx.channel().eventLoop().execute(() -> {
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
            Entry entry = entries.get(i);
            PositionImpl pos = (PositionImpl) entry.getPosition();
            MessageIdData.Builder messageIdBuilder = MessageIdData.newBuilder();
            MessageIdData messageId = messageIdBuilder.setLedgerId(pos.getLedgerId())

            ByteBuf metadataAndPayload = entry.getDataBuffer();

            // skip checksum by incrementing reader-index if consumer-client doesn't support checksum verification
            if (cnx.getRemoteEndpointProtocolVersion() < ProtocolVersion.v6.getNumber()) {

            // stats

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("[{}] Sending message to consumerId {}, entry id {}", subscription, consumerId,

            // We only want to pass the "real" promise on the last entry written
            ChannelPromise promise = ctx.voidPromise();
            if (i == (entries.size() - 1)) {
                promise = writePromise;
            ctx.write(Commands.newMessage(consumerId, messageId, metadataAndPayload), promise);


    return sentMessages;

From source file:io.aos.netty5.http2.client.HttpResponseHandler.java

License:Apache License

protected void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpResponse msg) throws Exception {
    int streamId = Integer.parseInt(msg.headers().get(Http2HttpHeaders.Names.STREAM_ID));
    ChannelPromise promise = streamidPromiseMap.get(streamId);
    if (promise == null) {
        System.err.println("Message received for unknown stream id " + streamId);
    } else {//from   w w w.ja v a2  s.c o m
        // Do stuff with the message (for now just print it)
        ByteBuf content = msg.content();
        if (content.isReadable()) {
            int contentLength = content.readableBytes();
            byte[] arr = new byte[contentLength];
            System.out.println(new String(arr, 0, contentLength, CharsetUtil.UTF_8));


From source file:io.grpc.alts.internal.TsiFrameHandler.java

License:Apache License

@SuppressWarnings("FutureReturnValueIgnored") // for setSuccess
public void write(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object message, ChannelPromise promise) {
    if (protector == null) {
        promise.setFailure(new IllegalStateException("write() called after close()"));
        return;//from   w w w  . j  ava  2s  . co  m
    ByteBuf msg = (ByteBuf) message;
    if (!msg.isReadable()) {
        // Nothing to encode.

    // Just add the message to the pending queue. We'll write it on the next flush.
    pendingUnprotectedWrites.add(msg, promise);

From source file:io.grpc.netty.NettyClientHandler.java

License:Apache License

private void createStreamTraced(final int streamId, final NettyClientStream.TransportState stream,
        final Http2Headers headers, boolean isGet, final boolean shouldBeCountedForInUse,
        final ChannelPromise promise) {
    // Create an intermediate promise so that we can intercept the failure reported back to the
    // application.
    ChannelPromise tempPromise = ctx().newPromise();
    encoder().writeHeaders(ctx(), streamId, headers, 0, isGet, tempPromise)
            .addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
                @Override//  w w  w  .j a  v a2  s . com
                public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception {
                    if (future.isSuccess()) {
                        // The http2Stream will be null in case a stream buffered in the encoder
                        // was canceled via RST_STREAM.
                        Http2Stream http2Stream = connection().stream(streamId);
                        if (http2Stream != null) {
                            http2Stream.setProperty(streamKey, stream);

                            // This delays the in-use state until the I/O completes, which technically may
                            // be later than we would like.
                            if (shouldBeCountedForInUse) {
                                inUseState.updateObjectInUse(http2Stream, true);

                            // Attach the client stream to the HTTP/2 stream object as user data.
                        // Otherwise, the stream has been cancelled and Netty is sending a
                        // RST_STREAM frame which causes it to purge pending writes from the
                        // flow-controller and delete the http2Stream. The stream listener has already
                        // been notified of cancellation so there is nothing to do.

                        // Just forward on the success status to the original promise.
                    } else {
                        final Throwable cause = future.cause();
                        if (cause instanceof StreamBufferingEncoder.Http2GoAwayException) {
                            StreamBufferingEncoder.Http2GoAwayException e = (StreamBufferingEncoder.Http2GoAwayException) cause;
                            lifecycleManager.notifyShutdown(statusFromGoAway(e.errorCode(), e.debugData()));
                        } else {

From source file:io.grpc.netty.NettyClientHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Cancels this stream./*from   w  w w  .  j  av a  2  s.co m*/
private void cancelStream(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, CancelClientStreamCommand cmd, ChannelPromise promise) {
    NettyClientStream.TransportState stream = cmd.stream();
    PerfMark.startTask("NettyClientHandler.cancelStream", stream.tag());
    try {
        Status reason = cmd.reason();
        if (reason != null) {
            stream.transportReportStatus(reason, true, new Metadata());
        if (!cmd.stream().isNonExistent()) {
            encoder().writeRstStream(ctx, stream.id(), Http2Error.CANCEL.code(), promise);
        } else {
    } finally {
        PerfMark.stopTask("NettyClientHandler.cancelStream", stream.tag());

From source file:io.grpc.netty.NettyClientHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Sends a PING frame. If a ping operation is already outstanding, the callback in the message is
 * registered to be called when the existing operation completes, and no new frame is sent.
 */// www  .  j a  v a 2 s.c  om
private void sendPingFrameTraced(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SendPingCommand msg, ChannelPromise promise) {
    // Don't check lifecycleManager.getShutdownStatus() since we want to allow pings after shutdown
    // but before termination. After termination, messages will no longer arrive because the
    // pipeline clears all handlers on channel close.

    PingCallback callback = msg.callback();
    Executor executor = msg.executor();
    // we only allow one outstanding ping at a time, so just add the callback to
    // any outstanding operation
    if (ping != null) {
        ping.addCallback(callback, executor);

    // Use a new promise to prevent calling the callback twice on write failure: here and in
    // NettyClientTransport.ping(). It may appear strange, but it will behave the same as if
    // ping != null above.
    promise = ctx().newPromise();
    // set outstanding operation
    long data = USER_PING_PAYLOAD;
    Stopwatch stopwatch = stopwatchFactory.get();
    ping = new Http2Ping(data, stopwatch);
    ping.addCallback(callback, executor);
    // and then write the ping
    encoder().writePing(ctx, false, USER_PING_PAYLOAD, promise);
    final Http2Ping finalPing = ping;
    promise.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
        public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception {
            if (future.isSuccess()) {
            } else {
                Throwable cause = future.cause();
                if (cause instanceof ClosedChannelException) {
                    cause = lifecycleManager.getShutdownThrowable();
                    if (cause == null) {
                        cause = Status.UNKNOWN.withDescription("Ping failed but for unknown reason.")
                if (ping == finalPing) {
                    ping = null;

From source file:io.grpc.netty.NettyClientHandler.java

License:Apache License

private void forcefulClose(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ForcefulCloseCommand msg,
        ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception {
    // close() already called by NettyClientTransport, so just need to clean up streams
    connection().forEachActiveStream(new Http2StreamVisitor() {
        @Override/*from   ww w  .  j  ava  2s . c om*/
        public boolean visit(Http2Stream stream) throws Http2Exception {
            NettyClientStream.TransportState clientStream = clientStream(stream);
            Tag tag = clientStream != null ? clientStream.tag() : PerfMark.createTag();
            PerfMark.startTask("NettyClientHandler.forcefulClose", tag);
            try {
                if (clientStream != null) {
                    clientStream.transportReportStatus(msg.getStatus(), true, new Metadata());
                    resetStream(ctx, stream.id(), Http2Error.CANCEL.code(), ctx.newPromise());
                return true;
            } finally {
                PerfMark.stopTask("NettyClientHandler.forcefulClose", tag);