Example usage for io.netty.channel EventLoop inEventLoop

List of usage examples for io.netty.channel EventLoop inEventLoop


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.channel EventLoop inEventLoop.


boolean inEventLoop();

Source Link


Calls #inEventLoop(Thread) with Thread#currentThread() as argument


From source file:com.linecorp.armeria.client.http.HttpSessionChannelFactory.java

License:Apache License

private void initSession(SessionProtocol protocol, ChannelFuture connectFuture,
        Promise<Channel> sessionPromise) {
    assert connectFuture.isSuccess();

    final Channel ch = connectFuture.channel();
    final EventLoop eventLoop = ch.eventLoop();
    assert eventLoop.inEventLoop();

    final ScheduledFuture<?> timeoutFuture = eventLoop.schedule(() -> {
        if (sessionPromise.tryFailure(new SessionProtocolNegotiationException(protocol,
                "connection established, but session creation timed out: " + ch))) {
            ch.close();/*w  w  w.  j a va 2 s  .  co  m*/
    }, options.connectTimeoutMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    ch.pipeline().addLast(new HttpSessionHandler(this, ch, sessionPromise, timeoutFuture));

From source file:com.linecorp.armeria.client.HttpSessionChannelFactory.java

License:Apache License

private void initSession(SessionProtocol protocol, ChannelFuture connectFuture,
        Promise<Channel> sessionPromise) {
    assert connectFuture.isSuccess();

    final Channel ch = connectFuture.channel();
    final EventLoop eventLoop = ch.eventLoop();
    assert eventLoop.inEventLoop();

    final ScheduledFuture<?> timeoutFuture = eventLoop.schedule(() -> {
        if (sessionPromise.tryFailure(new SessionProtocolNegotiationException(protocol,
                "connection established, but session creation timed out: " + ch))) {
            ch.close();//from  ww  w . j  ava2s .c  o  m
    }, connectTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    ch.pipeline().addLast(new HttpSessionHandler(this, ch, sessionPromise, timeoutFuture));

From source file:com.linecorp.armeria.client.pool.DefaultKeyedChannelPool.java

License:Apache License

private Future<Channel> acquireHealthyFromPoolOrNew(final K key, final Promise<Channel> promise) {
    final Deque<Channel> queue = pool.get(key);
    final Channel ch = queue == null ? null : queue.poll();

    if (ch == null) {
        Future<Channel> f = channelFactory.apply(key);
        if (f.isDone()) {
            notifyConnect(key, f, promise);
        } else {/*from w  ww  . j av a2s. co  m*/
            f.addListener((Future<Channel> future) -> notifyConnect(key, future, promise));
        return promise;

    EventLoop loop = ch.eventLoop();
    if (loop.inEventLoop()) {
        doHealthCheck(key, ch, promise);
    } else {
        loop.execute(() -> doHealthCheck(key, ch, promise));

    return promise;

From source file:com.linecorp.armeria.client.pool.DefaultKeyedChannelPool.java

License:Apache License

public Future<Void> release(final K key, final Channel channel, final Promise<Void> promise) {
    requireNonNull(key, "key");
    requireNonNull(channel, "channel");
    requireNonNull(promise, "promise");

    try {//w  w  w  .jav a  2 s  .  c om
        EventLoop loop = channel.eventLoop();
        if (loop.inEventLoop()) {
            doReleaseChannel(key, channel, promise);
        } else {
            loop.execute(() -> doReleaseChannel(key, channel, promise));
    } catch (Throwable cause) {
        closeAndFail(channel, cause, promise);
    return promise;

From source file:io.gatling.http.client.impl.DefaultHttpClient.java

License:Apache License

public void sendRequest(Request request, long clientId, boolean shared, HttpListener listener) {
    if (isClosed()) {
        return;//w ww. j a v  a 2s  . c o  m

    if (request.getUri().isSecured() && request.isHttp2Enabled() && !config.isEnableSni()) {
        listener.onThrowable(new UnsupportedOperationException("HTTP/2 can't work if SNI is disabled."));

    EventLoop eventLoop = eventLoopPicker.eventLoopWithAffinity(clientId);

    if (eventLoop.inEventLoop()) {
        sendRequestInEventLoop(request, clientId, shared, listener, eventLoop);
    } else {
        eventLoop.execute(() -> sendRequestInEventLoop(request, clientId, shared, listener, eventLoop));

From source file:io.gatling.http.client.impl.DefaultHttpClient.java

License:Apache License

public void sendHttp2Requests(Pair<Request, HttpListener>[] requestsAndListeners, long clientId,
        boolean shared) {
    if (isClosed()) {
        return;//from  ww  w  .j  av  a2  s  .  c  o m
    for (Pair<Request, HttpListener> pair : requestsAndListeners) {

    Request headRequest = requestsAndListeners[0].getLeft();

    if (headRequest.getUri().isSecured() && headRequest.isHttp2Enabled() && !config.isEnableSni()) {
        for (Pair<Request, HttpListener> requestAndListener : requestsAndListeners) {
            HttpListener listener = requestAndListener.getRight();
            listener.onThrowable(new UnsupportedOperationException("HTTP/2 can't work if SNI is disabled."));

    EventLoop eventLoop = eventLoopPicker.eventLoopWithAffinity(clientId);

    if (eventLoop.inEventLoop()) {
        sendHttp2RequestsInEventLoop(requestsAndListeners, clientId, shared, eventLoop);
    } else {
                .execute(() -> sendHttp2RequestsInEventLoop(requestsAndListeners, clientId, shared, eventLoop));

From source file:io.gatling.http.client.impl.DefaultHttpClient.java

License:Apache License

public void flushClientIdChannels(long clientId) {
    EventLoop eventLoop = eventLoopPicker.eventLoopWithAffinity(clientId);
    if (eventLoop.inEventLoop()) {
    } else {/*from   w w  w .  j a  va 2s. c o  m*/
                () -> eventLoopResources(eventLoop).channelPool.flushClientIdChannelPoolPartitions(clientId));

From source file:io.grpc.netty.WriteQueueTest.java

License:Apache License

 * Set up for test./*  w  w w .ja  v  a  2  s.  c o m*/
public void setUp() throws Exception {

    EventLoop eventLoop = Mockito.mock(EventLoop.class);
    doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {
        public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            Runnable r = (Runnable) invocation.getArguments()[0];
            return null;

    when(channel.flush()).thenAnswer(new Answer<Channel>() {
        public Channel answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            synchronized (lock) {
                flushCalledNanos = System.nanoTime();
                if (flushCalledNanos == writeCalledNanos) {
                    flushCalledNanos += 1;
            return channel;

    when(channel.write(any(QueuedCommand.class), eq(promise))).thenAnswer(new Answer<ChannelFuture>() {
        public ChannelFuture answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            synchronized (lock) {
                writeCalledNanos = System.nanoTime();
                if (writeCalledNanos == flushCalledNanos) {
                    writeCalledNanos += 1;
            return promise;

From source file:io.hekate.network.netty.NettyServerClient.java

License:Apache License

public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
    if (isHandshakeDone()) {
        if (msg instanceof Heartbeat) {
            if (trace) {
                log.trace("Received network heartbeat from client [from={}]", address());
            }/*from w  w w .j av a  2 s.co  m*/
        } else {
            NettyMessage netMsg = (NettyMessage) msg;


            if (trace) {
                log.trace("Message buffer prepared [from={}, message={}]", address(), netMsg);

            if (metrics != null) {

            try {
                serverHandler.onMessage(netMsg, this);
            } finally {
    } else {
        if (trace) {
            log.trace("Received network handshake request [from={}, message={}]", address(), msg);

        HandshakeRequest handshake = (HandshakeRequest) msg;

        String protocol;
        NettyServerHandler handlerReg;

        if (handshake == null) {
            protocol = null;
            handlerReg = null;
        } else {
            this.protocol = protocol = handshake.protocol();

            handlerReg = handlers.get(protocol);

        if (handlerReg == null) {
            if (debug) {
                log.debug("Closing connection with unsupported protocol [from={}, protocol={}]", address(),

            HandshakeReject reject = new HandshakeReject("Unsupported protocol [protocol=" + protocol + ']');

        } else {
            // Map connection to a thread.
            EventLoop eventLoop = mapToThread(handshake.threadAffinity(), handlerReg);

            // Check if we need to re-bind this channel to another thread.
            if (eventLoop.inEventLoop()) {
                // No need to rebind.
                init(ctx.channel(), handshake, handlerReg);
            } else {
                if (trace) {
                    log.trace("Registering channel to a custom NIO thread [from={}, protocol={}]", address(),

                // Unregister and then re-register IdleStateHandler in order to prevent RejectedExecutionException if same
                // instance is used on different threads.

                Channel channel = ctx.channel();

                channel.deregister().addListener(deregister -> {
                    if (deregister.isSuccess()) {
                        if (!eventLoop.isShutdown() && channel.isOpen()) {
                            eventLoop.register(channel).addListener(register -> {
                                if (register.isSuccess() && channel.isOpen()) {
                                    if (trace) {
                                                "Registered channel to a custom NIO thread [from={}, protocol={}]",
                                                address(), protocol);

                                    mayBeCreateIdleStateHandler().ifPresent(handler -> ctx.pipeline()
                                            .addFirst(IdleStateHandler.class.getName(), handler));

                                    init(channel, handshake, handlerReg);

From source file:io.hekate.network.netty.NettyServerClient.java

License:Apache License

private void pauseReceiver(boolean pause, Consumer<NetworkEndpoint<Object>> callback) {
    ChannelHandlerContext localCtx = this.handlerCtx;

    if (localCtx != null) {
        if (debug) {
            if (pause) {
                log.debug("Pausing inbound receiver [from={}, protocol={}]", address(), protocol);
            } else {
                log.debug("Resuming Pausing inbound receiver [from={}, protocol={}]", address(), protocol);
            }//  ww w  .  ja  v a 2  s  . c om

        Channel channel = localCtx.channel();
        EventLoop eventLoop = channel.eventLoop();

        if (eventLoop.inEventLoop()) {

            notifyOnReceivePause(pause, callback, channel);
        } else {
            eventLoop.execute(() -> {

                notifyOnReceivePause(pause, callback, channel);
    } else if (callback != null) {