Example usage for io.netty.handler.codec.http HttpHeaderNames CONNECTION

List of usage examples for io.netty.handler.codec.http HttpHeaderNames CONNECTION


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.handler.codec.http HttpHeaderNames CONNECTION.



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From source file:ccwihr.client.t1.HttpUploadClient.java

License:Apache License

 * Standard usage of HTTP API in Netty without file Upload (get is not able
 * to achieve File upload due to limitation on request size).
 * @return the list of headers that will be used in every example after
 **//* w w  w .  j a  v  a2s .c o m*/
private static List<Entry<String, String>> formget(Bootstrap bootstrap, String host, int port, String get,
        URI uriSimple) throws Exception {
    // XXX /formget
    // No use of HttpPostRequestEncoder since not a POST
    Channel channel = bootstrap.connect(host, port).sync().channel();

    // Prepare the HTTP request.
    QueryStringEncoder encoder = new QueryStringEncoder(get);
    // add Form attribute
    encoder.addParam("getform", "GET");
    encoder.addParam("info", "first value");
    encoder.addParam("secondinfo", "secondvalue &");
    // not the big one since it is not compatible with GET size
    // encoder.addParam("thirdinfo", textArea);
    encoder.addParam("thirdinfo", "third value\r\ntest second line\r\n\r\nnew line\r\n");
    encoder.addParam("Send", "Send");

    URI uriGet = new URI(encoder.toString());
    HttpRequest request = new DefaultHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET, uriGet.toASCIIString());
    HttpHeaders headers = request.headers();
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.HOST, host);
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE);
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_ENCODING, HttpHeaderValues.GZIP + "," + HttpHeaderValues.DEFLATE);

    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_CHARSET, "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7");
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, "fr");
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.REFERER, uriSimple.toString());
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.USER_AGENT, "Netty Simple Http Client side");
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT, "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8");

    // connection will not close but needed
    // headers.set("Connection","keep-alive");
    // headers.set("Keep-Alive","300");

    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, ClientCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(new DefaultCookie("my-cookie", "foo"),
            new DefaultCookie("another-cookie", "bar")));

    // send request

    // Wait for the server to close the connection.

    // convert headers to list
    return headers.entries();

From source file:cn.wcl.test.netty.HttpUploadClient.java

License:Apache License

 * Standard usage of HTTP API in Netty without file Upload (get is not able to achieve File upload
 * due to limitation on request size)./*from  w  w  w  .ja va  2  s. c o m*/
 * @return the list of headers that will be used in every example after
private static List<Entry<String, String>> formget(Bootstrap bootstrap, String host, int port, String get,
        URI uriSimple) throws Exception {
    // XXX /formget
    // No use of HttpPostRequestEncoder since not a POST
    Channel channel = bootstrap.connect(host, port).sync().channel();

    // Prepare the HTTP request.
    QueryStringEncoder encoder = new QueryStringEncoder(get);
    // add Form attribute
    encoder.addParam("getform", "GET");
    encoder.addParam("info", "first value");
    encoder.addParam("secondinfo", "secondvalue &");
    // not the big one since it is not compatible with GET size
    // encoder.addParam("thirdinfo", textArea);
    encoder.addParam("thirdinfo", "third value\r\ntest second line\r\n\r\nnew line\r\n");
    encoder.addParam("Send", "Send");

    URI uriGet = new URI(encoder.toString());
    HttpRequest request = new DefaultHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET, uriGet.toASCIIString());
    HttpHeaders headers = request.headers();
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.HOST, host);
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE);
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_ENCODING, HttpHeaderValues.GZIP + "," + HttpHeaderValues.DEFLATE);

    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_CHARSET, "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7");
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, "fr");
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.REFERER, uriSimple.toString());
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.USER_AGENT, "Netty Simple Http Client side");
    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT, "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8");

    //connection will not close but needed
    // headers.set("Connection","keep-alive");
    // headers.set("Keep-Alive","300");

    headers.set(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, ClientCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(new DefaultCookie("my-cookie", "foo"),
            new DefaultCookie("another-cookie", "bar")));

    // send request

    // Wait for the server to close the connection.

    // convert headers to list
    return headers.entries();

From source file:com.beeswax.http.handler.GlobalHandler.java

License:Apache License

protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest request) throws Exception {
    final QueryStringDecoder queryDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(request.uri());
    LOGGER.debug("path: {}", queryDecoder.path());

    // trim trailing backslash so that the handler can recognize /PATH/
    final RequestHandler handler = handlerFactory.getHandler(queryDecoder.path().replaceAll("/$", ""));
    final FullHttpResponse response = handler.processRequest(ctx, request);
    response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE)
            .set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, response.content().readableBytes());

    ctx.writeAndFlush(response);/*from   w w  w .j a  v  a 2s  .c  o m*/

From source file:com.bunjlabs.fuga.network.netty.NettyHttpServerHandler.java

License:Apache License

private void writeResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Request request, Response response) {
    HttpResponse httpresponse = new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1,

    httpresponse.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.TRANSFER_ENCODING, HttpHeaderValues.CHUNKED);
    httpresponse.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, response.contentType());

    // Disable cache by default
    httpresponse.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
    httpresponse.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.PRAGMA, "no-cache");
    httpresponse.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.EXPIRES, "0");

    response.headers().entrySet().stream().forEach((e) -> httpresponse.headers().set(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));

    httpresponse.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.SERVER, "Fuga Netty Web Server/" + serverVersion);

    // Set cookies

    if (response.length() >= 0) {
        httpresponse.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, response.length());
    }//from  w  w  w . ja  v  a  2s.c  o m

    if (HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(httprequest)) {
        httpresponse.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE);
    } else {
        httpresponse.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE);


    if (response.stream() != null) {
        ctx.write(new HttpChunkedInput(new ChunkedStream(response.stream())));

    LastHttpContent fs = new DefaultLastHttpContent();
    ChannelFuture sendContentFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush(fs);
    if (!HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(httprequest)) {

From source file:com.chiorichan.http.HttpResponseWrapper.java

License:Mozilla Public License

 * Sends the data to the client. Internal Use.
 * @throws IOException//from   ww w  . ja  va  2 s .co  m
 *              if there was a problem sending the data, like the connection was unexpectedly closed.
public void sendResponse() throws IOException {
    if (stage == HttpResponseStage.CLOSED || stage == HttpResponseStage.WRITTEN)

    FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, httpStatus, output);
    HttpHeaders h = response.headers();

    if (request.hasSession()) {
        Session session = request.getSession();

         * Initiate the Session Persistence Method.
         * This is usually done with a cookie but we should make a param optional

        for (HttpCookie c : session.getCookies().values())
            if (c.needsUpdating())
                h.add("Set-Cookie", c.toHeaderValue());

        if (session.getSessionCookie().needsUpdating())
            h.add("Set-Cookie", session.getSessionCookie().toHeaderValue());

    if (h.get("Server") == null)
        h.add("Server", Versioning.getProduct() + " Version " + Versioning.getVersion());

    // This might be a temporary measure - TODO Properly set the charset for each request.
    h.set("Content-Type", httpContentType + "; charset=" + encoding.name());

            request.getLocation().getConfig().getString("site.web-allowed-origin", "*"));

    for (Entry<String, String> header : headers.entrySet())
        h.add(header.getKey(), header.getValue());

    // Expires: Wed, 08 Apr 2015 02:32:24 GMT
    // DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern( "EE, dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss zz" );

    // h.set( HttpHeaders.Names.EXPIRES, formatter.print( DateTime.now( DateTimeZone.UTC ).plusDays( 1 ) ) );
    // h.set( HttpHeaders.Names.CACHE_CONTROL, "public, max-age=86400" );

    h.setInt(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, response.content().readableBytes());
    h.set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE);

    stage = HttpResponseStage.WRITTEN;


From source file:com.cmz.http.file.HttpStaticFileServerHandler.java

License:Apache License

public void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest request) throws Exception {
    if (!request.decoderResult().isSuccess()) {
        sendError(ctx, BAD_REQUEST);/* w w w . ja va  2  s.  co  m*/

    if (request.method() != GET) {
        sendError(ctx, METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);

    final String uri = request.uri();
    final String path = sanitizeUri(uri);
    if (path == null) {
        sendError(ctx, FORBIDDEN);

    File file = new File(path);
    if (file.isHidden() || !file.exists()) {
        sendError(ctx, NOT_FOUND);

    if (file.isDirectory()) {
        if (uri.endsWith("/")) {
            sendListing(ctx, file, uri);
        } else {
            sendRedirect(ctx, uri + '/');

    if (!file.isFile()) {
        sendError(ctx, FORBIDDEN);

    // Cache Validation
    String ifModifiedSince = request.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE);
    if (ifModifiedSince != null && !ifModifiedSince.isEmpty()) {
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(HTTP_DATE_FORMAT, Locale.US);
        Date ifModifiedSinceDate = dateFormatter.parse(ifModifiedSince);

        // Only compare up to the second because the datetime format we send to the client
        // does not have milliseconds
        long ifModifiedSinceDateSeconds = ifModifiedSinceDate.getTime() / 1000;
        long fileLastModifiedSeconds = file.lastModified() / 1000;
        if (ifModifiedSinceDateSeconds == fileLastModifiedSeconds) {

    RandomAccessFile raf;
    try {
        raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) {
        sendError(ctx, NOT_FOUND);
    long fileLength = raf.length();

    HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK);
    HttpUtil.setContentLength(response, fileLength);
    setContentTypeHeader(response, file);
    setDateAndCacheHeaders(response, file);
    if (HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(request)) {
        response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE);

    // Write the initial line and the header.

    // Write the content.
    ChannelFuture sendFileFuture;
    ChannelFuture lastContentFuture;
    if (ctx.pipeline().get(SslHandler.class) == null) {
        sendFileFuture = ctx.write(new DefaultFileRegion(raf.getChannel(), 0, fileLength),
        // Write the end marker.
        lastContentFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush(LastHttpContent.EMPTY_LAST_CONTENT);
    } else {
        sendFileFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush(new HttpChunkedInput(new ChunkedFile(raf, 0, fileLength, 8192)),
        // HttpChunkedInput will write the end marker (LastHttpContent) for us.
        lastContentFuture = sendFileFuture;

    sendFileFuture.addListener(new ChannelProgressiveFutureListener() {
        public void operationProgressed(ChannelProgressiveFuture future, long progress, long total) {
            if (total < 0) { // total unknown
                System.err.println(future.channel() + " Transfer progress: " + progress);
            } else {
                System.err.println(future.channel() + " Transfer progress: " + progress + " / " + total);

        public void operationComplete(ChannelProgressiveFuture future) {
            System.err.println(future.channel() + " Transfer complete.");

    // Decide whether to close the connection or not.
    if (!HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(request)) {
        // Close the connection when the whole content is written out.

From source file:com.cmz.http.snoop.HttpSnoopClient.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    URI uri = new URI(URL);
    String scheme = uri.getScheme() == null ? "http" : uri.getScheme();
    String host = uri.getHost() == null ? "" : uri.getHost();
    int port = uri.getPort();
    if (port == -1) {
        if ("http".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
            port = 80;/*from w ww.  j a  v a 2 s. c om*/
        } else if ("https".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
            port = 443;

    if (!"http".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme) && !"https".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
        System.err.println("Only HTTP(S) is supported.");

    // Configure SSL context if necessary.
    final boolean ssl = "https".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme);
    final SslContext sslCtx;
    if (ssl) {
        sslCtx = SslContextBuilder.forClient().trustManager(InsecureTrustManagerFactory.INSTANCE).build();
    } else {
        sslCtx = null;

    // Configure the client.
    EventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup();
    try {
        Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();
        b.group(group).channel(NioSocketChannel.class).handler(new HttpSnoopClientInitializer(sslCtx));

        // Make the connection attempt.
        Channel ch = b.connect(host, port).sync().channel();

        // Prepare the HTTP request.
        HttpRequest request = new DefaultFullHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET,
        request.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.HOST, host);
        request.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE);
        request.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_ENCODING, HttpHeaderValues.GZIP);

        // Set some example cookies.
        request.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, ClientCookieEncoder.STRICT
                .encode(new DefaultCookie("my-cookie", "foo"), new DefaultCookie("another-cookie", "bar")));

        // Send the HTTP request.

        // Wait for the server to close the connection.
    } finally {
        // Shut down executor threads to exit.

From source file:com.cmz.http.snoop.HttpSnoopServerHandler.java

License:Apache License

private boolean writeResponse(HttpObject currentObj, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
    // Decide whether to close the connection or not.
    boolean keepAlive = HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(request);
    // Build the response object.
    FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1,
            currentObj.decoderResult().isSuccess() ? OK : BAD_REQUEST,
            Unpooled.copiedBuffer(buf.toString(), CharsetUtil.UTF_8));

    response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8");

    if (keepAlive) {
        // Add 'Content-Length' header only for a keep-alive connection.
        response.headers().setInt(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, response.content().readableBytes());
        // Add keep alive header as per:
        // - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/1.1/draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-01.html#Connection
        response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE);
    }//from  w  w  w  .jav  a  2s.c  o m

    // Encode the cookie.
    String cookieString = request.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE);
    if (cookieString != null) {
        Set<Cookie> cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.STRICT.decode(cookieString);
        if (!cookies.isEmpty()) {
            // Reset the cookies if necessary.
            for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
                response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie));
    } else {
        // Browser sent no cookie.  Add some.
        response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode("key1", "value1"));
        response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode("key2", "value2"));

    // Write the response.

    return keepAlive;

From source file:com.cmz.http.upload.HttpUploadServerHandler.java

License:Apache License

private void writeResponse(Channel channel) {
    // Convert the response content to a ChannelBuffer.
    ByteBuf buf = copiedBuffer(responseContent.toString(), CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
    responseContent.setLength(0);//from   w  w w .j a v  a2s . c  o  m

    // Decide whether to close the connection or not.
    boolean close = request.headers().contains(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE, true)
            || request.protocolVersion().equals(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0) && !request.headers()
                    .contains(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE, true);

    // Build the response object.
    FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK, buf);
    response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8");

    if (!close) {
        // There's no need to add 'Content-Length' header
        // if this is the last response.
        response.headers().setInt(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, buf.readableBytes());

    Set<Cookie> cookies;
    String value = request.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE);
    if (value == null) {
        cookies = Collections.emptySet();
    } else {
        cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.STRICT.decode(value);
    if (!cookies.isEmpty()) {
        // Reset the cookies if necessary.
        for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
            response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie));
    // Write the response.
    ChannelFuture future = channel.writeAndFlush(response);
    // Close the connection after the write operation is done if necessary.
    if (close) {

From source file:com.dwarf.netty.guide.http.snoop.HttpSnoopClient.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    URI uri = new URI(URL);
    String scheme = uri.getScheme() == null ? "http" : uri.getScheme();
    String host = uri.getHost() == null ? "" : uri.getHost();
    int port = uri.getPort();
    if (port == -1) {
        if ("http".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
            port = 80;//from   w  w  w  . j  a  v  a  2  s .c  om
        } else if ("https".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
            port = 443;

    if (!"http".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme) && !"https".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
        System.err.println("Only HTTP(S) is supported.");

    // Configure SSL context if necessary.
    final boolean ssl = "https".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme);
    final SslContext sslCtx;
    if (ssl) {
        sslCtx = SslContext.newClientContext(InsecureTrustManagerFactory.INSTANCE);
    } else {
        sslCtx = null;

    // Configure the client.
    EventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup();
    try {
        Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();
        b.group(group).channel(NioSocketChannel.class).handler(new HttpSnoopClientInitializer(sslCtx));

        // Make the connection attempt.
        Channel ch = b.connect(host, port).sync().channel();

        // Prepare the HTTP request.
        HttpRequest request = new DefaultFullHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET,
        request.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.HOST, host);
        request.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE);
        request.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_ENCODING, HttpHeaderValues.GZIP);

        // Set some example cookies.
        request.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, ClientCookieEncoder
                .encode(new DefaultCookie("my-cookie", "foo"), new DefaultCookie("another-cookie", "bar")));

        // Send the HTTP request.

        // Wait for the server to close the connection.
    } finally {
        // Shut down executor threads to exit.