Java io.vertx.core.dns AddressResolverOptions fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java io.vertx.core.dns AddressResolverOptions fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for io.vertx.core.dns AddressResolverOptions.

The text is from its open source code.


The default value for #setOptResourceEnabled = true
The default value for the negative cache min TTL = 0
The default value for the negative cache max TTL = 0x7fffffff
The default value for the negative cache TTL = 0
The default value for the query timeout in millis = 5000
The default value for the max dns queries per query = 4
The default value of the rd flag = true
The default value of search domains = null
The default servers rotate value = loads the value from the OS on Linux otherwise use the value false



AddressResolverOptionssetCacheMaxTimeToLive(int cacheMaxTimeToLive)
Set the cache maximum TTL value in seconds.
AddressResolverOptionssetCacheMinTimeToLive(int cacheMinTimeToLive)
Set the cache minimum TTL value in seconds.
AddressResolverOptionssetCacheNegativeTimeToLive(int cacheNegativeTimeToLive)
Set the negative cache TTL value in seconds.
AddressResolverOptionssetMaxQueries(int maxQueries)
Set the maximum number of queries when an hostname is resolved.
AddressResolverOptionssetNdots(int ndots)
Set the ndots value used when resolving using search domains, the default value is -1 which determines the value from the OS on Linux or uses the value 1 .
AddressResolverOptionssetOptResourceEnabled(boolean optResourceEnabled)
Set to true to enable the automatic inclusion in DNS queries of an optional record that hints the remote DNS server about how much data the resolver can read per response.
AddressResolverOptionssetQueryTimeout(long queryTimeout)
Set the query timeout in milliseconds, i.e the amount of time after a query is considered to be failed.
AddressResolverOptionssetRdFlag(boolean rdFlag)
Set the DNS queries Recursion Desired flag value.
AddressResolverOptionssetRotateServers(boolean rotateServers)
Set to true to enable round-robin selection of the dns server to use.
AddressResolverOptionssetSearchDomains(List searchDomains)
Set the lists of DNS search domains.
AddressResolverOptionssetServers(List servers)
Set the list of DNS server addresses, an address is the IP of the dns server, followed by an optional colon and a port, e.g or {code}.