Java io.vertx.core.dns DnsClient fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java io.vertx.core.dns DnsClient fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for io.vertx.core.dns DnsClient.

The text is from its open source code.


DnsClientlookup(String name, Handler> handler)
Try to lookup the A (ipv4) or AAAA (ipv6) record for the given name.
DnsClientlookup4(String name, Handler> handler)
Try to lookup the A (ipv4) record for the given name.
DnsClientlookup6(String name, Handler> handler)
Try to lookup the AAAA (ipv6) record for the given name.
DnsClientresolveA(String name, Handler>> handler)
Try to resolve all A (ipv4) records for the given name.
DnsClientresolveAAAA(String name, Handler>> handler)
Try to resolve all AAAA (ipv6) records for the given name.
DnsClientresolveCNAME(String name, Handler>> handler)
Try to resolve the CNAME record for the given name.
DnsClientresolveMX(String name, Handler>> handler)
Try to resolve the MX records for the given name.
DnsClientresolveNS(String name, Handler>> handler)
Try to resolve the NS records for the given name.
DnsClientresolvePTR(String name, Handler> handler)
Try to resolve the PTR record for the given name.
DnsClientresolveSRV(String name, Handler>> handler)
Try to resolve the SRV records for the given name.
DnsClientresolveTXT(String name, Handler>> handler)
Try to resolve the TXT records for the given name.
DnsClientreverseLookup(String ipaddress, Handler> handler)
Try to do a reverse lookup of an IP address.