Example usage for io.vertx.core.spi VerticleFactory interface-usage

List of usage examples for io.vertx.core.spi VerticleFactory interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for io.vertx.core.spi VerticleFactory interface-usage.


From source file com.chibchasoft.vertx.spring.SpringVerticleFactory.java

 * <p>A Verticle Factory that relies on a {@link ApplicationContext Spring Application Context}
 * to get the requested Verticles. A verticleName must match a bean name/id within the Application
 * Context.</p>
 * <p>This factory relies on {@link ApplicationContextProvider} to provide the actual
 * Spring Application Context.</p>

From source file com.dinstone.vertx.verticle.SpringVerticleFactory.java

public class SpringVerticleFactory implements VerticleFactory {

    private String prefix = "bean";

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

From source file com.englishtown.vertx.guice.GuiceVerticleFactory.java

 * Extends the default vert.x {@link JavaVerticleFactory} using Guice for dependency injection.
public class GuiceVerticleFactory implements VerticleFactory {

    public static final String PREFIX = "java-guice";

From source file com.englishtown.vertx.hk2.HK2VerticleFactory.java

 * Implements {@link io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory} using an HK2 verticle wrapper for dependency injection.
public class HK2VerticleFactory implements VerticleFactory {

    public static final String PREFIX = "java-hk2";

From source file com.jiabangou.ninja.vertx.standalone.guice.GuiceVerticleFactory.java

 * Extends the default vert.x {@link JavaVerticleFactory} using Guice for dependency injection.
public class GuiceVerticleFactory implements VerticleFactory {

    public static final String PREFIX = "java-guice";

From source file de.undercouch.vertx.lang.typescript.TypeScriptVerticleFactory.java

 * A factory for verticles written in TypeScript
 * @author Michel Kraemer
public class TypeScriptVerticleFactory implements VerticleFactory {

From source file es.upv.grycap.opengateway.core.vertx.OgVerticleFactory.java

 * Decorates the verticle Java factory with an additional functionality to inject the load balancer in the services that require it.
 * @author Erik Torres <etserrano@gmail.com>
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @see <a href="https://github.com/eclipse/vert.x/blob/master/src/main/java/io/vertx/core/impl/JavaVerticleFactory.java">JavaVerticleFactory</a>

From source file io.gravitee.am.gateway.vertx.GraviteeVerticleFactory.java

 * @author David BRASSELY (david at graviteesource.com)
 * @author GraviteeSource Team
public class GraviteeVerticleFactory implements VerticleFactory, ApplicationContextAware {

From source file io.gravitee.gateway.standalone.vertx.GraviteeVerticleFactory.java

 * @author David BRASSELY (david at graviteesource.com)
 * @author GraviteeSource Team
public class GraviteeVerticleFactory implements VerticleFactory, ApplicationContextAware {

From source file io.knotx.launcher.KnotxModuleVerticleFactory.java

public class KnotxModuleVerticleFactory implements VerticleFactory {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KnotxModuleVerticleFactory.class);
    private static final String CONFIG_KEY = "config";
    private static final String OPTIONS_KEY = "options";