Java io.vertx.pgclient PgConnection fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java io.vertx.pgclient PgConnection fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for io.vertx.pgclient PgConnection.

The text is from its open source code.


PgConnectioncancelRequest(Handler> handler)
Send a request cancellation message to tell the server to cancel processing request in this connection.
Close the current connection after all the pending commands have been processed.
voidconnect(Vertx vertx, Handler> handler)
Like #connect(Vertx,PgConnectOptions,Handler) with options build from the environment variables.
voidconnect(Vertx vertx, PgConnectOptions options, Handler> handler)
Connects to the database and returns the connection if that succeeds.
voidconnect(Vertx vertx, String connectionUri, Handler> handler)
Like #connect(Vertx,PgConnectOptions,Handler) with options build from connectionUri .
PgConnectionnotificationHandler(Handler handler)
Set an handler called when the connection receives notification on a channel.
PgConnectionquery(String sql, Handler>> handler)