Example usage for java.awt.dnd DragSourceListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.awt.dnd DragSourceListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.dnd DragSourceListener interface-usage.


From source file Main.java

class DraggableComponent extends JComponent implements DragGestureListener, DragSourceListener {
    DragSource dragSource;

    public DraggableComponent() {
        dragSource = new DragSource();
        dragSource.createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(this, DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE, this);

From source file ColorSource.java

 * This simple component displays a solid color, and allows that color
 * to be dragged. Also, it copies the color to the clipboard when the 
 * user clicks on it.
public class ColorSource extends JComponent implements ClipboardOwner, DragGestureListener, DragSourceListener {

From source file DragTest.java

public class DragTest extends JFrame implements DragSourceListener, DragGestureListener {

    DragSource ds;

    JList jl;

From source file JLabelDragSource.java

public class JLabelDragSource implements DragGestureListener, DragSourceListener {
    public JLabelDragSource(JLabel label) {
        this.label = label;

        // Use the default DragSource
        DragSource dragSource = DragSource.getDefaultDragSource();

From source file DragDropList.java

class MyDragListener implements DragSourceListener, DragGestureListener {
    DragDropList list;

    DragSource ds = new DragSource();

    public MyDragListener(DragDropList list) {

From source file DNDList.java

public class DNDList extends JList implements DropTargetListener, DragSourceListener, DragGestureListener {

     * enables this component to be a dropTarget

From source file FileTreeDragSource.java

public class FileTreeDragSource implements DragGestureListener, DragSourceListener {
    public FileTreeDragSource(FileTree tree) {
        this.tree = tree;

        // Use the default DragSource
        DragSource dragSource = DragSource.getDefaultDragSource();

From source file de.tor.tribes.ui.windows.AbstractDSWorkbenchFrame.java

 * @author Charon
public abstract class AbstractDSWorkbenchFrame extends DSWorkbenchGesturedFrame
        implements DropTargetListener, DragGestureListener, DragSourceListener {

From source file org.rdv.ui.DataPanelContainer.java

 * A container to hold the UI components for the data panels. They may add and
 * remove UI components as needed.
 * @author  Jason P. Hanley
 * @since   1.1

From source file unikn.dbis.univis.navigation.tree.VTree.java

 * TODO: document me!!!
 * <p/>
 * <code>VTree</code>.
 * <p/>
 * User: raedler, weiler