Example usage for java.awt.event ItemListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.awt.event ItemListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.event ItemListener interface-usage.


From source file Composite.java

public class Composite extends JApplet implements ItemListener {
    CompPanel comp;
    JLabel alphaLabel, rulesLabel;
    JComboBox alphas, rules;
    String alpha = "1.0";
    int rule = 0;

From source file PortChooser.java

 * Choose a port, any port!
 * Java Communications is a "standard extention" and must be downloaded and
 * installed separately from the JDK before you can even compile this program.

From source file SwingCheckBoxDemo.java

public class SwingCheckBoxDemo extends JPanel implements ItemListener {
    JCheckBox chinButton;
    JCheckBox glassesButton;
    JCheckBox hairButton;
    JCheckBox teethButton;

From source file edu.ku.brc.af.ui.forms.validation.DataChangeNotifier.java

 * Implements several listener interfaces and listens for the various types of notifications
 * to figure out if the component has changed.
 * @code_status Complete

From source file misc.ActionDemo.java

public class ActionDemo extends JPanel implements ItemListener {
    protected JTextArea textArea;
    protected String newline = "\n";
    protected Action leftAction, middleAction, rightAction;
    protected JCheckBoxMenuItem[] cbmi;

From source file MenuDemo.java

public class MenuDemo implements ActionListener, ItemListener {
    JTextArea output;

    JScrollPane scrollPane;

    String newline = "\n";

From source file org.jcurl.demo.tactics.BroomPromptSwingBean.java

 * A Swing-based bean to control a {@link BroomPromptModel}. TODO x and y!
 * <p>
 * As Swing views are usually tightly coupled to the underlying datamodels
 * (which holds at least for the {@link JSpinner}), I'm not quite sure how to
 * pipe the changes through

From source file mesquite.zephyr.lib.RAxMLRunner.java

public abstract class RAxMLRunner extends ZephyrRunner
        implements ActionListener, ItemListener, ExternalProcessRequester {

    boolean onlyBest = true;

    boolean RAxML814orLater = false;

From source file GCWrapper.java

 * Main frame class.
public class CapabilitiesTest extends JFrame implements ItemListener {

    private JComboBox gcSelection = new JComboBox();

From source file MenuSelectionManagerDemo.java

public class MenuSelectionManagerDemo implements ActionListener, ItemListener {
    JTextArea output;

    JScrollPane scrollPane;

    String newline = "\n";