Example usage for java.awt Font deriveFont

List of usage examples for java.awt Font deriveFont


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt Font deriveFont.


public Font deriveFont(Map<? extends Attribute, ?> attributes) 

Source Link


Creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object and applying a new set of font attributes to it.


From source file:uk.ac.ed.epcc.webapp.charts.jfreechart.JFreeBarTimeChartData.java

public JFreeChart getJFreeChart() {
    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    double counts[] = ds.getCounts();
    String legends[] = ds.getLegends();
    int max_len = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < ds.getNumSets(); i++) {
        if (legends != null && legends.length > i) {
            dataset.addValue(new Double(counts[i]), "Series-1", legends[i]);
            int leg_len = legends[i].length();
            if (leg_len > max_len) {
                max_len = leg_len;//  w  ww  .  jav a  2  s  . c  o m
            //System.out.println(legends[i] + counts[i]);
        } else {
            dataset.addValue(new Double(counts[i]), "Series-1", Integer.toString(i));
    CategoryDataset data = dataset;

    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(title, null, quantity, data, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, // include legends
            false, // tooltips
            false // urls

    CategoryPlot categoryPlot = chart.getCategoryPlot();
    CategoryAxis axis = categoryPlot.getDomainAxis();
    if (max_len > 8 || ds.getNumSets() > 16 || (max_len * ds.getNumSets()) > 50) {
    Font tickLabelFont = axis.getTickLabelFont();
    if (ds.getNumSets() > 24) {
        axis.setTickLabelFont(tickLabelFont.deriveFont(tickLabelFont.getSize() - 2.0F));
    Font labelFont = axis.getLabelFont();
    // axis.setLabel("Pingu"); This works so we can modify

    return chart;


From source file:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRFontUtil.java

 * Returns a java.awt.Font instance by converting a JRFont instance.
 * Mostly used in combination with third-party visualization packages such as JFreeChart (for chart themes).
 * Unless the font parameter is null, this method always returns a non-null AWT font, regardless whether it was
 * found in the font extensions or not. This is because we do need a font to draw with and there is no point
 * in raising a font missing exception here, as it is not JasperReports who does the drawing. 
 *///from   ww w  . ja  v a  2 s.c om
public static Font getAwtFont(JRFont font, Locale locale) {
    if (font == null) {
        return null;

    // ignoring missing font as explained in the Javadoc
    Font awtFont = getAwtFontFromBundles(font.getFontName(),
            ((font.isBold() ? Font.BOLD : Font.PLAIN) | (font.isItalic() ? Font.ITALIC : Font.PLAIN)),
            font.getFontSize(), locale, true);

    if (awtFont == null) {
        awtFont = new Font(getAttributesWithoutAwtFont(new HashMap<Attribute, Object>(), font));
    } else {
        // add underline and strikethrough attributes since these are set at
        // style/font level
        Map<Attribute, Object> attributes = new HashMap<Attribute, Object>();
        if (font.isUnderline()) {
            attributes.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON);
        if (font.isStrikeThrough()) {
            attributes.put(TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH, TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH_ON);

        if (!attributes.isEmpty()) {
            awtFont = awtFont.deriveFont(attributes);

    return awtFont;

From source file:org.mbari.aved.ui.classifier.ClassModelListRenderer.java

 * Set the default font and text/*from ww w .  ja  v  a  2s.co  m*/
protected void setDefaultText(String missingText, Font normalFont) {
    if (missingImageFont == null) {
        missingImageFont = normalFont.deriveFont(Font.BOLD);


From source file:edu.jhuapl.graphs.jfreechart.JFreeChartBaseSource.java

protected void setupFont(Axis axis, String fieldName) {
    if (params.get(fieldName) instanceof Font) {
        axis.setTickLabelFont((Font) params.get(fieldName));
    } else {/*from w w  w .  ja  va2 s . c  om*/
        Font numFont = axis.getTickLabelFont();
        if (numFont != null) {

From source file:Paints.java

/** Draw the example */
public void paint(Graphics g1) {
    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1;
    // Paint the entire background using a GradientPaint.
    // The background color varies diagonally from deep red to pale blue
    g.setPaint(new GradientPaint(0, 0, new Color(150, 0, 0), WIDTH, HEIGHT, new Color(200, 200, 255)));
    g.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); // fill the background

    // Use a different GradientPaint to draw a box.
    // This one alternates between deep opaque green and transparent green.
    // Note: the 4th arg to Color() constructor specifies color opacity
    g.setPaint(new GradientPaint(0, 0, new Color(0, 150, 0), 20, 20, new Color(0, 150, 0, 0), true));
    g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(15)); // use wide lines
    g.drawRect(25, 25, WIDTH - 50, HEIGHT - 50); // draw the box

    // The glyphs of fonts can be used as Shape objects, which enables
    // us to use Java2D techniques with letters Just as we would with
    // any other shape. Here we get some letter shapes to draw.
    Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 10); // a basic font
    Font bigfont = // a scaled up version
            font.deriveFont(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(30.0, 30.0));
    GlyphVector gv = bigfont.createGlyphVector(g.getFontRenderContext(), "JAV");
    Shape jshape = gv.getGlyphOutline(0); // Shape of letter J
    Shape ashape = gv.getGlyphOutline(1); // Shape of letter A
    Shape vshape = gv.getGlyphOutline(2); // Shape of letter V

    // We're going to outline the letters with a 5-pixel wide line
    g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(5.0f));

    // We're going to fake shadows for the letters using the
    // following Paint and AffineTransform objects
    Paint shadowPaint = new Color(0, 0, 0, 100); // Translucent black
    AffineTransform shadowTransform = AffineTransform.getShearInstance(-1.0, 0.0); // Shear to the right
    shadowTransform.scale(1.0, 0.5); // Scale height by 1/2

    // Move to the baseline of our first letter
    g.translate(65, 270);/*from w ww  .  j  av a 2  s . c  o m*/

    // Draw the shadow of the J shape
    g.translate(15, 20); // Compensate for the descender of the J
    // transform the J into the shape of its shadow, and fill it
    g.translate(-15, -20); // Undo the translation above

    // Now fill the J shape with a solid (and opaque) color
    g.setPaint(Color.blue); // Fill with solid, opaque blue
    g.fill(jshape); // Fill the shape
    g.setPaint(Color.black); // Switch to solid black
    g.draw(jshape); // And draw the outline of the J

    // Now draw the A shadow
    g.translate(75, 0); // Move to the right
    g.setPaint(shadowPaint); // Set shadow color
    g.fill(shadowTransform.createTransformedShape(ashape)); // draw shadow

    // Draw the A shape using a solid transparent color
    g.setPaint(new Color(0, 255, 0, 125)); // Transparent green as paint
    g.fill(ashape); // Fill the shape
    g.setPaint(Color.black); // Switch to solid back
    g.draw(ashape); // Draw the outline

    // Move to the right and draw the shadow of the letter V
    g.translate(175, 0);

    // We're going to fill the next letter using a TexturePaint, which
    // repeatedly tiles an image. The first step is to obtain the image.
    // We could load it from an image file, but here we create it
    // ourselves by drawing a into an off-screen image. Note that we use
    // a GradientPaint to fill the off-screen image, so the fill pattern
    // combines features of both Paint classes.
    BufferedImage tile = // Create an image
            new BufferedImage(50, 50, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics2D tg = tile.createGraphics(); // Get its Graphics for drawing
    tg.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50); // Fill tile background with pink
    tg.setPaint(new GradientPaint(40, 0, Color.green, // diagonal gradient
            0, 40, Color.gray)); // green to gray
    tg.fillOval(5, 5, 40, 40); // Draw a circle with this gradient

    // Use this new tile to create a TexturePaint and fill the letter V
    g.setPaint(new TexturePaint(tile, new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)));
    g.fill(vshape); // Fill letter shape
    g.setPaint(Color.black); // Switch to solid black
    g.draw(vshape); // Draw outline of letter

    // Move to the right and draw the shadow of the final A
    g.translate(160, 0);

    g.fill(ashape); // Fill letter A
    g.setPaint(Color.black); // Revert to solid black
    g.draw(ashape); // Draw the outline of the A

From source file:org.jfree.chart.demo.XYTickLabelDemo.java

 * A demonstration application showing some bugs with tick labels in version 0.9.13
 * @param title  the frame title./*from   w w  w .jav  a2s.  c o  m*/
public XYTickLabelDemo(final String title) {

    this.chart = createChart();
    final ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(this.chart);
    chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600, 270));

    final JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());

    final JPanel optionsPanel = new JPanel();
    mainPanel.add(optionsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    this.symbolicAxesCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Symbolic axes");

    this.verticalTickLabelsCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Tick labels vertical");

    this.fontSizeTextField = new JTextField(3);
    optionsPanel.add(new JLabel("Font size:"));
    final ValueAxis axis = this.chart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis();
    this.fontSizeTextField.setText(DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE + "");

    final XYPlot plot = this.chart.getXYPlot();
    Font ft = axis.getTickLabelFont();
    ft = ft.deriveFont((float) DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE);

    this.horizontalPlotCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Plot horizontal");

From source file:utybo.branchingstorytree.swing.visuals.AboutDialog.java

public AboutDialog(OpenBSTGUI parent) {

    JPanel banner = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
    JLabel lblOpenbst = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(Icons.getImage("FullLogoWhite", 48)));
    lblOpenbst.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
    banner.add(lblOpenbst, "flowx,cell 0 0,alignx center");
    getContentPane().add(banner, BorderLayout.NORTH);

    JPanel pan = new JPanel();
    pan.setLayout(new MigLayout("insets 10, gap 10px", "[grow]", "[][][grow]"));
    getContentPane().add(pan, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    JLabel lblWebsite = new JLabel("https://utybo.github.io/BST/");
    Font f = lblWebsite.getFont();
    Map attrs = f.getAttributes();
    attrs.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON);
    lblWebsite.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
        @Override/*  w  w w. ja  v a2  s  . c o m*/
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
            if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
                try {
                    Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URL("https://utybo.github.io/BST/").toURI());
                } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e1) {
                    OpenBST.LOG.warn("Exception when trying to open website", e1);
    pan.add(lblWebsite, "cell 0 0,alignx center");

    JLabel lblVersion = new JLabel(Lang.get("about.version").replace("$v", OpenBST.VERSION));
    pan.add(lblVersion, "flowy,cell 0 1");

    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
    scrollPane.setBorder(new LineBorder(pan.getBackground().darker(), 1, false));
    pan.add(scrollPane, "cell 0 2,grow");

    JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea();
    textArea.setMargin(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5));
    textArea.setFont(new Font(textArea.getFont().getFontName(), Font.PLAIN, (int) (Icons.getScale() * 11)));

    try (InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/utybo/branchingstorytree/swing/about.txt");) {
        textArea.setText(IOUtils.toString(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        OpenBST.LOG.warn("Loading about information failed", ex);

    JLabel lblTranslatedBy = new JLabel(Lang.get("author"));
    pan.add(lblTranslatedBy, "cell 0 1");

    setSize((int) (Icons.getScale() * 450), (int) (Icons.getScale() * 400));

From source file:uk.co.modularaudio.mads.base.oscilloscope.ui.OscilloscopeDisplayUiJComponent.java

private void paintIntoImage(final Graphics g, final OscilloscopeWriteableScopeData scopeData) {
    //      Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
    //      Rectangle clipBounds = g.getClipBounds();
    final Font f = g.getFont();
    final Font newFont = f.deriveFont(12);
    g.setFont(newFont);// w  ww  . j  a v  a  2  s .  c o  m
    final int x = 0;
    final int y = 0;

    newMaxMag0 = 0.5f;
    newMaxMag1 = 0.5f;

    final int width = getWidth();
    final int height = getHeight();

    final int plotWidth = width - (SCALE_WIDTH * 2);
    final int plotStart = SCALE_WIDTH;
    final int plotHeight = getHeight();

    //      g2d.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
    g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

    if (scopeData != null) {

        final int numSamplesInBuffer = scopeData.desiredDataLength;

        final float[] float0Data = scopeData.floatBuffer0;
        final FloatType float0Type = scopeData.floatBuffer0Type;
        switch (float0Type) {
        case AUDIO:
            maxMag0 = 1.0f;
        case CV:
        final boolean displayFloat0 = scopeData.float0Written;

        final float[] float1Data = scopeData.floatBuffer1;
        final FloatType float1Type = scopeData.floatBuffer1Type;
        switch (float1Type) {
        case AUDIO:
            maxMag1 = 1.0f;
        case CV:
        final boolean displayFloat1 = scopeData.float1Written;

        if (displayFloat0) {
            // Float data draw
            drawScale(g, height, maxMag0, 0);
            plotAllDataValues(g, plotWidth, plotStart, plotHeight, numSamplesInBuffer, float0Data, true);

        if (displayFloat1) {
            // CV data draw
            drawScale(g, height, maxMag1, plotStart + plotWidth);
            plotAllDataValues(g, plotWidth, plotStart, plotHeight, numSamplesInBuffer, float1Data, false);
        maxMag0 = newMaxMag0;
        maxMag1 = newMaxMag1;

From source file:org.datacleaner.widgets.visualization.JobGraphTransformers.java

private Font font(Font font, float fontFactor) {
    if (fontFactor == 1.0) {
        return font;
    }/*  ww w  .  j a va 2 s.c om*/
    return font.deriveFont(font.getSize() * fontFactor);

From source file:edu.jhuapl.graphs.jfreechart.JFreeChartPieGraphSource.java

@Override/*from   www .j av  a 2  s.com*/
public void initialize() throws GraphException {
    String title = getParam(GraphSource.GRAPH_TITLE, String.class, DEFAULT_TITLE);
    boolean legend = getParam(GraphSource.GRAPH_LEGEND, Boolean.class, DEFAULT_GRAPH_LEGEND);
    boolean graphToolTip = getParam(GraphSource.GRAPH_TOOL_TIP, Boolean.class, DEFAULT_GRAPH_TOOL_TIP);
    boolean graphDisplayLabel = getParam(GraphSource.GRAPH_DISPLAY_LABEL, Boolean.class, false);
    boolean legendBorder = getParam(GraphSource.LEGEND_BORDER, Boolean.class, DEFAULT_LEGEND_BORDER);
    boolean graphBorder = getParam(GraphSource.GRAPH_BORDER, Boolean.class, DEFAULT_GRAPH_BORDER);
    Font titleFont = getParam(GraphSource.GRAPH_FONT, Font.class, DEFAULT_GRAPH_TITLE_FONT);
    String noDataMessage = getParam(GraphSource.GRAPH_NO_DATA_MESSAGE, String.class,
    PieGraphData pieGraphData = makeDataSet();
    Map<Comparable, Paint> colors = pieGraphData.colors;

    this.chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart(title, pieGraphData.data, false, graphToolTip, false);

    Paint backgroundColor = getParam(GraphSource.BACKGROUND_COLOR, Paint.class, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
    Paint plotColor = getParam(JFreeChartTimeSeriesGraphSource.PLOT_COLOR, Paint.class, backgroundColor);
    Paint labelColor = getParam(JFreeChartTimeSeriesGraphSource.GRAPH_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Paint.class,

    PiePlot plot = (PiePlot) chart.getPlot();

    if (!graphDisplayLabel) {
    } else {
        //           plot.setIgnoreNullValues(true);
        //           plot.setOutlineVisible(false);
        //TODO use title font?
        Font font = plot.getLabelFont();
        plot.setLabelFont(font.deriveFont(font.getSize2D() * .75f));
        //           plot.setSimpleLabels(true);
        //           plot.setCircular(true);

    if (!graphBorder) {

    if (title != null && !"".equals(title)) {
        TextTitle title1 = new TextTitle();
        title1.setPadding(3, 2, 5, 2);
    } else {
        chart.setTitle((TextTitle) null);
    plot.setLabelPadding(new RectangleInsets(1, 1, 1, 1));
    //Makes a wrapper for the legend to remove the border around it
    if (legend) {
        LegendTitle legend1 = new LegendTitle(chart.getPlot());
        BlockContainer wrapper = new BlockContainer(new BorderArrangement());

        if (legendBorder) {
            wrapper.setFrame(new BlockBorder(1, 1, 1, 1));
        } else {
            wrapper.setFrame(new BlockBorder(0, 0, 0, 0));

        BlockContainer items = legend1.getItemContainer();
        items.setPadding(2, 10, 5, 2);

        if (params.get(GraphSource.LEGEND_FONT) instanceof Font) {
            legend1.setItemFont(((Font) params.get(GraphSource.LEGEND_FONT)));

        plot.setLegendLabelGenerator(new PieGraphLabelGenerator());

    for (Comparable category : colors.keySet()) {
        plot.setSectionPaint(category, colors.get(category));

    plot.setToolTipGenerator(new PieGraphToolTipGenerator(pieGraphData));
    plot.setURLGenerator(new PieGraphURLGenerator(pieGraphData));

    initialized = true;