Example usage for java.awt.geom Point2D getY

List of usage examples for java.awt.geom Point2D getY


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.geom Point2D getY.


public abstract double getY();

Source Link


Returns the Y coordinate of this Point2D in double precision.


From source file:mulavito.gui.components.LayerViewer.java

public static void autoZoomViewer(VisualizationViewer<?, ?> vv, LayerViewer<?, ?> home, Directions direction) {
    if (vv == null || home == null)
        return;//w w w . j  a  v a2 s .c o m

    // reset transforms
    MutableTransformer layoutTrans = vv.getRenderContext().getMultiLayerTransformer()
    MutableTransformer viewTrans = vv.getRenderContext().getMultiLayerTransformer()

    Dimension dim = vv.getSize();
    Rectangle2D.Double graphBounds = home.getGraphBoundsCache();

    CrossoverScalingControl scaler = new CrossoverScalingControl();

    // Scale using crossover scaler, so vertices will not grow
    // larger than they are in original
    double factor = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    if (direction == Directions.HORIZONTAL || direction == Directions.BOTH)
        factor = dim.getWidth() / graphBounds.width;
    if (direction == Directions.VERTICAL || direction == Directions.BOTH || Double.isInfinite(factor))
        factor = Math.min(factor, dim.getHeight() / graphBounds.height);
    scaler.scale(vv, (float) factor, vv.getCenter());

    // Translate center of graph to center of vv.
    Point2D lvc = vv.getRenderContext().getMultiLayerTransformer().inverseTransform(vv.getCenter());
    double dx = (lvc.getX() - graphBounds.getCenterX());
    double dy = (lvc.getY() - graphBounds.getCenterY());
    layoutTrans.translate(dx, dy);

From source file:net.sf.mcf2pdf.mcfelements.util.ImageUtil.java

 * Rotates the given buffered image by the given angle, and returns a newly
 * created image, containing the rotated image.
 * @param img Image to rotate.//from   ww  w.j  a  v  a2 s .  c om
 * @param angle Angle, in radians, by which to rotate the image.
 * @param drawOffset Receives the offset which is required to draw the image,
 * relative to the original (0,0) corner, so that the center of the image is
 * still on the same position.
 * @return A newly created image containing the rotated image.
public static BufferedImage rotateImage(BufferedImage img, float angle, Point drawOffset) {
    int w = img.getWidth();
    int h = img.getHeight();

    AffineTransform tf = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angle, w / 2.0, h / 2.0);

    // get coordinates for all corners to determine real image size
    Point2D[] ptSrc = new Point2D[4];
    ptSrc[0] = new Point(0, 0);
    ptSrc[1] = new Point(w, 0);
    ptSrc[2] = new Point(w, h);
    ptSrc[3] = new Point(0, h);

    Point2D[] ptTgt = new Point2D[4];
    tf.transform(ptSrc, 0, ptTgt, 0, ptSrc.length);

    Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h);

    for (Point2D p : ptTgt) {
        if (p.getX() < rc.x) {
            rc.width += rc.x - p.getX();
            rc.x = (int) p.getX();
        if (p.getY() < rc.y) {
            rc.height += rc.y - p.getY();
            rc.y = (int) p.getY();
        if (p.getX() > rc.x + rc.width)
            rc.width = (int) (p.getX() - rc.x);
        if (p.getY() > rc.y + rc.height)
            rc.height = (int) (p.getY() - rc.y);

    BufferedImage imgTgt = new BufferedImage(rc.width, rc.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Graphics2D g2d = imgTgt.createGraphics();

    // create a NEW rotation transformation around new center
    tf = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angle, rc.getWidth() / 2, rc.getHeight() / 2);
    g2d.drawImage(img, -rc.x, -rc.y, null);

    drawOffset.x += rc.x;
    drawOffset.y += rc.y;

    return imgTgt;

From source file:com.endlessloopsoftware.ego.client.graph.GraphData.java

public static void writeCoordinates(File dataFile) throws IOException {
    VisualizationViewer<Vertex, Edge> vv = GraphRenderer.getVv();
    Layout<Vertex, Edge> layout = vv.getGraphLayout();
    Graph g = layout.getGraph();// w w w .j a v a 2 s. c  om

    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(dataFile);

    Collection<Vertex> verts = g.getVertices();
    for (Vertex v : verts) {

        String nodeLabel = GraphRenderer.getGraphSettings().getNodeLabel(v);

        Point2D pt = layout.transform(v);
        String line = ("\"" + nodeLabel + "\"," + pt.getX() + "," + pt.getY() + "\n");


From source file:de.bund.bfr.jung.JungUtils.java

static Line2D getLineInMiddle(Shape edgeShape) {
    GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(edgeShape);
    float[] seg = new float[6];
    List<Point2D> points = new ArrayList<>();

    for (PathIterator i = path.getPathIterator(null, 1); !i.isDone(); i.next()) {
        i.currentSegment(seg);/*from  ww w .java  2 s  . co m*/
        points.add(new Point2D.Float(seg[0], seg[1]));

    Point2D first = points.get(0);
    Point2D last = points.get(points.size() - 1);

    if (first.equals(last)) {
        Point2D minP = points.stream().min((p1, p2) -> Double.compare(p1.getY(), p2.getY())).get();

        return new Line2D.Float(minP, new Point2D.Float((float) (minP.getX() + 1.0), (float) minP.getY()));
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; i++) {
            Point2D p1 = points.get(i);
            Point2D p2 = points.get(i + 1);

            if (p2.distance(last) < p2.distance(first)) {
                Line2D ortho = getOrthogonal(new Line2D.Float(first, last));
                Point2D pp1 = getIntersection(new Line2D.Float(p1, p2), ortho);
                Point2D pp2 = new Point2D.Float((float) (pp1.getX() + last.getX() - first.getX()),
                        (float) (pp1.getY() + last.getY() - first.getY()));

                return new Line2D.Float(pp1, pp2);

        return null;

From source file:org.jax.bham.util.JFreeChartUtil.java

 * Convert from a Java2D point to a graph point
 * @param java2DPoint/* w  w w.j av  a 2  s . com*/
 *          the java 2D point to convert
 * @param chartPanel
 *          the chart panel to convert
 * @return
 *          the point
public static Point2D java2DPointToGraphPoint(Point2D java2DPoint, ChartPanel chartPanel) {
    JFreeChart chart = chartPanel.getChart();
    ChartRenderingInfo info = chartPanel.getChartRenderingInfo();
    Rectangle2D dataArea = info.getPlotInfo().getDataArea();
    XYPlot xyPlot = chart.getXYPlot();

    double graphX = xyPlot.getDomainAxis().java2DToValue(java2DPoint.getX(), dataArea,
    double graphY = xyPlot.getRangeAxis().java2DToValue(java2DPoint.getY(), dataArea,

    return new Point2D.Double(graphX, graphY);

From source file:controller.VisLP.java

private static void scopeArea(CCSystem cs, Point2D[] points, boolean origo) {
    // No feasible points. Don't do anything.
    if (points.length == 0)
        return;//  ww  w.  java 2 s .c  o  m
    if (points.length == 1)
        origo = true;

    double loX = origo ? 0 : Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double hiX = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    double loY = origo ? 0 : Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double hiY = Double.MIN_VALUE;

    for (Point2D p : points) {
        double x = p.getX();
        double y = p.getY();
        if (x < loX)
            loX = x;
        if (x > hiX)
            hiX = x;
        if (y < loY)
            loY = y;
        if (y > hiY)
            hiY = y;

    if (loX == hiX)
        hiX = loX + 0.001;
    if (loY == hiY)
        hiY = loY + 0.001;
    double distX = hiX - loX;
    double distY = hiY - loY;
    cs.move(loX - distX * 0.1, hiX + distX * 0.1, loY - distY * 0.1, hiY + distY * 0.1);

From source file:de.bund.bfr.jung.JungUtils.java

static <V, E> Shape getTransformedEdgeShape(RenderContext<V, E> rc, Layout<V, E> layout, E e) {
    Graph<V, E> graph = layout.getGraph();
    edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair<V> endpoints = graph.getEndpoints(e);
    V v1 = endpoints.getFirst();/*from  ww  w  .j a  v  a 2s.com*/
    V v2 = endpoints.getSecond();

    if (!rc.getEdgeIncludePredicate().evaluate(Context.<Graph<V, E>, E>getInstance(graph, e))
            || !rc.getVertexIncludePredicate().evaluate(Context.<Graph<V, E>, V>getInstance(graph, v1))
            || !rc.getVertexIncludePredicate().evaluate(Context.<Graph<V, E>, V>getInstance(graph, v2))) {
        return null;

    Point2D p1 = rc.getMultiLayerTransformer().transform(Layer.LAYOUT, layout.transform(v1));
    Point2D p2 = rc.getMultiLayerTransformer().transform(Layer.LAYOUT, layout.transform(v2));
    float x1 = (float) p1.getX();
    float y1 = (float) p1.getY();
    float x2 = (float) p2.getX();
    float y2 = (float) p2.getY();
    Shape edgeShape = rc.getEdgeShapeTransformer().transform(Context.getInstance(graph, e));
    AffineTransform edgeShapeTransform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x1, y1);

    if (v1.equals(v2)) {
        Rectangle2D bounds = rc.getVertexShapeTransformer().transform(v1).getBounds2D();

        edgeShapeTransform.scale(bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight());
        edgeShapeTransform.translate(0, -edgeShape.getBounds2D().getWidth() / 2);
    } else {
        float dx = x2 - x1;
        float dy = y2 - y1;

        edgeShapeTransform.rotate(Math.atan2(dy, dx));
        edgeShapeTransform.scale(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy), 1.0);

    return edgeShapeTransform.createTransformedShape(edgeShape);

From source file:controller.VisLP.java

private static boolean feasible(Point2D p2d, FieldMatrix<BigFraction> N, FieldVector<BigFraction> b) {
    double x = p2d.getX();
    double y = p2d.getY();

    for (int j = 0; j < N.getRowDimension(); j++) {
        float nx = N.getEntry(j, 0).floatValue();
        float ny = N.getEntry(j, 1).floatValue();
        float val = (float) (nx * x + ny * y);
        if (val > b.getEntry(j).floatValue())
            return false;
    }/*from w  ww.  ja va  2s. c  o  m*/

    return true;

From source file:org.jcurl.demo.tactics.sg.BroomPromptScenario.java

/** adjust position + rotation */
private static void syncBroomM2V(final Point2D b, final Affine scene) {
    if (b == null)
        return;/*from www  . j ava 2s  . co m*/
    final AffineTransform t = scene.getAffine();
    t.translate(b.getX(), b.getY());
    MathVec.rotate(t, b.getX(), b.getY() - IceSize.FAR_HACK_2_TEE);
    MathVec.rotate(t, 0, 1);

From source file:ch.epfl.leb.sass.models.emitters.internal.AbstractEmitter.java

 * Returns a list of pixels within a certain radius from a point.
 * /*  w w  w . j  a  v a 2 s. co  m*/
 * This method locates all the pixels within a circular area surrounding a
 * given two-dimensional point whose center lies at (x, y). The coordinate
 * of a pixel is assumed to lie at the pixel's center, and a pixel is within
 * a given radius of another if the pixel's center lies within this circle.
 * @param point
 * @param radius radius value [pixels]
 * @return list of Pixels with pre-calculated signatures
public static final ArrayList<Pixel> getPixelsWithinRadius(Point2D point, double radius) {
    ArrayList<Pixel> result = new ArrayList<Pixel>();
    // If radius is less than one, return the pixel containing the point
    if (radius < 1) {
        int x = (int) point.getX();
        int y = (int) point.getY();
        result.add(new Pixel(x, y, 0));
        return result;

    // Upper and lower bounds for the region.
    final int bot_x = (int) floor(point.getX() - radius);
    final int top_x = (int) ceil(point.getX() + radius);
    final int bot_y = (int) floor(point.getY() - radius);
    final int top_y = (int) ceil(point.getY() + radius);

    // Squared radius so we dont have to do the sqrt()
    final double radius2 = radius * radius;

    // Iterate over all pixels in the square defined by the bounds and
    // filter out those which are too far, otherwise generate signature and
    // add to list.
    for (int i = bot_x; i <= top_x; i++) {
        for (int j = bot_y; j <= top_y; j++) {
            if (point.distanceSq((double) i, (double) j) <= radius2) {
                result.add(new Pixel(i, j, 0));
    return result;